Godzilla: Enter the Kaiju Gir...

By AQuickSeriesOfWords

116K 2.1K 1.1K

Gojira's faced perils, fought countless battles with other godlike beings, and even the forces of Hell could... More

So I Walked Out of Hell...
Then I Fought a Bug and a Cyborg Chicken.
Training Came the Next Day...
They Needed a Place to Stay.
So I taught them about Seafood...
Her First Lesson...
Then Came the Metal Menace!
Those Three Were Rather Nosy...
We Checked Out Her Tunnel...
I Actually Played with Rocks...
I Watched Their Rematch.
Then Came the Party.
A Calm Yet Aggravating Day...
The Calm Before the World Shook.
Bonus Answers 1
The Night of Frost.
My Wrath Reignited!
I Knew Where to Strike.
My Rage Echoed Beyond!
Denied Once Again...
I Awoke Before the HEAT...
While I got a Gift...
That's When They Met...
Fights are Easier...
And of Course I Knew...
She Arrived...
And While they Were Away...
I learned something New...
Answers 2
And Here's Where it started!
It was My Fault (Webtoon Announcement)
I Thought There Would be Peace (Patreon!)
And she Said Too Much!
But she Would be Fine...
It was Her I Worried About...

We Solved the Problem the Very Same Day

4.9K 86 26
By AQuickSeriesOfWords

"They're doing what!?" Godzilla roared, eyes flaring blue. She was ready to charge off, find the nearest city, and tear it to shreds. "Those fucking mongrels!"

Anguirus had a disgusted scowl, shared by all the other Daikaiju there save for Megalon, who remained stoic, and Junior, who looked miserable, on her face. "That's low. Even for them."

"They defiled her grave to make a weapon. A mockery and defiling of nature." Mothra shook her head and placed her free hand on Godzilla's shoulder. "I wish I awakened sooner to stop them. To convince theme to cease such an atrocity."

Godzilla clenched and unclenched her hands, taking deep breathes, until her face softened, though still scowling. "Don't give yourself any crap, Mothra. Knowing General fuck-his-face, he would've gone and done it anyway, piece of utter shit."

Gojira wasn't surprised in the slightest. What did surprise him was the fact there was a previous Godzilla before this one, the first Godzilla of this world, one who was held in high regard by this Godzilla. One she called her mother. The pieces were starting to come together and it made his heart ache to simply think over. The possibility that this Godzilla...

No. Gojira didn't want to jump to conclusions. He did that too many times in Hell, whether it be a fake moment of calm, a fake grasp at freedom, and worse yet, ghosts of his past that weren't even really there. Things that were clawed from the darkest depths of his mind, nightmares and desires alike. And even to this day, he could still see the horrors of Hell, taunting him from the bleak abyss of his mind.

Still. Minilla, Gojira's Minilla, was gone. And so was Gojira, trapped in some alternate reality. But even if that was the case, Gojira found himself filling up with a new purpose outside of his rage. Godzilla and Junior. Perhaps out of a need for both kinship and even desperation, he wanted to be close with them as he was with Minilla. He wanted to protect them. Whatever the universe threw his way, it would have to go through him before it touched a single strand of hair on the head of those two.

Then he thought of his counterpart. He was furious, furious she, possibly himself in a way, could die before this Godzilla had grown and even more furious with Humanity to go so far, even if it was an action he would expect them to perform. His life proved many things to him, important lessons, and one of them was that Humanity wasn't worth saving. They were monsters who did as they pleased, took whoever they pleased. Had the aliens merely threatened their lives, he would've left them be. That, and if Ghidorah wasn't present.

He focused on projecting his rage, something he did incredibly well, and spoke to the doctor. "You're kind are worthless, human. You would be better off going extinct."

Dr. Serizawa didn't say anything. He understood Gojira's feelings and merely offered a guilty look. However, the Kaiju Girls, sans Megalon and Mothra, the moth Kaiju Girl actually giving Gojira a look of odd sympathy, glared at him. Godzilla walked up to Gojira and butted heads. "Where the fuck do you get off sayin' that to him? The GDF pulled this shit, Serizawa is warning us after trying to stop them."

Gojira was shocked by how Minilla-no, Godzilla was the very first to speak up on this human's behalf. Queen Caesar was next. "You may hate the humans, but there's one thing you should take away from this conversation." She pointed to Serizawa. "People like him exist. People like him are proof of their worth, even to the likes of you. And as a Guardian of Humanity, I would never let that happen anyway."

"You really are an enigma." Came Megalon's voice, her eyes lock on Gojira. "You act so aloof yet here you are, showing all this rage. And even traces of sympathy."

Gojira mentally cursed Megalon for saying that as Godzilla's glare of suspicion returned. Luckily, she shook it off and spoke to the group as a whole. "It pisses me off to say it, but the GDF's stunt can wait. We gotta get our asses moving double time before they start trying to lock shit down. Can't kick alien ass stuck on Infant Island."

Rodan rose into the air, blazing with unadulterated excitement. "About time! I'm ready for a rematch with queen space bitch."

