Godzilla: Enter the Kaiju Gir...

By AQuickSeriesOfWords

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Gojira's faced perils, fought countless battles with other godlike beings, and even the forces of Hell could... More

So I Walked Out of Hell...
Then I Fought a Bug and a Cyborg Chicken.
Training Came the Next Day...
We Solved the Problem the Very Same Day
They Needed a Place to Stay.
Her First Lesson...
Then Came the Metal Menace!
Those Three Were Rather Nosy...
We Checked Out Her Tunnel...
I Actually Played with Rocks...
I Watched Their Rematch.
Then Came the Party.
A Calm Yet Aggravating Day...
The Calm Before the World Shook.
Bonus Answers 1
The Night of Frost.
My Wrath Reignited!
I Knew Where to Strike.
My Rage Echoed Beyond!
Denied Once Again...
I Awoke Before the HEAT...
While I got a Gift...
That's When They Met...
Fights are Easier...
And of Course I Knew...
She Arrived...
And While they Were Away...
I learned something New...
Answers 2
And Here's Where it started!
It was My Fault (Webtoon Announcement)
I Thought There Would be Peace (Patreon!)
And she Said Too Much!
But she Would be Fine...
It was Her I Worried About...

So I taught them about Seafood...

3.8K 81 44
By AQuickSeriesOfWords

Gigan, lounging on a rock with her broken saw enhancements tossed to the side, whistled, "Oh wow, he actually showed up. I expected to see Megalon come flying over here without her wings attached."

Orga nodded, "Indeed."

Queen Ghidorah said nothing, continuing to glare at the ocean and linger in the pool of her negative thoughts.

"I have returned safely." Megalon pointed at Gojira. "And I have brought the guide."

"Hnng." Aforementioned guide eloquently greeted them.

"How very charismatic." Gigan whispered in a deadpan tone, reluctantly getting up from her comfy position.

Gojira heard her mutter, though not clearly, and barked. "You have something to say?"

Gigan put on her best "kiss up" face, cheerfully waving at him. "Thanks for coming to help, man."

Gojira rolled his eyes. "Shove it, robot chicken."

"Ahaha, funny." Gigan, like with her previous ruler, grinned and bared it despite her homicidal need welling up inside of her. It was as if the poor mercenary was cursed to be under the heel of the angry overlords or something.

Gojira let out a deep breath and looked over the aliens. He really didn't want to be there, he certainly didn't want to be helping them with anything, but this was for the benefit of himself and Earth. So whatever. "So Megalon tells me you can't feed yourselves."

Megalon was quick to indignantly deny that. "No, I said-"

"Shut up. I'm going to show you idiots where and what to hunt so you don't cause problems for me." Gojira explained bitterly, pointing towards the ocean. "Considering the most likely human reactions to you all... still breathing." He muttered that last part distastefully, uncaring for the annoyed looks he was tossed. "You'll need to hunt close to the island."

Orga raised her hand unnecessarily. "Wait, but what about my fuel?"

"Don't the human populace have primitive generators?" Questioned Gigan.

"They do. But you will go nowhere near them." Gojira warned. "They have a tendency to be stingy."

"Hmph." Queen Ghidorah huffed. "Imagine being afraid of insects. How lowly."

Gojita leered at her, not at all impressed by that barb. "Think of it like this; if they give me problems, imagine what they can do to you?"

"I'm a planet conqueror." Monster Zero hissed.

"And as your clear superior, what does that make me?" Gojira snarked back. Another stare down ensued, Gojira balling his fist and Queen Ghidorah's fingers twitching.

Gigan decided to step in, not for the former queen's sake, but to ensure Gojira would help and not kill them. "Uh, food? We were talking about food."

"Yeah." Gojira drawled slowly turning his gaze back to the rest of the aliens. "Anyway, all you mooks have to do is hunt in the sea around this area."

"Can you show us?" Megalon immediately inquired. "It would be nice to get bearings on our surroundings."

"What am I, your father?" Gojira rhetorically asked. He should've known better.

