Chapter 31

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Olivia's POV:

The diner was busy with midday chatter. I watched regulars ordering their coffee, workers swishing in and out of swinging doors. My booth was covered in binders and papers, all focused on the same thing.

"Hey," Daniel called out as he walked in and moved to my booth.

"Hey," I replied. I was still flipping through a binder, so he didn't say anything else for a while, slipping into the seat in front of me and peering over at what I was reading. 

"Should we order?" he asked after a little.

"Already did," I said, glancing up. "Chocolate milkshake and onion rings, right?"

He laughed and pointed at me. "Okay, let me guess-  A Diet Coke with extra maraschino cherries?"

I nodded and chuckled defeatedly.

"You've had the same order your whole life. I know everything about you, Via," he laughed out.

Not everything.

"So, uh, did you bring your tablet?" I said.

 He pulled a black drawing tablet out from his bag and presented a sketch of the campaign pins to me. It was a simplistic design, navy blue background with red letters. Stars circled around a bold "VOTE OLIVIA HANSEN, STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT."

"Daniel this looks great," I said as I smiled down at the drawing.

"Thanks, but it really didn't take much. If the design isn't what you want I can always change it up. Or if I should scratch the whole thing, that's okay. This is just a rough draft- of course- so if you-"

"I think it's perfect," I spoke, grabbing his arm to ease his rambling. He chuckled and nodded.

"One chocolate milkshake and onion rings," a waitress spat out as she rushed to our table and placed food in front of Daniel. "And one Diet Coke with extra maraschino cherries."

She was dressed in the same uniform Cleo wore everyday. I missed Cleo. It'd only been a few hours since I'd seen her last, but still. I wanted to call her, hear her voice, see her smile. 

The waitress escaped back behind the counter. I looked down at the tablet again, smiling at not just the design, but the fact that Daniel volunteered to help me out. He had put in a lot of work and I was honestly grateful.

"So, what's the plan for the campaign?" Daniel asked, licking whipped cream from his milkshake straw.

"Right. I figured we go big. Video ads, morning announcements. Just really get my name out there. And I know you worked hard on these pins but do you think you could also design a poster and have it to me soon?"

The boy nodded attentively, grabbing the tablet from my view and placing it back in his bag.

"Okay, I can get started on some new stuff tonight."

"Thank you," I said sincerely, looking him in the eye. "You're my hero."

He smiled, gulping down a mouthful of his milkshake. "I know," the boy responded smugly. "And I know you're gonna win. Otherwise I wouldn't have offered to help."

I beamed at him before speaking again. "We're going to win."

*  *  *

It was around a week later when my first campaign ad aired at the start of first period. TVs held in classrooms lit up for morning announcements.

"Gooooooood morning, Crestview Giants!" the cheery voice of a broadcaster sounded. "Today is Friday, February 12."

"The cafeteria is serving up heart shaped pizza's in honor of Valentine's day coming up this weekend," said the second anchor, reading very obviously from her script on the table. 

My phone buzzed. I knew it was either Cleo, or Daniel. Discretely as possible, I slid my phone underneath my desk while the morning announcements continued.

Cleo <3: hey 

Cleo <3: i'm taking you out on valentine's day

I grinned at my phone before responding.

Me: Where are we going?

Cleo <3: it's a surprise

Me: How romantic

Me: Now, pay attention. My ad is supposed to come on soon.

I turned off my phone and looked up at the screen again.

"Remember to sign up now for our creative writing courses," the less enthusiastic reporter said.

"Now, here's a word from one of your student body president candidates; Olivia Hansen."

I glanced at Daniel who gave me a thumbs up before the screen faded into the campaign ad we had submitted. The ad played and after a minute, the screen faded once more to the morning announcers.

"Well, that's all for today. Have a fee-fi-fo-FUN day, Crestview Giants!" the announcer said before the TV turned to black.

A few of my classmates gave me smiles afterward, and Daniel rushed to my desk.

We grabbed hands and smiled like children. "Oh my god, that was perfect!"

"I know!" he said, sitting beside me. "I'm not saying that we're for sure going to win but, all that Cara has done for her campaign was post and ad on Instagram."

I nodded before taking in a breath. "Okay. Voting is in two weeks, so we have until then to pull enough of a lead that it's impossible for Cara to catch up."

"Isn't it already impossible?" Daniel grinned.

"Don't jinx it," I said. Daniel went back to his seat as our teacher started talking, and my phone buzzed again.

Cleo <3: good job baby, that ad was great

I smiled to myself. 

Me: Thank you!! But it was really because of Daniel. He's good with this tech stuff. He makes me look like a good nominee.

Cleo <3: you ARE a good nominee. the best, in fact.

Me: Thanks, but Cara's pretty good too.

Cleo <3: nothing compared to you. who could vote against your face? 

Cleo <3: i mean, i wouldn't stand a chance

I smiled and shook my head.

Me: Shut up

Cleo <3: as you wish, madam president

*  *  *


Hello lovely readers!!

Okay, I know taking month long breaks in between chapters is annoying BUT good news! I have started a new book! It would be amazing if you could give it a read. Check out Home for the Summer in my works! And if you liked this chapter, please leave a vote!

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