My Professor's Affair

By Mjsbales

441K 11.4K 3.4K

Diana Hawthorne- Big stack bully. Rebel. Daredevil. The way her parents and everyone who knows her defines he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not an update
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
not an update
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Not an Update
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Not an Update
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Not an Update
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Not an Update
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
not an update
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Not an Update
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Not an Update

Chapter 45

4.8K 141 73
By Mjsbales

"When did you say the fashion show was?". I asked my aunt while she's sitting in front of my TV watching Mickey Mouse Club.


"Okay, when is the flight?".

"Friday afternoon." She says and I sat down beside her.

"Hmmm, can I go there by Saturday?".

"I need to prep up early in the morning by Saturday. I need you to be there."

"I can get the jet prepped up so I can be there Saturday morning."

"Do you have somewhere else to be?".


"Where? Aside from your half ass schoolwork and you fucking your Doctor slash Professor, you got nowhere else to be."

"Ugh. Can you just stop that? Everytime I try to make a productive conversation with you, you always brought up Victoria."

"Because you're trying to make Victoria productive! You have sex with her all the time so maybe she will produce you an heir!".

"Ugh! Victoria and I will be going to the new place I got for us. We will be going to spend the night there and I will be flying to Paris by Saturday morning. And FYI, she's on a pill." I huffed and she crossed her arms against her chest.

"Hmmm, fine."

"And please stop badgering me about it. I don't even want the girls to know."

"Ohhh, I heard Barbara talking about it."

"But they don't know it's Victoria! I don't want them to know."

"Well, is it not against their rules or something? Having relations with their patients more so, their students?".

"Why do you think we keep it? You're just annoying and always picked on me."

"It's because you're my only niece left or maybe nephew... I really don't know what you are but I don't care because you're my blood and you're cute and I support you of your life choices but isn't it the aunt's job to make sure your life is living hell?".

I huffed and rolled my eyes at her.


"Yeah yeah. Whatever whatever. You're crazy. Look at you watching Mickey Mouse Club!".

"Like you don't watch Benjamin the monster eleven earlier." She says and sipped her what I assume tea.

"Ugh. It's Ben Ten! He's a hero and he has monsters, how cool is that?".

"Ben eleven, twelve, thirteen, what's the difference? They're all cartoons."

"There's a big difference! And what a big word for a grown up woman who's watching Mickey Mouse Club."

"And sipping tea." She says and looked at the TV again.

I heard the front door open and shut close, before I could look I heard that voice I was craving for all morning.

"You haven't been in your economics class today."

"Good morning to you too my girlfriend." I say and looked at her while she's setting her bag down at the coffee table.

"Good morning Amanda." Victoria says to my aunt who looked up at her.

"Good morning Victoria. If I may call you that. You're my niece's girl-friend after all." My aunt says with a smirk.

Victoria glanced at me with a piercing look then looked at my aunt again.

"Tea?". My aunt said while gesturing to the teapot..

"Thank you." Victoria says and sat down on the the couch.

"What brought you here today? It's still Wednesday." I say still standing beside the couch.

"I was just curious why you haven't attended your class today." She says and poured herself a cup of tea.

"You're still really checking my classes?".

"What use am I as your girl-friend if I don't check on you?".

"Aw, she's too good for you. I hope she breaks it off." My aunt says glancing at me with a smirk.

"Shut up." I said to her and looked at Victoria. "I checked my motorcycle, the mechanic said that it's fixed. Or what's left of it."

"You don't want to ride that motorcycle anymore." She says and frowned at me.

"I do."

"You don't."

"But I love it. I do." I say with a huff.

Victoria then took a glance at my aunt and sipped her tea then stood up until we're face to face, she leaned in closer until her hot breath is on my ear, "Trust me, you don't want to ride it anymore if you still want me to ride you." She whispered in a very seductive tone that I immediately get a hard on.

"I won't! I mean, I don't want to ride anymore!". I blurted out and I know my cheeks are so red right now.

She then stepped out of my comfort zone and smirked.

"Oh well, then I should go." She says while picking up her bag.

"Where will you go?". I asked while trying to pull my jacket down to my crotch.

"Somewhere." And she had her bag on her arm then I noticed how she had such great legs on the skirt and those heels.


"Home. I need to grade some papers."

"Can I hang out with you?". I say hastily.

My aunt looked at me as I can see her on my peripheral vision and Victoria raised her eyebrow at me.


"The girls are busy and I can't stay with this-". I nodded towards my aunt who also raised her eyebrows at me. "C'mon, like seriously? If this doesn't make me crazy, I don't know what."