The aliens, even Queen Ghidorah, stared at him with confusion. Orga decided to speak what they all thought. "Those are paternal things right? They carry sperm, correct?"

"Oh, for fuck's sake." Gojira groaned, rubbing his temples. Despite almost everything in his head telling him not to, he asked a question aimed at Queen Ghidorah and Orga. "Can you dumbasses swim? In know Gigan and Megalon can."

"I can... paddle. Until I inevitably drop then trudge at the bottom." Orga answered slowly. She shrugged. "It usually works. No complaints so far."

Queen Ghidorah said nothing and turned away. She refused to answer for several reasons, some related to her anger towards her loss and some more... practical. Said practical also kept what little pride she had left.

"Alright." Gojira exhaled and waved them over. "Follow me. I'll show the place you can go."

"And fuel of some sort?" Orga pressed on.

"Maybe you'll get lucky and find some at the bottom. Let's go." That came out as somewhat sarcastic but... that could be the case, especially with the previous skirmish. Without another word, Gojira went towards the ocean, the others reluctantly following, though Queen Ghidorah chose to hover once it got waist high, her wings able to do that at least. Gojira suddenly stopped as he had one last thing to say. "Oh yeah, and none of you try to slip away either. I got a sixth sense for idiocy."

"Here that, Megalon?" Gigan teased, nudging her friend's shoulder. "He's probably got his eye on you."

Megalon gave her a deadpan stare. "Shut up, robot chicken."

"If you could cut it on your oh so witty banter, that'd be appreciated." Gojira remarked dryly.

There was a lot of things Gigan could cut, physically mostly. Had it her way, the remarks would not be one of them. Sadly, for her though, she'd have to bare it and nod to his "subtle" command along with the others.

And so they wordlessly followed once again, only behind him this time. Rather bold move his part unless you knew of his nuke pulse like Queen Ghidorah did.

On Gojira's end, he was thinking of a good shallow place to lead them. Even near the coast of Infant Island, there was always a good spot to catch and devour a good deal of fish. Not as tasty whales nor could they hauled onto land as one, but it got the job done.

It didn't take too long for them to reach a select coral bed, hopefully far from the other Kaiju Girl's territories. Considering how it was still on the other side of the Island, Gojira doubted the aliens could be too much of a nuisance here.

Gojira took a second to really admire what he didn't get to see in so long or take in. Between Hell and the battle with the aliens, he didn't really get to admire the multicolored reef teeming with so many lives. Granted, he was going to eat a lot of them, but it still felt so nice to see again, to take in the ocean and it's beauty. What really got him was how big the fish were around this area. He didn't notice it last time when he hurriedly went out to eat those Orcas, but the fish here were huge compared to his world. He briefly wondered if they mutated.

He turned to face the aliens, noting how unimpressed they seemed, especially Megalon. "This planet really reminds me of my home. Though much less impressive, advanced, and an overall nostalgic letdown. Kinda makes me depressed."

"Your face is depressing." Gojira blurted.

Gigan snickered to herself. "Talk about insult master."

"Anyway," Gojira motioned to the blue world around them, "here's a nice spot you idiots can use to catch food. Feel free to go out a little further to get whales if you want." He narrowed his eyes. "Just don't hunt in excess or destroy too much of the environment."

"Why the hell do you care?" Gigan quirked a brow and pointed at him. "Don't you guys blow shit up on the planet all the time?"

"Yes. Human stuff." His gaze became deadpan. "I also live here, dumbass."

Gigan coughed into her hand. "Oh, Right."

"Besides. Only humans deserve the grief." Gojira mumbled.

"Wait." Orga spoke up. "Is anything toxic?"

Gojira shrugged nonchalantly. "None of it killed me or the others yet."

Gigan pointed between all of them and said slowly. "Well, as you can see, we have different anatomy."

"Well, tough shit." Gojira mockingly said in the same tone and went on to swim from the group so he could simply watch them instead of engage with them. "Figure it out, you're grown Daikaiju."

"Hey, I see the other Godzilla or whatever swimming away! Did you get me anything yet!?" Queen Ghidorah shouted from the topside. She could see everything clearly. Her hearing, however, was not at sharp with the water, distance, or crashing waves.

