i'll bite your soul

By _alrd_

48.7K 2.5K 1.1K

gojo satoru x reader ( x geto suguru ) change is inevitable, and she knew that. but is it so selfish to ask... More

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3.9K 192 211
By _alrd_


Sighing in bliss, ___ relaxed in the bathtub, submerged in the scalding hot water as steam wafted throughout the entire bathroom, fogging the mirror.

It was a day off, something that she rarely got as she often trained with Yaga and Geto, as well as mediocre missions she was assigned with. She wished that she could've gotten more difficult missions, but apparently, the higher ups had said that they wanted to test her first despite being a special grade sorcerer. It irked her to be nagged by her senpais about getting such easy curses to deal with.

Ah, and don't even get me started on training, she thought, dipping herself further into the water.

Training was downright hell. Yaga and Geto were both ruthless when it came to pushing her, always nonstop with their attacks. On one hand, Yaga's dolls would be showering her with punches and kicks that she was sure would form bruises the following day whilst Geto would summon several curses to sweep her off of her feet.

Then Gojo.

Gojo would be sitting on the sidelines either sulking because he can't take part in her training or treating her like a player on the court, shouting and instructing her like some coach. She didn't mind; more often than not, he would actually give constructive criticism that helped her progress more than the day before. Still, that didn't excuse his troublesome behaviour.

"___! Hey, ___!"

Furrowing her brows, ___ frowned, banging her head against the wall in anger.

Speak of the devil.

"You awake in there?" Gojo yelled, knocking on her door restlessly.

Leaning on the edge of the bathtub, ___ let out a sigh. Was there ever a day that she can be free from Gojo? Probably not, but she'll try.

Zipping her mouth shut, ___ stayed still, attempting to keep quiet in hopes that Gojo would leave her alone after thinking that she was still asleep. No one would disturb a sleeping person, it was only proper manners.

"Oh well, I don't care either way. We're letting ourselves in!"

___ heard her door creak open, several footsteps entering her room. With a groan, the girl unwillingly emerged from the bathtub and wrapped a towel around her torso, opening the door of her bathroom to reveal Gojo and Geto looking through her drawer of panties. Her eye twitched, clenching the doorknob till her knuckles turned white, and the boys both knew that they were getting an ass beating after this.

"Gojo-senpai, Geto-senpai.." she smiled wickedly, her voice dripping with venom as she held two fingers up, a thin spider thread appearing on her fingertips.

"Would you like me to slice you up into pieces?"

Dropping the pink panties in his hands, Gojo shot her a flirtatious grin, sitting down on her bed as Geto opened up his phone, feigning innocence with a small whistle blowing through his lips.

"Come on now, ___. A man has his urges." Gojo says, resting his elbows on his knees.

"I'm telling Yaga-sensei—"

"Okay, okay! We're just here to pick you up for a mission!" Gojo ran a hand through his hair dejectedly.

"Leave the details for later. I'm not done taking a bath." she said, before pointing to her door. "Now please, leave. I can't trust both of you in my room."

Geto sat on her leather armchair by the coffee table, crossing his legs as he took in the atmosphere of her room. Very neat and tidy, he noticed, a minimalistic aesthetic full of cream-coloured furniture with plants littered in several corners of her room. Something he had expected from her personality and preferences.

"Don't worry about us, we're just chilling." Geto said to which ___ responded with a questioning look that told him that she knew he was lying.

"Unless you want us to join you? I wouldn't mind a bath myself." Gojo lifted his glasses off of his nose and shot ___ a wink.

"I don't think we'd all fit in the tub though." Geto said, which further aggravated the girl, causing her to slam the bathroom door, eager to get back to her hot bath.

The two boys looked at each other curiously, wondering if they should stay in the room. She didn't really try to force them out anyway, so they stayed, sinking into the warm cushions of her bed and couch.

"Maybe we shouldn't have done that." Gojo thinks aloud, earning a chuckle from Geto.

"You think?" he asked with a hint of sarcasm.

"I didn't think she'd wear pink frilly panties though. I never thought I'd say this but plain white suits someone as simple as her." Gojo fiddles with the white blanket underneath his fingers.

"I think a light purple would look nice - elegant." Geto says in a hushed tone. They don't know if the girl could hear them or not, better safe than sorry. Tilting his head, Gojo rested his cheek on the palm of his hand.

