Chapter 10 - Private apologies

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Private Apologies

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Private Apologies


Flipping the page to my overly thick copy of Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix, I let my eyes impatiently read word after word, wanting to know more and more. By far, the movies were much more interesting than the books and I had yet to read all seven copies of it. Happy Potter has been made ninety percent as good as the books were. I'll give them points for that.

Just when Harry was about to use the Pertronus charm on the Dementors, the door to my room was suddenly opened. I avoided looking towards the doorway. I've been cooped up in my room for three hours now, and even though Bella had forced me down the stairs, it was the first time I was able to woo her away and out of my room. I didn't feel like having fun today. It was a Sunday for goodness sake. Wasn't Sundays supposed to be the day we relax, watch movies and mentally prepare ourselves for Monday?

In my case my summer holiday has just begun, so Monday was no school but I suddenly felt like going. If my brothers are going to crowd over me and breathe down my neck the entire three months of the summer holidays, I swear I was going to snap. Maybe I could throw in a good word with Bella's mom so she could allow Bella and I to have sleepovers the whole of the holiday.

When I looked up after long silence and a lot of curiosity, my heart skipped a beat at the sight of Logan. The thought of being alone in a room with him caused fear to settle inside of me. He had upset me badly just by saying those few words. For some reason harsh words hurt more coming from him.

My posture suddenly looked defensive when he came forward. The look on his eyes when I had unintentionally insulted him was crazy. I didn't trust him anymore.

It wasn't the first time Gabriel had a bad choice of friends either.

"Relax," He started quietly, closing the door when he was completely inside. I held my breath and pulled the blanket closer to me. When I was young I always did this as I believed that monsters still existed under my bed. "I'm here to apologise."

I searched his eyes for anything crazy, but came up blank. Instead, they were soft and looked completely genuine. How did he do that? Pretend to be genuine when ugliness was hiding underneath? Or maybe it wasn't an act and he just had bad mood swings? Or temperamental issues? It's likely for a guy like him.

"I'm really sorry, Seraphina." He walked towards my bed and sat down at the edge.

"It's okay." I said, not being able to resist.

"No it's not. I was being a fucking idiot and you know it. I didn't mean a word that I said."

"Anger usually brings out the truth." I stated.

"I wasn't angry I was just.." He released a long sigh. "Hurt and offended. I didn't expect those words from you. I had this weird idea that you were different from the rest of the world who judged."

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