Godzilla laughed and jabbed a thumb at herself. "Take a number, fire fowl."

"Absolutely not." Gojira immediately cut in. Everyone turned to him as his tone sounded more protective than argumentative. He realized his error and followed with. "The only destined to burn her to ash is me and me alone. You may punch at what's left to feel some satisfaction."

"Ahem." Mothra coughed into her hand to gain everyone's attention before the three wager fighters could break out into a spiraling argument of dibs. "So, any plans of our course of action?"

"Godzilla, Mothra, and me are definitely going." Rodan looked towards Gojira and rolled her eyes. "Guess there's no real way to stop you from coming."

Gojira let out a dry laugh. "You're starting to get it."

"Well, considering I'm a poor swimmer, and so is Anguirus to a lesser degree," Queen Caesar let out a flustered laugh and Anguirus rolled her eyes, though she said nothing against the statement, "We can stay behind and watch Junior."

Anguirus punched her palm. "Yep. We'll be ready for anything on the homefront."

"What!?" Junior was indignant at the thought of being left out. "I can fight too!"

"Tanks and planes, sure." Godzilla went to eye level with her daughter and calmly told her, "But you're not ready to fight another Kaiju Girl. You've still got a lot of growing to do."

"But, I..." Junior weakly protested.

Godzilla placed her hands on her daughter's shoulder and warmly smiled. "Not yet. We need you here, Junior."

The little one wanted to protest some more, but she knew better. Her mother was right. She wasn't strong enough to help, not yet. "Okay. I understand."

"Thanks. Love ya kiddo." Godzilla opened her arms for a hug.

Junior immediately rushed to her arms for a tight embrace. "Love you too, mom."

Never had Gojira craved to be a part of a hug with were strangers so much in his life or old one. But he couldn't act on those desires, not even able to smile warmly with his human face for the first time still. Anyone who threatened either of them would have to go through him first, even then he doubted that would be enough. A hole in one's chest was rather easy to ignore with proper motivation as he had the pleasure of finding out first hand. Several times.

"Alrighty then." Godzilla said as she stood back up to her full height. "Let's fan out."

"I'll meet up with you all," Mothra said as she began to take off. "I'll take Dr. Serizawa back to his boat."

"Good luck, everyone!" Dr. Serizawa yelled. "When all is said an done, I'd like to talk with Gojira and Megalon for a bit! You have my curiosity!"

Megalon seemed perplexed and Gojira suppressed the urge to wretch. Whatever, an issue for another time. Gojira had a fight he looked forward to finishing. Oh, he was he kidding?

He was going to commit a murder.


Orga was a simple Kaiju girl. Tech and biology were her two passions that she took the utmost pride in. She didn't mind serving Queen Ghidorah in the slightest as the powerful Kaiju Girl allowed her to indulge in her desires as long as they proved useful for her conquest, which they usually did. Even when they didn't, it was only because Orga was being a little self indulgent and her queen didn't mind. All this made working on her latest baby all the sweeter, a nice mix of an order and passion project. Those foolish earthlings wouldn't know what hit them, not even the anomaly. Of course, Orga was hoping she'd get the privilege of being to hit the anomaly first hand at least once. Maybe even take a blood sample herself. Perhaps just a nice bite.

"Orga." Queen Ghidorah's voice came on the comms. "I need you to head down the lab immediately. And have your guard up. The monitors picked up a strange fluctuation of energy coming from the room."

"Yes, my queen." Orga answered obediently. Once Queen Ghidorah signed off, Orga began muttering to herself, aggravated as the finishing touches would now happen without her presence. "Can't that braggart Gigan handle one biological creation process? Must I hold her hands?"

The ship shook and the tremors most notably coming from the laboratory area. Orga ran over there without delay. Gigan could be incompetent, but not that incompetent, not normally at least. It didn't take too long for her to reach the laboratory and find out what had transpired.

The room was covered in crystalline growths and Gigan happened to be trapped in one, her face trapped in a silent scream as she was locked in some sort of stasis. Whether she was alive or not would remain to be seen, though, Orga hoped she was. The more support they had for conquering the Earth, the better. But the most concerning thing was that both chambers were smashed and empty. The biological creations had escaped!

Orga looked around for any signs of the threat and rushed over to begin breaking Gigan free once she felt the coast was clear. "This is what Queen Ghidorah gets for allowing you to handle a task not combat oriented."

"Orga, I have a question for you." Orga tensed but didn't cease smashing her ally out of the crystal. "Do you mind telling me why the monitors say the pods are empty?" Her tone was sweet. Too sweet. The queen was growing livid.

"Gigan was most likely taken by surprise." Orga grunted out. "The creations Space Godzilla and Hedorah have escaped. They're most likely still in the -" A loud crash and the minor shake of the ship silenced her.

"Oh my, a hull breach! How wonderful!" Her sugary sarcasm dripped with venom. "What were you going to say about my little pets?"

"They most likely escaped, my queen." Orga sighed out.

