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"Georgia, you're doing it again", Kian peered over at her with his eyes barely open.

She jumped on top of him giggling, "but I have been awake for ages and waiting for you to wake up."

He pulled her into him, wrapping his arms tightly around her, not wanting to let go. She gently pushed her lips against his, the taste of perfection too hard to resist. Kian looked down at her, still not believing she was his. A billion people in the world and he had lived through so many years without finding anyone; who would've thought that he would stumble on his other half so suddenly. Georgia smiled and abruptly moved off the bed, swiftly getting up.

"Wow okay, so you're ready to go, are you?" Kian laughed.

Georgia pulled on her shoes and grabbed her bag, ready to walk out the door. "Well come on, we haven't got long here. I want to make the most of it!"

Kian sighed sleepily and got up, rushing around to get ready. "Do you want to talk about last night?" he asked as he pulled on his t-shirt.

Georgia shook her head.

Kian slowly walked over to her, putting his hands on both her shoulders as he looked at her intently, "I promise I will never let anything happen to you, you know that, right?"

Georgia nodded and pushed his arms away as she walked out the door, not wanting to talk about what dangers lay outside for her and how much she thought about them.

Kian caught up with her as she walked down the steps outside. "Where are we going first then?" he said, following her.

Georgia pointed to the Golden Temple further down the road and started walking.

Kian quickly caught up to her and grabbed her hand, "are you going to be like this the whole time?"

Georgia giggled and said nothing.

The rest of their walk was quiet as Georgia and Kian took in their surroundings. As they got closer to the temple Georgia stopped and faced him, "You've done all this before, haven't you?" she asked downheartedly.

Kian contemplated what the best thing was to say before opening his mouth. "Yes. It is never the same every time I do something though. I have been eighteen for 104 years remember... Things change, people change", he took her hand, "and I am here with you this time. I am sharing this all with you."

She looked at Kian, trying to work him out and what he was saying before she pulled her hand out his grasp and walked towards the gate to go into the Golden Temple's surroundings. As they went in Georgia was astounded, it was utterly jaw dropping. There was gold everywhere and amazing unique statues that showed off the culture well. There were millions of people around and Georgia tried to embrace it rather than feel nervous. Kian could hear her heart jumping around and the blood rushing through her body quicker and quicker. He stood behind her, feeling his appetite for fresh blood grow. "So, where are we going first then?"

Georgia looked around her and pointed to the biggest temple that was sparkling in the sun.

"I will follow you then..."

Georgia walked away, not caring whether he followed. She stepped inside the beautiful temple in awe of how quiet and peaceful it was inside. There was only so far you could go; red tape put around where monks still used the temple to go about their day and pray. Georgia looked at them curiously as one by one the monks looked up, not able to take their eyes off Kian. Kian knew they were staring but just ignored them as he followed Georgia around, looking at all the tiny details in front of them. Georgia soon noticed that her and Kian had caught all their attention, making her feel uneasy. She slowly made her way out the temple and made her way to a bench, looking up at the temple they had just been in, marvelling in all its glory.

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