By lavsugacookie

62K 2.4K 856

What happens when the Platinum Music artist, Grammy's winner, The mighty Jeon Jungkook gets to know that the... More



1.8K 91 45
By lavsugacookie

So, I have been thinking of publishing the bangpink version of this famous novel, I have been reading.
Which ship would you like to see? Comment pls!

"Jeon , I am warning you, if you don't want to get your ass to your grave and mine to jail then GIVE MY BUNNY BACK." sent to voicemails

"Jeon Jungkook I will end you, I swear to GOD!"


I have been trying to contact Jungkook for hours, but that disgrace-to-the-race-of-homosapiens is not picking up the calls.

I have sent him like a hundred voice mails by now and I am going crazy. I have no idea where his personal apartment is, god! even google doesn't know that. It is seven in the evening right now and he said I would get my bunny by today morning.

I have no idea why all men do is a lie.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and I went to open the door. And there he was, the guy I have been cursing the life out of since morning. He had a boyish grin on his face, my bunny and a bottle of wine in his hands.

"Hey, dollface. I see you have been missing me a lot lately" He got in the house and put the bunny on the couch and the wine bottle on the table. He turned around, facing me again, "My voicemail kinda has a lot of say in it."

I finally processed what happened, I went to the couch and threw a huge cushion at him. It hit him right on the face.

"Yahh! Why do you have to be so violent woman!"

"Ohh" I laughed sarcastically, "I can murder you right now, I have been calling you all day and you didn't pick up, once. How dare you held my baby hostage!"

"Awww, did I make you wait too long?" Jungkook asked, a discrete smirk playing on his mouth.

I threw another cushion at him but this time, JK caught it. "Not happening again Lali."

I finally sighed, "What are you doing here Jeon?"

"MOVIE NIGHT!" He said it so loudly that I jumped, "Lalisa Manoban, we are having a movie night tonight!"

I smiled a little but then said, "So you kept my baby away from me just so we could have a movie night. You could have just asked me, Jeon, I am not a total buzz-killer you know."

"No, I just like to annoy you, little doll."

"asshole" I mumbled as I went to the kitchen to get wine glasses

"I have sharp hearing senses, fyki" I went back to the living room as I saw him coming in with boxes of Pizza

"Well, a movie night isn't a movie night without Pizza!" He said

"That's the first good thing you have done in ages." Lisa said grinning as she opened one of the boxes and took a giant slice of pizza, "I have been starving."

"So, what do we watch today?" He asked as he sat beside her on the couch and took the TV remote to switch to Netflix.

"I am not watching some sappy emotional romantic movie for one." Lisa said with her mouth full, "Let's binge watch a drama."

"Umm...What about.." Jungkook said as he switched through the options, "Start up?"

"Yes!" Lisa said, "We love Bae Suzy here y'all."

They started watching the series with Lisa's continuous whining of how can someone be as cute as Do-san!.

Soon, the two foodies almost finished the five boxes of pizza and there was only one piece left. Lisa and Jungkook stared at each other as if they would prove some kind of supremacy by doing so. But Jungkook got the piece in a quick-snake like action.

"Yah Jeon! That piece had my name on it!" Lisa said as she tried to snatch the piece from him but Jungkook being the muscular guy, just had to lift the piece up in order to get it away from her.

"Not today," He said as he tried to get the pizza as far from Lisa as possible.

In a few seconds, Lisa was on top of Jungkook trying to get the pizza slice far from her by stretching his hands. But Lisa literally climbed on him, in a matter of seconds their faces were a centimeter apart.

Jungkook froze as both of them stared at each other, Lisa's hands were on Jungkook's shoulders. Lisa leaned in a little bit more. Jungkook's breath was getting more and more intense and the distance between their faces was magically disappearing.

And when he thought that their lips would finally touch, Lisa flicked his head and snatched away the pizza from him.

"I WON" Lisa rejoiced as she did a victory dance. Jungkook's brain was still in some kind of chaos as it finally clicked him. "Yah Lisa! That's not fair!"

"Everything is fair when it is about food young man."

Lisa got out her phone and opened it. She was just gonna eat the pizza but stopped her hand in mid-air. Her face darkened and dropped immediately. Jungkook didn't notice as he was watching the drama.

She stood up, "Hey. You can eat this" She went away after throwing her phone on the couch. Jungkook frowned his eyebrows as he skeptically watched the brunette walk away. What happened to her?

He eyed the phone that just ruined her mood. Is there something in there? Should I open it? I shouldn't right? What if she thinks I am a total creep? What if----

He was just overthinking shit like a hormonal teenager when cut off by a notification on Lisa's phone. Jungkook opened it anyway as there was no password.

