Godzilla: Enter the Kaiju Gir...

Por AQuickSeriesOfWords

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Gojira's faced perils, fought countless battles with other godlike beings, and even the forces of Hell could... Más

So I Walked Out of Hell...
Then I Fought a Bug and a Cyborg Chicken.
Training Came the Next Day...
We Solved the Problem the Very Same Day
So I taught them about Seafood...
Her First Lesson...
Then Came the Metal Menace!
Those Three Were Rather Nosy...
We Checked Out Her Tunnel...
I Actually Played with Rocks...
I Watched Their Rematch.
Then Came the Party.
A Calm Yet Aggravating Day...
The Calm Before the World Shook.
Bonus Answers 1
The Night of Frost.
My Wrath Reignited!
I Knew Where to Strike.
My Rage Echoed Beyond!
Denied Once Again...
I Awoke Before the HEAT...
While I got a Gift...
That's When They Met...
Fights are Easier...
And of Course I Knew...
She Arrived...
And While they Were Away...
I learned something New...
Answers 2
And Here's Where it started!
It was My Fault (Webtoon Announcement)
I Thought There Would be Peace (Patreon!)
And she Said Too Much!
But she Would be Fine...
It was Her I Worried About...

They Needed a Place to Stay.

3.9K 79 26
Por AQuickSeriesOfWords

The sun had come out, the clouds departing to reveal the mid day sun bearing down on the ocean. There was even a small rainbow for a short time as they trekked back home.

"This is bullshit." Rodan grumbled. She was carefully carrying an unconscious Mothra in her talons.

Godzilla, swimming on the service next to Gojira, rolled her eyes, carrying parts of Mechagodzilla. "You've said that twice."

"And I might just say it again!" Rodan snapped, almost dropping Mothra in her outburst "They're no longer our concern!"

"Shut your gibbering mouth." Gojira told her, now fed up with her complaints. He was carrying both Ghidorah and Gigan on his shoulders. "Look beyond your short sighted vision. Could you imagine what the GDF would do if they got they're hands on them? The ship of the alien's alone is bad enough." Both Godzilla and Gojira both understood that keeping as much alien tech and bodies out of their reach was now priority. They already had cyborgs and possibly robots at their disposal, who knows if they could suddenly get a boost in confidence and started throwing their new toys at them now that the other threats had been dealt it.

Godzilla nodded. "Besides, we gotta make 'em understand the rules here. The Daikaiju rules."

Rodan let out an irritated sigh, but she ceased any further protests. She glanced behind her, monitoring the human ships behind them. Just watching them, possibly waiting. It annoyed and creeped her out to no end.

Luckily for them, they made it back to monster Island without further trouble and came upon the welcomed sight of both Orga, who was unconscious, and Megalon, who's dejected face turned to astonishment upon their arrival, tied against a larger boulder. Anguirus caught sight of the approaching Kaiju girls, and boy, and happily waved at them to come over. "Hey, about time you guys showed up!"

"You're awesome, mom!" Junior immediately ran up to Godzilla and hugged her. "I knew you would get back all cool and triumphant!"

"Of course." Godzilla guffawed as she set down the broken Mechagodzilla in front of Orga. Junior's smile faded as she noticed Mothra in Rodan's hold. Godzilla softly gripped her shoulder. "She'll be fine. You know how she is."

Junior nodded, knowing how deceptively tough Mothra was, and decided to tell her mother something else on a more happy note. "Hey, while you guys were away, I managed to shoot down an enemy saucer. Jerk didn't know what hit 'em."

That got a big smile out of Godzilla and she patted her girl's head. "That's badass."

"You should be proud, little one." Gojira spoke up, working up the nerve to say something casual to his kin. He placed the two other knocked out aliens next to Orga and Megalon while Queen Caesar pulled out more strong vines. "Keep practicing with your power."

"Uh, yeah, thanks Gojira." Junior uneasily replied, inching away from Gojira and towards Godzilla, who narrowed her eyes at him. Gojira mentally chided himself for what must've awkward, out of the blue approach. At the very least, it was a start he supposed.

