The Crow

By phonywriter

71.7K 1.6K 1K

{Mature Content; viewer discretion is advised!} All characters that are not mine, rightfully belong to the au... More

{Ongoing Updates, Publishing, Warnings}
Chapter 1. Red
Chapter 2. Games
Chapter 3. Best Friend
Chapter 4. Secrets
Chapter 5. Letters
Chapter 7. Jealousy
Chapter 8. Cries
Chapter 9. Perfection
Chapter 10. A Broken Piano
Chapter 11. New Beginnings
Chapter 12. Answers
Chapter 13. Silence I
Chapter 14. Silence II
Chapter 15. Understanding Your Enemy
Chapter 16. Live to Love
Chapter 17. Repetition
Chapter 18. Last Forever
Chapter 19. Summer
Chapter 20. Undeniable
Chapter 21. Change
Chapter 22. Bird
Chapter 23. Party I
Chapter 24. Party II
Chapter 25. Distraught
Chapter 26. Amortenia
Chapter 27. Blinded
Chapter 28. Fiery
Chapter 29. Realization
Chapter 30. Burning
Chapter 31. The Journal
Chapter 32. I'm Yours
Chapter 33. Second Love
Chapter 34. Party Crasher
Chapter 35. Deathly Burdens I
Chapter 36. Deathly Burdens II
Chapter 37. Drained
Specialty Chapter 1. Harry Potter
Specialty Chapter 2. Draco Malfoy
Chapter 38. To Stoke A Fire
Chapter 39. Compromise
Chapter 40. Lost and Found
Chapter 45. Forgotten

Chapter 6. Legilimency

2.7K 63 23
By phonywriter

Also, yesterday I started off with 36 readers and now I woke up to over 1k so thank you!!! I have so ideas I want to include so please stick around :)

Okay anywaysss this chapter is going to be interesting.

{updated 5.6.21}

Harry Potter

I anxiously waited for Hermione and Neveah to show up. For once, I felt better. Less worrying, less nightmares.

Spending time with the Weasley's and Sirius had been really helpful. I couldn't wait for Neveah to meet them. I hoped she'd see them as I did, in all their light.

"Look who's here!" Mrs. Weasley called out from the door.

"Hello everybody!" Hermione walked through the door first, Neveah followed her closely behind. "Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you all." She introduced herself with a pale face. Always so brave but could never handle the spotlight.

"Ah yes, we've heard so much about you dear." Mrs. Weasley smiled, welcoming them both with open arms. I rushed forward with a smile plastered on my face, embracing them in my arms. Neveah more than the other.

"Thank you for inviting me here Harry." She whispered in my ear before turning to the others. "Thank you all for having me. I've heard so much about you all and I'm looking forward to spending time here."

Mrs. Weasley smiled with approval, looking at her as if she were another daughter. "Harry, dear, please show the girls to their rooms."

"Of course, this way guys." I showed Hermione to her room first, leaving her to settle in. "Neveah your room is across from mine." I stopped in front of her door, gesturing inside.

"Thank you Harry." She replied sincerely, "it means a lot knowing you trust me."

"Of course, Neveah. It's no big deal. I should be thanking you for coming, leaving your family to stay with us." I didn't know why I couldn't stop smiling, so I pretended not to notice. Neveah on the other hand went from mirroring my joy, to as if she'd been hit with a spell. "we'll meet you downstairs alright?"

I quickly turned my face away, walking into another room.

Truth be told, Neveah was a constant thought. Though I didn't admit it, I knew deep down why I couldn't stop thinking of her. Her smarts and kindness. Her bravery and chivalry. Her smile and pink lips... I'd stop now before I think for hours.

She's been such a good friend to me, to everyone. Meanwhile I have to watch as others see her as an enemy, but I can only see her as the girl I had fallen for.

Once Neveah made her way downstairs, we sat for dinner. I introduced her to the rest of the family, making sure she was comfortable. It was clear they all adored her, I knew they would. We shared laughter and smiles like nothing was the matter.

Mr. Weasley wouldn't be released till Christmas Day. Until the day came we all grew comfortable with each other.

"So darling, did you have plans for the holidays? Anything important you're missing out on?" Mrs. Weasley served herself another scoop of mash potatoes.

Neveah switched to the same face she gave me either. Like something twisted her gut into a million pieces. Though, that's only how I saw it. No one else would even assume something was wrong. She glanced at Hermione before replying.

"No, nothing important. I'm glad to be here." She said warmly. "I won't be staying too long, unfortunately. After Christmas I have plans I promised to a friend."

That was the first we'd heard of her plans. No one asked any details, just smiled and moved on.

The table began to involve themselves in conversation. Each person growing comfortable with one another.

As the night grew, everyone disappeared to their rooms.

Being the last person awake I couldn't help but overhear a conversation.