"Lousy gold bitch." Gigan muttered distastefully and turned to Orga. "Alright, go and eat something."

"Why me!?" The goliath shouted indignantly. She pointed to Megalon. "What about Megalon? Out of all of us, you require organic matter the most! You should go first!"

Megalon shook her head. "I don't want to."

Gigan rolled her eyes and looked between her more organic comrades. "Look someone has to go... and it should be the most expendable."

Orga folded her arms. "So you then?"

"I was second in command!" The cyborg squawked.

Megalon rolled her eyes. "Yeah... in title only."

"And you can be rebuilt... maybe." Orga added on.

Gigan's stomach blades began to whirl. "Oh, you bunch of -!"

"Twats!" Queen Ghidorah's call interrupted. "Stop blathering down there!" She correctly assumed they were only doing that.

Gigan groaned and glared at the reef. "Awfully bossy for someone who got their ass handed to them."

Orga snorted. "Considering the still clear differences in power between you two, I wouldn't be so keen on bad mouthing her."

Gigan leered at her. "You're really that loyal of a hound?"

Orga leered back. "No, just practical. Unlike you."

Megalon, tired of the usual titty measuring contest, stepped between them and pointed at the reef. "Can we be practical and test the local fauna?"

"For fuck's sake! Someone do something interesting!" Queen Ghidorah roared in frustration.

Gigan sighed in defeat. She decided to go for a compromise. "Hnn, okay on three, we all snag one of the nearest creatures and chow down. Agreed?" Both Orga and Megalon reluctantly nodded. "Good... on one... two..." All three Kaiju Girls tensed up, a small target in sight. Fish bigger than the tallest men, mere ants compared to these titans, and the smallest targets they could find. "Three!"

All three Kaiju Girls sprung upon their targets, each taking a fish in their hands, grasping it carefully enough not too crush the fishes in their grasp. While keeping the fish secure, all three of them locked eyes and made a nervous gulp. With hesitation, they moved the fish to their open mouths, freezing once the morsels were but inches away from their tongues. Each alien had their eye on each other, making sure the other didn't pull a fast one.

Dejectedly, they resigned themselves to whatever fate awaited them and swallowed the fishes.

And they waited.

Megalon felt around her neck. "I actually feel f-"

"Holy shit, your face is purple!" Gigan shrieked.

"What!?" Megalon began to panic, rapidly feeling around her face and neck. "What do I do, what do I do!?"

Orga furrowed her brow, seeing no such thing happening to Megalon. It was clear Gigan was merely being a bitch. "Uh Megalon, you're not-"

Said bitch interrupted her. "Holy crap Orga, your muscles are shrinking!"

"What!? No, my glorious biceps, no!" Orga had put all rational thought aside in favor of her perfectly made and maintained bio-mechanical body. She rapidly flexed to make sure nothing was fading. "No, are they shrinking! The food is making me shrink!" This of course was not really happening, but Orga wasn't the brightest and rather attached to musculature.

"Quick!" Gigan handed them both handfuls of coral. "Eat this to undo the side effects!"

Both aliens ate them without hesitation, releasing sighs of relief once they swallowed the tasteless plant matter.

"Oh no!" Gigan gasped, making her comrades tense. "You're tits are enlarging, you'll be immobile at this rate!"

"No!" Megalon yelled. She swam around, flailing and shouting, "I can't dig if these get in the way!"

Orga roughly grabbed at her bountiful bosom, trying to flatten them, yelling, "Tits are not muscles! Cease growing! Stop damn you!"

All the while, Gigan held back from bursting out loud with laughter as to not break their immersion while topside Queen Ghidorah was closer to losing all of her patience, Gojira's warning be damned. Speaking of Gojira, he floated farther away, watching the actions of the aliens with the most perplexed expression, muttering, "And here I was questioning my sanity."

It was almost amusing watching them act like this. Almost. He swiftly swam over and roared, "Calm yourselves! What the hell's going on here!?"

Megalon turned to him, hands on her chest, and screamed. "Our tits are going crazy!"