"Blue stripes would look nice too." Gojo added, and Geto hummed in agreement.


Letting out a low grumble, ___ squirmed in her seat as she fiddled with her white uniform, bringing a hand to rub her arm uncomfortably.

"What's wrong, ___?" Geto asked, looking down at girl as he stood in the crowd of people on the train. ___ rubbed the nape of her neck, feeling his pitch black eyes burning a hole through her head.

"I don't understand why I have to wear a white uniform just because I'm a 'special grade.' I just feel like I'm standing out too much.." she mumbles sheepishly. Geto pulls out his phone and snaps a picture without the girl's knowledge, texting Gojo who stood at the other end of the train due to the crowd separating the trio.

I have a picture of ___. 1200 yen

  u haven't even paid me the rest from yesterday 😡

Do you want it or not?
                                                        gimme, gimme🙇‍♂️🤲🏻

"Customize your summer uniform then." Geto said, sending the picture to Gojo. "Either way, I bet you'd still look good."

Looking up from his phone, Geto saw the way ___ rolled her eyes at his words, a smirk finding its way on her lips.

"Never pegged you as the flirty type. I thought that was Gojo-senpai's job." ___ said, feeling the train slow down to a stop.

"I don't hear you complaining though." Suguru held a hand out to the first year, helping her stand from her seat and escorting her out the train.

___ was right, Geto was never really the flirty type but something about Gojo thinking that he was the only one who could pull ___ made something stir inside of him, and it wasn't pleasant. Was it jealousy? Perhaps.

"Why are we here anyway, Geto-senpai? You guys haven't filled me in yet." ___ released her hand from Geto's, her warmth lingering on his palm. Before Geto could open his mouth to answer, Gojo's head peaked through between their shoulders.

"We've got an important job to do, my little kōhai!" he says, stuffing his hands in the pocket of his pants as they walked towards their destination. "We have to protect the new Star Plasma vessel."

"Couldn't you both handle it by yourselves?" ___ massages her temples with a sigh. She really wished that she had just said no, today was supposed to be a rare day off that she could use to relax and rest her aching muscles, maybe go to a nearby café and finish the current book she was reading.

"We thought that you might want to know how it feels like to be assigned important missions, you know, being a trusted special grade and all." Gojo mused, earning a huff from the girl.

"Keep talking and I'll make sure to shut you up for real this time, Gojo-senpai." ___ hissed, tilting her chin up and glaring at the boy menacingly - it had no effect though. In fact, Gojo found it adorable, the way she was attempting to make herself appear bigger than she actually was.

"I'd like to see you try, princess." Gojo leaned down to her face, noses barely brushing against each other; ___ swore she smelled the scent of cherry-flavoured candy. "But if you used your lips, I'd gladly shut up just for you."

Geto watched from behind the two, feeling his stomach churn at the small distance between Gojo and ___'s lips. It was so, so terribly close that just a small breeze of the wind can bring them together, and it made Geto undeniably jealous.

"Yeah?" ___ let out a breathy laugh, slowly closing the distance between her and Gojo, who was honestly taken aback by the sudden confidence that took over the girl, but he didn't budge. He wanted to see how far this could drag on, and if that meant receiving a kiss from his cute little kōhai, shit - then so be it.

Geto's breath hitched in his throat, refusing to hide the way his shoulders tensed as the measly distance between them decreased, fingers itching to rip her off of Gojo and into his arms, but he didn't need to. The moment Gojo's eyelids started to flutter close to prepare for the feeling of her lips on his, ___ pulled away, a haughty smirk visible on her lips.

"You seem a little too eager to kiss me, Gojo-senpai."

Before the boy was able to utter a single word out, the sound of explosion and shattered glass was heard by the nearby building, catching the attention of the trio. Gojo fixed the sunglasses that slid down his nose, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Is it our fault if the kid's already dead?" Gojo questioned. Geto's eyes narrowed, spotting a silhouette falling from the sky. Extending his hand, Geto summoned a pitch black ball that morphed into a cursed spirit that resembled a manta ray.

"Kinda. You guys were acting like two horny teenagers for a good minute or two." Geto replied in a teasing manner, trying to suppress the petty words that threatened to escape his mouth. ___ huffed at this, a small blush dusting her cheeks.

"That's exactly what we are!" Gojo pulled ___ close to his chest, letting Geto ride on the flying cursed spirit to retrieve the falling girl. He ignored the white-haired boy, bringing himself to focus on the task at hand.