Rodan set Mothra gently down against a tree and walked towards everyone else. "So, you had to deal with trouble on your end?"

"Yep." Anguirus answered and tossed the awake alien a glare. "But Megalon pulled the opportunist approach on us."

"And naturally, we feigned ignorance until the armada was dealt with." Queen Caesar added.

"You know," Megalon spoke up slowly. "You really don't need to keep me tied up." She gestured towards the comatose Queen Ghidorah. "I'm literally a full on traitor now since I have no incentive to help her."

"Not until council decides your fate." Anguirus spoke oddly deep sagely voice and glanced at Queen Caesar with a cheeky smile.

This was an inside joke between her and the other Kaiju Girls, though Queen Caesar pouted. "Fuck off."

Gojira paid that no mind to whatever inside joke was going on and kept his gaze on Megalon. "Consider this your punishment for not joining the winning side sooner."

"Heard that one before." Megalon said wryly. "Granted, this is slightly better than the first time."

"Agh, urk!" Everyone turned the awakening Orga. She opened her eyes and slowly took in the scene in front of her. She gulped thickly and muttered. "We lost."

"Indeed." Megalon nodded.

"Fucking traitor!" Orga roared in a mixture of her speech and her animalistic growls. She struggled against her bindings, but could barely make them budge. "How tough is this plant matter?"

"Almost as tough as Mothra's webs." Godzilla answered. "If I were you, I'd save my strength."

Orga tensed up, sweating bullets, and gulped again. "Whatever you do... all I ask is that save my head -"

"We're not gonna eat you, Idiota!" Rodan shouted. "Your stereotype is wrong."

"I see... so, it's not because you find inedible?" That question made everyone pause save for Megalon who knew her rather well. Perhaps too well. "I'm simply asking because -"

"Stop talking." Godzilla ordered her and she uneasily complied.

"What the hell?" Came the oddly staticky voice of Gigan, her eyes glowing red as she came too. "Did we win?"

Junior smugly answered her. "Nope. The opposite."

"Dammit!" Gigan shouted, her voice now mostly normal, then truly took in her surroundings and groaned. She had the nerve to face the Earth Defenders and ask, "Is the moth at least dead?"

"No." Godzilla informed her and narrowed her blazing eyes at her. "Be grateful for that."

Gigan rolled her eyes and sat back in a defeated manner. "Jeez."

"Three out of four." Anguirus turned to Godzilla. "Wanna tell them now?"

Godzilla shrugged. "Might as well."

Gigan shuffled uncomfortably. "You're not eating us right?"

""No!"" Every Earth Defender awake shouted.

"I'm just asking!" Gigan whined.

"Anyway," Godzilla began, "Considering you guys have been soundly beaten, you need to learn how our world works and what exactly you're gonna do..."

Gojira felt a niggling tingle at the back of his head and scratched. It went away momentarily, but came back just as quickly. He scratched again and the process repeated to his annoyance. He turned around to find sparkles in his face. A trail of it that lead into the jungle. 'Follow us, let's chat.'

Those voices. They sounded too familiar.

Gojira turned away only to feel the tingle with laughter in his mind this time. He grit his teeth and heeded the voices, hoping he wasn't going crazy again. Since he was on the edge of the group, not many noticed him slip away save for two of the Kaiju Girls who said nothing.

Inside the more shaded, darkened area of Infant Island, Gojira scanned the real for the source of the sparkles. There was nothing for a few minutes and he chalked up to possible hallucinations. He cursed to himself. "My mind isn't here I suppose. Fuck me."

"Don't think that would be possible big guy." A tiny voice teased.

A tiny voice came from the side, next to his right ear and a giggle in his left. He looked to his sides to see two tiny humanoids on his shoulders. Fairies, most likely Mothra's, also known as the Shobijin. "What do you vermin want?"

"Rude." The right fairy said.

"We simply wish to speak with you." The left fairy told him. "We are -"

I know what you are and don't care." He interrupted. "And what for? I have no interest in your goddess."

"That's good." The right fairy giggled. "Besides, someone else already does."

That was an odd statement. Gojira quickly grew impatient with the banter. "Whatever. Speak and begone."

