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Georgia directed Kian all the way into the Surrey hills; by the time they got there it had started to come over dark and he stopped the car at the top of the hill. They looked out onto the open green in front of them not knowing what to say to each other. Georgia abruptly stepped out the car, wiping tears from her eyes; Kian followed. He grabbed her hand and turned her to face him; she looked grief stricken and lost. She dropped her face towards the floor not wanting to look at him.

He pulled her chin up to face him, "you don't have to pretend with me, I am here for you."

Georgia sat on the grass, staring out over the hill. "Do you know what I don't get? Life just goes on around us and yet I have just lost my mum, my biggest cheerleader. Gone."

Kian sat next to her and watched her eyes shine through the darkness, "Georgia it is okay to feel angry and hurt, it's normal..."

Georgia snapped, "do you know what's not normal? Being a descendant of a Jones witch who has left me with another powerful witch and her hybrid son following my every move. Why would she do that? That's not normal. I was meant to have a normal life", she started to laugh, "but the joke of it is, is that I wasn't even born normal, I was born with blood that can create something so powerful that millions of people are going to end up dying too because of such a powerful being existing!"

Kian watched as her pupils dilated. She suddenly stood up and walked towards the sharp ledge in front of them. Kian shot over to her and grabbed her shoulders, "what are you doing?" he said concerned.

Georgia pushed past him and carried on walking.

Kian grabbed her arm and pulled her back, "Georgia stop!"

She stood on the edge feeling the breeze rush past her, the adrenaline at full speed flowing through her body.

"She wouldn't want this, think of her Georgia. That pain you are feeling, you need to use it. It will make you strong. She will still always be there for you, on your happiest days and when you are facing a storm, she will be there to listen to you..."

Georgia spun around and faced him, tears streaming down her face, "but what if I forget her? What if I forget what she sounds like?"

Kian pulled her close and put his hands either side of her face, "what if you don't. What if you go on to have the best life she could have only dreamt for you? Georgia, live your life to the full and then one day after a long life you will see each other again."

Georgia leant her head against his and found comfort in the coldness of his skin, "Kian I'm scared", she whispered.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to his body, "being scared makes you human. Don't ever lose sight of that."

Georgia smiled faintly at him as he wiped the tears from her eyes.

"You have overcome everything that has been put in your way to destroy you, you will get through this and I will be right by your side the whole way", he promised.

Georgia put her hands to Kian's face and stared into his dazzling blue eyes. Neither of them said anything to each other, but they both felt it, love that surrounded them, that devoured their whole body. A love so phenomenal that nothing could compete with what they felt for each other.


"About time... I was getting worried!", Arabella said, opening the door to a tired looking couple. She hugged Georgia tightly as Kian walked past them. "How are you feeling?" she asked, letting Georgia go.

"Heartbroken but I will get through it. I actually feel exhausted, so I am going to go lie down upstairs."

Arabella watched her walk straight past Kian and up the staircase.

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