Chapter 10

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Olivia's POV:

* * *

Monday morning had me more anxious than anything.

I was excited to see Cleo at school but nervousness swirled in my stomach. We hadn't talked since I spent the night at her house. I spent the morning with butterflies attacking my lungs, so I made distractions for myself. I straightened my room again, and washed my hands 5 times, and counted the steps as I went down the stairs.

Allison sat in the kitchen, giving me a silent eye roll. She had pried and pried the day before, trying to see who had left me a hickey but I stayed firm. I wasn't sure if Cleo wanted me to tell anybody, not that I would be eager to let my sister know anyway.

"Good morning," I said. Allison scoffed and took a sip from her mug of coffee. "When will you be back to normal?"

She looked at me then, something between a frown and a sigh resting on her lips. "I just don't get it. I tell you everything."

"You do not."

"Yeah, I do," she said, crossing her arms. "You can trust me, you know. I'm not..."

Allison paused before finishing her thought, but I think we both knew the next two words that were about to pass. I'm not like mom.

"I have to go," I said. Allison looked away again and I felt guilt tugging at me as I grabbed my keys. Before I could apologize or explain myself, my mom called from the dining room.


I peeked inside where she was sat behind a laptop with her arms crossed over her chest. The lit screen before her cast a skewed shadow across the back wall, like a monster in my childhood home.

"Come straight home after school," she said.

I took a moment before nodding. "Yes, ma'am."

My mom was furious after I came home from Cleo's last night, which was my own fault. I could've told her I wouldn't be back until late. My phone was taken up and my bedroom door locked as she and Allison ate dinner downstairs.

"And please be sure to fix that 90 in bio, alright? We can't risk a slip up."

I gave her a nod and felt my own anxiousness begin to crawl up my throat.

"Go on, then," mom said as she looked at her watch again. "You're running late." After a pause, she added, "I love you, Olivia."

I let out a breath and pulled my backpack tighter over my shoulders. "Love you too."

Her shadow ate my words as I approached the door.

* * *

The first periods of the day lasted longer than usual. Cleo and I didn't have any classes together before lunch. Usually, I wouldn't mind the block of time before seeing her but, today was different. All I wanted to do was see her.

I let myself fall into daydreams of how the rest of the school year would play out. Cleo would sit with me during lunch- starting today- and get to know my friends. We'd all hang out after school together, her and Daniel would realize just how much they had in common. It felt so perfect.

The bell rang for lunch and I pushed my nerves aside, slowly tracing 5 lines on the surface of my desk before leaving the classroom.

"Via!" Daniel called from behind me in the hall. Cara stood beside him, arms drawn behind her back.

"Hey," I smiled.

"You seem cheerful, " Cara said, more of a question than a statement, and Daniel hooked his arm with mine

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