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She looked around her at the familiar setting. It was a nightmare but felt so real.

Georgia walked through the woods and appeared on Heathcliff's field. There was a chill in the air as she walked past Joanna and Arabella, watching Nick's body go up in flames.

She carried on walking, staring at the familiar woman with long black hair that was flailing behind her in the wind, holding onto the necklace in one hand and a blood bag in the other. She was laughing as Georgia approached.

"Recognise me yet?" the woman cackled.

Frederick and Zachary appeared behind her, smirking.

Georgia turned her gaze to Kian as she watched him make his way down the path to her, not noticing the woman, Frederick and Zachary.

Georgia screamed as out of nowhere Frederick and Zachary grabbed both of Kian's arms and pulled him in front of the woman.

"NO! Take me, take me... just please don't hurt him!" Georgia cried.

The woman turned to Georgia and walked right up to her, "you would sacrifice your life in return for a vampire's? My, my ... this has just got delightfully interesting. I wonder if he would do the same for you?"

The woman grabbed Georgia and dragged her over to Kian until she was a few metres in front of him. She held Georgia's arm tightly as she pulled out a sharp knife. Georgia could feel her heart pumping blood around her body at an exceptional speed; she felt terrified and tried to wriggle free but the woman had too firm a grip of her and dug the knife deep into her arm.

Blood poured down her hand...

The woman smirked as she watched Kian's pupils dilate. "She is all yours Kian...", she said menacingly as she threw Georgia to the ground in front off him.

Kian looked the other way, trying to ignore his cravings. Georgia's blood was the sweetest thing he had ever smelt, and he was struggling to resist sucking the life out of her. Blood to a vampire was like water to a human, it was a basic need and resisting something so pure, so delicious, right in front of him seemed almost impossible.

Frederick and Zachary let go of him and watched Kian restrain himself.

"Go on Kian, she can't run anywhere, you know you want to have a taste...", the woman murmured, tempting him as she licked her lips watching the blood trickle down Georgia's skin.

Kian looked at Georgia, the colour around his pupils a dirty yellow and his sharp fangs on full show. He looked in agony at the sight of her blood oozing out her arm but didn't move, knowing if he gave in to the craving, he wouldn't stop.

Moments later the woman stood back in awe at what was happening in front of her. "Well I never... I don't think I have ever seen anything like this before in all my centuries...", she walked over to Kian and looked down at him crouched on the floor, "the only thing holding you back from this sweet innocent girl is the love you have for her, a human girl. Remarkable."

She walked over to Georgia, twiddling her ratty hair in her fingers. "Shame he can't always be around to save you though Georgia... Look after yourself my dear. We will see each other properly soon, and this time he won't be able to get to you first!"

Georgia sat up in bed, panting, her racing heart hammering in her chest. She grabbed her throbbing forearm, and as she took her hand away she caught sight of the red colour stained on it. She turned the light on and looked at the deep cut sliced through her skin. Tears filled her eyes as she rushed to the small bathroom in her room, dripping blood all over the carpet as she went. She stripped her bloody clothes off and jumped in the shower, turning the hot water on to try and wash away the growing feeling in her stomach; she was petrified, the dream had felt so real. She grimaced as she watched the blood get swept away with the water, trying to calm herself down. How could a dream create an actual injury? She shook her head, not wanting to think about it and got out the shower, grabbing her towel and making her way over to the small first aid kit under her bedside table. She took out a white cotton bandage and wrapped it around her forearm to try and stop the bleeding as she stared at the blood stained on the carpet across her room, suddenly noticing it all over her pyjamas. She tied the bandage around her arm tightly and quickly changed out her bloody pyjamas, throwing them to the end of her bed as she put her fluffy pink onesie on that was hanging on the chair beside her, and she got back into bed, feeling exhausted, mentally and physically.

Hours went by but she couldn't fall back asleep, the event in her dream terrifying her to her core. She was petrified that the woman might return and do more damage. 

Georgia looked over to her bedside table and picked up the amethyst ring, putting it on, hoping it would strengthen her link to Kian somehow, hoping it would keep her safe from the nightmare she was living.

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