Mlp: One with Time

By Phant0mona1

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Y/n is a man with control over time itself. More

Character Bio
1. New Home, New Friends
2. Old Friends, New Discoveries
3. The Suns Rise
4. The Golden Tickets
5. The Leogriff's Arrival
6. Her Name is Trixie Lulamoon
7. Daughter and Dragon troubles
8. Back to Canterlot
9. Judging Books
10. No Marks, All Potential
11. Clothes for the Gala and Scars
12. Beyond the Rainboom
13. Sharing is Caring
14. Cutie Mark Origins
15. A Reunion at the Gala
16. Return of Chaos
17. A Twilighting she will go
18. A Nightmare Night to Remember
19. The Dark Hood
20. Babysitting with Pinkie Pie
Harem Update
21. Flim&Flam and The Need for Revenge
Just For Fun
22. Returning to Another Home
23. Hearts and Hands Day
24. Preparing for a Future Crisis and Revealing a Secret
25. I'm...Married?
26. A Train, Cakes and a MMMystery
27. Preparing for a Wedding
28. To Crash a Wedding
29. Family Reunion
30. Betrayal
31. So Much Pink
32. A Fight with an Ex
33. To Kickstart a Dream
34. The Dazzlings Awaken
36. A Change of Destiny and a New Princess
Equestria Girls Characters Bio
37. Another World, Another Y/n
38. A Princess and a Prince
39. Rekindling a Friendship
40. The Truth and The Dance
41. Forming a Band and Hanging Out.
42. Twilight's return
43. The Battle of the Bands and the Final Showdown
44. The Games, Family and We meet again
45. Reunion at the Games
46. The Games end and going back Home
47. The Duties of Royalty
48. Glimpses into the Past and The Tree of Harmony
49. Castle Confusion
50. A Daring Adventure
51. Into the Comic
52. A Bat Problem with Fluttershy
53. To Manehattan and a Lesson in Generosity
54. Pinkie Apple Roadtrip
55. Try Outs and a Lesson in Loyalty
56. The Party Planner Duel and a Lesson in Laughter
57. The Breezies and a Lesson in Kindness
58. Dreams with Sweetie Belle
59. Diving In and a Lesson in Honesty
60. The Two Heroes and The Games.
61. Tirek Rising
62. A Sacrifice for Love
63. The Town of Equality
64. For the Cutie Marks
65. Avoiding the Crystal Castle
66. Trouble and Misfortune
67. Chaotic Jealousy
68. More than Gold
69. Life in the background
70. The Nightmare of the Moon
71. Rarity's Dream
72. Two Detective's
73. The Ultimate Reward
74. Harth's Warming Traditions
75. The Concert and The Countess
76. Cutie Mark's of Future Past part 1
77. Cutie Mark's of Future Past part 2
78. The Crystalling and The Baby Aria
79. Shattered Heart and Her First Time

35. Releasing Chaos

2.5K 54 100
By Phant0mona1


It's morning and i wake up to find myself on the floor nacked and i see Ember also nacked on the couch who i presume kicked me off the couch and took my place.

Y/n: Why am i nacked?

Flowing Stream: I took your underwear off of you while you were sleeping.

Y/n: Can i have them back?

Flowing Stream: Sorry i've already laminated them.

Y/n:(how do you laminate underwear?)Alright then.

I walk past her.

Flowing Stream: Nice.

Y/n: Thanks.

I go into my room and put on some underwear and i check on the Sirens.

Y/n: ...This happens entirely too often, not that i'm complaining.

Adagio Dazzle: What do you mean by that?

Y/n: Oh your awake.

Adagio Dazzle: Yeah, so what did you mean?

Y/n: Every girl that attacked me or someone in Ponyville they always pass out and i let them rest in my house.

Adagio Dazzle: How many times has it happened?

Y/n: Well first my niece tried to kill me then my sisters ex-girlfriend tried to kill me-

Adagio Dazzle: Why?

Y/n: My sister isn't related to me and she's in love with me, the ex-girlfriend named Flowing Stream was jealous of me so she tried to kill me and now she's my stalker who wants to know what love is and you three.

