Chapter 34 - Seeking forgiveness

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Please be patient with Sera, and the way that she constantly behaves.

Who wants Logan and Sera back together??

Seeking forgiveness


I was frozen in spot, my clipboard nearly dropping from my hands. There he was. After almost a week of not seeing him, he looked like a breath of fresh air the moment I laid eyes on him again. It was as if I could finally breath again, seeing him there and in good shape as ever. No one other than me noticed him standing at the wide opened, double front doors. When my eyes met his, I felt weak once again for the first time in days. He had me locked, grounded, just with his eyes.

I exhaled shakily before slowly approaching him. He looked as handsome as ever, as cool as a cucumber, so calm and collected compared to me who was suddenly shaking like a pickle. My eyes couldn't help but trail over his tall form. I always loved when he wore a light t-shirt, because it contrasted so nicely with the dark swirl of tattoos on his arms. His luscious dark hair was calling for me to touch it. I was nuts for even having these thoughts.

I cautiously stopped in front of him, craning my neck to look into his eyes. I was afraid despite the many people surrounding us and working on the décor.

With a dry throat, I managed to slip a few words pass my lips.

"What are you doing here?" I asked quietly, clenching my clipboard tightly in my hands. The last time we saw eachother, my hand was slapping his face and I said some mean things to him. Things that I couldn't decide whether I regretted or not.

"I need to talk to you." His voice was quiet but as deep as ever.

"You can't-" I began to say.

"Please, Seraphina." His voice sounded so tired and it caused my heart to ache, thinking that he was hurting. Serves him right, my subconscious nagged.

"Okay." Why couldn't I say 'no' to him?! "What did you want to say?" I asked.

"Can we talk privately, please?"

I swallowed deeply. There was no harm in agreeing to soften up the rough way we left things off. The way I left things off. Besides, he couldn't hurt me in a mansion full of people. And my parents were here. I somehow felt safe knowing they were home.

"Fine, follow me." I said. I placed my clipboard down before leading him to an empty guest room.

I opened up the door and walked inside. Logan followed me and quietly shut the door once he was inside. When he turned around, he stared at me for a good few seconds without saying anything. I exhaled shakily.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, breaking the silence.

He didn't reply and instead walked closer towards me, ever so slowly. I gulped and held my ground, staying rooted to the spot. He once told me not to be afraid of him, but his actions told me something completely different.

"I've missed you so much," he finally breathed out, his blue eyes stormy and full of emotions. "Seeing you now is the biggest relief I've ever felt."

"You know that you can't be here right now, right? My parents are back." I said in a bit of a whisper, glancing towards the door anxiously.

"I know, and I doubt they would even recognise me." He reasoned.

"But still you don't exactly..." I couldn't find the next words to say without offending him.

"Fit in?" He suggested.

"That's not what I said." I defended.

"It's what you meant though, isn't it?"

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