"Fan-fucking-tastic!" Her voice shifted into a feral growl and faint static could be heard. "When all is said and done, Gigan is losing arm privileges. Tell me, are you at least still worthy of such privileges?"

"I believe so." Orga said confidently and proudly. "Our first Mechagodzilla has been built to your exact specifications."

"Some good news at least." Orga released a breath she didn't know she was holding and Gigan gasped, her head free. "I want both of you to report to my throne room immediately. Despite the setback, I believe it's our time to strike once more. And despite Gigan's latest blunder, I have a gift for her that isn't a well deserved ass whooping. Not yet at least."

Orga was now smashing the crystal's at the cyborg's shoulder. "Yes, my queen."

"Bidi... bidi-bitch..." Gigan weakly mumbled, slowly moving her readjusting eyes. "Where's the... newest freak..."

"Gone." Orga answered. Her mouth curled into a feral smile. "Your usefulness is under question, Gigan."

The trapped Kaiju Girl groaned. "Fuck... off..."


Gojira, Godzilla, Rodan, and Mothra were tracking down the ship, Gojira and Godzilla leading the way under the waves. Not too far away were the GDFs naval ships, monitoring and prepared to intervene should the monsters live up to their disastrous reputation in regards to the humans. It definitely helped that they were heading in the right direction and Mothra was now present at least, so they backed off.

Gojira turned to Godzilla. He couldn't hold it in, so he had to ask. "How are you holding up?"

That caught the Kaiju Girl off guard. She side eyed him. "What's it to you?"

Gojira could've responded in a myriad of ways, but he had to go with the on most in character for him as of now. It was aggravating to say the least. "I'm merely asking to make sure you can fight properly."

Godzilla let out a single humorless laugh then growled out. "Piss off. My emotions won't weigh me down."

"You're fine then?" Gojira knew she wasn't, but he wanted to try to pry further, to at least try to reach out in some way.

Her answer came after some hesitation. "Hell no."

Gojira furrowed his brow. "What was she like?"

"Why do you care? Why are you asking?" Godzilla irately asked questioned back.

"I am... curious. I never had a parent of my own." A truth, in a way. He was the first Godzilla after all. He wanted to know more about the Kaiju Girl version of what indeed may have been himself. What she really was to this one.

"Sad story, pal." Godzilla grunted in an uncaring fashion. It lacked the same usual heat though. She sighed, and despite what she deemed as better judgement, she decide to answer him. "Godzilla, my mother, was special to me. How could she not be, she raised me." Godzilla let out a brief chuckle before a more forlorn expression came over her. "But she was a full time destroyer with a burning hate for humanity when she wasn't busy being my mother. She was killed in her attack against Japan, somewhere near Tokyo. By a special bomb from what Serizawa told me."

Gojira's fists clenched. 'You weakling,' He spoke in his mind, 'how could you fall so easily? Before your child... no, I have no right to curse you.' He turned to watch as Godzilla swam beside him. Like Minilla... only bigger and the shape of a human woman. 'You succeed where I failed.'

Gojira sighed and rumbled out, "Yet you don't hate Humanity?"

Godzilla shook her head. "Sure as hell don't like 'em as a whole. But like we said before, they're not all bad. It pains me to say it, but... they killed her out of self defense. I miss her, but I don't believe in pointless revenge. Got a kid of my own after all. I need to look out for her."

Gojira... was oddly relieved with that answer. He hated Humanity, maybe more than anyone else, but he knew better about waging pointless wars and so did this Godzilla. The corners of his lips twitched, but he managed to suppress it. "That's actually smart of you. Not bad."

"Oh man, such high praise." Godzilla sarcastically replied. "Anymore, I might start thinking you have the hots for me."

That had triggered much disgust with Gojira and what followed was, "No!" An instant and forceful response left Gojira's lips, much to his embarrassment.

"I was fucking with you." Godzilla plainly explained. She clicked her tongue. "Weirdo."


Queen Ghidorah's roar came from nowhere, echoing through the planet. She was calling them out, but to Gojira, it sounded as if she was making an alpha call, which was taunting him. Godzilla went to poke her head out of the surface and Gojira followed suit. Mothra and Rodan swooped low to better talk with them.

Rodan grit her teeth. "You water based reptiles heard that too?"

"Yeah." Godzilla replied. "Bitch is probably feelin' cocky."

"So, she probably has a trap planned or something else not exactly good for us." Mothra surmised uneasily.

Gojira snorted, not at concerned with such thoughts. "Feel to turn around if you want. I'll smash whatever she has planned then smash her."

"Slightly gross way of saying that aside," Godzilla drawled before her frown turned into a feral smirk. "I'm actually with him on that the sounds of it, she must be in Tokyo."

"How fitting." Gojira rumbled, remember his old Ghidorah's chosen tomb. "I can't wait to make it her shallow grave."

"Yeah." Godzilla drawled once again, glancing towards her more well known comrades. She wouldn't lie to herself, Gojira's frequent homicide talks were starting to get a little uncomfortable. She wasn't necessarily against killing if necessary, and with these aliens that'd probably be the case, but he talked as it he had vendetta against her. She wouldn't address it now but certainly later. "First come, first serve, asshole."