Adagio Dazzle: Okay then.

Y/n: Yeah, my life is not boring.

I get a text from Twilight saying to meet her near a blueberry bush just outside Ponyville because my mother has a surprise.

Y/n: I gotta get goin so you girls stay safe.

Adagio Dazzle:*blush*Yeah thanks.

I am now at the location and i see Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Spike.

Y/n: Hi everyone.

Pinkie Pie: Hi and don't you just love it when Queen Celestia comes to Ponyville! I got my nails shined just like Rarity for the occasion. Ya like?

Rarity: I certainly do!

She says looking at her reflection in Pinkie's nails.

Twilight Sparkle: I'm surprised she's not here yet.

Spike:*sighs*I wonder what's taking so long, you got any ideas bro?

Y/n: Probably getting held up by something important.

Twilight Sparkle: And where are Applejack and Fluttershy?

Rarity: Fluttershy's detained helping Applejack with a mishap at Sweet Apple Acres. They'll be along.

Y/n: So Twilight, got any ideas on what's happening?

Twilight Sparkle: She's bringing an important visitor.

Rainbow Dash: A visitor who's important and slow.

Rarity: Maybe it's someone so terribly important, she still had many more terribly important things to do before she got here.

I then see my mother's personal limo flying through the air with the petrified Discordia floating with them.

Y/n: I suppose Discordia would be considered terribly important.

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, right.

Rarity: Why in the wide, wide world of Equestria would Queen Celestia bring along someone like that?

Spike: M-m-maybe you should ask... her!

Rarity: Huh?

Mum got out of the limo and put Discordia down.

Twilight Sparkle: With all due respect, Queen Celestia, how could you bring Discordia here?! Your majesty.

Queen Celestia: I'm fully aware that the last time Discordia was here, she created serious havoc.

Rainbow Dash: If by "serious havoc" you mean "turning Ponyville into the chaos capital of the world"...

Rarity: ...and tricking us all into being the opposite of our true selves...

Pinkie Pie: And making yummy delicious chocolate milk rain all over the place without a single dollop of whipped cream to go with it anywhere in sight! Not a single dollop!

Queen Celestia: Yes, I understand. But I have use for Discordia's magic if it can be reformed to serve good instead of evil. This is why I've brought Discordia here, because I believe that you are the ones who can help her do just that.

Spike: This will never work! This is a disaster! How will we ever control her?! We're doomed!

Queen Celestia: Need I remind you that you are the ones who turned her back into stone like this in the first place?

Twilight Sparkle: I suppose we can just use the Elements of Harmony against her again if it gets out of hand.

Spike: Uh, w-w-we probably need a volunteer to run away from here right away to get them. I'll do it!

Queen Celestia: No need, Spike. I have them right here, and I've cast a spell so Discordia can't take them and hide them again. So where are the rest of you.

Twilight Sparkle: Applejack and Fluttershy should be here soon.

5 minutes later

Fluttershy and Applejack arrive.

Applejack: Sorry we're late, we had a beaver problem.

Fluttershy: Yes, so sorry.

Queen Celestia: It's quite alright, and now that your all here i have to say that i have a job for you Y/n and that job is to get her to use magic obediently of her own free will and the reason i chose you for this is because i noticed that she took quite a liking to you.

Y/n: Alright, i accept.

Fluttershy: Y/n are you sure?

Y/n: One hundred percent.

Queen Celestia: Now, I must return to Canterlot for Equestria's royal summit. You may release Discordia when ready.

Y/n: Cool, see ya.

Queen Celestia: See you soon, my son.

We hug and she leaves.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay, ponies, guess it's time to get started. Let's just hope this releasing spell works.

Spike: Or... let's not.

Twilight Sparkle: We'd best keep our elements on at all times 'til further notice.

Y/n: Don't worry girls, i got this.

I snap my fingers and Discordia was a statue no longer.

Twilight Sparkle: What, how?

Y/n: I just rewound time to a point were she wasn't stone.

