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Georgia cleared her neck up in the toilets and found Sophia and Clara to say goodbye; they were too drunk to see through her lie that Kian was waiting outside for her. Troy and Paul were still engrossed in the sport on the TV so didn't notice her walk out alone.

Georgia walked down the strip towards the beach. The warm breeze picked up as she took off her sandals and walked towards the sea. She dipped her toes in the ocean, feeling the waves brush the water over her skin.

"Hello Georgia... Where is your knight in shining armour?"

Georgia spun around and found herself speechless. She looked over at the busy strip, knowing too well that no one would care if she screamed for help. She looked back at Robert. "I am sorry for what happened to Eloise... Robert you don't have to do this."

His face started changing; he looked hideous. His teeth were like razors coming out the side of his mouth as he started walking towards her. Georgia kicked the sand at him and sprinted down the beach. She paused to turn around and saw Robert rubbing his eyes, trying to get the sand out. He suddenly stopped, looking around him for Georgia, feeling infuriated.

Georgia breathed heavily, trying to work out how to escape Robert as she hid behind a stack of deck chairs, praying Robert would leave thinking she had gone back to the strip... But she knew this game all too well; she knew the thrill of the chase was what every vampire desired. She peered through the gap in front of her and watched Robert walk back towards the strip. Georgia breathed a sigh of relief and once he was out of sight Georgia quickly put her sandals on and ran further down the beach. She cut through a side alley, trying to work out the quickest way back to the hotel, trying to keep as low a profile as possible. She jumped, hearing a roar of laughter from a bar next to her and felt tears pool in her eyes; all Georgia wanted was Kian next to her, knowing she would be safe if he was with her. She got out her phone and called him, but the phone just rang and rang and rang.

"No", she whispered in frustration as she put her phone back in her pocket. She carried on walking down the alley, turning a corner to realise she was so very lost. The streets all looked so similar and she started to feel terrified of how the night was going to end. She turned around and walked back towards the beach, trying desperately to get hold of Kian again. Just before the last ring he picked up.

But it was too late.

Robert grabbed Georgia as she screamed. He pulled her into him, leaning into her ear, "do not cause a scene Georgia and maybe I won't kill you... tonight", he whispered.

Georgia stopped squirming; his grasp too tight for her to escape. They walked down the beach. Georgia looked around her, realising how quiet it now seemed, time seeming to send away the youngsters who were around before. Robert took her round the side of the lifeguard hut and his face transformed into the most devilish form. His eyes pierced through hers as the yellow rim grew thicker and thicker, his mouth changed shape as his fangs appeared at the side of his red lips.

"I just want one little taste...", he said, looking at her like a fresh piece of meat. He paused as he noticed the bite mark on her neck and started to laugh. "Oh look, someone has already had a snack. Is that why you are alone?"

Georgia said nothing as she flared her nostrils, anger and horror building in her body.

"He really isn't good for you Georgia. We did warn you that vampires and humans shouldn't be together..."

With that Robert dug his teeth into Georgia's neck, tasting the sweetness of her blood once more. He pulled away and looked deep into her eyes, her blood dripping down his chin, "well, I can definitely see what he sees in you."

Georgia looked disgusted at him as she noticed a shadow appear beside them.

"Step away from her!"

Robert turned around to face the dark figure that had approached. He squinted his eyes as it dawned on him who it was. He took Georgia by her wrist and threw her down in front of Kian, "I have had my fix. She's all yours."

Kian didn't move. His eyes fixed on Robert, ignoring Georgia on the ground. He took a step closer, "I warned you. If you came anywhere near her again, I would kill you."

Robert didn't look so brave anymore. "I didn't kill her Kian; I kept my word."

Kian was centimetres from him. He grabbed his arm tightly, digging his nails into Robert's skin, "too late." Kian forced his hand into Robert's chest and twisted his heart, killing him instantly. He swiftly dragged Robert's limp body over to the sea and threw him in, not wanting any evidence of what had happened, hoping the sharks would get to him before anyone else. He watched Robert's body sink into the water and slowly turned around, looking at Georgia sat weakly on the ground where Robert had thrown her down. She had a napkin on her neck, trying to stop the bleeding. He walked over to her and tried to help her up, but she was too weak to move. He crouched down to her, "what were you doing wondering off on your own?"

Georgia looked up at him, anger filling her body, "why did you leave me on my own?"

Kian shook his head as he picked her up. She was too tired to argue and let him carry her. Georgia stared at him the whole walk back to the hotel, feeling infuriated but so grateful he had come back for her. As they reached the hotel Georgia got down and walked up by herself, starting to regain some of her energy. They walked into the lifts and as Kian pressed the button for their floor she could feel the tension between them building... Hot. Fire. Friction. She looked over at him, feeling her defences weaken, her whole suit of armour that she had built up, falling apart at the mere sight of him.

Kian's polo top seemed to tighten over his broad chest as the sharp glass he had felt her wedge in his heart, slowly wove its way out.

Georgia turned to the door as the lift pinged open. He watched her walk out and down the hallway to their room, but suddenly shot to the door before she got there and opened it. She brushed her fingers along his legs as she walked past him, the air around them burdened with endless possibilities. Kian slammed the door shut and watched as she took her clothes off, taunting him. She could feel the burning passion between them as she felt the touch of his skin behind her. No words had to be said as he violently spun her to face him, their mouths almost touching. Georgia breathed him in, catching the alluring scent of his aftershave. He kept his eyes firmly on her as he pushed her against the wall. She put her hands up to his face, not taking her eyes off of him. "You are one of a kind", he whispered as he pulled her hands down and kissed her neck, smelling the sweet smell of her blood trickling out the open wound. She felt fire burn through her chest as she gently touched the bite mark on her neck nervously; he grabbed her hand and gently pulled it down, feeling guilty about what had happened.

"Turn me Kian. I want you. I want you now and forever. But I want all of you. I don't want you to hold back anymore. I want you to be you, without the constant temptation of my blood."

Kian took a step away shaking his head as she casually pulled her hair over her shoulders, visibly showing the bite mark dug deep into her skin. He kept his eyes firmly on her sparkling blue eyes as she stepped towards him, he could hear her heart beating louder and louder, the chemistry they felt fighting its way between them. She moved closer to him, "give in to it Kian..." she whispered.

He grabbed her arm and pulled her round to the bed, knocking her back and slowly caressing the curve of her spine as she laid down. He knelt down over her and moved his lips down towards the mark. Georgia braced herself, suppressing the fear she started to feel; she didn't know how she felt only that she wanted to be with Kian forever.

He took a deep breath and focused on his love for her as he restrained himself, the smell of her blood so compelling that it took all of his strength not to taste it. He gently kissed the mark, the smell of her skin so divine that he struggled to pull away. Georgia opened her eyes and looked deep into his.

"I crave you Georgia, but all of you. I don't need you to be like me... yet." He pulled Georgia over, lying sideways next to her.

She gently touched his face with the back of her hand lovingly, "I will love you unconditionally until my dying breath Kian Richmond", she whispered.

He smiled and kissed her cherry lips as he ripped off her clothes. Pure animalistic love echoed within the four walls as he caressed her body, pulling her onto him, not wanting to ever let go. 

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