The right's smile faded. "What's hell truly like?"

Five simple words that made Gojira's world freeze over like Cocytus. He whispered, almost breathlessly. "What did you say to me? How did you know?"

"Excuse my sister's... tact." Left sighed out. "But we know."

Right nodded. "We know now at least. You confirmed it."

"Fuck!" He hissed at his slip up. The fairies floated away from him and remained side by side. "What made you even ask that?"

Left shook her head. "We're not at liberty to say."

"But you may find out soon enough." Right folded her arms.

"Little fucking..." Gojira hissed, holding back from outright attacking them. He calmed down and asked an important question. "Did you say anything to the others? To Godzilla and Junior?"

Left quirked a brow. "Why do you care?"

Right followed suit. "And why specifically those two?"

"Answer my question." Gojira held back from yelling, but his eyes flashed blue. "Now."

The Shobijin weren't fazed and both sides had a brief silence between them. The air was tense. Finally the fairies both replied with a cool, "No we didn't."

Gojira loosened up and snorted. "Good. I don't have hurt you. We done?"

"Ignoring that mean little comment," Right drawled, "I think we're done. We just wanted a confirmation."

"And both we and Mothra know." Left finished for her.

"Mothra!?" Gojira hissed.

Both Shobijin held up their hands and both spoke at once. ""She won't say anything. She'll speak with you first.""

Gojira clenched his fist. "She better, vermin"

The twins rolled their eyes and Gojira walked away. Right yelled out, "We have names you know!?"

Gojira marched off back to the rest of the group, paying the twins no further mind. He was uneasy once more and rubbed his temples, feeling a terrible headache coming along. He now knew to be wary of those beings and Mothra, possibly more of those like them in any way. As long as they told no one else, especially Godzilla and Junior, it was fine. He wanted to get in their good grace's first. He had to. He needed to.

"As long you ass wipes don't cause us any problems, then you're fine, got it?" Godzilla had finished talking to the aliens by the time Gojira came back. It looked like Queen Ghidorah had come too as well, though she was staring at the ground, glowering over her loss.

"Oh, look who's back." Rodan pointed to the returning Gojira. "Thought you went to off to glare at a rock or something."

Gojira let out a hmph and retorted. "It would certainly be more appealing than looking at them or hearing you talk."

Gigan quirked a brow and made a sarcastic comment. "I take it he's the sparkling personality of the group."

Godzilla shrugged. "The latest addition... I guess."

Gojira said nothing and gave the group a quick once over. He sighed and looked directly at Godzilla to ask, "So, what are you going to do with them?"

"I'm not doing anything." Godzilla gestured to the other Earth Kaiju Girls. "The rest of us are cleanup all the wreckage and shit." She pointed to Gojira. "You can be helpful and escort them to a more far off part of the island."

"Why me?" Gojira argued back.

Queen Caesar shrugged. "You don't have an established territory."

"And you kicked the queen's ass." Anguirus added.

"Yeah." Godzilla didn't like it, maybe even hated it, but she had to give him credit. He helped a lot and he was the best one for escorting them. She pointed in the direction he went last night. "Just take them that way, alright?"

Gojira, if told to this by anyone else, would've told them to fuck off. He looked ready to, but relented. Not necessarily for the right reasons, but since it Godzilla telling him. "Fine."

"Look pal-wait." The earth Daikaiju and Megalon were caught off guard. "Really?"

"I said fine." Gojira grumbled, not fond of repeating himself. "If they try anything, expect an explosion."

"We won't." Gigan told him immediately. Had they known of her reputation, she would've said nothing "Only reason we served the queen here was due to the fact we could've been killed. No point now that you showed her up and we're sorta stranded."

"I'm still keeping my eyes on you." He told her before he glared at Queen Ghidorah, noticing her wings slowly healing. "Especially you, Ghidorah." He turned back to Godzilla and asked. "They tell you what happened with the clone? We have their little robot."

Godzilla snorted and nodded at the cyborg. "Gigan lost it apparently."

"No! The bitch jumped me!" Gigan shouted indignantly. "Huge difference!"

