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They stood outside the deserted looking cottage to decide how they were going to approach the situation. However, feeling irritable and impatient, Kian shot to the front door and banged hard, clearly riled.

"Great!" Arabella sighed sarcastically, gesticulating her hands up in frustration at him.

Arabella followed Joanna round the side of the cottage and watched Kian, seeing who would appear. Kian banged on the door again but there was still no response inside. As he banged a third time the door fell off its hinges and crashed to the floor. Joanna and Arabella shot over to stand beside him, "well, that is one way of making an entrance", Arabella said, laughing.

They crept inside quietly and over the fallen door. Joanna shot upstairs as Kian and Arabella scanned the downstairs and garden. The house didn't look very well lived in, but Arabella opened the fridge and found stackfuls of blood. Her eyes lit up, "oooh yummy, a snack!"

Kian pushed in front of her and shut the fridge door before Arabella could even get to one.

"Hey! Kian that's not fair, they're calling my name. Come on, I am thirsty."

Kian didn't move, "you don't know what they are Arabella, they could be poisoned or riddled with lavender."

Arabella walked off huffing, "you always spoil the fun!"

They came together with Joanna in the hallway and noticed a door under the stairs. They all looked at each other with hope as Joanna walked over to it, pulling it open with force. "Oh my god!" Arabella screamed as they all jumped back.

Nate's limp body fell onto the floor in front of them.

"Argh!" Arabella exclaimed, stamping her foot in frustration.

"Looks like he got what he deserved", Joanna remarked, looking over at Kian who was looking down at Nate's body in shock, the only person they had that could have helped them find Georgia.

Feeling beaten Kian walked out the front door but within seconds shot back to the girls. He was followed closely by two angry looking men. They picked the front door up and stuck it back on its hinges.

"Hello Frederick", Joanna said, scowling.

Frederick nodded at her then looked down at Nate's body. "Poor boy, he really didn't know how to make a good bargain..." Frederick turned to the boy next to him, "Zachary, clear it up please. I thought Ava asked you to do it yesterday!"

Zachary huffed as he went over and dragged Nate's body out the back door.

"Ava's alive?" Joanna said, looking shocked.

Frederick nodded. "Yes, when you killed Nick his magic that was holding her on the other side broke and she came back. We had no idea that is what was tying her to the other side, otherwise our plan of action would have differed slightly. Nick had even left out the beautiful Jones necklace and already mixed the potion into the gem so the only thing we needed was the descendant's blood... hence why your beloved Georgia is now with us."

Frederick smiled at Kian who looked like he was going to burst with anger. His eyes were dirty yellow, and his fangs were appearing at the side of his mouth.

Arabella grabbed Kian's hand and squeezed it tight. She knew he wouldn't make a move and risk Georgia getting killed.

"I must say Joanna, Ava and I were in awe of Kian here. You see Ava has been playing with Georgia's mind and using her dark magic to enter her dreams... and Kian's", Frederick grinned at Kian, "and he restrained himself from taking Georgia's blood. He wanted it alright but wow, you could see he would have given his life rather than hurt her. It was impressive. Unfortunately for you though Kian, we need her now. Your little game of cat and mouse has finished, although we did enjoy your little games and even played along. Ava thoroughly enjoyed luring Georgia into the Cathedral in Winchester; she really got a kick out of that!" he sniggered.

"What are you going to do with her?" Joanna asked, feeling Kian's anger radiate on to her.

"Well, Zachary is a Hybrid and all we need now is Georgia's blood then I am pretty sure Nick said the Jones potion with the gem liquid turns her, then we need a bit of her blood as a vampire and then we can make Zachary into the first ever Alchemy to walk this planet. It is going to be something to remember. Georgia's lucky really, she has got a front row seat..."

Arabella tried to hold Kian back but the anger that had built in his body had made him too strong. He shot over to Frederick and grabbed his neck.

Frederick couldn't stop laughing, "you kill me Kian and you will NEVER see her again."

Arabella shot over to Kian and grabbed his shoulders, gently pulling him away, "come on, you know he is right. Let go Kian."

Kian thought about it and desperately wanted to rip Frederick's throat but knew he couldn't. He let go but didn't move. He wasn't going to show Frederick any weakness.

Zachary appeared from disposing Nate's body and looked around at all of them, "what did I miss?"

Frederick scowled at him and turned back round to face the Richmond's.

"How do we know you have actually got Georgia?" Arabella asked.

Frederick looked over at Zachary, "could you facetime your mother please? Tell her we have run into a bit of a problem, and we just need her opinion on the matter."

Zachary did as he was asked and Ava answered straight away. "Mother, the Richmond's here just need a bit of proof that Georgia is with you."

Zachary showed the phone to Kian as Ava smirked and nodded. He watched intensely as Ava went into another room and turned the camera round to where Georgia was sat, looking gaunt and tired. Kian's heart broke seeing her, he felt useless from where he was standing. Arabella put her hand to her mouth in shock as Joanna stood there blankly. Georgia was sat in a chair with tubes coming out of her arms and down her body. They were filled with blood. Blood bags surrounded her on the floor, draining the very life from her, making her look extremely pale and ill. Joanna could only guess it was from the amount of blood she had lost.

"Why are you doing this? You don't need all that blood surely? You are killing her...", Arabella shrieked.

Ava laughed and moved closer to Georgia's face. "Georgia, your family are a bit concerned about you. Do you have anything to say?"

Georgia managed to look up to Ava's face and then over to the camera before she passed out again.

Ava cackled, "sorry, she is not in the mood for talking."

Kian was trying to work out where they were from the view through the window. Ava walked out the room and shut the door before turning the camera back to face her. "Oh, and Kian...", Ava said, "if any of you come to try and rescue her, I will kill her." And with that she hung up.

Zachary put his phone back in his pocket and looked over at Frederick. "Well, our business here is done. We will give Georgia back to you once we have finished with her... if she makes it."

Joanna held Kian and Arabella back, as Frederick and Zachary shot off into the distance. 

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