Chapter 33

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Olivia's POV:

I was still swooning over me and Cleo's date the following morning. The entire time I was riding to school, I was texting my girlfriend back and forth, giggling occasionally at her messages. Daniel and I planned to put up campaign posters during lunch today so arriving at school was exciting. I stepped into the hall to face a number of students with "VOTE OLIVIA HANSEN," pins on their uniforms. A few gave me smiles as I continued through the hallway and into my first period class. I was talking with Cleo under my desk as students rushed in through the classroom doors.

Cleo <3: we should go out more often, that was really nice

Me: Definitely. But I also like hanging out in my room.

Cleo <3: u like making out

Me: Whaaaaat

Cleo <3: horny bitch


I was still watching my phone when the morning announcements began to play. I focused my attention on the TV at the front of the room.

"Gooooood morning, Crestview Giants!"

I clicked off my phone and leaned on one hand, half watching as they announced today's lunch and other standard broadcasts.

"Remember to research your candidates so you're prepared to vote in a few short weeks for the upcoming student council races," spoke the commentator on the left. "Now, for an ad about just that; student council."

The screen faded to black as I glanced back at Daniel. His eyes were locked on the screen, like he was hunting. Must be an ad for Cara. I focused ahead again, quietly scoping out the competition on screen.

"Student council president is a person who should make an impression on scholars for this year, and the years to come," a robotic voiceover sounded over pictures from around the halls of the school. It was hard not to roll my eyes.

"Presidents should lead by example and present themself as the 'model student'."

I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms. Cara was unoriginal, at best.

"This is why you should not cast your vote for Olivia Hansen."


I wanted to laugh. She aired a negative ad. I didn't think even Cara would stoop so low, but here we are. Daniel's mouth was slightly agape across the classroom. I wanted to tell him not to worry. All this video did was make Cara look somehow worse.

"Olivia Hansen is the exact opposite of a model Crestview High student," it said, showing a picture of me, a red watermark covering my face.

Then, a clip showed. The voiceover stopped.

The screen projected Cleo and I in front of the Chinese place yesterday.


Students gasped and stirred as Cleo pulled me in and kissed me.

No, this isn't happening.

My stomach turned, feeling the eyes of every student in that classroom pin to me.

"Olivia Hansen isn't who she pretends to be," the voice said. My head was clouding up. I wanted to disappear. "And the students of Crestview High deserve the truth."

I sat staring at the screen as it flicked back to the announcers. Their mouths hung open.

"Uhm, well," said the boy on the left, glancing at his cohost for what to say.

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