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After a busy morning everyone felt shattered. Georgia waved goodbye to the others as she followed Kian into the lift, leaning on his shoulder as tiredness enveloped her body. They stepped out the lift on their floor, but Kian paused as they got to the door of their hotel room, listening to something. "Stay there", he whispered to her, pushing her to the side. Kian pushed the slightly ajar door fully open. The room had been ransacked and their stuff was everywhere.

After hearing only silence Georgia crept in, "Kian... oh my god. What's happened in here? Have we been burgled?"

Kian shook his head and screwed up the piece of paper he had in his hand angrily.

Georgia walked over to him and grabbed it. She opened it up and sat on the bed in horror as she read it.

'Georgia... I look forward to meeting you and creating something truly magical. Enjoy the rest of your holiday and I will be waiting for you upon your return. The Petersons xx'

Georgia broke down and threw the piece of paper on the floor screaming. "No! We killed Nick, how can this happen?" Suddenly the voices she had been hearing, the imaginary blood she had been seeing and being stuck in the stall at the elephant sanctuary started to all make sense.

Kian sat next to her and pulled her into his arms, making her feel safe and secure. There was nothing he could say to make things better; the only thing he knew was that he wasn't going to let anyone harm her. They would have to sever his soul, batter him, wound him, kill him before he would let anything happen to her.


The next couple of days flew by. All three couples were inseparable, and they enjoyed the hot weather, had cocktails by the pool and dined in the most gorgeous of restaurants. Georgia was dreading going home knowing the University conversation would be brought up again, let alone dealing with whatever the Peterson's had in store for her. She had tried to forget about the note and the fact someone had followed her for weeks and had found them halfway across the world. Kian had made her feel safe and tried his best to make sure she wasn't worrying about what was waiting for them when they got home. Georgia felt like her and Kian had gone through enough the last few weeks to last them a lifetime and wished they could be just a normal teenage couple, enjoying life together rather than running from danger all the time.

Kian stopped her trail of thought as he splashed Georgia from the pool as she lay on the sun lounger, "you coming in or what?"

Georgia looked at the way the sun kissed the top of his head and smiled. Kian started to get out, water dripping off his body. Georgia felt all tingly with a rush of adrenaline. "Don't you dare Kian!" she said sternly.

Sophia and Clara opened their eyes and watched as Kian picked her up with ease and walked back down the steps into the warm water.

"Kian!" Georgia shrieked playfully, wrapping her arms around his neck, "that was unfair, I was dry!"

Kian grinned, ignoring her and leant against the side, holding her tightly.

Sophia and Clara smiled to themselves and laid back down on their sun loungers, enjoying the last few rays of sunshine, "he's so good for her, I don't remember the last time I saw her laugh as much as she has done on this holiday!" Clara whispered to Sophia.

Sophia nodded as she opened one eye and watched the couple wrap their arms around each other in the water, "he was definitely the best thing to walk into her life. He makes her laugh, tests her, surprises her and makes her question the world around her; I would feel lucky even to find that kind of love for a minute!"

Clara took Sophia's hand and squeezed it comfortingly. Kian smiled as he listened to them and watched Georgia's face radiate in the sunshine feeling like the luckiest man alive.


An hour later they all made their way back to their bedrooms to get ready for dinner. Georgia came out the shower and accepted a glass of prosecco from Kian.

"You had a nice time?" he asked her, taking her hand to sit on the small balcony outside their room.

Georgia nodded and wrapped her towel around herself tightly. "I am going to miss this. I have had the best time, apart from a few little mishaps... but it's been an adventure."

Kian sipped his drink and watched Georgia stand up and lean against the rails of the balcony watching the street light up as it got dark. She turned around and put her glass on the small plastic table next to them before sitting on Kian's lap. She wrapped her arms around him and knelt her head on his. "Promise you won't give up on us Kian?" she asked.

He kissed her nose, "I am nothing without you Georgia. My heart won't ever give up on you. Remember that."

Georgia snuggled into him as they listened to the music playing outside.

"I have actually got you a little something before we go home tomorrow."

Georgia sat up and looked suspiciously at him.

"It's on the bed..."

Georgia got up and cautiously peered round the balcony door. She saw the familiar black velvet box from her birthday and walked over to it. "Oh my god, I love it!" she exclaimed.

Kian brought their glasses inside and looked at her, "but you haven't opened it?"

She turned around and smiled, "I don't have to."

He put the glasses down on the side and took the box from her. As he opened it Georgia picked the amethyst ring out and put it on her right hand as she marvelled at its sparkliness. "It is a beautiful ring!"

Kian took her hand and kissed it, "it will stop you from being coerced when I am not with you... You know... when you go to Winchester."

Georgia looked at him, suddenly feeling sad at the reasoning behind him giving her the ring back. She caressed his face and watched his disheartened eyes shift from left to right before focusing on her. He knew their goodbye was getting closer and his heart hurt at the mere thought of it.

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