our omega | vminkook

By Hollywithluv

515K 25.9K 7.6K

[completed] Jeongguk, an alpha deeply in love with Taehyung, a beta, faces a turning point when his father in... More

01 | heir of jeon empire
02 | manipulate
03 | minjae
04 | the omega
05 | let's be friends
06 | beautiful things
07 | friends for a reason?
08 | scream under me
09 | you're under arrest
10 | eavesdrop
11 | welcome to the mansion
12 | hang out
13 | dancing in the rain
14 | pillow fights & laughs
15 | remember the rules
17 | it's high time now
18 | jimin-shi
19 | just fuck me already jeon
20 | getting mocked
21 | pregnant?
22 | jokes & tears
23 | who are you?
24 | acting like husband
25 | don't speak, just kiss
26 | cheater?
27 | the next ceo & true blood
28 | beaten a man
29 | i remember
30 | how is that even possible?
31 | the weird butterflies
32 | get together
33 | mistake
34 | i cheated on you
35 | i think i like taehyung
36 | new feelings & fights
37 | friends again
38 | is hyunjin dead?
39 | the truth untold
40 | soon to be boyfriends
41 | just a surrogate?
42 | this is heaven
43 | the road to the hospital
44 | officially together
45 | it hurts so good

16 | handling the drunk bois

9.7K 527 220
By Hollywithluv

Jungkook's POV:

A surge of anger pulsed through my veins, and I could feel my fists clenching at the mere thought of someone defying my explicit instructions. The fact that the culprit was my boyfriend only fueled my fury. I scanned the hall, desperately trying to locate the two who had vanished from my sight.

I had made it crystal clear that they were not to leave my side under any circumstances. I would have followed them even to the restroom. Their sudden disappearance wasn't just rude; it was downright foolish. Did they believe I was laying down rules for mere amusement? No, they were wrong. It wasn't just for fun.

A smirk involuntarily played on my lips as I contemplated the impending punishment I was about to deliver. I walked around the hall, hoping to catch even a fleeting glimpse of them, but they were nowhere in sight. Someone interrupted my search by calling out, "Jeongguk?"

I turned to see a familiar man, his broad muscles and towering height setting him apart from the crowd. He approached me with a smile, and I reciprocated with one of my own.

"Hey, hyung," I greeted. He grabbed a drink from the waiter and offered me one, but I shook my head. I had other pressing matters to attend to, like finding two fools in this massive crowd—a challenging task, especially in my current state of intoxication.

"Where's Taehyung? You never attend business parties alone," Namjoon hyung remarked, and I chuckled slightly. He was right; I never ventured into such events without Taehyung.

"He came with me, but now I can't find him. He disappeared on me."

"Oh, I see. Just call him," he suggested, taking a sip of his drink. I immediately dialed Taehyung's number, but he wasn't picking up.

"He isn't answering," I informed. Seriously, where the heck are they?

"He must be around somewhere. Don't worry," he assured me, and I nodded with a smile on my face.

Suddenly, a phone started ringing. I glanced at my phone's screen, anticipating Taehyung's call, but I was proven wrong when I realized it wasn't my phone.

"Excuse me?" Namjoon hyung said as he walked away to answer his call. I sighed heavily, and my eyes instinctively landed on the bar counter.

They widened at the sight in front of me. Jimin was standing on the bar counter?

What the hell?

He was engaged in conversation with a man standing down near the counter, and the man's hands reached towards Jimin. It seemed like the man was attempting to get Jimin down from the counter, but Jimin wasn't complying.

The atmosphere near the bar area buzzed with people who couldn't help but gossip about Jimin's conspicuous behavior. My frustration heightened as I approached the bar counter, capturing the attention of the man who seemed to be trying to coax Jimin down.

"Jimin!" I shouted in an attempt to break through, but he remained engrossed in a drunken conversation with a guy nearby, clearly showing signs of intoxication.

The man's gaze shifted to me, and I quickly bowed to apologize for Jimin's erratic actions. "I'm sorry. I'll get him down," I assured, and he nodded before walking away.

Turning my attention back to Jimin, I found him on the counter, dancing with an empty glass in hand, pretending to indulge in a drink. "Jimin, get down!" I yelled, but my words seemed to fall on deaf ears as he continued his incoherent babbling. How much had he even consumed? I seized his legs to prevent further antics, and he whined, finally acknowledging my presence.