"Then let's get a move on." With those parting words, Gojira speed up and nearly broke off from the group until they caught back up with him.



"Noisy beast." General Gyozen hissed. "I bet a solid nuke to your skull would shut you up."

General Gyozen sat by and watched the monitors of the Kaiju Girls carefully, absently playing with a knife in one hand while the other rested near his mug. His number one father mug. The council's orders initially infuriated him but, after cooling down, he conceded to the thought of letting the monsters fight. At the very least, he was given permission to deal with the surviving monsters based on their next move. And whichever side survived.

Thankfully, Tokyo and neighboring areas had been cleared and sheltered once the alien Mothership was caught approaching the city. They weren't moving now, just hovering, waiting. Once the monsters begun their assault on each other, the GDF would swoop in for that ship. Let the monsters fight like brutes. The real heroes would take on the other primary target.

He hoped the Earth Defenders, as the Earth's Kaiju Girls were nicknamed, would win. Not because he rooted for them per say, though he obviously preferred their victory over the invaders, but he would have the joy of pitting the GDF's latest creation on the latest Godzilla. Or rather, Godzillas in this case.

The general's grip tightened around his blade as he thought of them. How Serizawa would always speak on their behalf, as if he spoke with the blasted nightmares.

"You can't protect them forever." Gyozen hissed under his breath. "I will see Humanity free from their torment when this is over." His gaze momentarily softened as bitter thoughts of the past hit him. "What changed you, Ishido?"

"General Gyozen!" A voice came from the computer, a captain from the looks of it, just as the monsters neared their destination. "We're under fire around Infant Island!"

General Gyozen put his thoughts on hold and pulled up monitors of the location. His troops needed his guidance.



The four remaining Kaiju Girls on the island heard the great call of Queen Ghidorah. Megalon shuddered. "She must be renewing her assault."

Anguirus folded her arms and grumbled. "It's barely been a day and here we are with all this crazy shit."

Queen Caesar nodded and sighed out. "No kidding. After this, sleep. Possibly for a full week."

"Ugh, and here I am. Pretty much at everyone's mercy." Megalon growled and sat herself down on a flat rock. "Worst of all, I sit beside myself on who I want to win."

All three Earth Kaiju Girls gave her deadpan stares. Anguirus asked her in a monotone voice. "You're seriously stuck between a genocidal tyrant, who probably abuses you, and Kaiju Girls who want to be left in piece?"

"It's the interstellar travel that holds me." Megalon explained. "Had you that, I would be more open to rebellion."

"Wow, you really are stupid." Junior blurted.

Megalon narrowed her eyes and sighed in frustration. "You three must truly be related. Even the child is rude!"

"Sticks and stones, lady." Queen Caesar sagely told her.

Her words were lost upon the off worlder. "What about them?" Megalon questioned.

"It's a saying here on Earth. You see-" A small explosion in the air silenced her and the group looked upwards to see jets scrambling to battle a series of smaller ships reminiscent of the larger aircraft Megalon and the rest of the aliens came from.

"Ah, the armada. Which means one of my allies may not be too far behind. And considering Gigan would be kept on a short leash during this time." As if on que, Anguirus was shot in the back by a yellow ray and Queen Caesar immediately went to shield Junior. Megalon turned to the source and huffed. "Ah. It's you."


The Earth defending Kaiju arrived to the coast of Japan, Gojira touching down first followed by Godzilla to his left and the other two above them. It was a ghost city, some buildings crumbled, burning, or both, save for the large space ship high into the air, concealed by a massive raging storm, and Queen Ghidorah right below it sitting on a tall building with a smug grin plastered on her face, her legs crossed, wine glass in hand. "Hello, my soon to be victims. Are you ready to pick up where we left off? I bet three of you are."

Rodan and Godzilla definitely had a response to that, but Gojira had a more attention grabbing method. It's what came oh so naturally since he's had the pleasure of repeating it to every challenger time and time again. "Ssskkkrrrreeeeooooooonngk!"

A rather impressive roar, many had to admit. Queen Ghidorah snapped from her momentary stupor and glared. "Sooo," She crushed her giant wine glass in her hand. "We're skipping the pre-fight banter?" Another answer came in the form of Gojira sprinting a towards her and, fueled by adrenaline, he was sprinting atop buildings like stairs before they collapsed to reach his target. "Oh, shit-girls, come out and play!"

Godzilla, Rodan, and Mothra had to dodge a barrage of oncoming missiles, Mothra needing to perform an extra corkscrew in the air as a red beam came and singed the right edge of her wing. From the sky came Gigan, her arms now double bladed chainsaws, and, a new contender, a robotic Kaiju Girl that heavily resembled Godzilla, from the style of her hair down to her bust size, only the robot could open her chest cavity to unleash a storm of artillery fire.

Mothra went to take Gigan in a midair duel as the Cyborg had her in her sights while Rodan and Godzilla were forced to engage the robotic copy cat.