"Do you at least know where it went?" Queen Caesar tiredly questioned.

Orga grumbled, still sour over the loss of good specimen. "Off world from what our scanners showed."

Anguirus sighed. "More problems to look out for then."

"At this point, I should just kill you all." Gojira rumbled. The aliens, even Queen Ghidorah tensed. "But then again, you could be useful for helping with that thing you made."

With that out of the way, Queen Caesar proceeded to undue their bindings one by one, starting with Megalon. Then came Orga. Next Gigan. Finally, Queen Ghidorah. They stood in front of Gojira's baleful gaze, his eyes watching their every movement like a hawk. For a moment, Gojira and Queen Ghidorah locked glares until the latter looked away, not entirely submissively, but enough not to challenge the victor further.

Gojira let out a deep sigh and pointed in the direction for them to move. "Let's go, maggots. The less I have to look at you, the better."

"At least he isn't making innuendos." Gigan whispered to Megalon as the group started moving. "By the way, nice move on the betrayal."

Megalon looked at her from the corner of her eye. "Thank you. I took a page out of your data file."

"Damn right." Gigan slapped her broken blade with Megalon's hand. "Glad you lived or else I would've owed that bitch a drink."

"I can hear you." Queen Ghidorah hissed, clearly not about to be disrespected by her fellow prisoners of war, those she still considered her inferiors.

Gojira wanted nothing but silence and made that clear. "All of you shut up! Not a word from any of you."

"I never even said a word nor growl." Orga bitterly whispered to herself.

Godzilla watched them all dissapear into the foliage. Junior tugged at her leg to get her attention and asked. "Are trying to get them to kill each other?"

Godzilla put a hand on her chin and furrowed her brow. "Believe or not, I'm actually not."


Silently, per Gojira's rather forceful instruction, the group walked onward.

Queen Ghidorah was utterly beside herself. She had lost. She was defeated. Felt more genuine pain than pleasure. Felt genuine fear. Her pride was decimated. On some lower level tech planet by some Kaiju no one had ever seen or heard of before. It was astonishing as much as it was horrifying. Her mothership, her empire, her rule broken all because of Gojira and the other Kaiju Girls of the planet. She couldn't fathom it nor stomach it.

Gigan was a mixed bag of pissed and elated. She was marooned on a low tech planet by what she considered a bunch of hippies and their pet ants. On the other hand, Queen Ghidorah was dethroned and from the looks of it, it must've been humiliating. She almost wish she saw it. Still, she didn't like Gojira either. O the other Earth Defenders to a lesser extent.

Orga was miserable but hid it. No lab, no ship, and being held prisoner by primitives. Queen Ghidorah may be a tyrant, but at least she carried some good tech. Being a higher evolved Kaiju Girl, a marvel of science, being held by the likes of Gojira made her want to wretch.

Megalon knew she was going to miss the space travel, but at least Queen Ghidorah was apparently humbled. She was a glass half full Kaiju Girl. Sort of. She was also gonna miss her room too now that she thought about it.

"Here." Gojira had taken them to the other side of the Island and directed the at a small patch of land near the cost. It had a few trees and small mountains scattered about. Relatively small for them, but plenty of room for four Kaiju Girls. "I won't be too far away. Keep that in mind."

"You gonna check up on us?" Gigan cautiously asked.

"Without warning." Gojira replied. "I see anything that rubs me the wrong way, you'll all answer for it."

"Fine/Understood/Affirmative." Gigan, Megalon, and Orga all answered. Queen Ghidorah said nothing and that got Gojira's attention.

"Something wrong, Ghidorah?" Gojira questioned. She gave no response and stared at him. Her gaze was neutral. "The rest of you get going. I think someone here has to something to say. For her sake, it better be good."

The rest of the aliens went ahead, Gigan holding back a giggle, Megalon sparing a glance at Gojira, and Orga miserably moving over her, what she hoped, was a temporary home. Once they were gone, Queen Ghidorah said something. "Why did you spare me?"

Gojira snorted out a quick, humorless laugh. "Good question." He said wryly.

