The Slytherin Common Room - D...

By anordinarymuse

252K 9.6K 40.4K

"There's nothing to risk." "To ๐“ต๐“ธ๐“ฟ๐“ฎ is to ๐“ป๐“ฒ๐“ผ๐“ด." Draco Malfoy x Reader FanFiction (6 + 7 year, Light... More

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8K 300 939
By anordinarymuse

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"You alright, Y/N?" He asked.

"Right, yeah, I'm ok, thanks, Weasley."

"You know you can call me Fred, right? You were pretty close with Ron and Ginny last year."

"Uh yeah, thanks, Fred," you wince remembering the drama that had happened over the summer, including the golden trio.

"Anyway, we're holding a party tonight at 11. To celebrate the beginning of the year at the Room of Requirements." Fred quickly explains.

"Oh brilliant, so I'm invited?"

"Yeah, of course, you and your Slytherin crew." He nods. "Wouldn't be a party without the infamous Malfoy."

"Of course, well we'll be there, thanks for the invite." You grin. "Well, I uh better get to class; see you tonight, Fred."

"See you tonight, Y/N." He winks and leaves.

You run to DADA, not wanting to give off any bad returning first impressions to Snape.

Draco Malfoy

I carefully lay out my parchment and quill, only to have bloody Adrian mess it all up.

"What the hell, Adrian?" I mutter.

"Geez, Draco, why are you being so organized anyway?"

He shrugs at my silent response as I reorganize my supplies, this time only to have Y/N push it all aside to set her stuff down.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I groan.

"Whoops, sorry, Draco." She says, attempting to organize it the way it was before.

"Stop," I argue, pushing her hands away. "You're doing it all wrong."

"Merlin, my bad smartass. I was just trying to help."

"You trying to fix it is only making it worse."

"Well, you know what-"

"Mister Malfoy and Miss Y/L/N, if you could stop wasting our time with your childish arguing, we could begin class."

We both sigh and glare at each other for the rest of Snape's class introduction.

Blaise Zabini

All-day, I've been thinking about the mark. Everything slowly started to fall into place. All the pathetic excuses made by Draco to not hang out during the summer. His zoning out, every now and then. His mood swings were more prominent than I was used to. Draco could trust me; he knew that. But if I were to say I wasn't a little scared, I'd be lying.

I looked at Draco for a moment opening my mouth, contemplating where to start. He mouthed a little no, and so I decided not to. I'm sure I can keep this a secret from everybody, I'm more worried that he won't be able to. Especially; during a moment when his anger takes over. For the rest of DADA, that's all I could think about. I would've missed lunch if Y/N hadn't snapped me out of it.

"Blaise, hello?" Y/N asks. "Are you there? You guys are so out of this year."

"Especially you, Draco," she pointed at Draco, and he just shrugs as they head out the door.

"Sorry, just thinking about something," I reply, packing my things.

"Stop thinking and hurry up; I want to beat Pansy to lunch."

"Bet you can't beat us, join our race Y/N." Terence teases, getting ready to run along with Adrian.

"As if, ready set, go!" And the three ran off out of sight.

"So..." I begin shuffling next to Draco.

"I don't really want to talk about it."

"At all?"

"At all, I'd rather not think about it."

"Be honest, did you want to?"

"No, I did not bloody want to. If I had a choice, I would get rid of it in a heartbeat."

The rest of the way to the Great Hall, we walked in silence.

Pansy Parkinson

"Did you see Draco's hair today?"

"Daphne. Shut the fuck up," I say, annoyed of her hearing her voice for the past morning.

"If you don't want to be here, you can leave Pansy." Astoria screeches.

"You know what I just might." I retort, walking away from the crazy's.

"You guys are mental," I say while twirling my fingers around my head.

I ignore their bratty remarks as I get away from them as fast as possible. Those sisters are going to drive me insane. Why couldn't I have my classes with Y/N? At least she was nice and had more than two personality traits. As I enter the Great Hall, I scan the room, searching for Y/N. Once I find her, I slide next to her.

"How'd your morning go?" I ask. "Hopefully better than mine." 

"Pretty good, surprisingly. However, unfortunately, very uneventful." Y/N responds.

"I'm going to rip the heads off of the Astoria and Daphne."

"Please do. You'd be doing all of us a favor," Draco mutters.

"All morning non-stop, the only thing they talked about was Draco. If you thought Draco was full of himself, spend three hours with the Greengrass sisters." I complain while resting my head on my arms.

"Here, have some food," Y/N says while handing me my plate.

"Hold on, there's something I'd like to say. It's for everyone," Y/N says as I pile food onto my plate.

"Pug face much, Pansy?" Draco smirks.

"Daddy issues much?" I glare, which rewards me with a glare of his.


They shut up, and she begins.

"So this morning, I ran into Fred Weasley, and he invited us to a party in the Room of Requirements tonight."

A cascade of excitement runs along with our group.

"What time?" Blaise asks.

"Eleven PM," Y/N responds.

Y/N and I immediately begin a conversation about what to wear. Draco rolls his eyes at us and decides to converse with the boys instead of us.


"What do you think you're going to wear?" Pansy asks.

"I think I'm going to wear a top and a skirt with fishnets," you say while sipping on your water.

"You're going to look so good; I was thinking of wearing this really simple dress I got over the summer."

"I'm really excited parties are the best part about Hogwarts."

"Especially secret ones," she whispers and winks.

"You have classes after lunch, right?"

"Don't remind me," she groans.

"Let's meet at our dorm before dinner to start getting ready." You offer.

