Damage Control

By mrbobvin

4.4M 122K 50.4K

"You seem to have forgotten who I am," he whispered, caging me in with his arms once again. His stubbled face... More

Authors Note
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81

Chapter 24

59.4K 1.7K 969
By mrbobvin

I stood there frozen, not knowing how to answer that question. Nonna told me that if Nathaniel knew that she showed me that room, he would kill her. So do I lie? But what if this is a test and he already knows the truth, he's just waiting to catch me in a lie. But what if he really doesn't know, and if I tell him the truth, I'll be outing Nonna's secret.

I glanced around, scoping the area to see if there was any way I could escape without him being able to chase me.

"You won't get far," he murmured, taking a step closer towards me.

"I don't have time for this," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I've had a long day, and I'm tired."

Please take the bait, I pleaded internally.

"Where were you?" He asked again, peering up through his thick eyelashes, not caring about what I just said.

Compassion, I reminded myself as I took a deep breath.

"Nonna and I spent the day together gardening," I finally explained. It's not like it wasn't the truth.

"I saw what time the two of you came into the house, then you disappeared for hours; where were you between now and then?"

Damn you fucking stalker.

"What are you, my dad?" I scoffed. "I don't have to explain myself to you."

"Of course not, your father is dead."

And just like that, I kissed compassion goodbye. It took everything in me not to punch the shit out of him, but I knew I would be the one that ended up getting hurt instead of him. I couldn't even begin to understand how someone who has experienced death first hand could be so cruel and inconsiderate. It didn't matter that my father and I had a very strained relationship; it was about respect, which Nathaniel knows absolutely nothing about, especially when it came to me.

But if I brought his mother up, he would probably kill me and dump my body in the pond beside the estate. The fact that Nonna thinks that I would ever get with this despicable, hypocritical, egotistical man in front of me is laughable.

To think that I sat there and shed tears for him, my heart broke for him, only for it to get thrown back in my face. I should've known better. Men like Nathaniel don't deserve compassion, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt just this once.

Never again.

"Go to fucking hell," I seethed, feeling tears begin to well up in my eyes as I pushed past his solid frame to get to the door, but his hand immediately shot out and gripped my elbow firmly. Nathaniel stared down at me through dark eyes but said nothing as I stared back, waiting for a snide remark to slip from his lips. Instead, he released his tight grasp and walked away in the direction of his office without uttering a single word.


As soon as he was out of sight, I rushed into the room and slammed the door behind me, breathing a sigh of relief that I was able to get away without telling the full truth, this time.

* * *

I finally got to spend the next day by myself binge-watching Netflix shows, munching on snacks, and catching up with Stella, Carter, and Keenan. So much has changed since I've been gone, and it hasn't even been two weeks yet. Keenan finally got his dream job he's been talking about nonstop working at the top modeling agency in New York. The same week I left for the Italy trip was the same week he moved to the Big Apple. Even though I didn't get to say goodbye since a certain asshole dragged me across the country for no specific reason, Keenan promised to visit as often as he could.

Carter's news was rather surprising, and I couldn't help but feel a certain way when he announced that he now has a girlfriend. Her name is Gabrielle, and they met at a work conference weeks before my trip. Of course, I'm happy for him but apart of me always hoped that maybe one day fate would bring us together, but I guess fate had other plans.

As for Stella, things with Theo are going "perfectly magical." Her words, not mines. They've even started thinking about moving in together despite only knowing each other for a couple of months, but she's happy, and Theo seems like a pretty nice guy from her stories, so that's all that matters.

Seeing all of my friends happy and moving on with their lives made me think of mine and how I'm nowhere near where I want to be. I have no company for the next two years. My love is literally nonexistent, seeing that I'm currently working for the most wicked man in the world as a fucking lapdog while he goes around and fucks every living and breathing woman that walks by. To say my life is pathetic as hell would be a major understatement.

My plan was to spend the remainder of the trip in my room or in the garden with Nonna, away from Nathaniel until it was time to leave, but of course, Nonna being Nonna, she had other ideas. I woke up the next morning to the sound of whispering in my ear.

"Tesoro, wake up," the voice spoke softly.

"Nonna?" I groaned, stretching out of my sleep and opening my heavy eyelids to find the elderly woman hovering over me with a huge smile on her face. "What are you doing here?"

She sat on the edge of my bed and rested her hand on my knee. "What do you say about working with me at my bakery today?" She asked.

"Nonna, I'd love to!" I gasped, shooting up too quickly, which caused my head to spin.