"It's Dumbledore." The voice was quiet but loud enough to recognize. It was Sirius. "He wants Harry to have Occlumency Lessons."

Occlumency? They've never been brought up in school, I had barely any idea on what it meant.

Hesitantly, I made my way to my room. I scavenged the book shelves for any information but failed.

I sat in the darkness, fearing what has to come. The house was silent, and my thoughts grew louder. I need to talk to someone, anyone.

Carefully I opened my door, only to see another just across the hall.

Temptation overwhelmed me and I had to see if she was awake.

I knocked on the door gently. When there was no reply I almost felt relieved. Disappointing, but glad I could turn around.

"Harry?" A soft voice peered from the door, "is everything all right?" She wore her pajamas, clutching a blanket around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry to wake you, it was nothing really." I spoke frantically.

"Harry, it's alright, come in." She moves out from the doorway, making room for me to enter. After closing the door, she took a seat on the bed. "Sit down Harry, what's going on?" She asked gently.

"I overheard Sirius talking about something I needed to learn." I took a seat in the chair beside the bed, "I know you've been taught more than I have. I wondered if you could help me."

"Of course Harry, what is it?" She questioned.

"Occlumency Lessons."

Her face shifted, becoming more serious. Two worlds I barely had knowledge of brought her out of a dozed state in nearly seconds.

"Occlumency Lessons are meant to close the mind. To prevent it from Legilimency." She spoke concerned, "it's to prevent others from getting in your head. Seeing your every thought and memory. Both require incredible skill."

"That feels more serious than I thought. I'm just having bad dreams. Why would I need Occlumency Lessons?"

"Harry, remember when I asked if you and him could be connected? It's possible this is a factor. He can be able to read your thoughts. He is a powerful wizard, and there is no doubt that he would use such a strong technique."

"Bloody hell, how am I supposed to prevent that?" I began pacing the room.

"It's possible Snape would teach you. It's been said he'd mastered that area. I don't know another who could teach it as well. Dumbledore maybe, but I'm sure he's busy,"

"Snape? That's torture Neveah." A good mood couldn't last me a full twenty-four hours. Breathing was heavy again, thoughts incomprehensible.

"Well- Harry..." she said quietly, "my grandparents, they're not good people. That being said, I was taught things for the wrong purpose. I have learned about Legilimency and Occlumency."

"You have?" I stopped my pacing to listen. "Do you think you can teach me?"

"I am nowhere near a professional Harry." She was hesitant. I knew she hated the idea but I had to try. "I don't see the rush either, if you'll be learning it eventually."

"Anything will be helpful Neveah, please. It'll prepare me for Snape." I begged. "I want- I need to be prepared. To save us, to save my family."

She took out her wand from under her pillow.

The way she described Legilimency made me nauseous. It alone made me regret ever asking. She let me visualize it as the brain tearing in two for your enemy to see. The pain was as if every nerve in your head had been torn and sewn back together twice over. To have your memories read, left you with a violated void. One you would never fill again.

What she described was torture. One she knew well.

"Are you sure you want to do this Harry?" She asked every second, though I cannot blame her. "If you're not comfortable-"

"Neveah, I trust you."

With that moment she shouted her spell. Her description didn't begin to cover it.

I watched as every memory panned out for her to see. I felt her mind prying like lightning striking a helpless ant. I remembered her telling me to fight, but I never moved. I watched my family and friends fall to the ground. I looked at their faces as if I was really there. Stuck reliving a moment I couldn't change. A reminder that I could never help them.

With that same second it was over.

I collapsed. I couldn't move. Whether it lasted a minute or less, it felt like a lifetime. Paralyzed and in silent pain.

"H-Harry... I'm so sorry." She stumbled over herself. She backed away as if she had killed me, scared of doing it again. Her face hadn't had a drop of color. She looked ashamed. Ashamed of herself. "This was a bad idea, please forgive me."

"Neveah, stop. It's alright, I asked you to do this for me." I could see the guilt fill her face, except it resembled fear. "Let's try again."

Failed attempts, one after another. Constant torture.

"Why can't I get this right!"

You're the Chosen One, and the world is depending on you, were the only thoughts I could conjure. I kept thinking how I'd fail, fail them all, fail Neveah.

"Harry? Harry, I want you to listen to me." She brought me back.

Neveah crouched down, level to my chair. Slowly, I felt two hands cup my face. They were soft and warm, terribly comforting.

"Look at me Harry. I want you to listen to my voice, hear what I'm saying to you." Her eyes glowed a warm green from the candle, "In order for this to work, you need to focus. Focus on everything you're protecting, everything you love. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head, finally calm. Prepared.

"Legilimen!" Neveah aimed her wand at me.

I felt her power surge into my brain, a million miles per hour. But I caught it. I grabbed it by its tail and pulled as hard as I could. This time, the memories moved in slow motion. They were there, but almost frozen in time.

"Harry!" She pulled away, "that's it, you were doing it!"

