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Kian had managed to get them upgraded and they were treated like royalty throughout the flight. Georgia ate and drank herself silly whilst Kian drank his bottle of animal blood, the only thing keeping him from doing something stupid whilst they were in the air.

The stewardess spoke over the speaker and gave a half hour warning until landing. Georgia looked over at Kian who was asleep in his extended chair and quietly stepped round his club seat. She walked towards the galley and went into the small toilet cubicle. As she locked the door the light suddenly turned off making Georgia's heart rate soar in her chest. She panicked; she hated the dark. She quickly unlocked the door and opened it, stepping back out into the galley. She turned in shock to see the light back on. "What the..."

Feeling confused she walked back in and shut the door again; the light stayed on this time. She turned to face the mirror and started washing her hands as the light flickered above her. "Oh for gods sake", she murmured as she turned the tap off, starting to feel angry. She huffed, shaking her head as she looked up at her reflection in the mirror. She screamed. The most ear-piercing, petrifying scream... A woman's face was staring straight at her from behind.

"GEORGIA!" Kian banged on the door, yanking it open to find Georgia panting with her hands firmly on the sink in front of her. He looked around the small cubicle, "what happened?" he demanded. Georgia turned to face him, relief that he was there and threw her arms around his waist, not saying a word. "Georgia, what's going on?"

Georgia was silent, like her lips couldn't move, still in complete shock, the woman's face scarred on her brain. Kian stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head worriedly, starting to notice people around them looking at them curiously. He slowly took Georgia back to their seats, not wanting to cause a scene and sat her down in her seat next to the window, wrapping a blanket around her.

"Excuse me Sir, does she want another drink? Flying makes a lot of people nervous."

Kian thanked her but coerced the stewardess to leave them alone. He turned back to Georgia and crouched down in front of her rubbing her hand in his. "You have got to tell me what's going on Georgia."

She carried on gazing out the window, watching the plane glide through the clouds. Kian sighed and went back round to his seat knowing there was nothing more he could do to get it out of her. He finished his bottle that Arabella had given him and crushed it between his hands, starting to feel frustrated at whatever was going on.

As the plane went into land, thirteen hours after they had left England, Kian watched Georgia as her pupils dilated with excitement, the prospect of exploring somewhere new filling her body with a rush she couldn't explain. Kian put his crushed bottle into the plastic bin liners the crew were bringing around for rubbish and tried to calm himself down before they had to enter another busy airport full of people. He didn't want to cause any unwanted attention in a different country; there were vampires all over the world and Joanna had warned him before they left of the danger it would cause Georgia if others knew she was human, and how important her bloodline was.

Kian and Georgia floated through immigration the other side. Georgia was impressed with how easy it was considering she didn't speak their language. They then found a taxi and their baggage with ease and both started to relax as they drove down the busy streets.

It was late by the time they got to the hotel and Georgia felt exhausted from the travel and the lack of sleep she'd had on the plane. They got out the taxi and Kian grabbed the bags as Georgia stood at the bottom of the steps of their home for the next couple of nights. The lights either side of the marble steps lit the way to the reception. Kian grabbed her hand as he walked past.

"Good evening, may I take your names?"

Kian took out his paperwork, watching out the corner of his eye as Georgia was being offered some herbal tea. He glanced at the receptionist, coercing her to give them an upgrade. The receptionist smiled, gladly accepting his request and hurried over to a small box to find the key to their most expensive room available. "Please follow me", the receptionist said, dangling the key in front of them.

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