"Come on! Get down from the counter," I urged, gripping his waist, but he resisted with loud protests, sipping an imaginary drink from the empty glass.

"Noo~" he whined again, pushing my hands away. "I want to drink. I want some drink. Get me a drink. I wanna get drunk," he sang, the lyrics making little sense.

But where was Taehyung?

Turning my head, I spotted Taehyung sitting on a bar stool, consuming an actual drink from a glass, swaying to the rhythm of Jimin's song. I promptly confiscated the glass, preventing him from further shots. "Stop drinking."

He whined, attempting to reclaim the glass, and shoved it away from him. "Give me my drink. Buy yours on your own, you stupid Alpha!" he hiccuped, revealing that he was just as intoxicated as Jimin.

Whose bright idea was it to bring them here, and who thought getting them drunk was a good plan? I was losing my mind. All I wanted was to go home and rest. My head was throbbing.

"Taehyung! Stop drinking. You're already drunk. No! Don't touch the glass! Taehyung! Stop drinking," I exclaimed irritably, grabbing the glass and handing it to the bartender. Taehyung whined loudly, stumbling off the barstool and reaching for another glass on the counter. I promptly shoved it away, gripping Taehyung's arm.

"Stop!" I shouted at him, and Taehyung groaned, lazily hitting my chest amidst hiccups.

"From the top. Make it drop. That's a wap. That's a wap~"

What on earth is he singing?

"Get the bucket and mop. That's some wet ass pussyyy~"

My eyes widened upon hearing his words as I watched him move his hips around. Swiftly, I placed my hand over his mouth, putting a halt to that explicit song.

"Stop singing!" I could hear him mumbling behind my hand. Ignoring him, I turned my head to find Jimin leaning on the bar counter. His legs were on the counter, and his face hung down.

What's wrong with this omega? I released my grip on Taehyung and somehow managed to get Jimin down from that counter, though he protested loudly. I just ignored his whining.

Grabbing both of their arms, I declared, "We are going home now." Both of them groaned and attempted to free my wrist, but I tightened my grip on their wrists. "Stop wriggling! I told you not to drink. Why would you disobey me, huh?"

"Stop shouting! You're a hot but rude alpha!" Jimin said between his hiccups, attempting to stand still, but his legs wouldn't cooperate.

Did he just say I'm hot?

Whatever! I don't care. I know I'm hot.

"You can't order us around. I can do whatever I want, Okay, Mr. Jeon?" Jimin continued, poking my chest with his finger, making me scoff in return.

"Enough with the nonsense! We are going home, and I'll talk to both of you tomorrow when you're sober." I declared as I dragged both of them outside the hall, facing the challenge of handling their incoherent ramblings.

Attempting to open the backseat of the car, I realized I didn't have my car keys. I cursed under my breath, letting go of both of them, making them stand near the car, and rushing back inside the hall to find my keys.

Seriously? Today is the worst day. First, they disobeyed every rule and got drunk. Second, I had to get them out of here while they rambled some sinful songs. And third, my keys are missing!


Scanning the hall once more, I found nothing, so I headed back to the bar counter, the place I'd spent more time. I was right; I found a shining metal under the counter. Grabbing the keys, I hurriedly ran back out.

I hope they didn't do anything stupid or try to pull something off—

"Shit! Taehyung, don't sprawl on the floor. That's not your bedroom!" I exclaimed upon finding Taehyung lying on the floor, engaged in who knows what.

Then, my attention shifted to Jimin who was—

"Jeez!" I rushed towards him witnessing his attempt to hop onto the bonnet thwarted by his petite stature. "Cut it out! You're not sitting on the bonnet, shorty!"

I somehow maneuvered him into the car from the backseat. Next, I headed to Taehyung, still on the ground. "Taehyung, get up! What on earth are you doing?" I inquired as I grabbed his arms to lift him. He groaned at my action but couldn't resist my strength. I didn't build these muscles for nothing.

"Ahhh! The ant! The ant!"

Taehyung yelled, prompting me to pause in lowering him from my arms. Is this some new performance or what? My assumption was proven wrong when Taehyung darted towards an ant on the ground.

"Look! An ant!" Taehyung exclaimed, pointing towards the tiny creature. Honestly, I couldn't even see it. I deadpanned myself as I grabbed his arms once more. "Taehyung, we need to go now. Come on! Let's go." I urged him, but he shook his head, still fixated on the ant.