For what felt like the billionth time, Gojira went, "What?"

"These worthless sacs of fat!" Orga roared, pointed said orbs for emphasis. "You're damn Earth food is making these inflate! They'll get in our way!"

"I here yelling!" Queen Ghidorah cut in. "Is someone dying!? Please let it be Gigan!"

"Shut up!" Gojira retorted before turning back to the others. "Your... tits are fine!"

"You're only saying that because your XY brain is biased!" Orga roared, putting her finger in his face and flexing with her free arm. "We know how males act around sizable pairs just as you care for sizable hips. You fools don't appreciate pure power, the power of muscle!"

"Two things," Gojira growled, grasping Orga's hand hard enough to make her wince, "I just learned what tits are today. Just now in fact. Number two, they haven't grown an inch since I last looked at you."

"R-really?" Orga groaned though the pressure.

"Yes." He hissed, releasing Orga's limb, and turned to Megalon, shouting, "Calm the fuck down, your tits are normal."

Megalon stopped swimming around and let out a sigh of relief as her digging unhindered. Gigan rolled her eyes, her party pooped on.

"I think I heard the word tits!" Queen Ghidorah shouted, still hovering above the surface. "Small humble brag, mine are the best!"

"No one cares except you!" Gojira shouted back, not at all caring if she could hear him clearly. "Now if you're done being stupid, I'd like to make sure you're back where you belong."

"On our ship?" Orga asked hopefully. "My baby?"

"The coast." He answered slowly to her expected disappointment. "Now hurry up and eat. I have plans of my own." He turned to the now bored Gigan and glared harder. "And you, pull your pranks another time."

"Yeah, yeah." She drawled, not all fazed by all the glares she was receiving since they didn't translate into death threats. She knew how to read glares.

Gojira closed his eyes and exhaled. He watched them and made sure no more shenanigans happened. Hopefully, these goons wouldn't take too long with this simple task and he could go about his business without further delay.


Megalon hummed and pointed at a rather gigantic sunfish. "What type of fish is this?"

"A fish." Gojira answered dully. He didn't make too many distinctions between animals unless their difference was great, like say, between a shark and a whale.

"A poisonous fish?" Megalon pressed on, poking at the creature. Odd how it didn't dart away.

"A fucking fish." He said in a repeating deadpan tone.

"I see." Megalon nodded and watched it swim peacefully for a few seconds. "What does it fuck?"

"Eat the goddamn thing!"


"Agh, it squirted on me!" Orga hissed and let go of gigantic squid, letting it retreat further into the sea, probably into the dark depths. It had shot some ink onto her chest.

Gojira groaned out, eating a squid of his own, "So what?"

Orga pointed to her chest, "What if it makes my-"

"Your tits are fine!" Gojira roared. Suddenly he squinted behind her and saw, "Is that an alien saucer down there?"

Orga's drool would've been visible if she weren't underwater.


"Hey, check this out!" Gigan took a whole school of fish, that moved in crazy yet coordinated swirls, and sliced them all to a fine red mist with a series of karate chops. Despite not having her blades, the fish were more than soft enough to be easily rendered to thin bits. "Pretty cool, huh?"

Gojira stared at her, unblinking as the fish blood and guts swirled around him, and stated. "I hate you."

"Is Gigan trying to act cool!?" Queen Ghidorah yelled. "Tell her she sucks and she'll never be good enough!" She blinked as she almost forgot to, "But use innuendos!"


Gojira, carrying two gigantic squids in his hand, was not happy. "Six hours. That took six hours. How the fuck is that possible!?"

"Excuse us for being thorough." Gigan groused, finishing the last of her squid. "Not like we're new to the planet or anything."

"You peons were genuinely clueless!" Gojira pointed between all of them. "The least annoying among you, somehow, was Queen Ghidorah and that was because of her fear of getting wet or something."

"I do not fear the ocean!" Queen Ghidorah put an emphasis on the not and ocean. Gigan and Gojira took note of that, but the others didn't.

"Whatever. Point is, you're all incompetent!" Gojira roared as they made it back to the alien's area. "For the sake of my sanity... and your survival." He growled out that last part, teeth prominently bared. "Don't bother me more than you have to again."