"I'm gonna make a huge fucking mint with you on the black market, so called goddess!" Gigan excitedly shouted, dodging a blast of Mothra's rainbow colored laser. "What's left of you at least!"

"Doubtful." Mothra lifted her body over a horizontal slash, Gigan's blade roaring as it went by, and countered with a spinning kick against the cyborg's temple. "I'd advise focusing more on your current fight than making empty threats." Mothra followed up taking Gigan and performing a midair Judo toss.

Gigan managed to catch herself and shot her cluster beams. Mothra protected herself with her transparent energy shields and Gigan sneered. "I don't do threats, I make promises." The Kaiju Girl raced back to the moth Daikaiju, her blades roaring louder. "And I promise your head will be on my wall!"

Below them, Mechagodzilla was trying to fry the enemies of her queen. She aimed her wrist mounted cannons towards the duo. "Aggression levels: eight. Switching to energy based weaponry."

"Pute madre, they improved your intelligence." Rodan dodged to the side as the beam went over head.

Godzilla rolled out of the way and rushed towards the android, yelling, "Less weak barbs from you, more strong attacks instead!"

Godzilla unwisely punched her robot counterpart across the face, which more so hurt her hand than anything else even if Mechagodzilla nearly fell over. The robot was about to punch back, but Rodan followed suit, grasping the robot by an arm and flew higher into the air. With a spin, Rodan threw the Mecha Kaiju Girl into a building. Godzilla followed up with a blast of her Atomic Breath and the building collapsed.

"Fuck!" Rodan complained. "Robo bitch was heavy. Think that -" Before her question could be fully spoken, Mechagodzilla burst from the rubble, a little battered and covered in debris, and with a neutral expression, approached them once more.

Godzilla huffed and cracked her knuckles. "No, Rodan, I think she's fine. I also think we're gonna be here for a while." She briefly glanced towards the ruckus between a certain pair of assholes. "Can't believe he got to her first."

Further away, Gojira and Queen Ghidorah smashed through an already crumbling building, wrestling for dominance. Queen Ghidorah broke from the grasp with a kick to Gojira's face and flew up. "Why with all the aggression? I haven't even killed anyone yet."

"And you won't!" He roared, jumping up to grab the Kaiju Girl by her ankles and tossed her back down into a building. Gojira pounced, but the dragon queen's lightning pushed him back. That lightning brought back more unwanted memories and stroked his anger.

He charged his Atomic Breath and fired. Ghidorah swiftly flew out of the way, charged more lightning into her right hand, and charged with her fist reared back. His eyes narrowed as the attack came near him, ducked just as her fist grazed his cheek, the sound of crackling electricity whizzing by his ear, and dug his fist into her gut.

"Guh!" Queen Ghidorah felt that this must've been a karmic pain flowing through for her first fight on the planet. Karma was indeed a bitch and so was Gojira the space monster concluded.

Gojira grabbed his opponent by the face and was prepared to slam her into the concrete before he felt something slam into the back of his head. It hurt enough to be annoying and, after tossing Queen Ghidorah to the side, he looked up to see several alien ships in the air. "Your back up I take it!?"

She chuckled and rose with a smug face, dusting herself off. "Nothing wrong with using your assets is there?" She watched as a pair of ships were coming around to join her only become dismayed as they were shot down. "What the hell?"

Gojira turned to where she was looking at and smirked. GDF jets were swarming in as well, the humans finally deciding to join in. They were smart enough not to target him for now, just as Dr. Serizawa said. He turned back to the infuriated queen and replied, "Yeah. Nothing wrong with that at all."

Above them, Gigan watched the scene in befuddlement. "What the fuck? Why are these assholes helping you diddlers out?"

"Cooler heads prevailed for now." Mothra giggled, not at all bothered by the cut on her shoulder, her bright blue blood leaking out. "Amazing isn't it?"

"Not quite." Gigan hissed back with a venomous sneer. Behind her, the Mothership began moving. "Our ride ain't just for show and transport."

Down below, more in the water, Godzilla ducked under another laser and fired a fully charged Atomic Breath at the automaton. It braced itself with a shield, but this only mitigated the damage as her right arm became a tad melted, the wrist laser now mangled.

Rodan flew from the ocean with a large rock and attempted to smash it upon the robot's head only for her to jump out of the way, now flying in the air with rocket feet. Rodan clicked her tongue and glanced higher into the air to witness the dogfights of invaders and GDF, more importantly, the Mothership moving. "Yo, Godzilla!"

"Yeah, I noticed." She said tensely. "It's our incentive to hurry the hell up!"


Numerous jets and alien fighters scrambled in the air, blasting each other to and fro. Naval ships formed a loose perimeter around Infant Island, firing antiaircraft guns and allowing their jets to fly into the air to take the fight to the invaders who out numbered them two to one.

On the Island, the monsters faced a struggle of their own as the powerful Orga had came to collect a stray comrade and, as a bonus, eliminate or collect new potential pets. However, the two remaining Earth Defenders were proving quite resilient. Hiding not too far away with baited breath was Junior, rooting for her surrogate family to prevail.