456-XXXXXX (Unknown)

Shit gurl. You an sl*t.
Just strip your clothes already.
3 days ago

You don't deserve what you are getting.
People are just being blind.
3 days ago

If someone thinks you look anywhere near
good then...I don't fckn trust them.
2 days ago

It would be fun to see you dead tho
2 days ago

Who the fvck are you!?
Why are doing this?
2 days

Ohh! You replied!
You know how to read. I am
2 days ago.

You belong to a family of slaves.
Go back to your work.
2 days ago

Aren't you an orphan?
Even your parents never loved you.
2 days ago

Your Parents' worse day must've been
when you were born.
2 days ago

You did plastic surgery.
You are so fake.
1 day ago

Even plastic surgery couldn't
make you pretty
1 day ago

Your face makes me puke.
Today 12:00pm

Other idols are so much more
today 1:00pm

Can't you just vanish already?
Today 3:00pm

You are so goddamnit faaat
Today 6:00pm

Stop eating junk food, b*tch.
You are just so much overweight.
Today 7:00

You need to starve yourself.
Although I doubt if that can
make you look better. HAHA
just now

'Motherf*cking SASAENGS!'

"Why hasn't she blocked them yet?" He questioned silently. "And why in the name of god would she reply to that in-humane person?!!"

Jungkook quickly realized that Lisa wasn't anywhere in sight. "Lisa." He abruptly stood up and went into the kitchen. She wasn't there.

He then checked every single room on the ground floor but she wasn't anywhere. He then went upstairs and checked the rooms. He finally found her figure leaning on the rails of her balcony.

He exhaled a sigh of relief. "God Lisa. You scared the shit outta me."

It was as if Lisa just came back from a trance, from an untouched world of her own, "J-Jungkook. Why aren't you watching the drama" She turned around.

"I could ask the same question, you know." He walked towards her.

"I-I wasn't feeling well. Needed some air" She dryly laughed, "Nothing serio--"

"Why didn't you tell me that son of a b*tch Sasaeng was troubling you?" He was now in front of her.

"I-I What are you talking about?" She didn't want to but Lisa stuttered and turned around watching the scene in front of them.

"Lalisa Manoban. I saw the texts. So don't you dare lie to me." He stood beside her, looking intently at her.

"I-" Lisa sighed as her legs felt her legs becoming something close to Jell-O. She crouched down.

"Lisa" Jungkook whispered as he did the same as the brunette, he ran his hands through her long hair, "You should have at least told me o-or straight-up block them. Those people are just jealous of your immense success"

"B-but wh-what if whatever she is saying is true" Lisa was shaking by now, her eyes, bloodshot.

Jungkook made her face him and put a strand of hair, that was on Lisa's face, behind her ear. "Lalisa Manoban, whatever that Sasaeng is saying is complete bullshit. You deserve every single praise, every single penny that you are getting now."

Jungkook's eyes softened further, "You have no idea how many people you incentivize to keep moving on, to keep holding on. Your story, your efforts, your achievements, they inspire so many people all around the world."

"And you are beautiful, inside and out. And further, external prettiness doesn't matter, it's gonna go away anyways. So even if your beauty would not have over crossed the unrealistic and toxic beauty standards of this misogynistic society, you would have made your own and so should every single person out there."

"Although you are NOT. But still, if in some alternate universe, you wouldn't be a doll face, have long legs, slim waist, big eyes, long hair, and the most beautiful smile on the earth, your fans would still love you because you are the kindest soul. And you should know that you are self-contained, you don't need anyone else."

"And about those haters, they never will stop hating you. They will never stop appraising you for all the wrong reasons. They are jealous of your success. Not everyone in this world is gonna be as kind-hearted as you Lili and we HAVE to live with that."

"Always remember Lali, It all starts and ends in your brain. Whatever you give power to, has power over you, but only if you let them to. You need to choose people who choose you, doll."

Lisa was staring at Jungkook now. His thumbs were caressing her cheeks. Jungkook smiled at her, he swiped her bangs from her forehead revealing the holy forehead. He left a kiss on Lisa's forehead and said, "C'mon, you should sleep now. Tomorrow's school and then you also have your schedule. Right?" Lisa nodded at that.

Both of them walked into Lisa's room. Jungkook tucked her in the bed. He was filling the glass with water to give her when she said, "Jungkook..?"


"Thank you."

"For?" He was busy, dropping the curtains.

"For what you said earlier. I was such a dumbass to believe what the sasaeng was saying"

He walked towards her bed kept his hand on her head, caressing her hair, "What I said was true after all. You are beautiful. Isn't that a universal fact?" His eyes darkened as he stared at her. But then he shook his head, as in he just came back into his senses.

"Now go to sleep." He turned off the lamp.

"Goodnight" Lisa weakly said.

"Sweet dreams Lisa" Jungkook whispered and got out of the room.


And there we have another chapter! Hope you guys liked it. Sorry for the possible typos. Also if didn't read the note in the begining, pls do.

It was so sweet of JK to say all of that, wasn't it?


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