Chapter 51

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2 years later...
Olivia's POV:

I stared upwards as stars made their existence evident above me. The sun set slowly but the street lights around campus illuminated my walkway. I roamed the grounds like a sleepwalker, stunned and drunk with beauty. Even after a semester and a half, I could never get bored of the view. Commons clock tower composed of ivied brick and white spire stood spellbound in the hazy distance. A group of red cheeked girls playing soccer passed in the grass beside me, their ponytails flying and laughter carrying over the velvety fields. The incoming night was bigger than imagining: black and enormous, disordered and wild with stars. The air whipped past me as I shivered and tugged my sweater over my shoulder.

"Cold?" a voice said beside me. I tilted my head to meet Cara's hazel eyes. She grinned at me and handed me the blazer draped over her arm.

"Thanks," I chuckled out. "Always anticipating my needs, huh? Where are you headed?"

I pulled the blazer on as she met my side and began walking in tandem with me.

"Our dorm, I think. I'm exhausted after Willard's class."

"Aw, you don't wanna walk with me," I asked. The cool cobblestone clicked against the bottom of my boots and trees towered above me. I looked around at the school surrounding me before continuing. "Well, if you change your mind, I'm going to that coffee shop on Wall street. Feel free to join me."

"Tempting offer but I'll have to pass. I'll see you when you get home, though. If I'm still up."

I nodded and Cara slipped off to the right and towards our dormitories. The walk was a short one, maybe 20 minutes. I enjoyed the sound of cars passing by and the sight of semi-familiar students around me. The chilly Connecticut air, the blissful bustle of bodies around me. The smell of bread and coffee cake swarming from the bakery around the corner. I realized now that the scent had began to feel like home. Not quite the home I left, but a new home. A brand new chapter. It all just fit.

I entered the coffee shop, an appropriate bell chiming as the door swung open. I was greeted with familiarity. Many late nights were spent here drinking one overpriced latte after the other as I hurriedly studied. Thousands of busy morning coffee runs, Cara in tow, and hands full of drinks and pastries. A red haired barista covered head to toe in freckles looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey," she said. "What can I get started for you?"

"Hey, can I get a medium-"

"Oatmilk latte with cinnamon," said a voice behind me. I turned and there she was; the familiar blue eyes that could only belong to her. "Hey, Via."

I couldn't peel my stare from Cleo. Though it had been years since seeing her last, I suddenly fell into a trance just at the sound of her voice. Her hair was it's same short, jet black. Her lip piercing still dipped as she smiled. Her eyelashes still fluttered half-lidded as she said my name. Her arms, however, were now laced with tattoos, a new installment to the girl I had left so long ago. I gulped and gave a weak smile in return, the word "hello" simply caught in my throat.

"So, a medium oatmilk latte with cinnamon?" the barista asked, not registering the tension in the room.

"Uh," I said before defeatedly nodding. "Yeah, that's right."

I could see Cleo smirk in triumph beside me but I brushed it off, reaching into my bag for my card. Of course, the girl beside me had already handed the barista her own card.

"I've got her's. Can I have a large iced mocha?"

I mouthed along the order with Cleo like memorized lines from a long forgotten play, never admitting to still holding the words in the back of my mind. I simply uttered a short "thank you" and sat down at a booth in the back. Cleo followed behind me.

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