"At least have the decency to answer me properly." Queen Ghidorah hissed. "You were so keen on killing me when we first met and your clearly not into having servants."

Gojira interrupted her and made a dry comment of, "Sounds like more annoying responsibility for the weak, like you. Yeah."

Queen Ghidorah clenched her fist and continued. "So why? Why spare us? Spare me?" She looked towards the sand, her teeth grit, her eyes smoldering. "Is it a form of humiliation? A sadistic stain on my honor further?"

"It was a confusing gesture of kindness I suppose. You were the one begging after all and you had no honor to begin with." Gojira adopted a dark look in his eye and hissed out with a sneer. "It's one I can easily undo if provoked." He walked up to her, stopping at a relative inches away. "I'm giving you only one chance. If you make me regret for a second," Snapped his fingers. "Poof. Gone. Reduced to ashes." He then turned around to walk back to the Kaiju Girls, specifically Godzilla. "Now stay the fuck away from me. And the ones like me."

Queen Ghidorah shook with fury she couldn't unleash before letting out a heated sigh. She had to ask two more things. "Why do you care do much for them? You were fighting them before I even came. And more importantly, how did you know me? I had never even been to solar system." At least, that's what she thought.

Gojira, like with Megalon, could respond in a multitude of ways, but went with the default as usual. "Annoying fucking mongrel."

Once he was gone, Queen Ghidorah let out her own biting remark. "Irritatingly confusing cur."


"Mmph." Mothra groaned as she woke up. She wasn't in her larval form which meant she hadn't died. Excellent. Once she opened her eyes to see she was back on Infant Island to see everyone gone, bit also a pile of alien mess, so she assumed good things with cautious optimism.

"About time you woke up." Came the voice of Godzilla, who took a seat next to her. "It would be annoying to wait for another reincarnation."

"Charming and thoughtful as always." Mothra wryly remarked, sitting herself up. "So we won."

Godzilla laughed. "Of course. You expect anything less?"

Mothra had to ask. "Did you beat Queen Ghidorah?"

"No," The mirth left Godzilla's tone. Gojira had her while me and Rodan were still fighting the bot." She pointed to said busted bot, now put into a neat pile next to the alien ships. "I sent that thing to the scrapheap at least."

"That's good. I expect nothing less of you." The moth kaiju replied cheerfully.

Godzilla rolled her eyes. "Don't patronize, woman." She rested her head on the back of a tree. "I should've been the one to defeat her. Not that guy." Mothra leaned into her and she didn't mind in the slightest. "That's two. Two jackasses who showed me up. The guy did it twice."

They sat in silence for a moment, Mothra leaning on Godzilla's side. Finally, Mothra asked, "So what are you going to do?"

Godzilla rose to her feet and Mothra came with her. "Train." She said with conviction. "I'm the Queen of the Monsters right. I'm sure as hell not gonna sit by and do nothing."

"Correction: we're training together." Mothra shot Godzilla a mock glare. "Did you forget that I'm a queen too?"

Godzilla rolled her arms and shook her head. "Goddess or queen, make up your mind."

"Can't I be both?" She pointed at Godzilla. "You certainly act like it."

"Hey, when your the real deal." Godzilla snaked her arms around Mothra's hips. "You know, it's just us for a moment."

Mothra put her arms around Godzilla's neck and, with smirk, asked, "A quick smooch?"

"Not too quick." Godzilla chortled. Without another word, Godzilla leaned in and Mothra mirrored her. They locked lips, enjoying some brief intimacy they rarely got to indulge in. Godzilla made sure no one was around to spoil their moment, and Junior was resting peacefully and safely in Godzilla's hidden grotto. Two queen, two goddesses, alone with each other.

No saw this save for the returning Gojira, who stood frozen within the darkness of the jungle. Mothra and Godzilla. Gojira only could say, whisper, one thing, "What the fuck is going on here?"

"They're clearly in a relationship." Came the voice of Megalon. Gojira had enough discipline not to shout or jump, merely turning to glare at the Kaiju Girl. "You know, this is rather creepy to watch them like this. Even for you."

Gojira showed visible distaste, but internally he had to admit, she made an okay insult though he wouldn't tell her and threatened her instead. "Didn't I tell you to leave me be?"