Discordia: Obviously.

She said behind me with her left hand caressing my right cheek and her right hand down my shirt.

Discordia: Boy am i glad to be out of that stone cold prison.

Y/n: Yeah, i bet.

Twilight Sparkle: Discordia get offa him!

Discordia: No thanks.

She snaps her fingers turning a little squirrel into a buff ferocious squirrel.

Human 6:*gasp*

Twilight Sparkle: What do you think you're doing?!

Discordia: Nnnnnnnnngh- Why, stretching, of course. When you're a creature of chaos, stone bodysuits aren't your typical go-to fashion choice. Nnngh

She stretches again turning a little bunny into a buff ferocious bunny.

Pinkie Pie:*gasps*Make that bunny cute again! Now!

Discordia: Oh...He's adorable the way he is. You know what else is adorable? You truly believe that you can reform me, and that you're putting your faith in this one here to make it happen. Makes me wanna pinch your little cheeks...

Y/n: Not surprised that you can hear everything going on.

Twilight Sparkle: Seriously?

Y/n: She is the spirit of chaos.

Discordia: Yes being turned to stone doesn't keep me from hearing every word Celestia says. Although I admit it makes rolling my eyes a challenge.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, unless you want us to turn you back to stone, you'll zap those animals back the way they were, pronto!

Discordia: Oh, you wouldn't dare turn me back to stone and risk disappointing your precious princess.

Rainbow Dash: Try us.

Y/n: Discordia, will you please turn those animals back or you will be stone again.

Discordia: Ooooo scary, i like that, fine.

She snap her fingers turning the buff ferocious animals back into the little cute animals.

Discord: Well, it looks like I know where I'll be crashing while I'm being "reformed"

She makes me appear in her arms.

Discordia: ...With you, Y/n.

Y/n: Sure just let me make a call to someone, hey Twilight can i have some people temporarily moved to your house.

Twilight Sparkle: Sure.

I call Flowing Stream.

Flowing Stream: [Hi Y/n.]

Y/n: Hi Flow could you Ember and the Sirens go to Twilights house for awhile? I need my house to myself because i'll be bringing a chaotic guest with me.

Flowing Stream: [Sure thing.]

Y/n: Thank you.

Flowing Stream: [See ya.]

She hangs up.

Y/n: Well let's go.

Discordia: I'm right behind you.

We are now at my house.

Y/n: she may be not be the best, but that doesn't mean we have to act the same way. We should at least try to be hospitable.

Discordia is now lying down on my couch.

Y/n: Are you alright?

Discordia: Oh, yes. Thank you, Y/n, for your concern. If only your human friends could be as considerate...

Rainbow Dash: Don't listen to her, Y/n! She's just trying to drive a wedge between us like she always does.

Discordia: Now why in the world would I ever try to do a thing like that?

Rainbow Dash: So we can't unite and use the Elements of Harmony against you, that's why!

Discordia: I never thought of that...

Rainbow Dash: You big liar!

Discordia: Now, look who's a liar. Anyone can plainly see that I'm not big at all.

She shrunk herself on my couch.

As she grows big she accidentally knocks my lamp off a small table near the couch.

Discordia: Oops. There, all better.

With the snap of her fingers and fixes my lamp but it looked liked her with a lampshade around her waist holding a lightbulb.

Applejack: I can't watch...

Rainbow Dash: We'll be outside.

Twilight Sparkle: You sure you're okay with this?

Y/n: Yeah, i got this.

Twilight Sparkle: I hope so.

Fluttershy: If anyone can it's you.

Y/n: I'm pretty sure you could do the same in another universe that oh i don't know, happens to be inhabited by magical talking ponies, but what are the chances of that universe existing.

Fluttershy: That does sound good though.

Y/n: Yeah, sounds like it would go for nine seasons.

Discordia: I'm pretty sure it has.

Y/n: I liked the ending. Anyway i'll just take a page from your book and be kind and befriend her.

Fluttershy: Your always kind.

Y/n: Thanks.

Twilight Sparkle: And you really think that'll work?

