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The next day the couples all met for breakfast. Georgia had doused her neck with makeup and put a small plaster over the deep bite marks; with her hair down no one even noticed. "Georgia, we have got exciting news about what we are doing today", Clara said excitedly.

Georgia looked up at her, finishing her scrambled eggs. "Oh yes, and what is that?"

Kian looked at Clara too, wondering how much animal blood he would have to consume to get him through the day.

"We are going to the elephant sanctuary to do a tour and feed the elephants. My mum, Clara's Aunt Susan and your mum organised it for the six of us. Isn't that great?" Sophia squeaked.

Georgia could feel Kian's dread before she even looked at him. She squeezed his hand under the table comfortingly. "Yes, that sounds fantastic. When do we go?"

"The coach is coming in an hour; we just need to bring water and a swimsuit with a change of clothes, and they provide the rest", Clara replied.

Georgia looked at her watch and turned to Kian, "well I suppose we should go get ready then."

He nodded and walked out without saying a word. Georgia smiled at the others before following him out. She ran up the stairs to their room and walked into Kian frantically looking through the mini fridge, "is there a problem Kian?"

He took out all the small bottles of spirits he could find and downed each one, "I just need these and I will be okay", he said unconvincingly. He walked over to the balcony, breathing in the fresh air as he finished the last two bottles. Georgia looked at him worriedly and tried to keep herself busy, getting everything ready for their day trip out, hoping that Kian could at least act human like for the last day of their holiday.

The minibus ride was only a fifteen-minute trip; Georgia held onto Kian's hand tightly the whole way as he silently stared out the window. They were ushered out the minibus abruptly on arrival and everyone, apart from Kian, got out excitedly seeing the elephants around them. Sophia, Troy, Clara and Paul walked off to the hut where the group leader was, but Kian and Georgia held back.

"Are you going to be okay?" she asked.

Kian sighed and turned to face her, "I'm fine. It will be fine, we will have fun..." he replied, winking at her. Kian took her hand and walked towards the others confidently, hiding the agony in his body as the hunger for blood started to consume him.

"Guys these are for us, how cute are they?" Sophia exclaimed passing them the two material overalls.

Kian held it up in front of him not so sure and looked over at Georgia who had already put it on. "I love it!" she cried excitedly. Georgia felt the material running down her body, it had been handmade and had beautiful bright colours woven into it.

The keeper announced the first part of the day was making the food for the elephants; he took the group over to a little hut full of vegetables and rice. Georgia leant back into Kian's arms as they watched the woman put the ingredients together. "You seriously listening to this?" he whispered.

Georgia nodded and found herself giggling, stopping and turning to face the other way as Sophia shot her a dirty look.

Feeding the elephants was an experience they would never forget. Georgia picked up the first rice ball and held it out to Kian, "take it..." she said, smiling.

Kian laughed and got close to her so no one else could hear him, "isn't it cruel to feed something I am desperate to feed on?"

He raised his eyebrow at her as she looked between Kian and the elephant, "these cute things?" she said as she fed the elephant the rice ball. It took it from her, and its trunk touched her hair almost as if to say thank you. Georgia picked up another one and got Kian's hand to place around it, "come on, just one. It's not going to hurt you."

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