Variations of "understood" came from the aliens. Satisfied with that for now, Gojira went off, ignoring whatever chatter began between them as he stomped away, relieved to be done with them for the day. He hoped so at least.

It wasn't too late, so maybe he had some time left. He wanted to talk to an important Kaiju Girl named Godzilla, and hopefully the little too. And maybe her queen too considering what she knew, but mostly her and Junior. Hopefully, she'd take the gift. He didn't notice as Megalon kept her gaze on him. She wondered, 'Why so complex?'

Gojira walked through the jungle with a minuscule pep in his step. He was oddly giddy as of now, eager to extend the first peaceful branch to Godzilla and hopefully Junior. Despite the initial aggression, he was certain that they could get along if things went accordingly. Hopefully more. A way to feel atoned perhaps, now that he thought about it.

His pep was immediately lost. "No. I could never atone." He whispered. He trudged onward, mentally kicking himself. "But I still want to do things right somewhere."

He needed this. That's what he told himself. He had to do right by his kin, he need to make up for something. Even with his "animal" mind, Minlla was all he could think about, all he cared about when he was in the underworld. His nearly one track mind almost lead to him being trapped down there, lost in the depths.

He grumbled and shook those thoughts away. "I'm not there anymore. I'm here now." That's right, he was alive and wanted to talk to two important Daikaiju.

Speaking of them, Gojira found them, unfortunately surrounded by the rest of the Kaiji Girls and Serizawa, in Mothra's hand, but they were there at least. Huh, something else caught his attention. Serizawa... he was a male and the Kaiju Girls clearly knew him for a while yet they didn't know what males were. That made no sense. Did that simply not come up or-

"There he is!" Anguirus shouted, drawing everyone's attention to Gojira, much to his chagrin, and breaking hum from his musings. "The freakin' dragon slayer."

"Ugh." He exhaled. He locked eyes with Mothra for a moment, but turned to Godzilla and Junior, solely focusing on them, or certainly trying to. He walked over to the Godzilla and Junior, trying be more friendly in his stance with his squids in hand. No one said anything as he came over and extended his hand with squids in it towards the Godzilla duo. "I'd thought I'd bring these to you. In case you needed more energy."

"Okay." Godzilla said slowly. "We can get our own squids. Thanks."

"Godzilla." Mothra lightly chastised. "There's no need to be rude."

"But it's weird." Godzilla whispered back. "I barely even know him and he's been an ass most of the time."

"You... don't have to take them." Gojira said slowly, almost nervously despite the low rumble, gaining a round of confused stares from Rodan, Anguirus, and Queen Caesar.

Rodan hadn't eaten squid in a while and decided asking, "Can I?"

Gojira waved her off with an annoyed snort. "Hunt for yourself, I've dealt with enough hatchlings for today."

Rodan gawked for a second then squawked with agitation, "Why you-

"Look," Godzilla sighed and reached out to take the gifts. "If it satisfies you enough to leave us alone, fine. Thanks."

"Yeah." Gojira sighed and turned to walk away, cursing himself for his lackluster approach and timing. He should've known better, now, so suddenly, wasn't smart on his part. How foolish. And he was out of character! He mentally cursed again and went to save face. He needed a barb of his own as much as that now felt distasteful. "I'd hate to show you up again."

Godzilla growled, but Mothra stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. Someone else stood instead.

"Hey!" Gojira stopped as he heard Junior shout and turned to look at her with one eye. The poor Kaiju Girl seemed slightly nervous. "Thanks. For helping us and stuff."

He nodded and gave a simple, "You're welcome."

Junior's face turned into a light glare and she balled her fist. "Just know, my mom can kick your butt at any time!" She said with the utmost conviction.

Gojira said nothing and faced back in the direction he was going. He walked on back to his side with a light smile tugging away at his face from that last statement of Junior's. Good kid. Despite those pleasant last words, he still couldn't shake the feeling that encounter could've gone better. Junior may have at least said thanks, but Godzilla flat out wanted him gone. He swore he heard a voice, eerily like his own that said. 'They won't accept you, failure.'