Y/n: I think it's worth a try.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay, but if you need us, you know what to do, and we'll be back here with our elements. So watch that step of yours!

Discordia: Wh-what?! Look at me! I'm practically reformed already.

She turns my couch into to fancy chairs and at the same time teleports her and myself onto the chairs in fancy clothes holding a tea cup and a small plate underneath it.

They exit my house.

Twilight Sparkle POV

Rarity: He's really alright with her staying there?

Twilight Sparkle: That's just who he is, he'll take in any who needs it.

Rainbow Dash: Personally, I think we should come up with a backup plan, in case this whole "befriending" business doesn't work out.

Rarity: Rainbow Dash is right. This is Discordia we are talking about, girls. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have another trick up our sleeves.

Twilight Sparkle: And I think I know just the trick.


Y/n: So Discordia if there's anything i can do to- are you eating paper?

Discordia:*gulp*Am I? Huh, how odd of me.

Y/n: Well, I'm just heading out, so you just make yourself at home while I'm gone.

Discordia: Buh-bye, have a nice time! Everything is fine here. Bye bye... Bye bye...

Discordia POV

Discordia: I wonder how far i can take this? Having him for a servant could be quite amusing.

I decide to look around his room.

Discordia: Porn, porn ooo anime.

Twilight Sparkle POV

Twilight Sparkle: That's weird. The spell I had in mind isn't in here. Spike, where are the other books I asked you to pull?

Spike: Right here, Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: I really want to have a reforming spell up and running pronto.

Spike: But what if she makes the Elements of Harmony disappear like she did last time?

Twilight Sparkle: Queen Celestia cast a spell protecting them, remember? Uh-oh.

Spike: What's wrong?

Twilight Sparkle: Queen Celestia didn't cast a spell protecting our books! Everywhere I thought I'd find the reforming spell...


Discordia has my house up in the air, spinning and i'm levitating while everything in my house is just everywhere.

Discordia: Are you sure this isn't overdoing it? You said to make myself at home while you were gone, but I wouldn't want to overstep my bounds.

Y/n: I did say that, so if this makes you more comfortable by all means, please feel free.

Discordia: Oh. Well, it does, very much so. You're so very kind, my dear Y/n. I always knew that you were the understanding one, not like those nasty girlfriends of yours.

Y/n: My girlfriends aren't nasty!

Discordia: Well, of course you'd say that. It just goes to show how understanding you truly are. You know, I think Queen Celestia is right when she singled you out as the one who could reform me. You're off to such a good start, I'm seriously considering actually being reformed.

Twilight Sparkle: Y/n! Y/n, can you hear me?

I hear Twilight.

Y/n: I hear Twilight!

Twilight Sparkle POV

Twilight Sparkle: Y/n, what's going on? Are you okay?!

Y/n: Yeah ofcourse.

Twilight Sparkle: We've come to get you away from Discordia! She's just terrible and, from the looks of it, completely out of control!

Y/n: Don't worry i have this all under control.

Twilight Sparkle and Spike: Seriously?!

Y/n: I'm giving her a little space to be herself.

Spike: Hate to break it to ya, but she used that "space to be herself" to tear out all the reforming spells from the library!

Y/n: That explains the paper eating...

Twilight Sparkle: She ate them?! Ugggghhhh!

Y/n: We're not gonna need a spell. I promise everything's going according to plan and she said she's really considering being reformed! She said so.

Twilight Sparkle: And you believed her?

Y/n: If I'm going to be her friend, I have to start by giving her the benefit of the doubt! Tell you what. Bring all the girls over for a dinner party this evening, and I'll bet her manners will have really improved by then. I'll even get her to put my house back on the ground first.

His house lands back where it was.

Twilight Sparkle:*sighs*Alright. Dinner it is.

We leave to get ready for the party.

We are now on our way to the party.

Rainbow Dash: Ugh, I can't believe we're having a dinner party with Discordia!

Rarity: This evening is sure to be a disaster. Glad I didn't bother wearing my fanciest outfit.

