Chapter 23

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Olivia's POV:

When I woke up that morning to see that Cleo hadn't texted back about the trip, I felt a little less excited to leave. This was the same vacation my family took every year, and every year, I pushed through it. I shoved aside memories of my dad sitting with us Christmas morning, snide comments my mother made toward Allison and I. Daniel helped, but it still felt like a chore, and now I'd have to face it on my own.

I didn't stay in bed staring at my ceiling like usual when I woke up. Instead, I got up, made my bed, straightened my comforter three times, disinfected my desk again, and began down the stairs. Part of me was delaying leaving in some small way. The rest of me completed each routine out of necessity.

Allison was sprawled out on the couch when I walked into the living room. "So?" she said, an excited smile spread across her face.

I hummed in confusion as I rubbed my eyes.

"Is Cleo coming with us?"

I groaned and opened the fridge. She almost seemed more excited than I was at the idea. I grabbed an apple before turning back to her.

"I'm not sure yet, she hasn't responded."

Allison's face dropped quickly. "But we're leaving tomorrow! Can't you go over to her house and ask?"

I laughed through a mouthful of apple. "Why so eager, Ally? I'm sure she's gonna respond soon."

Allison groaned and jumped from the kitchen counter. "I don't wanna go if it's just us. I need someone cool tagging along."

I frowned at her as she made her way to the living room right and my phone went off.

Cleo: hey, sorry i didn't respond. will and i got into a fight so idk about him going...

I let out a sigh before another message appeared.

Cleo: but i'd still like to :) it would be fun to hang out yk?

My frowned turned quickly as I typed back to her.

Me: Totally. So you're coming?

Cleo: yeah :)

* * *

We set off to the ski lodge in the morning, Cleo beside me in the car. She seemed vacant as she watched out the window, snow falling beside us around tall trees. She must have been upset after her and Will's argument. Still, the car ride was only an hour and mountains began to appear. Their tops were coated in thick white snow, like frosting compared to the powdered sugar on our lawns at home. Cleo made a few comments about the scenery but not much else. I began to worry before we got to the lodge.

"Okay, girls, " my mom said as we stepped into the lobby. Windows lined each wall, allowing us to take in the view. And what a view it was. Snow fell in every direction, swirling into perfect spirals as the wind carried it along. Pine trees poked out here and there and tall mountains stretched to the sky. Even after coming here year and year again, I couldn't help feeling in awe of the beauty. One glance at Cleo and I knew she was stunned too.

"Normally Daniel and his dad would bunk in a room, Allison and Via would be together, and I would stay in a room, " my mom explained for us.

I could've sworn I heard her voice crack at the last statement. Maybe there was a part of her that still missed dad. We used to go here with him every Christmas. He loved the smell of pine trees.

"How do we want to split up? We have three rooms."

"I wanna be with Cleo, " Allison said as she pulled on Cleo's arm, claiming her like an excited child in a pet store.

"She's my guest, Ally, " I grumbled.

"There are two beds in each room, girls. You all can stay in one room and Olivia and Cleo can just sleep together, " my mom offered.

"That sounds good to me, " Cleo said as she wriggled out of Allison's clutch.

She glanced at me as if asking permission to bunk together. I smiled and she looked back at her feet.

"Okay, perfect. Go ahead and get settled in your rooms. I'll be ready to get you in 2 hours."

My mom handed each of us a room key and escaped behind her own door. Allison unlocked ours and opened it to reveal the same room I had stayed in for years. The same wood-paneled walls and dim lighting fixtures. The same two beds that matched the room accordingly. The same sliding door opening to a balcony littered with crisp, white snow. It was all untouched and so nostalgic.

We went inside, Allison first, and plopped our bags down on the beds. Cleo laid next to her bag and turned to face the balcony.

"I missed it here, " Allison sighed.

I smiled at her and turned to Cleo.

"Are you feeling alright?" I asked.

She didn't answer. Instead, she gazed out the window.

"I've never been skiing before. The mountains looked big, " she mumbled, still facing away from me and towards the window.

"Nah, " Allison said. "Just start with the bunny hills, they aren't scary. I can stay with you, if you want."

Cleo finally faced us again. "Via can't ski bunny hills?" she asked.

Allison laughed and leaned over the gap between our beds to punch my shoulder.

"On the contrary, Cleo. She's used to the black diamond shit."

"Black diamond...?" Cleo echoed.

"It's the hard slopes. She's really good at them. Doesn't even get scared anymore."

"Shut up, Ally, " I mumbled. "Of course I'm staying with you."

"That's strange, " Cleo hummed. "Olivia's always scared."

Allison doubled over laughing as my face got red. "Literally! God, she's such a wimp!"

"Asshole," I laughed, earning a grin from Cleo beside me. She was warming up now, defrosting like the snow outside would within a few weeks. I was excited, not to ski down black diamond slopes but to go down the bunny hills with a thawing girl like Cleo.


I really do need an upload schedule, don't I? I'm always switching between every day, once a week, and once a month. It must be annoying. I think, for now, I'm going to try and upload at least one chapter a week.

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