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Georgia opened her eyes and looked over at the window, it was still dark out yet she felt wide awake. She looked at her phone – 6am. She sighed as she laid back on her pillow, staring at the ceiling for what felt like hours, but minutes later she whipped the duvet off and crept downstairs to get a drink.

The house was unnervingly quiet, and Georgia could hardly see where she was going. She paused every time she stepped onto a creaky floorboard, but no one seemed to stir so she tiptoed on. She found her way to the kitchen and turned the light on dimly to look around for a glass. The Richmond's hadn't let her lift a finger since she had woken up with no memory of them, so she struggled to find one. They didn't have many cooking utensils which she found strange, and she stumbled upon a cupboard full of plastic bottles. "What?" she whispered under her breath, confused at why someone would need so many bottles. She shook her head as she closed the cupboard door and walked over to the last cupboard, hoping she would find what she was looking for. She opened the cupboard door and found some funky looking glasses; she picked one out and put it on the marble island in the middle of the kitchen. She felt a sudden chill as she walked over to the fridge, grabbing the cold metal handle to open it. Her eyes widened in shock as she scanned the stackfuls of red liquid in front of her. She picked out a bottle and took the lid off, smelling it.

"What are you doing?" Kian asked, as he appeared in the archway of the kitchen.

Georgia slammed the fridge shut and dropped the bottle on the floor as she turned around in fright.

Kian's pupils dilated as he watched the blood spill out over the floor. He tried to stay calm, but his eyes started flickering yellow and his mouth started to shift, the smell of the fresh blood filling his entire body.

Georgia looked at him, starting to feel scared, "what are you?" she stammered.

Kian swiftly moved his gaze to her and started walking towards her. Each step forward he took she took a step back until her back touched the edge of the cold countertop on the other side of the room. "Say it...", he said sternly. He was inches away from her, listening to her heart beat faster and faster. "Georgia, say it!" he said again more angrily.

She looked into his eyes, watching his pupils darken and the yellow flicker around his dark pupils.

"Vampire...", she whispered.

Georgia tried to move but Kian was too quick and grabbed her hand. She looked down at him, feeling a spark, and pulled away. She narrowed her eyes on him as she walked into the lounge, picking up her purple fluffy jacket hanging up on the coat hook.

"Where are you going?" Kian asked, moving closer to her as he watched her put on her black sparkly trainers.

Georgia stood up and got to the door, "I need some fresh air. I will be back for when mum picks me up in a few hours!"

She didn't wait for a reply and stormed out the front door. Kian watched as she walked up the driveway, typing away furiously on her phone. As much as he wanted to follow her, he knew that it wouldn't get him anywhere. Without her memories he was just a stranger to her; no matter how much he loved her, he couldn't force her to love him, and it killed him to admit it.


Georgia picked up an Uber further down the road and got the driver to drop her off in town. The only place she could think of that would be open was Poppins, the local café she used to love. The driver dropped her off in the car park and she hastily made her way towards the café. She felt an eerie feeling creep up her body, like she was being watched, and glanced over at the other side of the road, noticing a boy with jet black hair and purple eyes glaring back at her. She waved, wondering if she knew him and walked over. She hoped he would maybe give her some answers as to what the hell she had been doing over the last year, in the hope that it may jolt something in her brain to get her memory back.

"Hi, do I know you?" Georgia asked.

The boy smiled, not quite believing his luck. "Yes... I'm Zachary. We knew each other at school last year", he said happily. "Where are you off to this early in the morning?"

Georgia pointed to Poppins, "I am just getting a coffee before my mum gets home later, want to join me?"

Zachary nodded eagerly and gestured for her to go in front. As he followed her, he got his phone out; he still felt humongous hatred and anger about what had happened to his dad, the rawness of it eating away at him, and knew revenge would be sweet. But first, he had to let his mum know the good news.

Zachary bought their coffees once they were inside Poppins, and convinced Georgia to walk towards the park with him as the weather was fresh and the sun had made it a beautiful morning. She agreed and happily followed him. As they got to the gate by the park Zachary waved to a stranger across the street. Georgia assumed they were related as she had the same dark black hair. They walked over to her, but Georgia started to feel a tight knot form in her stomach, trying swiftly to push the anxiety she was feeling away, putting it down to nerves due to her memory loss.

"Hi Georgia", the woman said, looking over Georgia's shoulder inquisitively. "No Kian?"

Georgia shook her head, feeling confused. Why would he be with her?

"My names Ava, you don't know how happy I am to see you again...", she said, grinning.

"Again?" Georgia replied, starting to feel unnerved.

Ava nodded at Zachary who twisted Georgia around to face him. He stared into her eyes, his pupils dilating, "you will come home with us without a sound. You will get into our car and when we get home you will go up to the bedroom and wait for our next instruction", he coerced.

Georgia nodded and followed obediently; a vague expression plastered on her face.

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