"Gojo-senpai," ___ called out, her two fingers coming up sharply, creating a spider web that clung to the trees surrounding the area. In a matter of seconds, several sharp knives shot towards the two before getting caught in the spider web. "You should really focus more or you'll get yourself killed."

"Me? Killed?" Gojo couldn't help but chuckle, bringing his hand up to the small of ___'s waist protectively as he gave the masked assailant a mocking glare.

"You're talking to the strongest shaman here!"

"If only Shoko came, we could get her healed up.." Geto muttered, taking a look at the unconscious girl in Gojo's arms.

"___, can't you perform reversed cursed technique? Why don't you give it a try?" Gojo tilts his head curiously towards ___, to which she replied with a shake of her head.

"I'm not the one who can do that, not yet. Yatsukahagi did that for me." ___ answered with a click of her tongue. It made her repulsed just hearing the curse's name roll off of her tongue, and she knows that Yatsukahagi knew how she felt; she is residing inside of ___'s body after all. They share the same mind and no thought goes unheard by the both of them.

Hearing a low groan coming from the vessel in Gojo's arms, the three of them gazed down at her, her eyes fluttering open in a daze, taking in her surroundings.

"Oh, you're awake."

As Gojo was about to place the girl down, she swung a hand to his cheek, taking the trio by surprise. ___ and Geto stifled a laugh.

"Now, Riko. We don't mean you any harm. We're here to protect you, not abduct you." Geto attempted to calm the vessel down, giving her a warm, welcoming smile. Riko only scowled.

"With the way your bangs are, you look like a liar! And you too!" Riko pointed towards ___. "What the heck is that hair job? Did you run out of dye halfway through or something?"

___ and Geto felt something snap within them, anger radiating from their bodies as they each took one of Riko's arm and pulled, Gojo tugging at her legs instead.

"Take that back and maybe I'll consider forgiving you." ___ hissed, a crooked smile on her face. Riko struggled against their grip, a squeal escaping her lips when they tugged on her limbs a little too hard.

"P-Please stop that! My lady, they're our friends!" From the other room, one of Geto's cursed spirits trudged towards them, carrying Riko's caretaker on it's back. Riko beamed at her in joy.

"You seem a little too relaxed despite the situation you're in. And here I was, worrying about you.." Gojo huffed, rubbing his swollen cheek. Riko grinned at the boy, placing a hand on her hip.

"A comment I'd expected from a simpleton like you! I am Master Tengen, and Master Tengen is me!" Riko rambled on, spouting out words about death and merging. It all fell on deaf ears though, as Gojo and Geto took out their phones to show each other their new wallpaper : ___.

"Oh, you set your wallpaper as ___ too?" Gojo asked and Geto nodded, taking a quick look on his friend's phone.

"Mhm, but I'd say the one I took today is cuter." Geto stroked his chin in deep thought. Hearing their conversation, ___ glanced at the her senpais wallpapers, immediately stomping on their feet.

"You guys are unbelievable." she grumbled, scowling.

"Hey, are you guys even listening?!" Riko stomped her foot, glaring at the three high school students.

"She probably doesn't have any friends at school by the way she talks." Gojo said, earning a nod from ___ and Geto.

Riko's eyes widened at the mention of school, immediately asking for the time but Kuroi encouraged her to stay, claiming that it would be much safer to stay at home where the trio can protect them.

"I can't miss school, especially not today!" Riko whined, making ___'s eyes soften. The young girl's normal life was about to be taken away from her after all, she was going to be thrown into the cruel world of jujutsu, one she can't escape no matter how hard she tries. In a way, ___ was like that too, forced into a situation that she never asked to be in.

Taking pity on Riko, ___ walked towards her and placed her hands on her shoulders, earning a strange look from Gojo and Geto who was also against the idea of Riko attending school.

"Let's take you to school then." she says, a gentle smile on her lips similar to that of a mother's. Riko looked at ___ in surprise, gazing in awe at the mellow expression on her face before bursting into a grin.

"It's too dangerous, ___." Geto said. ___ ignored and walked past the two boys, taking hold of Riko's hand as she dragged her along. Seeing the determination in ___'s posture, Gojo and Geto couldn't help but oblige, giving each other a shrug.

___ never did anything without a reason behind it.

What could go wrong?

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