"So dramatic." My aunt says with a huff. "You're offending my feelings most of the times."

She even have the audacity to put her jeans over her chest and pouted.

"What? You're the one who sits here all day watching Mickey Mouse Club, sipping your tea, then pester me about my relationship." I huffed and crossed my arms against my chest.

"See? Dramatic." My aunt says to Victoria.

"Okay. But don't bother me." Victoria says to me.

"Can I bring my playstation?".

"Sure." She says and rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm just gonna get it." I say and excitedly.


"Can I set this up on your living room?". I say as we got inside her house.

"Sure." She says and heads towards the other side of the living room.

I set up my game controllers.

"I'm going to my office and if you need anything, tell me but you are free to go to the kitchen and make yourself some snacks." She says as she peaks from the door of what I assume is her office.

"Aw, you aren't gonna make me my snack?". I pouted at her.

"Make snacks for yourself. You can play a silly game for at least 8 hours, you can't make a snack for yourself?". She says with a perfectly raised eyebrow.

"Ugh fine. So much for having a girlfriend." I muttered.

"What did you say?". Her eyes narrowed like slits.

"I said yes babe. In fact I will make one for you! Would chicken sandwich be okay?". I said with teeth showing smile.

"Yes." She says and turned her back to retreat on her office but she kept the door open.


"Get your fat ass over here Barbie." I huffed on the headset as I navigate my character to hide behind the bushes.

"But I saw Toni behind the red truck." I hear Barbara say over the headphone.

"I will cover you!".

"Ugh. Fiiiine."

I was firing shots at I'm sure, it's Madeleine, when I felt somebody tapped my shoulder.

I muted my mic and looked at Victoria. She just stared at me.

"Hey. You done?". I asked and just nodded. "Don't worry it's on mute, see?". I held up the headset with a red indicator on it.

"Yes. I'm done. Are you staying for dinner?".

"Of course!".

"I'll cook lasagna."

"You're the best!". I say and grinned at her.

"I'll leave you back to your barbaric game." She says and walked towards her kitchen.

"Where the fuck did you go?!". I hear Barbara wail over the headset.

"I was talking to my girlfriend." I say and hide behind the tree.

"Oh. Okay."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Are you staying there overnight?".

"I don't know. I never asked." I say and moved towards the gray truck right behind Barbara. "I think that's Maddie over there. She used her last medical kit so if you hit her, she would end up bleeding to death."

"Okay." Barbara said and started to throw two grenades at the bush. When Madeleine's character stood up and run, I shoot her straight and Barbara made a run to the center, indicating that she's going to be a decoy to get Toni. I shot Toni twice and she fell cold dead.

"Hell yes! I should be able to see the deposit right away to my bank account." I say to the mic and I hear Barbara laughed.

Just in cue, I saw Victoria standing in the way from the kitchen with her arms folded on her chest while a perfectly shaped eyebrow raised.

"Goodbye girls. I'm gonna have my dinner now." I say on the mic and turned the game off.


"As usual. That was amazing. Hmmm." I say as I dabbed the napkin to my lips.

"Hmmm." Victoria says as she took a sip from her wine.

"How did I get such beautiful and talented girlfriend?". I say with a grin.

"You've been using that word more often than not and I'm trying to decide if I prefer for you to refer it to me always or I should just put that word out of my misery." She says with another raised eyebrow.

"Oh babe, I'm gonna let everyone know that you're my girlfriend."

"When will you go to Paris again? For the fashion show?".

"Uhm, Saturday."

"Amanda said that the show is Saturday."

"Yes. But we will be seeing our new love nest this Friday and we should break it in." I say while wiggling my eyebrows.

"We can hold it off." She says and took another sip from her wine glass.

"No we can't. I'm excited to see it. Besides, it's just a stupid fashion show. People would be more interested at me than the clothes I'm wearing anyway. That's why Auntie Amanda wants me there." I say with a slight shrug.

"Didn't you used to date that french model? Ava Green?". She says with another raised eyebrow.

"No I didn't. We just... Hang out... and had sex." I winced on the last phrase.

"Hmmm. There's a list of Frenchwomen you dated back then."

"That was a long time ago babe."

"I hate that nickname."

"Ugh. Fine. What do you want me to call you?".

"Are those girls going to be there on the show?".


"How many of them?". She says while she clung her head on the right and kept her deadly glare at me.

"Uhm... I don't know?".

Her deadly glare sends chills down my spine, "I really don't know, okay? That's why I stopped modelling for my aunt. I just hang out with those models and some of them turned out to be good friends that's why."