"But," Nonna continued with a guilty look on her face. "Paffuto coming."

"Yep, no thank you." I flipped the covers back over my head and closed my eyes to fall back asleep.

"Anastazi, you leave very, very soon. Don't you want to spend the rest of your days with poor old Nonna?" She pleaded, gently peeling the covers off my face. "Look, Paffuto will be in back, and you be in front with me. You two will barely see each other. How's that sound?"

I sighed and looked up into her bright blue puppy dog eyes. How could I ever say no to this woman? Especially since our trip is coming to an end.

"Fine," I groaned, lazily sliding off the bed. "Only for you, Nonna, only for you."

"Grazie Anastazi!" Nonna pulled me into a quick hug before making her way to the door. (Thank you.)

"And Nonna," I called out before she had a chance to leave. "I know what you're doing, and it's not going to work."

If she thinks putting Nathaniel and me in a small space together will make us suddenly fall in love with each other, she is very sadly mistaken.

"Oi!" She gasped. "I not doing anything."

I smiled and squinted my eyes at her suspiciously. "I'm watching you, Nonna."

She giggled and winked before disappearing out of the door, leaving me to get ready for this long unexpected day. This would be the first time I've worked at a bakery before, and despite Nathaniel being there and potentially ruining a good time, I was excited. Hopefully, he does stay in the back like Nonna said, and my day would be fine.

"Car is waiting outside," Nonna informed me as I walked into the living room where she was putting on her shoes.

"Where's your grandson?" I asked casually as my eyes darted around the spacious area.

Nonna waved her hand, brushing the topic aside. "He's busy with work; he'll come later."

Hopefully fucking not.

The drive to the bakery wasn't long at all. It was on the outskirts of the city around a lot of tourist attractions, the smartest place to put a business. The bakery itself was a cute small brown building with pink letters that read "Nonna's Bakery." Inside were pretty pink booths with white tables and a long glass see-through counter where an abundance of pastries was displayed. The bakery reminded me of a diner you'd see in vintage movies, and I loved every bit of it. But what caught my attention was the employee that was already there before us getting the register ready for customers.

"Um, Nonna?" I turned around to face the small woman who was in the midst of putting an apron on. "I thought you said I was going to be at the register with you."

"Oi!" She slapped her forward. "I forget I told Natalia to come in today."

"Nonna," I groaned, realizing she never planned on me being in the front.

She smiled up at me lovingly and handed me an apron and hair net. "I guess you have to work in back. Come, come, I show you what to do, then you show Paffuto when he comes."

I rolled my eyes playfully as I snatched the items out of her hand and followed her to the back of the bakery. There in the kitchen was a walk-in freezer and many stoves and ovens places in the far back. To the side were long steel tables, with rolling pins, cookie cutters, knives, and many other needed bakery equipment scattered along the sanitized surface.

Nonna spent the next thirty minutes explaining the ropes of things and my job assignment for the day. All I had to do was roll the premade dough onto parchment paper and use cookie cutters to cut out various cookie shapes, stick them in the oven for ten minutes and allow them to cool for another ten minutes before placing them neatly onto large trays that would go out on display in the front.

It took a few tries to get the hang of everything, but once Nonna felt that I was ready to take on the tasks by myself until he came, she left and went back to the front to get ready to greet the line of customers beginning to form. I silently wished I brought my headphones, but Panic! At The Disco was playing on the large speakers in the kitchen, which gave me something to listen to as I worked. I started to nod my head to the beat of the music as I began rolling the dough out with the rolling pin. Fifteen minutes in, I had a tray full of cut cookie dough ready to be placed in the oven once it was finished preheating.

I was so into my work, I didn't notice the door opening and Nathaniel walking in until I turned around to check the oven preheat time and slammed right into his rock hard chest. What the fuck does this man eat? Bricks?

"Ow, what the fuck?" I groaned, rubbing my bruised forehead as I looked up to see the culprit only to find Nathaniel glaring down at me wearing a black apron and matching hairnet.

"You look like an idiot," I mumbled as I turned around to grab the tray of cookies to put into the oven. I could already feel my good vibes beginning to disappear now that the devil himself has officially arrived.

"What are you doing here?" He asked lowly, ignoring my blunt comment.

"Nonna," was all I said as I continued to work in silence. Honestly, his presence wasn't even needed here. I had everything under control, and hopefully, he realizes that soon enough and leaves. But instead, he walked over to the sink and washed his hands before making his way to the work station next to me.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" I snapped irritably as I watched him place the dough on the parchment paper and grab the rolling pin I was previously using.