Fluttershy: I think we should have more faith in Y/n and Discordia.

Twilight Sparkle: Well if Y/n thinks this is the way to reform Discordia and asked us to give it a chance.

The door opens revealing Discordia in a butler outfit.

Discordia: Oh, our guests have arrived! We're so delighted that you've come. Please, do come in.

Fluttershy: See this is looking very good.

Y/n: See what a beautiful job she did helping? Discordia set the entire table herself. I'm so proud.

Discordia: May I take your...hats, ladies?

Twilight Sparkle: Hang on to your elements, girls. It's gonna be a bumpy night.

Y/n: Well as you all know, mum hoped we'd help Discordia use her magic for good instead of evil. Pinkie Pie, care for some gravy?

Pinkie Pie: You bet!

Discordia: Allow me.

She brought the gravy boat to life and it was acting like a dog.

Pinkie Pie: Oh, what a cute little gravy boat you are! Yes you are! Yes you are!

Rainbow Dash: That's one creepy little gravy boat if you ask me.

Fluttershy: Oh, come on now, Dashie. You're not even giving this a chance.

Then the gravy boat dog poured gravy on Rainbow Dashs lap.

Rainbow Dash: Hey! That's hot!

Discordia: Whoops! I'm so sorry!

Rainbow Dash: She did that on purpose!

Discordia: Oh, well, I don't know about that. Mistakes happen. Oh, look, everyone, dancing candles!

Rainbow Dash: I'm not falling for that! Discordia's just trying to distract us from-

The living candles started beating up Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash: Hey! Knock it off! I suppose that's another "mistake"?

Discordia: No, I think you just made them mad.

Twilight Sparkle: There's something fishy going on.

The living soup tureen shaped like a fish squirts tea at Twilight.

Y/n: Discordia?

Discordia: Well, it's hardly my fault if the soup tureen finds the term "something fishy" to be offensive.

Rarity: Not the dress! Not the dress!

It squirts Rarity.

Applejack: That tureen's only doin' what you're makin' it do!

Y/n: Let's not jump to any conclusions.

Rainbow Dash: Y/n! Can't you see what she's doing? She's playing innocent with you so you'll stop us from the Elements of Harmony against her!

Discordia: Oh, well, that's a bit harsh, isn't it?

Rainbow Dash: You see what I'm saying, right, Fluttershy? Fluttershy!

Y/n: You know what I see? I see that Discordia's far from perfect, but I also see none of you giving her a chance except Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash: What's gotten into you?! Why do you keep cutting her so much slack?

Y/n: Because that's what friends do.

Discordia: Wait we're friends?

Y/n: Why, of course! I can't remember my house ever being this exciting before you came along.

Discordia: Oh... Well, I've... never really had a friend before.

Y/n: Well, now you do!

Then Angel appeared.

Fluttershy: Now is not a good time, Angel. We're having a dinner party.

Applejack: Hold up! I-I think he's tryin' to tell us somethin'!

Angel shows us an apple.

Y/n: Apple.

And then he points at Applejack.

Y/n: Applejack.

And then Angel get a cup of apple juice and then throws the apple in the cup of apple juice.

Y/n: Flooding at Sweet Apple Acres!

Rainbow Dash: And we all know who's behind that now, don't we?!

Discordia: Who, me?

Y/n: Let's get goin.

We are now at Sweet Apple Acres.


Applejack: I've never seen the floodin' this bad! They've built dams 'round here before, but never like this! What's goin' on?

Fluttershy is talking to the beavers.

Fluttershy:*gasp*Such language!*sigh*It's no use. They won't listen to a word I say!

Rainbow Dash: You see Discordia's behind all this, right?

Y/n: Oh, of course I do! I've just been trying to gain her friendship any way I can, so she'd come to trust and listen to me.

Discordia: Hey there, Y/n, you want a turn? The water's great!

Discordia is swimming in the water.

Fluttershy: I really hope it worked.

Y/n: Thanks.

Discordia: Y/n, oh, there you are. A sight for sore eyes.

