New Perspectives- Part 3

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"I just can't believe I'm actually doing this," Cleo said. Olivia was seated at her desk, running an eraser up and down a piece of paper absentmindedly as her girlfriend spoke from the phone. "I mean, this is a fancy fucking school. I always viewed art as a hobby."

"Well, you're incredible at it," Olivia replied. The words were familiar. For a week straight, it has been the same routine of automated messages of encouragement towards Cleo and her new school. Olivia was growing bored of the same phone call over and over.

"I'm okay. I'm sure there will be artists there who're, like, 200 times better than me."

"Hm," Olivia replied. There was a beat before Cleo spoke again.

"How're things with your mom?"

"Nonexistent," Olivia said. "We haven't really talked since I got back."

"Maybe you should take initiative here, then. You know, approach her."

"It just feels like, in a perfect world, I shouldn't have to be the bigger person."

"I know," Cleo replied through a sigh. "It's kind of ridiculous, but if it gets a conversation started, it might be the best option."

"Yeah, you're probably right," she said, finally dropping the eraser from her hand and leaning backwards in the rolling chair.

"I've been texting my new dorm mate. Her names Brie and she specializes in ceramics. Isn't that cool? Ceramics... I'm so excited."

"Yeah, that's really cool," Olivia replied.

"You have to help me move in. Set up my dorm room, decorate with me: all that shit."

"For sure."

"And you can come stay with me every weekend. It's only an hour away, so you can drive up there early on Saturday mornings or Friday nights."

"That sounds fun."

"I feel bad for Brie-"


"My dorm mate. Remember? Anyway, I feel bad cause I'm horrible at keeping my stuff clean. I'm sure she'll be the same way, though. I've heard most artists are messy because-"

And Olivia stopped listening completely after that, because she had heard a different version of this same exchange ever since Cleo was accepted into Swelyn. She knew it was wrong, but Olivia hated how excited Cleo was to leave. Every phone call and date was spent listening to her girlfriend go on about this new school. It made her feel so horribly insignificant, small in comparison to the world Cleo would be entering.

"-don't you think so?" Olivia snapped back into the conversation.

"Yeah, totally," she replied, checking the time. "I think I'm going to take your advice. You know, approach my mom."

"Good! Text me how it goes, okay?"

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you too, Vi. I'll talk to you later."

The phone beeped as Cleo hung up and Olivia groaned, swerving away in her desk chair before hitting the bed. Conflict brewed in her stomach as she watched the ceiling, wishing for a month ago. Two months ago. Anytime before Cleo had decided on going to this school. Of course, Olivia was proud of her girlfriend. She understood why it was exciting. She knew how much Cleo deserved this. But, every time Cleo talked about Swelyn, it was just another reminder that Olivia wouldn't see her everyday anymore. On top of that, Cara had her own suspicions about what would happen once Cleo moved away.

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