Family Comes First

By CRAZY40429

1.1M 34.3K 34.6K

Being alone? Check. Being afraid? Check. Being abused? Check times 3. Honestly, my life wasn't this bad befor... More

Before Continuing...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Author's Note

Chapter 46

9K 328 569
By CRAZY40429

- A m a r a R u s s o -

"Dumb girl." the shadow hissed, its dark presence looming over me as it sneered down at my trembling form.

"I'm sorry," I whimpered, "It just got out of control."

"Tsk," the voice huffed, "Out of control, right."

"No, I'm serious." I pleaded, "I'm sorry."

"Yeah, you're sorry." the voice said patronizingly. "How the hell do you think we are supposed to clean up the mess when you just let them see your weakness, huh?"

I shrunk into myself, wrapping my arms around my legs as I huddled in my own cocoon of warmth.

"You are such an idiot." the voice spat, "I have no idea how you are going to survive. Showing them your vulnerability like that, no wonder people take advantage of you."

Their words sent jagged pieces of ice straight into my heart, creating a huge wound that probably wouldn't ever heal.

I should've known that even the voice would betray me in the end. Everyone does, and I shouldn't have hoped for anything else.

The shadow scoffed, giving me a smug smirk. "You shouldn't have." it agreed.

"Yeah, I know." I mumbled under my breath. "No need to rub salt in the bleeding wound."

"Nah," the shadow dismissed, waving a hand. "It's entertaining, watching you get so crushed that everyone betrayed you. I mean, we didn't want to at first, but we thought that we couldn't be the one breaking the chain, right?"


"You're right," the voice agreed, "That was a bullshit excuse."

Wow. Not even trying to deny it.

Amazing. Note the sarcasm.

"I don't like you." I murmured, casting hateful glances at the shadow who was picking at her nails.

"I never asked for you to like me." the shadow retorted, giving me looks of smugness, a look that I just wanted to wipe off of her and shove back up her smoky ass.

"You're so mean." I whispered, letting my head rest on my arms as I closed my eyes, praying just to get away from the shadow.

"Even if you do awaken," the shadow hummed, "We'll still be with you, everywhere you go."

I had no idea how the hell I found this comforting before as now, they sounded like a creepy stalker.


The next few hours were spent with the shadow insulting my entire being to no avail. I completely blocked it out, no longer listening to its scratchy, eerie voice anymore.

"You are pathetic," it laughed, "Thinking that you can put your trust in someone like me."

Their words didn't have the desired effect.

Instead of wallowing in my self-misery like before, their words just fuelled the anger I had for all the people who have betrayed me before.

The Russo's.




All of the voices' words helped increase my rage at them to new levels I couldn't even have imagined, nevertheless reach without the pain they caused me.

With each word spoken, my resolve to be stronger hardened until I was literally on fire with it.

I was going to change for the better.

I was determined to be better than I ever was before.

No longer was I going to be weak.

No longer was I going to hide in the shadows.

No longer would my voice be drowned out.

When I awaken, I am going to open my eyes, guns blazing. The Russo's better have an explanation ready when I finally escape this mental prison the shadow had me in.

"Yes, there is the girl we've been waiting for." the voices laughed, its presence light.

Watch out, brothers. I finally have my claws out, and it's time for me to fight back for what I want and deserve.


- S a l v e s t r o R u s s o -

It's been three days since Amara fainted from blood loss, and she was now hung up on an IV drip so that her body can get back the nutrients it needed.

Her skin was pale and ghastly looking, lips chapped with dark eye bags under her eyes as she slept, fingers twitching once in a while.

"When is she going to wake up?" asked Santino, giving a pointed look to Amara's still form.

I shrugged. "Don't know. She'll wake when she wants to wake up."

"And when is that?"

"How would I know?" I countered, "Does it look like I'm in her head?"

"No," admitted Salvino, "But that doesn't mean we can't be curious."

"She lost a lot of blood." I sighed, running a hand down my tired face. "And her mental health is suffering."


