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Joanna and Luke had prepared a feast. Georgia's eyes lit up at the sight of the variety of Thai food laid out for her on the table, her absolute favourite!

"I hope this is okay? Your mum called to check up on you and told us what you would probably enjoy...", Joanna said unsurely.

Arabella bounced over to Georgia. "I have also decided to take you out tonight after dinner, as a final trip out. I know how much you like a dance", she looked over at Kian, "and you are joining us, no exceptions!"

Kian looked at her quizzically and shook his head, glancing down at the floor laughing. He loved that Arabella believed there was a chance she could get Georgia to remember anything, but he felt like he had exhausted all avenues.

Throughout dinner Arabella watched as Kian and Georgia kept exchanging glances. She made light conversation but left Kian and Georgia to mainly talk between themselves. He had forgotten how funny Georgia was; she made him laugh, but a completely different laugh than with anyone else. She was clever, but not the kind of clever that made anyone feel embarrassed they didn't know the things she did, it was the kind of cleverness that made people want to learn more about what she was talking about. Kian had been around for over a century and yet he still didn't know half the things she came out with, like she knew a whole different amount of information than he had ever heard of. He did everything he could to keep the conversation going, feeling at times like there was no one else in the room. When she smiled he couldn't help but see her beauty, the kind of beauty that made him feel lucky to have her in his presence. He felt the world had stopped turning and he had to remind himself to breathe as anything that used to happen unconsciously had just seemed to stop.

Once they had finished their meal Arabella dragged Georgia upstairs to get changed. She enjoyed her company and forgot how much she had missed her. "Georgia, Kian might not have mentioned it but you and him were... kinda... like... in love", Arabella said, smiling. She knew how strong their feelings were for each other and knew Kian wouldn't leave Georgia alone, even if she couldn't remember the way they had felt for each other at one time. He was going to want to be in her life as a friend than not be in it at all, hoping that in the end that things would end up working themselves out.

Georgia glanced over at her and smiled shyly as she finished getting dressed, "I got the impression we were more than friends."

She finished her drink and wandered over to the bedroom door; Arabella followed and pretended to trip, sensing Kian just outside, pushing Georgia out the bedroom door and straight into him.

Georgia jumped back in shock, "sorry!" she exclaimed embarrassedly, clambering over her own legs to try and stand up quickly.

Kian smiled, brushing himself off and walked downstairs, "Arabella, I will go and get the Uber."

Georgia couldn't help but stare, the smell of his aftershave filling her lungs, making her heart race.

Kian felt Georgia's eyes gaze at his back as he walked away, feeling a glimmer of something that made him feel like deep down she felt the connection they had too, even if she was trying to push him away.


The bar was busy which made Kian nervous; Georgia had no idea of her past and he felt responsible for her safety, especially with Ava and Zachary still around. Arabella grabbed his arm, noticing his eyes narrow icily towards anyone that came near them. "Stop looking like you are going to kill every single person in this room that looks at her", she whispered to him.

Kian shrugged her off and walked over to the bar to order some drinks, feeling anger build up inside of him. Every time he looked at Georgia he felt like the whole world was standing in front of him, knowing he would do anything to protect her. He ordered three double vodkas and lemonade and walked over to the girls, pushing through the crowd of people that had gathered, intrigued by the stunning girls in front of them.

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