"Hmmm..." She says and stood up from her chair. She took all the dishes and put it on the sink but she left her wine.

"Are you upset about it? Just so you know, I got no choice. My aunt is relentless about us already and I need to keep my end of the bargain. I don't need her to meddle with us."

She kept silent but turned towards me and stared.

"How did you know about those girls anyway?".

"Just Google 'all the French women Diana Hawthorne dated legit or not' it will show you the list." She scoffed and turned back to the dishes.

"C'mon, not all of them are true." I say but I took out my phone and googled it. And yep, it shows. Well, not all of them.

"I did not date these women, I just...I just slept with them, mostly just a one time thing only." I mumbled.

"And you're going to see them again."

"I got no choice. It's not like I'm gonna sleep with them again."

"Try it." She puts the plate that she's washing back down on the sink with a sharp ding.

"I'm not gonna sleep with any of them."


"Well, how about your ex? If you see Ronnie at some place, are you gonna sleep with him again?". I huffed and put both my hands on my chest.

"Do you really think that lowly of me?". She squinted her eyes at me and put her hands on her hips.

"That's what you've been thinking about me!".

"Don't turn this conversation against me now Diana." She says in a warning tone.

"Then why would you think of me that way if you don't want it to be implied to you too?". I frowned at her.

"That's a lot of list you have there, surely you miss one of them or two of them. You will be going to a fashion show where there are pretty young women, most of those pretty young women you slept with, there will be an after party, if there is a party, there is alcohol and if there is alcohol, surely you know what happens after that."

"What? You would think of me that way? Sure, maybe 2 or 3 years ago. But now? I'm with you, you're my girlfriend. We have a deal, exclusive with each other. I don't want to ruin what we have just because I miss my old self." I said and stood up. "And for the record, I hated that part of me. I would never ever go back to that. I lo- I care for you too much. I like you too much."

Then I walked out of the kitchen and went to the living room. I opened the front door to get some fresh air but the wind feels so chilly so I closed it again. I just went back to the living room and sat down on the sofa and sighed.

After a little while probably good ten minutes have passed, I heard her heels walking towards me.

"You're still here." She starts to say as she stood in fron of me.

"I don't want to fight anymore, okay?". I say as I looked up at her.

"You're still here." She just say again.

"Of course. Where will I go? I haven't even asked you if I could sleepover." I said and sighed.

"Can I-sit beside you?". She asks as she bites her lip.

Not answering, I just took her hand and made her sit on my lap. Her sweet smell of apples enveloped my senses and it made my snuggle on her neck.

"How can I sleep with other women when my girlfriend always smell so good?". I say while still holding her hand and smelling her neck.

"That's just my lotion and shampoo." She says but she lets me snuggle on her neck. "I'm not good at this but--- I'm sorry."

I smiled and smelled her again.

"I accept. It's okay. I understand. I'm sorry too. I should have told you about them before you googled it."

"I should have asked you too." She says and leaned on me.

We just stayed in that position.



"There will be times that I will be difficult and unbearable. I will be upset, angry even... Just for the sake of it. But--- I know this is too much to ask but--- will you just stay and just hold me like this?". She whispered at me.

I leaned back on the couch, taking her with me and her rested on my shoulder with her eyes closed.

"I will not leave you." I say, not now, not ever.

"Hmmm. I made those rules so that I will not break again. Trust have ruined me. I don't want that to happen again."

"What do you mean?". I ask because clearly, this woman knows so much about me but I rarely know anything about her.

"I have loved once too. I trusted him with my heart, I trusted him with all of me. I fought for him against everyone but in the end, he left me for a younger and much more wealthy girl. Before he did that, he made sure to destroy me first." She says still her eyes closed.

"Would you like to tell me about him babe?".

"Hmmm. One more request."


"Can you carry me upstairs to my room?".

"Sure." Then I lift her up easily bridal style, I then realized that I feel no pain on my arm or leg anymore. I walked the spiral flight of stairs with ease.

"That huge door down the hall." She says while still her eyes closed.

I took a glance around the room and of course it all spelled out Victoria Clements. All elegance and sophistication.

I set her down gently on the bed.

"I'm just gonna take off my shoes." I say and sat on her bed while taking off my shoes. After I did, I also took off her heels.

Reaching out the comforter folded immaculately at the bottom of the bed, I covered us and she sighed.

"Do you really want to know?". She asked as she snuggled close to me on my chest.

"I do."

_----_-_-to be continued_-_-

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