Y/n: Well as you can see, there's a big mess down here at Sweet Apple Acres.

Discordia: Oh, yes. Awful business, that. Mm.

Y/n: Yes it is. This is Applejack's home, and it's being destroyed by animals who would never be acting this way if it weren't for your reckless behavior. You need to fix this.

Discordia: Oh, yes, very well, I will fix it. I only ask one thing in return.

Y/n: Sure thing.

Discordia: I ask that you have your girlfriends promise to never use their Elements of Harmony against me. As a sign of our friendship.

Y/n: Okay. Please will you give me one of the Elements?

Fluttershy: ...I promise.

Y/n: Thank you Fluttershy.

Twilight Sparkle:*sigh*She's done nothing to earn my trust, but i trust you with every ounce of my being, so i promise to never use my Element against her either.

Applejack: Yeah, i promise too.

Rainbow Dash: Fine, i promise.

Rarity: Oh alright, i too promise.

Pinkie Pie: Okay i promise aswell.

Y/n: Okay Discordia i've done what you've ask so please will you get rid of the flood?

Discordia: What the heck was that?! So you all just trust him that much, just like that?

Y/n: Yes, just like i did with you.

Discordia: me?

Y/n: Ofcourse i do, so please, will you trust me? Because i would love to be friends with you.

Discordia:*blush*You-you really mean that?

Y/n: Yes, so please, will you get rid of the flood?

Discordia: You know, i was just going to freeze it all, but i think that i can't always have my way, because it might upset my friend.

Y/n:*smile*Thank you Discordia.

Discordia:*blush*Well i wouldn't want to lose my one and first friend now would i?

Y/n: Let's all go back to Ponyville.

Discordia: Allow me

She teleports us all to Ponyville and some time later my mother arrived.

Discordia: Yes, Celestia, I'm ready to use my magic for good instead of evil. Most of the time.

Queen Celestia: Congratulations on your success. I definitely sense a big change in Discordia. I'll leave the Elements of Harmony with you, Twilight. Just in case.

Twilight Sparkle: You were right when you said Y/n would be the one to find the way to reform Discordia. By treating Discordia as a friend, he got her to realize that friendship was actually important to her. And something that, once she had, she didn't want to lose.

Y/n: Go on. Say it...

Discordia: Ugh Alright. Friendshipismagic.

She said quickly.

Fluttershy: She can be a real sweetheart once you get to know her.

Flowing Stream: Hi, so i guess your all done?

Y/n: Yeah and sorry for the inconvenience.

Adagio Dazzle: It was no problem.

Sonata Dusk: We're just happy your helping us.

Aria Blaze: Yeah so thanks or whatever.

Y/n: Speaking of happy, here are your amulets back, though i can't restore the magic.

They take their amulets back and they hold them to their chests.

Adagio Dazzle:*blush*Thank you so much Y/n.

Then Sonata tackled me to the ground into a hug.

Sonata Dusk:*blush*Thanks Y/n!

Sonata got off of me and Aria helped me up and that transitioned into a hug.

Aria Blaze:*blush*Thank you...Y/n.

Y/n: Your welcome.

Cherry Storm: Girls just love you don't they?

Y/n: I can't help it, i'm just me and plus i gotta tend to my shop, so see ya.

Queen Celestia POV

Queen Celestia: Okay and i wish to speak with you all so can you gather his other girlfriends and friends Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: Okay your majesty.


Every is gathered at Twilights house.

Queen Celestia: Alright everyone, i have an announcement, today is Y/n's Birthday.

Pinkie Pie: What really?!

Discordia: I guess this day gets even better because the two of us became friends.

Twilight Sparkle: How come he never told us?

Queen Celestia: It's the day that Crimson Tide betrayed him and we haven't celebrated it since because he left two weeks later.

Pinkie Pie: Then we have to throw him the biggest surprise party ever!

Dinky: This is going to be so fun!

Derpy: Yes it will.

Rarity: I agree, lets start preparing now.

Rainbow Dash: Come on let's go!

Ember: This ought to be fun.

