The Epilogue

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You've changed me forever, and I'll never forget you.


One year later

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One year later

I've made it to my final year of university. The stress that had been weighing down on my shoulders were lifted and I felt relief knowing that I would have a summer break before the year officially started.

There were three months to spare before I started my final year, and I planned to make the most of it. I planned to relax, visit my family more often, go on vacation and so on. Most importantly, however, I would be able to spend more time at KKIP - The Kira Kids Intervention Program for disadvantaged kids, the place I had dedicated most of my time to in the last two years.

The program has helped many kids from negative home environments and encouraged healthy growth in a place that wasn't toxic. I'd completed many of my projects in this centre, and I'd planned to include the Program in my dissertation for my honors year of university.

My family couldn't understand why I was so passionate about helping disadvantaged kids. My parents couldn't understand why I decided to major in clinical and neuropsychology in university, when they themselves as well Mikhail and Sebastian all had backgrounds in business, economics and data.

At first, my parents were upset about my choices to deviate from what our family specialised in. However, they weren't hard on me after everything that happened in my past. They told me they just wanted me to be happy, which I was grateful for. They spared me the freedom to choose what I wanted to study, freedom that I lacked when I was younger.

Personally, I barely understood my choice of major either. All I knew was that I was so curious about the human mind, and for some reason had so much drive in trying to make a difference. To help those suffering.

It sounded corny, but I couldn't explain myself any better.

The building of the KKIP centre entered my vision as the cab neared our destination. A smile grew on my face as I felt excited to see the kids again after nearly a whole month. My final exams had taken up all of my time. I just hope it didn't disappoint the kids too much.

"We're here," The cab driver announced, pulling up in front of the building. The place was located about eight km away from my apartment so getting here was never an issue of time.

"Thank you so much." I smiled and grab my bag before stepping out of the car.

By the time I reached the top steps of the building, I was greeted outside by Mrs Lloyd, one of our elderly staff members who helped to look after the kids and run the program. Although the program was entirely non-profitable, I made sure to raise enough money so that the employees would receive an adequate and good wage. It helped that the people who founded this place were all genuinely lovely and caring.

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