"Really? But you still saw my memories."

"Couldn't you feel it? Like it all just... froze. Stopped in your head all at one moment?" She beamed, "You're getting closer Harry."

"That's incredible, thank you Neveah." I hugged her, "thank you so much."

"Of course Harry." She smiled, "is there anything else?"

"Well I was thinking..." I spoke hesitantly, "wouldn't it be useful to learn Legilimen?"

"Harry," she looked towards her feet, "Legilimen is very dangerous, it holds a lot of responsibility. Sometimes I wish I never knew it, I'm not sure you would want to either."

"I suppose so, it's just I wonder if I'd be able to see into his mind as well."

"It's possible. For now, you can use Protego if someone uses it against you." She replied.

"Yes, you're right." I smiled, "thank you. Do you mind if we try just a few more times?"

"Of course."

One after another, she threw the spell at me. I was almost certain that every time she saw into my head. Yes, I had made progress. But I needed more, faster.

"Protego!" I shouted without thinking. Frustration clouded my judgement.

I immediately regretted it as fear spread across her face.

Her memories played through my head like a movie;

Her parents, falling to the ground. Their plain face was drained of color as they looked her in the eye. From the looks of it, a death eater towered over their bodies. She watched through the crack of the closet as they were murdered right in front of her.

Neveah was practicing spells, over and over. She was older now. Every time she failed, her grandfather brought down his cane. Screaming at her, "Get it right. Do not disappoint me." If he was really upset, "You're a failure."

Two young children, playing tag through a mansion. I would know that face if I were blind. Draco Malfoy chasing Neveah. They were happy, laughing, being kids.

Neveah, standing over a letter from her grandparents. Tears in her eyes.

The last memory before it ended, Draco Malfoy pinning her against a wall. Kissing her. She enjoyed it, she allowed it.

Before I could process everything I saw I looked up to meet Neveah's eyes. They began filling with tears, she held herself tightly, her mouth gaping open.

"Neveah... I- I'm sorry."

I felt guilty, she was unprepared. She didn't ask for this, she was helping me. I ripped her mind apart and reminded her of everything she forced away.

"It was an accident, please Neveah-"

Before I could say anything else, she sprinted out of the room, covering her mouth to silence herself.

Neveah Crow

He saw it. He saw everything. All my secrets, my past I tried so deeply to bury. It was like I had to relive every terrible moment in my life. I couldn't stomach it.

My body twisted itself, I felt nauseous. I ran to the nearest balcony, finally breathing.

Tears pooled down my face, it was unbearable. My memories were ignored for my whole life and now it was thrown in my face.

Harry knows my secrets, my fears, my love. Would he tell the others? Ask me to leave?

"Neveah?" A soft voice poked his head out of the window. "I'm coming out. You're going to catch a cold."

He stepped behind me, placing a blanket on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry Neveah, I wasn't thinking." He took a seat on the floor beside me. "It truly was an accident."

I wiped away my tears as quickly as I could, avoiding his eyes.

"It's alright." I forced the words out from my lips, "you can ask."


"About what you saw. I know you want to." I sniffled, "do you want me to leave? I can get my stuff packed and leave by tomorrow morn-"

"Neveah- Neveah no. Of course not. I am so, so, so sorry." He inched closer to me, "you don't deserve anything that has happened to you. I don't want to abandon you either Nev."

He took his hand and moved the hair covering my face. His gaze was soft, comforting.

"I know you saw that me and Draco-"

"Yes. I did." He interrupted. "I can't say I'm surprised. I saw you two grew up together. You can't just erase that bond overnight."

"Wait, you're not mad at me?" I asked surprise, finally looking his way.

"No, although I'm not happy about it." He laughed. "I saw him laughing, being happy with you. Draco has a cold heart, but I know he wasn't always that way. You might be good for him."

"We haven't seen each other in years Harry, it happened out of nowhere." I added.

"Is that where you're going after Christmas?" He asked. I nodded in reply, "I swear Neveah if he ever hurts you-"

"Harry," I laughed, "it's okay. I don't even think we're together, I'm not sure what it is between us."

"I'm sort of relieved." He looked away.

"Why is that?"

"I think you're amazing Neveah. I couldn't stand watching you be with someone that doesn't deserve you." His eyes met mine once again.

He took his hand, running his thumb across my tears.

"I'll always be here Nev. You're worth so much." He looked different. Maybe it's the moonlight, I thought. "I won't tell anyone about what happened tonight." He stood up, reaching for my hand. "Now let's get some rest."

Without thinking I threw my arms over his shoulders.

"Thank you, Harry Potter."

Wowwww so Harry just knows everything now doesn't he.

This chapter had more dialogue but it was the only way it could play out the way I wanted.

Anyways we got see inside Harry's head a bit so that's fun.

(P.S thanks for letting me know about the annoying spelling mistakes)

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