"Megalon, what's keeping you!?" Orga roared, knocking Anguirus away as her enemy was in her ball form. Orga's arm rung with pain, that shell of the earthling's proving tougher than even her shear strength could handle. Then came the furry one with a spinning kick against Orga's jaw that lead to her toppling. "Feel free to jump in!"

"I have no drills and my wings are tied... literally!" Megalon displayed her wings, unable to even flex under her bindings.

Queen Caesar was about crash down upon Orga until a squad of alien ships blasted her away. After releasing a huff, Orga turned to Megalon. "Grrrr, excuses!" Orga put a hand to her mouth and whistled, pointing to Megalon.

A ship came in and fire a heat ray to burn away the webs. Megalon pumped her fist. "Thanks!"

Orga rolled her eyes and charged up her cannon. "Thank me by helping with these Earthlings after you're free." Then, she proceeded to blast the rapidly approaching Anguirus while the ships kept up their assault on Queen Caesar. "Stay down and give in!"

"Never!" Anguirus' carapace bashed into the alien's shoulder and momentarily disabled her cannon. She didn't bounce away and unfurled instead, hopping onto the large alien's back to continue her assault. "You can't keep a good Kaiju down!"

"Mrrrrgh!" Anguirus clung onto her opponent like a spider monkey and pummeled her head. The large Kaiju Girl thrashed around, scrambling to get the mutated ankylosaur off. It was only a few more seconds until Anguirus was blown off by an arc of lightning courtesy of a now free Megalon.

Junior watched on in horror, her muscles tensing and her body screaming to act.

Anguirus rolled over next to Queen Caesar, who managed to drive off the alien squadron, and the fluffier Kaiju Girl turned to her down friend. "Megalon made her decision?"

"Megalon made her decision." Anguirus confirmed and she swore in Russian. "Blyat."

"Sorry, but the odds aren't in your favor." Megalon stood beside Orga, lightning dancing on her horn. "Also considering where your allies are at and your current situation, I no longer have anything to fear." Megalon refrained from mentioning her questioning of loyalty earlier. Orga would gladly sell her out for more of Queen Ghidorah's favor. A few more ships flew over head.

"Bring it on!" The aliens turned as Junior came running in and, in a promising display of strength for a Kaiju Girl her age, she shot down an alien ship with her atomic breath. "We'll go three to two or how many of whatever you are!"

""Junior!"" The older earth Daikaiju shouted in concern.

Megalon shook her head, not comprehending what came over the little one. "Foolish child."

"Brave." Orga purred with a chilling smile. "But you just save us the trouble of tracking you."

Anguirus and Queen Caesar stepped in front of her, not about to let the aliens even get close to her. Megalon and Orga primed their ranged weaponry just as more alien ships came flying toward them.


All the monsters momentarily froze at that familiar roar that had an odd metallic sound to it and turned to the source. Above them, just below the clouds, flew a familiar figure, only it was pure metal and had yellow eyes. It was a robot from the looks of it, based on Godzilla's design only with a jetpack and large rail cannons around her arms. "Orga... is that your project?"

"Hell no." She scowled at it and scoffed. "Don't insult my craftsmanship like that. They made her add ons much too bulky. And a battery powered jetpack? Primitive."

Megalon went wide eyed as the realization dawned on her, "Oh no..."


Unbeknownst to the Kaiju Girls, the approaching mech unit was piloted by a single woman inside of it. "Rapidly approaching the targets commander!"

"Excellent, Yashiro! Show those invaders who the Earth's sky belongs to!" Yelled General Gyozen from the comms.

With a spirited salute, she replied, "With gusto, sir!"

The targets were lined up in less than a second and the pilot lit up the sky better than a new year's fireworks show.


The newly arriving Mecha Kaiju Girl unleashed a hell storm of rockets and lasers against alien ships infesting Infant Island's airspace, making the sky quake with the explosions of obliterated aliens. The aliens briefly watched on in both fascination and horror.

Orga screamed in both fury and fear. "My armada!"

Megalon was sweating bullets and whispered to herself. "They deployed it here." She turned to her ally and made a decision in a split second. She took Orga, much to her confusion, and blasted her point blank range in the face with her fully charged Lightning Cannon. The Kaiju Girl went out like a light bulb.

Megalon turn to the surprised Kaiju Girls and said, "All according to plan."

""Nani!?"" All three Earth Defenders shouted.

Underneath Megalon's mask was a smug expression and she folded her arms. "The moment I was free, I detected the GDF creation approach with my optical scanner."

She had no such thing and foresaw nothing. Megalon couldn't insult to save her life, but she could lie.

Anguirus slammed her fist into her palm with a cheeky grin. "Oh, and you deceived Orga by pretending to work with her, only to pull the floor from under her at the last minute!"

Megalon shook her head enthusiastically as Anguirus pretty much helped her bullshit her way out further. "Yes! To all of that! Yes!" Anguirus and Queen Caesar seemed to have accepted that, but Junior clearly didn't buy an ounce of that and Megalon could tell. Before the child could speak, Megalon shouted and pointed to the sky dramatically. "Now let us be off! We have more of the armada to terminate!"