I took a deep breath, trying to control my growing annoyance at the constant questions Sandeo and the twins were firing at me. My heart was already heavy from the amount of guilt pressuring it. They weren't helping.

"Which means that even if she did wake up, she might not even be responsive." I growled, rubbing the crease in between my brows as I tried to relieve the tension.

As if Amara heard me, her eyes suddenly fluttered open, and she squinted for a minute, getting used to the light before she finally began to take notice of her surroundings.

Noticing the four of our presence, she stiffened up, but otherwise didn't say anything. No questions, no comments, no sound left her mouth as she sunk into the mattress.

Amara stared at the needle sticking out of her arm like it was the most interesting thing in the world as I opened my mouth to tell her a few things.

Sandeo beat me to it though.


No signs of acknowledgement, and I can feel the fear inside of me grow rapidly as my suspicions of her becoming a shell of herself slowly began to unravel in front of my eyes.

"Amara?" Salvino tried this time. Still no response.


As if a miracle happened though, her head turned towards all of us as her eyes narrowed onto each one of our figures.

Amara sneered as if our presence disgusted her as she turned back to playing with the needle in her arm and my entire body sagged with relief.

It didn't matter that she looked like she hated us with every inch of her being. What mattered was that she had still not broken yet and was still surviving.

The fact that she could still express her feelings showed that no matter how much we've fucked up, we can still slowly mend and fix our mistakes. Prove to her that we are a family worth fighting for.

"So," I took a deep breath. "I guess that since you're awake, we can start explaining everything to you, from the start."

Amara made a noise of disbelief as she snuggled into the pillows, turning her back towards me as she stared at the wall.

"I'll um, just get Ace and uh, the rest of them." I said awkwardly, and quickly rushed out of the room.


- A m a r a R u s s o -

It wasn't long before Ace and Samantha were in the room with us, but I could care less at this point.

I was no idiot.

This was all for show. They'd come, answer the barest few questions before telling me that question time is over and that no more questions can be asked.

I nearly snorted out loud.

Asking no questions would be easier. It'll give my brain a rest. Best to be ignorant to all the problems than to know only half of it so that my brain would overwork itself and die on me.

But... I did make a promise to myself that I would get answers out of them, so let's see what will happen if I play along and act like I was some weak little bird that had its wings clipped.

"So..." Sandeo trailed off awkwardly as he stared at everyone in the room.

No one talked, and I almost burst out laughing. See what I mean?

Salvatore cleared his throat, a flash of pain crossing over his features before it disappeared into his mask of nothingness like usual.

"I guess I'll start." he said, and grabbed a chair, sinking into it.

The action was mirrored by almost everyone, though there weren't enough chairs for everyone, causing Samantha to have to sit with Ace, her body cuddled into his chest as she closed her eyes.

Samantha has been extremely tired lately, the months of torture weighing her down. She was managing well, but you could tell that no matter how hard she tried to put it past her, being on the Irish's torture table had affected her greatly.

Not like I wouldn't know. I've probably experienced more torture than her.

"So, well, let's start with our family tree." suggested Salvatore.

When no objected, Salvatore inhaled deeply, resting his elbows on his knees as he prepared for the big ass speech he was about to perform.

"Alright, so first thing you need to know, is that we are your half brothers." Salvatore stated, "Though I am sure you already know that."

I couldn't stop the snort from leaving my lips.

"And you know how I said that Samantha is your sister?" Salvatore continued, ignoring me. "Well, she is technically our sister, but she just isn't related to you by blood."

This isn't making any sense.

Seeing the utter confusion on my face, Salvatore sighed.

"Ace, why don't you explain?" he begged, and Ace rolled his eyes, but didn't deny the request.

"Alright. First things first," Ace started, "Your brothers are all full blooded siblings with the parents Angelo and Sofia Russo. You are their half sister with the parents Angelo Russo and Amelia. You following me so far?"

I nodded my head mutely.

"Good, now when Salvatore said that Samantha is your sister, he meant that Samantha is their half sister, and your step sister. Her parents are named Sofia Russo and Eriks Wells, meaning that you guys have no blood relation with each other."