He shrugged it off and went on. He was gonna call it a night despite it being rather early. Today felt too long already. His nice spot under the great trees would do.


Gojira found himself alone on Infant Island. No one was around, not an alien, humans, fellow Earth loving Daikaiju, or even animals in sight, sound, or smell. The island was empty save for him. Even the plants seemed oddly devoid of life.

Gojira could see the sky was gray, not from the clouds, just a void of gray nothing. The water, while blue, looked completely empty and felt oddly bottomless. Not an ounce of the ocean moved. Another void like that of the sky. The ground itself somehow felt artificial, a dark gray construction.

Nothing. Only nothing was here.

Gojira felt different. Like himself. He looked at his hands and saw he was back to his saurian form. Had everything else not felt wrong, he would've felt nothing but joy. All he felt was hollowness. Pure emptiness. Isolation.

It put a pit in his stomach that only grew as time went on. He was isolated with himself. His thoughts. Those things that whispered in his head, 'Not fast enough. Worthless. Failure. You won't escape. You're the king of nothing. No one. Pretentious dinosaur.'

Gojira wandered the Island, seeking to reach the other side to see if anything or anyone could be found. Something to wash away the empty feeling. Something to drown out those numerous thoughts.

He walked on and on and still had yet to reach the other side. The island was clearly Infant Island but it was far too long. It went on for far too long. It made no sense. Was Gojira walking in place or was the land actually stretching on.

His thoughts never ceased and only seemed to grow louder as he soldiered on, growing more desperate for company. Those voices were the only things that gave him company and it was growing more maddening by the second. 'You're worse than any devil. They'll see that. You couldn't even save yourself. You let him die.'

"You let him die."

That wasn't a whisper in his mind. Not this one. It was his voice behind him. Gojira spun around to see himself, eyes and dorsal plates completely white... and a gaping black hole where his heart would be. Another gaping void of nothing. "You let him die. And you died for nothing."

Gojira knew better than be paralyzed by such an apparition, but he couldn't move. He, it, walked closer and said, "Hell decides when it's done with you," the figure began to contort, jaws elongating, arms and legs expanding, "Not the other way around, King of Nothing."

It sprang forward and chomped down on the head of Gojira.

The king was no more. It was only black.

"Don't even think of pretending... you can be a part of them, their world... What if they knew the truth... sooner or later, it'll come out... and they'll throw you away."


Gojira's eyes shot open and the morning sun came into contact with his face, poking through the holes of the leaves. He blearily opened his eyes and cursed, not feeling as energized as he should've from such a long slumber.

"Uugh." Gojira groaned, rubbing his still sore back. Waking up tired was always a pain in the ass, more so than so than waking up angry. "Guess I should check up on those fools. From a safe distance of course." After that, he figured he could sleep some more.

'You let him die.'

"Or maybe go and swim for a bit. Wake myself up." Gojira muttered, rubbing his tired eyes. He sniffed the air and rumbled. "Well, I know where one of you are now. The stench of earth and salt is thick on you."

"You're one to talk." Megalon shot back, stepping from the thick foliage. "Mothra had requested I get you. We were given access to the lava pits to wash up."

"Wash up?" Gojira parroted.

Megalon back a foot away. "Do... do you not clean yourself?"

"Of course I clean myself!" Gojira roared. "It's just... just..."

Megalon remembered what they looked up on males and how some could be self conscious, especially around females, in certain conditions. "Is your penis small, because I doubt anyone cares."

Gojira gave her a perplexed stare. "What? That wasn't it, you oaf."

"Do you have a phobia of lava bathing then?" She questioned. That would be rather comedic in her opinion, for someone as powerful as Gojira to be afraid of mere lava.

"No!" Gojira hissed in exasperation. "Shut up and let's go before I bathe in your blood."

Megalon cocked her head to the side. "I don't think that would help."

"Oh my god." Gojira groaned to the sky. For a split second, he swore she was doing this on purpose, but realized that was sadly unlikely, that this was her constant.