"Hell yeah!" Anguirus fist pumped.

Queen Caesar nodded in approval. "Let's get to it!"

Junior tried to speak once more. "You -"

Megalon cut her off again. "Let's go!"


"I can't believe it..." Queen Ghidorah coughed out through the dust and debris she found herself in, having been tossed into another building. She was bruised and a little bloody, a portion of clothing under her right breast ripped. "You're actually on equal footing with me. Color me impressed."

"That's what you call this." Godzilla growled out mockingly, a little bruised himself, though not at all tired. "Feels like you just been lying back and taking it."

"I am no one's sub." Queen Ghidorah acidly stated, rising from the wreckage.

Gojira quirked a brow. "Excuse me?"

Queen Ghidorah continued. "I have annihilated thousand of worlds. Never lost a single battle."

Gojira rolled his eyes, rage slowly morphing into something else as he was starting to separate his Ghidorah from this one. "Yet you're losing this one."

A tic mark appeared on Monster Zero's forehead, but she continued. "And I don't intend on losing one. Not ever." A wicked smirk crept on her face and she chuckled. "Witness me, worm. Witness my full power!"

"So you're done with your final rant then?" Gojira spoke with both sarcasm and enthusiasm, eager to end this struggle and go home. There was bonding to be done after all.

"Yes," above her, the Mothership began glowing a bright green around it's accents, "I am!" The ship's cannon fired down a beam of what appeared to be pure electrical energy directly at her and, with odd moan that perplexed Gojira, she appeared to be absorbing the energy, her scales growing brighter and electricity dancing on her wings. There was a second of calm until Queen Ghidorah opened her now completely gold eyes and roared, "Bidibidibidibidi!"

She released a haphazard pulse of lightning that took out both GDF and alien ships alike in a wave of destruction. Gojira narrowed his eyes. "Goddamnit."


General Gyozen winced, watching power surge on the monitor. Monster Zero power was amplified. "All GDF forces, pull out of Tokyo immediately. I repeat: pull out!"

He hated it, but this point, they had to rely on the monsters for this one. At the very least, they could buy humanity some much needed time.


The other Daikaiju stopped and stared at the scene, the Earth Defenders gritting their teeth and tensing, Gigan smirking, though a part of was disappointed now that the fight wasn't even anymore. She enjoyed sneaking glances at Queen Ghidorah getting tossed around and her ass beaten, even if it costed a saw and a few of her stomach buzzsaw's teeth. The Mecha, focuses on her prime directive, kept firing upon her enemies, even when everyone else stopped to stare.

Queen Ghidorah fired her Gravity Beams at Gojira, but with greater power this time. Gojira had to resort to blocking and took the blast to his forearms. It was searing and the force knocked him off his feet. Fighting off the pain of his lightly spasming arms, he tried to get up only for Queen Ghidorah to speed over, grab him, fly into the air, aiming to go beyond the clouds. "Savor this moment! You made me go all out, almost made me fall from grace! It's only fair you fall too!"

"Gojira!" Mothra tried to rush in to help, but Gigan cut off her break off route.

"Let them have their fun!" Gigan shouted, almost manically, and rushed in to fire her eye beam point blank. Mothra had similar thoughts and they both opened fire, causing an explosion that blew them both away.

Rodan saw and gasped. "Oh fuck!"

"Mothra!" Godzilla shouted and turned back to the Mecha. Her eyes were faintly white and she hissed with venom in her voice. "These fuckin' creatures!"

"Commence final termination procedures." Mechagodzilla fired a stream of lethal missiles from her back only for the true Godzilla to blast them out of the air with a stream of her Atomic Breath before crashing it down on the robot. It was more powerful than her previous streams and the Mecha displayed a moment of genuine confusion as her shield did little to protect her and pieces around her body began to melt, to crumble.

Back with Gojira and Queen Ghidorah, Gojira used his free hand and dug his fist into Queen Ghidorah's side as they flew. She coughed out some spittle, but ignored the pain to continue her flight. Once they were far above the clouds, where the air felt so thin, Queen Ghidorah made good on her word and threw Gojira back down to Earth, laughing as Gojira sped down to the surface.

Gojira cursed once he started falling and winced as he was enveloped in a blazing heat. With an earth shattering crash, he was back in Tokyo, causing a great dust cloud and toppling more buildings. What followed was Queen Ghidorah gracefully landing in front of the crater to face the last two standing Daikaiju, Rodan and Godzilla, both looking worse for ware. To the side, her poor robot lay in a defeated heap, body broken and head ripped from her synthetic shoulders.

Queen Ghidorah cared little and smiled at the Earth Defenders. "Now then, Queen of the Monsters," She said mockingly, "Shall we finish what we started before that rude interruption?" She glanced towards Rodan. "You may also feel free to jump in. She'll need the occasional break."