"I require aid." She stopped to think for a moment. "Actually, the better term would be we."

Gojira waved her off. "I gave you all the help you'll need and I'm assuming Godzilla did the same."

"No. Food." Megalon clarified. "Me and Queen Ghidorah require flesh, Orga requires a mix of metals and protein, and Gigan likes to eat for pleasure." Megalon informed him. She took another moment to think and said. "The last one is not a necessity, but it will help."

"You can't hunt for yourselves?" Gojira growled as he started walking back to his section of the beach. "Are you pack of newborn hatchlings?"

"That isn't the issue. We don't what we can eat or the areas best for it." Megalon said through gritted teeth. "None of us wanted to ask this. Certainly not ask you. But the rest are busy."

"This isn't my concern." Gojira rumbled.

"Listen to reason, blue male." Megalon, in her frustration, jumped in front of Gojira. "Either we eat and stay calm or we rampage out of desperation."

Gojira grabbed her by her collar and bared his fangs, a dangerous glow in his eyes. "Are you making a threat?"

The alien shook her head. "I'm simply stating what will happen. If we can't procure food, then we will naturally rage. You can kill us then, maybe even now, but that will disrupt your peace, right?" Megalon reasoned, hoping he would listen and her moment of anger wouldn't cost her a limb or much worse. "If we know what to hunt, then we will not be an issue."

"Pest. You're all pests." Gojira let her go and hissed out. "Fine."

Megalon relaxed and nodded. "You have my begrudging thanks."

The King rolled his eyes, even less fond of the idea and walked onward, grumbling. "You're not welcome."


General Gyozen took a seat at his desk. The monitor turned on to reveal the faces of the United Nations as well as Dr. Serizawa. Everyone looked rather relieved, but not entirely so, mostly due to the fact that the invaders had been detained by the Kaiju Girls rather than the GDF themselves. Everyone looked at General Gyozen for answers on what to do, though remained cautious considering his bias. They had just finished on the briefing of the status of the world and now need to know what to make of the Kaiju situation specifically.

The general himself, despite hearing the calls to action, decided to play it safe. "Gentlemen and gentlewomen... as much as it pains me to say it, we will need let them be at the moment." This suggestion flabbergasted the rest of the council. Before they could question him, he continued, "Our forces have received a sufficient blow from the skirmishes and our best unit, Kiryu, still requires major testing despite the success. The other mechs may also need some enhancing."

"At the very least," Spoke the British prime minister, "You have detained the alien ship and those aboard."

"Of course. Which also supports my case of holding back... for now." General Gyozen released a deep breath. "We can salvage the alien wreckage for our advantage to enhance and bolster our GDF forces for our next battle." General Gyozen took a quick moment to analyze the faces of the UN and added, "Whenever that time may be. We'll be better suited to prepare ourselves."

The UN members nodded in approval, save for Serizawa who remained wary of Gyozen's motives. He could be subtle when he wanted to be and he wasn't entirely blind. If he deemed a sacrifice needless, especially at the cost of his troops, he wouldn't go for it, Serizawa could give him that at least. He had a drive to protect humanity, but he also had a drive for something less noble.

"As for you, Serizawa, we suggest you take yourself and scientists to learn more about the alien Kaiju Girls as well as the reasoning for their capture rather than disposal. We also hope you gather more information on the male." One of the UN members explained.

"Considering what he did, he should take the utmost priority of study." Gyozen added.

Dr. Serizawa nodded, though obviously not all studying for the reasons General Gyozen would have preferred. "Of course. I'm already ahead of you all."

"Then I believe we're done here." General Gyozen stood. "Calm the civilians. We'll tend to matters on our end."

With that, the meeting came to a close, everyone leaving to their own devices... save for Serizawa and Gyozen. "You can't protect them forever, Ishido. Humanity will strike back soon enough."

"They've changed, Mashiro." Serizawa had a disappointed frown. "They only wish to be left alone."

"How do you know that?" Gyozen nearly barked out. "What makes you so sure?"