So they walked towards the lava pits, Gojira remembering their location rather well. The Daikaiju would usually self clean by using his tongue in his old form, like that of a cat, but he doubted he could do that now. It was a good thing that the lava pits were used for that here. Now that he thought about t, why didn't he do that before and burn the stink of the day away.

Once they arrived there, they were greeted to the sight of the aliens already bathing in their own pits, clothes neatly discarded to the side. They were also repaired. Gojira had no clue how, but he didn't ask or care. Gojira snorted. "Of course they lump me in with you assholes."

"Good morning to you too." Gigan muttered, giving her a sideways glare.

Without another word, Gojira moved forward into an unoccupied pit. "What are you doing?" Came the question from Megalon. Gojira turned his head to see all the aliens look at him like he grew a second head.

"What does it look like?" Gojira deadpanned.

The aliens looked between each other and Orga pointed at his shorts before saying, "You're aware you have clothing on, correct?"

Gojira looked down then at his hands and nodded. "Yes."

"Others usually take them off. Are you going to take them off?" She questioned further.

"Of course!" Gojira barked back, wanting to save face. He gingerly touched the rim of his pants. For a second, he fiddled around with them, secretly weirded out and fascinated with them. He stretched out the trims and tugged them to the side until sliding them down. With some odd hesitation, he moved his legs from them. The next things to go were his gloves and footwear, slipping right off. Once again, he was naked but without his scales. He pointed at the discarded clothing and shouted, "There, see?"

Gigan gagged, Orga and Megalon, while undressing, were genuinely intrigued in the scientific sense, and as for Monster Zero, "Plenty." Queen Ghidorah gave him an oddly casual thumbs up. "Chiseled ass. Well toned. Nice cock. Ten out of ten, despite being different from what I'm used to."

Gojira felt as though she was being sarcastic and rolled his eyes. "Kill yourself."

Queen Ghidorah gawked at him and indignantly squawked, "Alright, fuck me for giving a genuine compliment then."

Gojira sunk into the lava and sighed as his muscles relaxed. This was nice. Really nice. A highly welcomed change of pace from what he was going through before this point. He closed his eyes and took in this brief moment of rest, rumbling contentedly. "If those worms weren't here, I'd take a nice nap."

Megalon trilled with agitation, hoping up from the pit and pointed at him. "We can hear you, blue male."

"He knows that, Megalon." Gigan sighed and eased her comrade back down.

Gojira shut them out and went about his business of relaxation. He sank in almost nose deep, hiding his second light smile, and retreated to the depths of his mind. It was pleasant, comforting until the name Minya came to mind. Then it became somber, melancholic. Then that face came back and said, 'Stop lying to yourself...'

Gojira opened his eyes to see the aliens emerging, shaking off any remaining lava from their nude, glistening forms. All of them were toned, Orga being the most toned and buff, and well built, athletic, and curvy. Gojira let out an agitated sigh.

No rest for the wicked he supposed.


AN: Hey, here's another chapter, yo! Thanks to DragonKingDragneel25 for putting up with my tomfoolery!

I drew myself my own cover art for this fic. I have to know, what do you guys think? Be honest.

I've recently started doing art as Attic_Addict (Addict_Attic) on Twitter, Pixiv and AQuickSeriesOfWords on deviantart. Not the best but eh, I'm just starting. Gotta keep practicing right?

Anyway, you guys will start getting more glances into Gojira's mind and past. Fun but not fun, lol.

Blaze1992: Confused about what?

Vein Bloodborne: Lemons may or may not come. Like I said, no spoilers. Expect them to be at the end as to not break the flow of the story and be optional if I do decide to do it.

Anyway, stay tuned!

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This story takes after the Events of "Godzilla: KOTM & Godzilla vs Kong (2021)" and During the Events of Azur Lane series This is the story of when A...
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(Warning: Takes place in an alternate universe. The Kaiju are not giant monsters, but humanoid creatures with strange powers and abilities.) Godzilla...
27.8K 268 7
After being awoken just before ghidorahs invasion, singular point goji then decides to join godzilla and her friends in the fight against ghidorah an...