Queen Celestia: Now we need someone to keep him away from the vicinity of townhall.

Ember: Let me take care of that.

Ember POV

Queen Celestia: Thank you Princess Ember.

Ember: Just call me Ember.

Queen Celestia: Okay Ember.

I make it to Y/n's house.


Ember enters my house.

Y/n: Hey Em.

She grabs my shirt and drags me outside.

Y/n: Hey Ember What're you doin?

Ember: Nothin much just make sure to make your way back to Ponyville.

Y/n: Um where am i goin.

Ember: Who knows.

She then throws me a great distance away.

Y/n: That was a very impressive throw, i wonder where i'll land?

I hit the ground creating a huge crater.

I get out of the crater.

Y/n: Okay, where am i?

???: Y/n, is that you?

I look to see who it said that.

Y/n: Oh hi Gilda.

Gilda: Hi, did you just fall from the sky?

Y/n: Yeah, i guess my visit to you is now and sorry i couldn't visit sooner i've been very busy.

Gilda:*blush*Well i'm just glad that your here now.

Y/n: So how've you been?

Gilda: I've been really good and busy aswell so why did you fall from the sky.

Y/n: For some reason my dragon wife threw me here.

Gilda: Dragon wife?

Y/n: I also have twelve other girlfriends.

Gilda: You have a harem?

Y/n: Yeah, probably gonna have more girlfriends in the future.

Gilda: Oh okay then. So what've you been up to since we last saw each other?

Y/n: Well...

One long story later.

Y/n: And that brings me here.

Gilda: Woah.

Y/n: I know right?

Gilda: ...Hey do you want a tour of Leo Stone?

Y/n: Sure, i would love one.

She showed me all of Leo Stone and it was very interesting, but the people there weren't very hospitable.

Gilda: So what do you think?

Y/n: I like it, but uh definitely not the best town to be.

Gilda: Yeah sorry, but at least you can hold your own.

Y/n: Thanks. Now i gotta get goin.

Gilda: You really gotta go?

Y/n: Yeah, do you wanna come with?

Gilda: ...I'll meet you back in Ponyville once i get there on my own.

Y/n: I can respect that, so i'll see ya when i see ya.

Gilda: See ya.

I leave Leo Stone.

Y/n:*smile*It was good to see her again. I last saw her in chapter 5, that was a while ago.(if a deaf person sees a person yawn do they think they're shouting?)

I take out a comic i just so happened to have with me. It's called Pre-teen Biologically Enhanced Lizards or PBEL for short.

Discordia appears floating infront of me.

Y/n: Hi Discordia.

Discordia: Hello my dear friend, hey when do we reach best friend status?

Y/n: I guess when we really know each other and hang out a lot.

Discordia: Then i'll stay with you for awhile and i'll create my own room in your house.

Y/n: Okay.

Discordia: So would you let anyone stay in your home.

Y/n: If they need to.

Discordia: Well you've been gone long enough so i'm here to get you back to Ponyville.

Y/n: Thanks.

We're teleported back to Ponyville.


Y/n: What?!

Queen Celestia: We haven't celebrated your birthday for a long time and i thought this would be good.

Y/n: To be honest, i completely forgot that it was my birthday today.

Cherry Storm: That's sounds like you.

Dinky: So daddy how old are you now?

Y/n: I'm twenty one years old now or am i one thousand and twenty one years old?

Dinky: Huh?

Y/n: I was born a thousand years ago.

Dinky: Oh yeah, now i remember.

Maud Pie: Happy birthday Y/n.

Limestone Pie: Yeah happy birthday.

Marble Pie:*blush*Happy birthday.

Y/n:*smile*Thanks girls.

Flowing Stream: Happy birthday.

She said giving me pictures of herself in erotic poses and clothing, in some she wasn't even wearing clothes.

Y/n:*BLUSH*Uh yeah thanks.

Queen Celestia: What did she give you?

Y/n: Nothing!

I put them in my pocket.

Everyone i knew wished me a happy birthday, it was nice to celebrate it again.

Next: A Change of Destiny and a New Princess

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