"On it, what are you going to do for the rest of the day?"

"Hang out at the courtyard with those dumbasses," you nod your head towards the boys. "Oh yeah, and I want to find Cedric. I haven't seen him yet."

"Do you still like him...?"

"I never liked him, Pansy," you shoot back.

"But I thought you guys-"

"It was just a fling. We both wanted different things," You say while swirling the water in my cup.

"What did you want?"

"I'm not sure, but he didn't want me, he wanted Cho, but we work better as friends anyway."


"Do you still like-?" You bite your lip.

"Yeah, I still like Adrian." She looks at him for a moment. "I actually hung out with him during the summer."

You nudge her with your elbow. Then the warning bell goes off.

"See you later, Y/N, don't forget!" Pansy shouts as she runs off to find Daphne.

"I won't," you shout back, then your attention is drawn to Draco. "Do you want to hang out at the Black Lake until dinner?"


"Well, would you rather stay with them?" Draco turns his head and is immediately disgusted as he sees what the others are currently doing.

"Let's go before they notice," Draco responds as the two of you quickly stand up, ignoring the loud cries of confusion coming from Adrian, Terence, and Blaise.

Draco Malfoy

We walked down the bustling corridors and headed outside where the weather was welcoming, and the sun shone.

"What did you do over the summer?" Y/N asked.

"Oh uh, not much, mostly just sat around."


Did Blaise tell her? No, he wouldn't, he said he wouldn't, right? I feel my heart beginning to beat faster and faster.

"I I uh what do you mean?"

"Blaise said you didn't hang out with him all summer." She continues. "So there's something you're not telling us, is it possible a...girl?"

She grins, walking backward as I shake my head no.

"Come on, tell me!" She pleads.

"Y/N, watch out!" I shout as she bumps into Diggory, and they both stumble to the ground.

I lend out my head, but Diggory is already helping her. I brush my hand against my robes.

"Oh, Cedric, I was looking for you!" Y/N says happily.

"Really? I'd love to talk, but I have to get to class." Cedric replies, rushed.

"Oh, right, I don't have classes for the rest of the day forgot other people might." Y/N ponders. "Are you going to go to the party tonight?"

"Of course, will you be there?"

"We'll catch up then; see you later, Cedric!" She waves goodbye and skips along.

"Bye Y/N," he grins and waves then nods in my direction. "Malfoy"

"Diggory." I nod back.

We continue walking, and by the time we make it to the Black Lake, Cedric Diggory is out of sight. We sit next to each other under the tree that hovers over the lake. I turn to face her, and she begins talking to me, but I've lost track of what she's saying. Y/N's eyes mesmerize to forget all about the summer.

"DRACO?!" Her shout brings me back to reality.


"Stop acting like this." You pout.

"Acting like what?" Draco teases.

"You know what I'm talking about. Stop zoning out while I'm talking to you!"

"I got distracted."

"By what? I'm the only person here."

"Your eyes." He looks serious.

"Draco, don't."

"What? I'm serious."

"Remember the first time I met you?" I ask, avoiding the conversation as I lay my head on his lap, staring into his silver eyes.

"How could I forget; you made such a grand entrance."

You had been invited to the Malfoy's for dinner before the start of your first year at school. You had never formally met Draco, and you got lost in his house. You turned every corner, but you couldn't seem to find the ballroom. Draco's home was so dark that you couldn't remember where you had been and where you hadn't. You found two large double doors, and since you were 11, and naive you decided to open the doors, close your eyes, and jump. It just so happened that those were the doors to the ballroom, and you had somehow jumped onto the chandelier.

"I'm the only one that could've pulled that off."

"Oh yeah, especially with my parents right there."

"Merlin, their faces when I looked up, I simply wanted to pass away."

I notice Draco's silver watch on his wrist and bring it closer to my eyes to gaze at the pretty silver numbering. I immediately throw it down when I notice the time.

"Shit, is that the time?" I swiftly stand up and begin sprinting towards the castle.

"Y/N, stop running; we're not going to be late."

"But Pansy, I said I'd meet her," I shout backward, quickly losing my breath.

"Wait up!"

"I can't; I'll meet you at dinner!" I shout and leave Draco in the dark alone.

Pansy Parkinson

Where was she? She said she'd be here by now. I pace around our dorm, waiting for her to come. I walk out of my dorm to check if she's in the common room, but she isn't. I return to our dorm and sit on her bed, staring at the clothes I've laid out. A short black silk dress with a white t-shirt underneath. I tilt my head and flatten out the wrinkles. A loud slam of a door and huffing comes from behind me.

"Where were you?" I ask, keeping my back to face her.

"I'm so sorry, Pansy, I was with Draco and lost track of time," Y/N replies distraughtly.

"I'm leaving," I say, opening the dorm room and slamming the door.

I take a deep breath standing on the other side of the door before walking descending down the stairs and walk to the Great Hall by myself.

I sit next to Adrian and begin to eat.

"Where's Y/N?" Draco asks.

"She's probably on her way," I say without looking at him.

"You're not mad at her because she was late, are you?"

I don't answer.

"Girls are so emotional," Terence mutters.

I return his comment with a deathly glare, which gets him to shut up. Blaise shakes his head in disappointment while Adrian tries his best not to snicker, so I elbow his rib.

"Shit, you're so strong." Adrian groans under his breath, which makes me grin.

Then out of the corner of my eye, I see Y/N walk my way.


Yikes, sorry, this was a lot longer than the other chapter. I just couldn't stop. Don't forget to vote if you liked the story :) 

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