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Georgia kept the amethyst ring on constantly which seemed to keep the nightmares at bay for the rest of the week. She tried to get involved in her lectures and spent a lot of time with her flatmates and Nate. She felt like she was starting to enjoy her new life in Winchester and had tried to stop thinking about Kian so much. She spent her evenings speaking with her mum about family home life, checking she wasn't feeling poorly anymore, or with Sophia about life in Southampton and Troy, or with Clara who usually just moaned about her Aunt Susan and life in Brighton with Paul.

The weekend approached quickly, and Georgia had planned for Arabella to come down to see her for Arabella's birthday weekend, and to speak to her about her weird nightmares. She had arranged for a birthday dinner at a local restaurant in Winchester and felt excited to see Arabella after such a long time away from her.

Arabella arrived at the train station with two huge suitcases and got off the train struggling with them all. Luckily, she had managed to convince some random men to help her through the turnstiles with them. Georgia heard her laugh before she saw her coming out the station.

"Thank you, boys. I have got it from here", Arabella said flirtatiously, waving them off. She walked over to Georgia and hugged her tightly. "Oh, I have missed you Miss Hunt!"

Georgia tried to pull away, "okay, yes, Arabella, me too! Okay... enough. You're hurting me!"

Arabella let go, "sorry. I haven't hung around with a human for a while. I forget my own strength", she laughed, "anyway, what's the plan? I am so excited to spend my birthday somewhere new."

Georgia looked at her stunned at the speed she was talking. "Ermmm... well I have organised a dinner with some friends tonight and then I'd just see what you would fancy doing the rest of the weekend."

Arabella clapped her hands together in excitement and walked off with her suitcases in the direction of the University halls.

As they arrived at Georgia's halls, Arabella squeezed into the doorway with her suitcases and took a massive sigh as she lay on the bed, shattered. Georgia followed after her, panting from rushing up the stairs trying to keep up with the speed Arabella had been walking. Arabella had pretty much sprinted up the hill to halls and Georgia wasn't used to it. Arabella sat up, hearing Georgia struggling to catch her breath and laughed. "Wow you have gotten very unfit these last couple of months. What has happened to you?"

Georgia picked up a ball of socks from the floor and threw it at her, "oh be quiet you. You are fast for someone of your age", she winked at Arabella.

"Well, you don't turn 105 every day..."

Georgia walked over in shock, "wow you do look good for your age!"

Arabella suddenly faced the end of the bed and crouched down to the floor. She lifted up the mattress, "why can I smell..." she pulled the mattress away.

Georgia's eyes widened in horror. She had forgotten that she had thrown her bloody pyjamas there the weekend before, after what had been the most horrific nightmare that she could still remember clear as day.

Arabella picked them up, "you want to tell me something?", her pupils had a glow about them.

Georgia grabbed the pyjamas from her looking guilty, "I'm sure it's nothing..."

Arabella stood up and moved closer to her, "that is not nothing. What happened? Don't tell me you are still hearing those voices?"

Georgia threw the pyjamas in the wash basket and took her jacket off. Arabella watched curiously as Georgia lifted up her jumper to reveal a tight bandage. She undid the safety pin and gently unwrapped the material round her forearm.

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