Serizawa thought over his response. After a second, he responded, "Tell me something, why start a needless war? Why not let sleeping giants lie?"

"Why not do that with us?" Gyozen asked back, essentially not answering. He saw no point, Serizawa knew him well enough. "Why attack us needlessly? If they are more intelligent then humanity give them credit for, doesn't that speak volumes of their maliciousness?"

"Maybe the first time." Serizawa answered. "But what of now? They won our war and they haven't assaulted a single GDF vessel for years, not even Rodan."

"They're not our protectors, Ishido!" General Gyozen let out his frustration in an outburst, standing from his seat and slamming his hands on his desk. Like as active volcano waiting to blow.

Dr. Serizawa sighed and coolly replied. "They're not our enemies either, Mashiro."

Mashiro would hear no more and turned off the monitor. With an exhale, he sat back down and pulled out a bottle of scotch. He muttered, "They're my enemies, Ishido. Godzilla and all like here are my enemy."


Despite the problems that had racked the surface, the globe spun on.

Far away, watching the world below on a throne of crystal atop the moon, a figure chuckled to herself while something else slithered beside it before taking a female shape. The one upon the throne was watching, waiting, plotting for their moment to strike and claim what they believed what was their birthright. The other simply laughed and giggled, all while saying, "kill, kill, kill."

"Soon enough." The other figure chuckled. "For now, we bide our time." The figure's red eyes narrowed and grin displaying flesh rending fangs flashed. "I do so hope to make our family reunion quite the spectacle along with bringing the invaders to their knees properly."

"Death, death, death," The other figure giggled maniacally. "Kill, kill, kill!"

"Indeed. But until that glorious reckoning..." The figure's chair began to float and slowly crawled to the dark side of the moon. The other, more slimy figure followed after her.


Omake: Mothzilla?

Mothra and Godzilla. That thought lingered in his mind. For some reason he thought about his Mothra, a lot of things about her. From her annoying personality, to her stupid colors, her stone face, her oddly cute yet badass - No, Gojira stopped himself! He shook those thoughts out of his head. She was stupid, annoying, rude even now that he thought about it! All that Goddess of Peace nonsense and her dumb Shobijin.

Gojira huffed, "Well, our ship name would certainly be stupid... what would it even be, Mothzilla or some nonsense?" Now that he said, it actually sounded rather appealing. Too appealing. He froze, wondering why that was the first thing he said and thought on the matter.

Gojira huffed again and continued, "What's the matter with me? Besides, our hatchlings would definitely be gross." He froze again, wondering why that was the second thing he said on the matter. Then the thought came up about a fluffy babyzilla, cute red eyes staring back at it's father, Gojira, it's mother, Mothra, and Minilla, it's older brother... it was fucking adorable and now he wanted a minimum of at least twenty, not at all questioning the many, many things that sounded scientifically wrong about that and maybe even downright impossible about such a scenario.

Gojira furrowed his brow and muttered, "I feel like I missed out on something, but I'm not sure what. I think I'll go maim the aliens over it."

Further away, Megalon paused, having heard what Gojira said, and decided to call it a day and find a nice place to hide for a good oh, say century or two.


AN: Ey, here we go. I don't know why, I've just been really into writing this. Thanks to DragonKingDragneel25 as always.

Alright, now the other portion of the fun can begin. As for the dark figure, oh yeah, that'll come into play later. Y'all probably already know who it is. And yes, as this goes on, things will get harder for everyone.

Chaos Drago: You have it somewhat right. To give you hint of something, here's a quote, "It's easier to give advice or listen to it than it is to actually follow". Besides, the Queen ain't Kaiser.

Now some of y'all are asking for me to put certain characters in or if I will. For the former, I've made up my mind on those and for the latter, can't answer as that would be a major spoiler. Sorry, but I don't do this. Takes away from the story. As they say, don't show your hand too early.

Anyway, if you had to go with voice actors with the kaiju characters, what would you go with? If you actually follow the comic, you can't choose the talented peeps doing the dub. Those are givens.

Speaking of which, anyone in the audience following the comic? If so, feel free to PM.

Hope my fellow Americans had a good 4th of July!

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