"We can't leave without her. What if someone harms her, Kookie?" he mumbled, and I rolled my eyes. Firmly gripping his thighs, I hoisted him onto my shoulder. He gasped in surprise and whined even louder.


Ignoring his wiggles, I placed him in the back seat with Jimin.

"Beat it up, *****, catch a charge
Extra large and extra hard~"

Jimin sang something as I closed the backseat door and settled into the driver's seat. After buckling up, I started the engine.

"Put this pussy right in your face
Swipe your nose like a credit card~"

Taehyung's singing made me choke on air.

"Hop on top, I wanna ride
I do a kegel while it's inside~"

Jimin's voice joined the chorus, and they laughed together.

"Spit in my mouth, look in my eyes
This pussy is wet, come take a dive~"

Seriously, where did they even hear this song?

"Stop singing! I can't focus!" I yelled, but they continued, prompting a scoff from me. Ignoring them, I parked the car in the mansion's garage.

I called Daniel to help carry Jimin into the mansion, while I took charge of getting Taehyung inside. They clumsily stumbled into the living room and collapsed onto the couch together. A heavy sigh escaped me, prompting me to instruct Daniel to fetch a glass of water. He quickly handed it to me, and I downed the entire glass in one go.

"Taehyung, you know, your boyfriend is so rude. A stupid, irritating asshole!" Jimin slurred his words, and I let out an exasperated huff.

"I'm right here, Park fucking Jimin," I reminded him, well aware that he was too drunk to remember any of this tomorrow.

"No! He's cute. He's a bunny boy," Taehyung chimed in, and I couldn't help but smile. However, my amusement waned when I saw Taehyung looking at Jimin and playfully pinching his cheeks. "But you're cuter. No, not just cuter, you're the cutest."

Jimin giggled at Taehyung's compliment. Seriously?

"No, you're cuter," Jimin insisted, pinching Taehyung's cheeks in an adorable way and flashing a wide smile.

"No, you're the cutest," Taehyung countered, and my attention shifted back to him.

"No, you're super cute," Jimin argued, and my gaze landed on him again.

"No, you're the perfect cute," Taehyung declared, and once more, my eyes focused on Taehyung.

"No, you're—"

"Shut up!" I erupted. Were they genuinely drunk or just putting on a show? If they were truly drunk, they would have zoned out by now. "No one says anything! Shut your mouths!" I warned them, but Jimin's giggles only fueled my frustration.

"Why do you have to sound so enticing every time you use that voice?" Jimin asked, hiccupping at the end, making me arch an eyebrow. I felt my cheeks flush, and my heart quickened.

Hold on, why am I reacting like this? Snap out of it, Kook! You shouldn't be enjoying compliments from him. You have a boyfriend.

At the mention of the boyfriend, my gaze shifted to Taehyung, who was...

Wait, what?

"Taehyung, stop undressing here!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand that was on his pants' zipper, attempting to pull it down with his half-closed eyes. He whined loudly again.

"I'm hot! I want to change. Let go of me," he protested, trying to free his arm from my grip to unzip his pants. "No, you can't change here. Let's go to the bedroom," I insisted, grabbing his arm to lead him upstairs, but he wriggled out of my grip.

"No! I want to change here, not in the bedroom. You'll do something naughty with me," Taehyung mumbled, fumbling with the zipper of his pants. "I have a boyfriend," he added with a pout, making me coo at his cuteness.

"Taehyung! But you can't change here, baby. Let's go upstairs first. Okay, darling?" I attempted to hold him by his waist, but he sidestepped me.

"No! Don't touch me! I have a boyfriend. He's super strong," Taehyung mumbled, showing off his biceps, and I couldn't help but laugh. In the midst of this, I forgot about Jimin. So, I turned my head to check on him, sleeping on the couch. I sighed in relief. Thank God, at least one of them is sleeping.

"Taehyung, wait here. I'll carry Jimin to his room. Okay, baby?" I instructed, and he nodded with a cute expression. "And for God's sake, don't undress here!" I warned before heading towards Jimin.

With one hand supporting his thighs and the other beneath his head, I lifted Jimin and ascended the stairs. Opening the door to his room, I gently placed him on the bed, ensuring he was covered with a duvet.

As Jimin mumbled incoherent words, I stood upright. "Good night! Let's catch up tomorrow, Park," I whispered to the half-asleep Jimin, receiving a sleepy hum in response before leaving the room.