Again, I dipped my head in an understanding nod.

"Good. Now, you should know that we are in the Mafia by now. If you didn't, well now you know. If you already knew, then this will serve as a reminder." Ace plowed on. Samantha gave him a light slap to the arm with his attitude, but didn't say a word.

"Now, Salvatore is the Don, or Mafia Boss of the Italian-American Mafia." Ace explained, "I take the title of Boss of all Bosses, which means that I control all the Mafias running in our world right now."

That explains the emotionless face he wore one hundred percent of the time.

"Unfortunately, the Irish, also known as our enemy, have regrouped - even after we killed them about ten years ago. I won't go into detail as it isn't really necessary, but know that the Irish are supposed to be dead, but they have regrouped together with the Spanish Mafia to try and take us down."


Ace sneered at the word 'Irish', as if that word was poison in his mouth and that they were a disgrace to the human world.

I'm sure he didn't mean Irish people, but more the Irish Mafia though.

"Now, I'm sure you know that the Irish kidnapped you." Ace said in a matter-of-fact tone. "We are now at the end of February an-"

I jerked upright, mouth agape as my jaw dropped to the floor.

It's the end of February already? They're messing with me again aren't they.

Seeing the utter disbelief written clear on my face, Ace sighed, patting Samantha on the arm. Getting the signal, Samatha got off of his lap and stood up for Ace to get his phone out.

Ace motioned for me to lean closer, and my eyes squinted at the screen.

February 19.

You have got to be kidding me.


That was the first word I spoke as I tried to wrap my head around the fact that it had been a full month since I've been truly awake; functioning without the voices beside me, dictating my every word and move.

"You're lying to me." I stated.

Santino let out a groan of annoyance as he threw up his arms in frustration.

"How do you expect us to explain to you if you don't believe a word we try and tell you?" growled Santino, giving me a look of pure irritation.

My own ire sparked at his words as my eyes narrowed onto him.

"Well what did you expect?" I fired back with an equal amount of fire, "You're not the one who was lied to for more than half of the year!"

"We never lied!" Santino retorted, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at me right in the eye.

"Bullshit!" I yelled, jumping up from my spot on the bed.

Santino, obviously riled up as well pushed against the wall, body going on the defensive as his lips pulled back from his teeth into a disgusting snarl.

With my peripheral vision, I could see Salvestro with a frown marring his face as Ace's stone cold gaze melted into one of disapproval.

Fuck the 'pretend to be oblivious' act. I'm going to get some real answers.


- S a m a n t h a R o m a n o -

"-care!" Amara screamed, spit flying out of her mouth as her face turned red in rage.

Her finger was pointed at me as she glared at me with a hatred so deep, my heart felt like it was about to die.

Sure, she wasn't my blood related family member, but I had grown fond of the girl, my step sister.


"Why can't she speak for herself huh?" demanded Amara, face pulling into an ugly sneer. "You guys keep saying that it isn't her fault for not protecting me, but she hasn't said a word! Not a single word to prove her innocence!"

I felt my husband tense at her words, and I knew that he was just about enough with her attitude. I knew that I had to stop the escalating situation before it got too bad.

Although I was pleasantly surprised with her complete personality change.

I thought that she would've shrank into herself, probably become a shell of some sorts. What I didn't expect however was for her to fucking shine with determination to get some real answers out of us the moment Santino went head-to-head with her.

Santino seemed to know how to get Amara to stop playing the innocent act very well. With the way he was riling her up, I could say pretty confidently that Santino's specialty was getting Amara frustrated and irritated.

Putting a hand on his shoulders to silence the words he was about to spew out, I gave him a raised brow.

Ace, obviously annoyed at me, huffed and stayed quiet, though I was sure if Amara went too far, Ace would definitely step in, regardless of what I told him to do.

"Well?" Amara crossed her arms as she stared at me. "Any words you want to tell me, sister."

I tightened my mouth, my lips pulling into a thin line as I stared at her.

"No?" Amara asked, before a laugh void of any humour rumbled out of her. "That's what I thought. Stop trying to make excu- What are you doing?"