"I've been working at this bakery since I was a boy, don't ever question my skills," he stated roughly, flattening out the dough in front of him. I rolled my eyes and moved to the work station across from him, and grabbed new equipment to get started on prepping another batch of cookies.

"Shit," I muttered to myself after another failed attempt of putting icing on the sugar cookies Nonna recently requested.

"You're doing it wrong," Nathaniel informed me as he placed his third batch of pastries into the oven.

Show off.

"Then show me since you think you're so fucking perfect at everything."

"Say, please."

"I'll figure it out on my own."

At that very moment, Nonna stuck her head in the kitchen with small beads of sweat dripping down her forehead. "Oi, I need more frosted sugar cookies in front."

I glared up at Nathaniel in defeat the moment Nonna left us alone to attend to her customers.

"Please?" I asked through gritted teeth, gripping the rolling pin tightly in my hand. Nathaniel raised his eyebrows in triumph and slid behind me, pressing his chest against my back. His spicy cologne instantly enveloped the small area we were working in, making it harder to breathe. He slid his large hand down my arm, prying my fingers off the innocent rolling pin, and forced my hand to grab the decorating bag to begin painting the cookie. His warm touch sent a tingly sensation shooting through my spine, which ignited my beating heart.

"Steady hands, just like golf," he murmured, fanning my cheek with his minty breath as he began moving my hand in his.

Why does he feel the need to take up my personal fucking space when teaching me something? Not that I'm complaining.

I nodded slowly and waited for more instructions as I uncomfortably shifted my weight to my other foot. I heard him suck in a deep breath before continuing.

"Now, start by tracing the outline of the cookie, then gradually move towards the center," Nathaniel instructed as he guided my hands to demonstrate what he meant.

"Now, your turn." He released his hand that was placed on top of mine, allowing me to freely grab the decorating bag as I waited for him to leave my bubble. But he stayed right where he was and placed his large hands on either side of the table, caging me in, while waiting for me to proceed.

Why isn't he moving? I thought anxiously. But more importantly, why didn't I push him away the moment he crowded my personal space? Why did I secretly like the way he made me feel every time his body was pressed against mine? Wasn't it just last night when he basically talked shit about my dead father, and now I'm enjoying being pinned against the counter by the same man? Fuck, I blame it on my daddy issues.

"I'm going to a ball tomorrow night," Nathaniel spoke, suddenly startling me out of my thoughts. He continued to press his body against mine until I could feel the imprint of his dick pushing in between the crack of my ass, causing my core to throb violently.

"Good for you," I muttered as I carefully outlined the sugar cookie with white frosting just as he instructed. It would've been easier to concentrate if he knew what personal fucking space was.

"You're coming with me."

"No, I'm not," I continued painting the cookie without batting an eye at his order.

"Don't be difficult."

"Then don't tell me what to do."

"I picked up your dress; it's hanging up in Nonna's closet."

"Then you wear it."

"Anastazi," he growled, flipping me around to face him but making sure to keep his arms caged around me. His perfect face was so close to mine if I leaned forward just a little bit, we would be french kissing. "A hotel has already been booked, so pack your things when we get back to the mansion because it'll be our last night there."

"And if I refuse?" I dared to ask, gazing up at him, no longer caring about the cookie. His eyes flickered down to my lips, and before he could respond, Nonna busted through the kitchen door, interrupting the heated moment.

"False alarm, no more cookies needed, we getting ready to lock up--" She paused and squealed. "Oi! Am I interrupting something?"

My cheeks immediately reddened from embarrassment, but before I had a chance to say no, she was already flying out of the door with delight written all over her face, leaving the two of us alone again.

"Get off of me," I grumbled, pushing against his chest, only for him not to budge an inch. The heat between my legs only intensified the longer we stayed in this position.

"The ball," he stated calmly as if his grandmother didn't just catch us getting ready to devour each other's faces. I needed to get away from him, and if agreeing to go to this stupid ball will grant me my wish, then so be it.

"Fine, now move." I pushed against his chest again while pressing my thighs together to relieve the pressure building up. Nathaniel finally moved aside, clearly pleased with getting his way once again. I snatched the apron and hair net off my body and slammed them against the counter in frustration.

Before I walked to the front of the baker where Nonna was waiting, I swore I heard him chuckle lowly, leaving me to wonder what his end game really is. He's going back and forth with me for a reason, teasing me one minute then insulting me the next. If he thinks I'm not going to get to the bottom of this, he's a bigger fool than I imagined. But for now, I'll play along.


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