Both Godzilla and Rodan tensed up, more than willing to go for round two. But given the way they were banged up and her little rejuvenation, they prepared for the worst outcome. But something caught their eye in the dissipating dust cloud... a blue series of gleams. Then the voice came. "That all you've got? I'll admit, that really hurt."


"What the hell!?" The male Godzilla had momentarily left his readings, came back, and was now releasing more radiation outward. General Gyozen was shocked to say the least.


"What the fuck!?" Just as Queen Ghidorah turned to him, Gojira's glowing dorsal plates, some of which had tiny chips, unleashed a blue pulse of radioactive energy. Queen Ghidorah screamed in agony as the pulse actually burned away her wings and she fell to the ground, writhing. "How!? How!?"

"Hold that thought, beta." Gojira turned to the Mothership and channeled a powerful flow of atomic power to his diaphragm, like at Infant Island, and fired directly at the vessel with his Spiraling Atomic Breath, that made Godzilla actually feel some envy. It pierced right through and the Mothership fell, numerous explosions following the blow and pieces of alien metal raining down as the ship fell towards the ocean. He turned back to the pained dragon. "Now where were we before that interruption?"

Most of Queen Ghidorah's mind was racked by... fear. Actual fear for her life, a feeling, an emotion completely alien to her. This was a feeling she was meant to instill, not be overcome by. She lifted up her hands and saw that they were trembling, unsteady, unfocused, a stark contrast for what she was for eons. A queen did not show fear and yet her she was. Gojira stomped on her chest with enough force to crack a large section of ground and spittle mixed with blood flew from her mouth. Something else also left her mouth, a foreign series of words in a hushed tone.

"Can't hear you." Gojira put more weight on her. "Speak up!"

"Spare... me." She whispered. "I don't... want to die. Plea-ugh!"

More pressure. Bones were giving way. Gojira snarled. "You think you have the right to ask that!?"

Flashes echoed through his mind. Images of familiar places. Haunting faces. He heard the words, the voices of unknown beings say, 'Mercy. Show mercy. Mercy. She's not the same.' Being the most prominent along with voices telling him about his past, maybe even the future, and more. What felt like hours passed by in less than a second as he listened to those voices, those thoughts, all that internal debate. He regained his senses and stared into Queen Ghidorah's eyes, her pleading eyes. It infuriated him and yet there was something he saw in himself... that first time of actual fright, that drive to survive, albeit for different reasons. Fear of the unknown and considering what he now knew...

He roared in her face and she flinched under the power, "Skkkrrreeeeooooongk!"

In a fluid motion, he brought his fist down on Queen Ghidorah's head and drove her skull into the ground. She wasn't dead, but she was certainly close to it, completely out cold.

Gojira turned back to his fellow Earth Defenders, eyes back to their orange red color, and spoke. "So where's the moth and the cyborg? Are they dead?"

He narrowly avoided adding "again" to that sentence.

Fight Summerization Omake: Get the first swing!

"Oh, you fucked up now!" Gigan hollered, Mechagodzilla by her side. Queen Ghidorah, now radiating extra electrical energy, approached and so did Gojira from the opposite direction, the other Earth Defenders watching behind him. Their battle ground was, yes, in Tokyo.

Gojira cracked his neck. "Look, you don't want this."

"Oh I want." Queen Ghidorah licked her lips. "It's too late to back out now."

Gigan and Mechagodzilla gasped and taunted Gojira. Gigan snickered out. "You know what you just got into?" She pointed at her queen. "Four times galaxy champion golden glove boxing."

"And one hundred years of Taekwondo, I'm a ninja, Kaiju." Queen Ghidorah added on as the Kaiju Girl and Gojira circled each other.

"Don't hurt him too bad, Queen." Mechagodzilla said. It was meant to be a taunt, but the monotone took away from it.

"Tell you what though." Queen Ghidorah warmed herself up, bouncing up and down. "I'm feeling generous. I'll let you get the first swing in." She tapped her chin. "Don't disappoint me n-"

That was her first major mistake... for this fight.

With a loud cry of, "Was up!?" Gojira threw a solid downward punch and Queen Ghidorah fell on her face. She writhed in pain and everyone else let out a round of "ohs!". Gojira sighed tiredly. "Alright, now leave the planet."

"Hnnng... aangh... Nah, Kaiju," She weakly rolled on her back and rubbed her face, possibly wiping tears off her face. "We gotta run that shit back, yo bitch," She turned to Gigan, "Where my ray gun at!?"


AN: Huge shout out to DragonKingDragneel25 for his help. Amazing guy! Go check out his stuff.

The Omake is based off of Urbanboy732's Kotal Kahn video. It's hilarious, check it out.

Oh boy, that was a doozy wasn't it? Now we'll soon be getting into more silly stuff soon, after the aftermath of the first Arc of course.

A few words to describe Gojira for this fic: Angry Dad (DILF?) Energy!

Could you see both the Jap/Eng voice actors of Ashura's Wrath voicing Gojira? I do for some reason. What do you think? DKD25 said he heard a mixture of Chris Sabbat and Alucard from PS1 Castlevania SoTN for this fic.

Hope you enjoyed!

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