Chapter 32 - Confrontation

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Q: How do you feel about Sera not telling Gabriel about Logan?



Two days passed of not hearing from or seeing Logan. Those two days really gave me time to think about everything, and to slightly build up the cracks that was broken into my heart. I wasn't completely healed, but I felt far better than I did before. I felt more at ease, more relaxed to do what ever I wanted. The last two weeks have been so overwhelmed with Logan. Since the day Gabriel had left, to when I invited Logan over even though I was warned not to, then to when I found out that he has been fooling around with other girls the whole time we were together.

It was time to put him behind me now. In the two days free of him, I took time to think about how badly he was hurting me not just physically, but emotionally too. I haven't been myself lately, I've been lying to the people who I cared about. I let it hurt me too much, and even though my heart went out for how he had suffered for so long, I couldn't let him treat me the way he did. He didn't even realise how toxic he was for me, and if he really cared, he would leave me alone.

Maybe he has left you alone, that's why he hasn't messaged you in two days.

Part of me was relieved, but another part sad. It was for the best. My plan was simple; I wouldn't stay in contact with him, I would try to never be alone with him again and if he did come over to visit Gabriel, I would make sure that Gabriel was always around whenever he was near. This way he couldn't hurt me again.

It was one week till my birthday, and I was overly excited to plan it with Gabriel and Bethany, who were now seated opposite me at the kitchen island.

I had my notebook and fairy pen ready to write down whatever came to mind.

"Is there a budget?" I asked firstly.

"Nope, not that I know of. Dad just said to do anything that will make you happy."

I smiled in content. "In that case, I want a chocolate fountain." I said, writing it neatly down into my book.

"A chocolate fountain?" Gabriel rose a brow. "That's over kill."

"Nope. I want a chocolate fountain." I said sternly.

"Alright then." He held his hands up in defense.

"Well, you need a theme and a colour scheme. Those are the main points." Bethany said.

"Hmm... you're right. I was thinking pink, peach and white... then I thought it would look too much like lady boobs,"

Gabriel snorted a laugh. "In that case, by all means go ahead."

I rolled my eyes. "I think black and grey?" I suggested.

"Black and grey?" Gabriel frowned. "You hate those colours."

But Logan doesn't.

My eyes widened at the slip-up. "Actually never mind that was a joke. I was thinking pastel pink and... orange?"

"That sounds more like you." Bethany smiled.

I cleared my throat. "What do you think, Gabriel?"

"Don't care. As long as you're happy." He shrugged.

"Good." I smiled in content. "What should the theme be? I know I said mermaid... but that's childish now since I'm basically seventeen."

"Spiderman?" Gabriel joked.

"Sure." I giggled. "Maybe... Strawberry Shortcake!"

"Okay sure, while you're at it hire me a makeup artist and tell them I like coral coloured lips."

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