I was in the process of taking off my turtleneck, Ace tightening his grip on me though he didn't stop me. He knew that the only way to explain was for me to show her, show her the damage that has been done to me,

"What are you doing?" repeated Amara, eyes as wide as saucers although her eyes stayed trained on my movements.

"Just shut your mouth and see." Santino growled, "Maybe it'll help you understand the situation better, if you can just get rid of your anger at us for two fucking minutes so that we can explain without you making wrong assumptions!

Amara's hackles rose at his words but she zipped her mouth shut, focusing on me as I finally pulled it over my head and turned my back towards her.

Swivelling my head, I can see the fury in her gaze melt away to one of surprise and sympathy. I don't need your sympathy, Amara,

She gasped out loud, hands flying to her mouth as she stared at my still healing cute and bruised that were much worse than hers.

Whereas her only main injury was her ankle, my entire back was a mess. It didn't even resemble a back anymore, but more like a scab of meat ready to be placed on a pan and cooked.

"You- I am- No wait-" Amara cut herself off, trying to get over her shock.

When she finally did, her eyes began to cloud back with rage.

"That still doesn't explain why you-" She abruptly stopped when I turned to face her, a sports bra was the only thing covering my upper body.

Oh well, it's not like they haven't seen me in a bikini before.

I put a finger to her lips, effectively getting her to lower her voice as I pointed to my neck, where the deep gash of a knife still lay.

"What happened?" Amara asked, horror written all over her features. However, curiosity was still lined in there, her Russo blood shining through at the act of violence.

Ace answered for me. "The Irish took away her voice."

I scowled at Ace, not liking the way he was exaggerating the situation.

"Fine, fine." Ace grumbled, "The Irish Mafia slit her throat to prevent her from talking or screaming when torturing her."

Amara's face whitened, and the only sign that she was alive was the rapid rise and fall of her chest.

"They took away your voice?" Amara whispered in terror, her eyes glued onto the cask on my neck.

I nodded but shook my head as well. Amara gave me a confused look, and I looked at Ace to explain.

"They just stopped her throat from being able to talk too much and make loud sounds." he explained, "She can still talk, but barely. Her voice is healing, and the doctors say that it will be a full year until she will be able to form proper sentences again. Even then, she won't ever be able to scream, yell, or any of that again as her vocal cords are damaged beyond repair."

I could literally see the gears in Amara's head turning as the hatred in her eyes left, leaving only sorrow in its wake as she looked at all of us with a sad expression in her face.

Suddenly, a questioning face brightened up her features as she turned to Ace again.

"But then why did they cut her vocal cord thing out if they wanted to get information out of her?"

Ace opened his mouth, but still looked at me for consent at sharing my own information. I nodded my head.

"Because she wouldn't talk," Ace replied simply. "And they didn't need more information. From what I know, they already have the information they need."

"Then why did the guy ask Samantha to talk whe-"

"You idiot!" Santino all but hissed, "Use your brain for a minute. Why else? Why do you think that he said that he'd stop the torture if Samantha revealed information when he already knew that she couldn't talk?"

Amara, getting defensive, was about to retort when a flash of realization crossed through her eyes and she finally understood.

Her mind pieces the pieces together, and by the way Amara's eyes rounded and her skin turning pale, I could already tell that she now understood the true horrors of living in the Mafia.


YESSSS! ANOTHER SECRET REVEALED!! MUAHAHA! How did you feel guys? Did I surprise you enough yet? Do you want more? Are you too confused? Let me know in the comments!

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter, guys. We are at the peak of our roller coaster ride, so be prepared for a descent that... may scare you? It won't. Trust me. You might just have trust issues for the rest of your life. It's not that bad... I think.

Oh well, anyways, I have a big surprise for y'all on Christmas. It's like a Christmas present for you all. To my fellow readers who don't celebrate Christmas, think of it is a belated or early birthday present, haha. You might like it, you might not. But like... at least you get one right?

I hope you all have an amazing day, and as always, stay safe!

~ CRAZY40429 💋

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