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Ava was silent.

Kian could hear her breathing down the phone, not expecting this turn of events. Kian gave the phone to Arabella and walked over to Zachary, taking the lead pencil out his pocket and sticking it into Zachary's leg.

Zachary screamed in agony. The lead burning his skin.

Ava said nothing.

Kian took out another pencil from his pocket and jammed it into Zachary's other leg, making Zachary cry out again. He looked over to the phone, "MUUUUUM. DO SOMETHING!" he shouted.

There was silence. No one said a word.

Zachary looked over at the phone in desperation, praying Ava would speak; he couldn't endure anymore torture... he wasn't strong enough.

"What's the deal?" Ava asked angrily.

Arabella looked over at Kian and smiled, "we want Georgia back.... Human!" she replied.

Ava took a deep breath but didn't respond. She knew this meant she wouldn't be able to create her Alchemy army if Georgia turned herself first without the Jones potion in her system. Kian dug the pencils further into Zachary's legs feeling impatient.

"Ahhhhh!" Zachary screamed.

"Fine", Ava replied bluntly, pissed off at what was happening.

Arabella glanced over at Kian to try and work out what he was thinking, but he was too angry to express any emotion.

"We will meet you in an hour at the old boathouse on Despera island. It's deserted", Arabella said candidly.

"Okay. But Arabella, just us. No one else..." Ava said sharply.

Kian nodded at Arabella to agree.

"Okay, Ava. See you then."

Arabella hung up and shot over to Kian as he got the lavender vial out of his pocket, flipping the needle cap off and pushing it straight into Zachary's chest. He squirmed knowing full well the pain was going to be excruciating as Kian finished the whole vial. He felt pure joy as Zachary's pupils dilated in agony. Kian put the gloves back on and ripped the chains off him, letting Zachary fall to the floor, paralysed by the lavender rushing through his body. Arabella walked over and picked him up, not wasting anytime, and dragged him out the front door to the car. She threw him into the boot and shuffled into the driving seat whilst she patiently waited for Kian to coerce Sophia and clean the house up.

As Kian got in the car Arabella updated Joanna and Luke about what they were doing so they could come and meet them to make sure Ava kept up her part of the deal and nothing went wrong. If this didn't work they knew they wouldn't be able to save Georgia, and that wasn't an option. Arabella looked over at Kian as she drove, all she could think about was how Kian would react when he saw how badly Georgia was injured. She hoped Joanna was ready to give her the medical attention she would need.

Twenty minutes later she turned off the car lights and drove slowly to the corner of the pitch-black road. "You ready?" she asked Kian, noticing how quiet he had been the entire journey.

Kian nodded, not giving away anything, and slammed the door as he got out the car.

Arabella shot round to him as he reached the boot, "I am here if you need me. I am your big sister and I will always protect you and this family."

Kian's eyes started to water, but he quickly blinked the tears away as he opened the boot, pushing his emotions back down to a place that he didn't have to deal with them. He focused on Zachary lying in front of him, still paralysed and very weak. Arabella walked over, helping Kian pick Zachary's body up and walked the last kilometre into the deserted dark woods.

"You sure she knew you meant here?" Kian asked as he dumped Zachary's body on the floor.

Arabella nodded and looked around at Luke and Joanna in the trees.

"I can sense her magic. She's near", Luke whispered into the wind.

Kian suddenly looked up as he heard some branches cracking in the distance; he could feel his heart hammering in his chest, desperate to see that Georgia was okay. Ava appeared with Frederick next to her carrying Georgia's weak body. Arabella felt Kian tense and she grabbed his wrist. "Don't move Kian", she whispered.

Ava and Frederick stopped 500 metres in front of them. "How do you want to do this then Kian?" Ava shouted.

He shook Arabella's hand off him and walked forward, dragging Zachary by his shirt behind him. "Arabella will come and get Georgia and I will bring Zachary to you", he shouted back.

Ava scanned his face inquisitively, "no games Kian!"

Kian shook his head and started walking towards her with Arabella by his side. Kian didn't take his eyes off Georgia the entire time. As they approached Ava and Frederick, they saw how awful Georgia looked. Arabella tried to hold back the tears that were forming behind her eyes, but Kian stayed emotionless. Arabella took Georgia from Frederick's arms carefully, noticing how weak and flimsy her body was, she was only just awake.

Ava looked over at her, "she has the potion in her to make her a vampire if you so wish... I was close to finishing the process. But you know... I hadn't got to the death part."

Kian felt rage fill his body and tried to push it down. He watched Arabella back away with Georgia in her arms and as they got far enough away, he threw Zachary's tired body to Ava. She smiled over at Frederick, nodded her head, and turned to walk away, dragging Zachary's body with her.

Kian watched as they went off into the shadows, completely losing sight of Frederick.

"ARABELLA!" Luke shouted.

Kian turned to hear Arabella scream.

He watched as Joanna pulled Frederick off the floor and stuck a sharp wooden object covered in lavender straight into his heart, killing him. She let go, the lavender burning her hands. As Kian got closer, Joanna shook off the pain and shot off towards the river with Frederick's body. Arabella got up and tried to keep Kian away, her hands covered in blood, "Kian, don't..."

Luke was behind them speaking a foreign language over Georgia's lifeless body. Blood was forming around the knife in her side. Kian pushed Arabella away and stood over Georgia, "Luke! Tell me what to do!"

Luke didn't reply, almost in a trance. Kian looked at Georgia's peaceful face and brushed away the stray hairs that had fallen over her eyes. He looked at her flawless skin and put his hand on hers, "Georgia... I'm right here."

Arabella crouched down on the other side of her and took her hand, "we are not leaving you Georgia. Stay with us my darling." She was fighting the urge for blood and kept her eyes firmly on the knife in Georgia's side.

Joanna shot back to them and towered over Luke, placing her hand gently on his shoulder. He stopped murmuring and went to the knife, slowly pulling it out, the wound magically disappearing. "I can't do anymore until we get home..." He glanced up at Arabella, noticing her fangs on full show, her eyes thirsty for human blood. "Joanna, take Arabella, there is too much blood around."

Joanna whipped her head around and noticed Arabella losing the fight to feed. She grabbed her arm and dragged her into the forest, knowing that if she didn't move her away instantly there would be a bloodbath unfolding.

Luke crouched next to Kian, "can you resist the blood enough to get her home?"

Kian nodded, looking distraught at the situation. "Luke, she can't turn. She's not ready. She has got too much to live for."

Luke squeezed his shoulder, "come on. I have got the car just up the road."

Kian nodded, gently picking Georgia up. He supported her head in the crook of his arm and pulled her close. Blood stained his t-shirt. He looked down at her and kissed her head, watching her quiver as she nestled herself safely into him.

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