Descending the stairs, I found Taehyung now asleep on the couch. With a sigh, I picked him up and carried him to our shared bedroom. Uncertain of my dad's whereabouts, I silently thanked my stars he wasn't home; he would have scolded me for getting them both drunk, even though I didn't.

Using my knee, I nudged open our bedroom door and placed Taehyung on the bed. "Don't fall asleep, baby. You need to change your clothes," I reminded him as I fetched comfortable attire from his wardrobe—a grey shirt and sweatpants.

Sitting next to him on the bed, I coaxed, "Get up, baby," but he remained unresponsive. With a sigh, I gently grasped his shoulders, prompting him to sit up slightly, and removed his top, revealing him shivering in the cold.

He slowly leaned towards my neck while I was attempting to undo his pants and began to trace kisses on the side of my throat, surprising me.

"Taehyung! You need to stop. You have to change." I whispered out but he didn't listen and kept on sucking on my neck and chest. I gave up and let him do that. My eyes automatically getting shut as I enjoyed his warm kisses on my neck.

"Fuck me daddy~"

My eyes opened wide as I heard him whispering these words. Did I just hear him right? Daddy? Where did that came from? He never called me that before. But fuck! Why it's turning me on? I want to hear it again.

"Please Daddy."

Shit! I can't control myself. I want him.

I grabbed his wrist and pinned him down on the mattress as I captured his lips with mine. I felt him wiggling his wrist in my hold so I let go off his hands and held his waist tight. I spread his legs wider and settled myself between. I let my lower region to get contact with his.

I moaned at friction produced my his hips down on my crotch as I dived into his crook of neck to leave hickeys all over the place. I heard him moaning and whimpering at my touch making me more horny than I already was.

I felt him wrapping his arms around my neck as I smashed my lips on him again moving messily and hungrily. His fingers knotting within my hairs and I groaned in the kiss. I quickly stripped him fully by sliding his underwear off of him.

I got on my knees to unbuckle my pants, sliding it down with my underwear. I removed my shirt hurriedly as I was getting impatient. I flipped Taehyung over on his stomach. I stroked my cock few times before aligning it to his entrance.

We had sex two or three days ago so I didn't need to prepare him. I grabbed his hips and entered my memeber fully inside of him making him a scream in pleasure. I smirked as I spread his legs wider to get deeper inside of him.

I pulled out, only tip inside and then again slamming it inside. "Fuck!" I cursed when I felt warmness filling my thick dick. With a strong grip on his hips I started moving in and out of him in a reasonable pace. I heard him moaning beneath me only added onto my arousal wanting to fuck him harder and deeper.

"Y-yes daddy!" I heard him screaming and I know I found it. I kept on thrusting on his prostate over and over making him moan and whimper loudly under me. I saw him hiding his face in the pillow and his hand gripped the sheets down him.

He began moving hips along with me and I groaned in the added pleasure. "Fuck Baby! Just like that. So good!" I groaned out as I gripped his hairs to get a firm grip to fuck him harder but not too tightly. He moaned loudly at that as I heard him murmuring something that I couldn't make up.

"H-harder! Harder! Dadddy! Fuck me harder!"

I groaned loudly at that and began moving faster than before. I kept on thrusting on his prostate. Skin slapping, heavy breathing and loud moans filing the entire room. But I didn't care. Our room was soundproof so there was no possibility of anyone hearing us.

"I-I'm c-close." Taehyung moaned out and I started fucking him more harder, abusing his prostate time to time. Soon I felt myself getting closer to my climax as well. Sweat glistening on my forhead and my movements getting faster and faster to chase my upcoming orgasm.

I heard him screaming loudly when I realised he came already wetting the sheets under him. But I didn't care and kept on thrusting in and out of him to chase my own orgasm. I felt myself cumming inside of him as I moaned loudly in pleasure.

Taehyung already collapsed on the bed. I layed down beside him trying to catch my breath. I turned over to see him already sleeping. I smiled and leaned over to give him a kiss on his forhead. "Good night sweetheart." I whispered and I watched him smiling in his sleep.

I was really tired so I just grabbed the duvet to cover our naked bodies not wanting to get up and wear our clothes. I scooted myself closer to Taehyung and held his waist pulling him closer. I gave him a last kiss on his cheek before closing my eyes.


Hope you guys liked this chapter👀 Forgive me if there were any grammatical errors!!

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