The official Yandere's X work...

By adventurefan2020

525K 5.3K 3.8K

(FINISHED FOR GOOD!) This one-shot book will feature workers of all kinds who go on mini adventures of their... More

More info about the book.
The rule guide for requesting.
Yandere child twin brothers x male babysitter reader
Yandere Schnee Family(Willow, Winter, and Weiss) x Male Faunus butler.
A Christmas one-shot special!
Yandere slime girl x male science assistant reader.
Yandere male child clones x mother scientist reader.
Yandere rich family x male teenage pizza delivery reader.
Valentines Day special one-shot!
Yandere High School DXD x male Nighttime Janitor reader.
Yandere female lifeguard x male orphan child reader.
Yandere Twin sisters x maid reader
Yandere Danganronpa 2 girls x Male teacher reader.
Yandere female flight attendant x male child reader.
Yandere Party girl x Party DJ reader
Yandere Crunchy-roll Hime x female graphic designer.
Yandere Civilians x male soldier reader.
Yandere class x male teacher reader.
Yandere male patient x male doctor reader.
Yandere ????'s x male chef reader.
Yandere Balalaika x male bartender reader.
Yandere female robot x male engineer reader.
Yandere Customer x male Barista reader.
Yandere Femboys x male security guard.
Yandere Female Idols x female assistant reader.
Yandere depressed male teenager x male family friend reader.
Yandere Goddess x male Priest reader.
Yandere female Anthro animal girls x male zoo Janitor reader.
Yandere Charlie x male hotel worker.
Yandere Princess x pet dragon reader.
Yandere female bullies x male class president reader.
Yandere Remnants of despair x male police reader x Yandere Junko and Mukuro.
Yandere family (wife, son, and 2 daughters) x male janitor reader.
Yandere O.R.C. x Male Manga/Hentai store owner reader.
Labor day shorts.
Yandere mall thief x male mall cop reader.
Yandere Honkai Impact 3 x male butler reader.
Yandere Liberty Buchanan x male Ranger reader.
Yandere female lifeguard x female swimmer reader.
Yandere Female wolf x Female Park Ranger reader.
Yandere Warriors of Hope x male babysitter reader.
Thanksgiving Special!
Yandere Female bank robbers x male banker reader.
Christmas special!
Christmas special #2
Yandere Cinder and Emerald x male Reporter reader.
Yandere male teen x male reader. (Part II)
Yandere Doll x Male doll maker reader.
Yandere Fem FNAF x male security guard reader.
Yandere female teacher x female student reader
Yandere female soldiers x male general reader.
Valentine's day 2022 Special!
Announcement from me!
Yandere class x male teacher reader. (Part II)
Yandere Apple white x female teacher assistant reader.
Yandere Customers x female waitress reader.
Yandere male fan x male youtuber reader.
Yandere female game character x male game designer reader.
Easter Special
Yandere Husband x Wife reader x Yandere Daughter.
Yandere supernatural girls x male paranormal investigator reader.
Yandere Fem private eye x male citizen reader.
Yandere Abigail x male farmer reader.
Special 2022: Yandere Actress x male cameraman reader
Yandere Mermaids x male fisherman reader.
Yandere King x male Servant reader.
2022 Thanksgiving Special!
2022 Christmas Special!
Yandere female actress x child reader.
Finished for good

Yandere Mipha x female cook reader

9.9K 74 9
By adventurefan2020

Requested by dragonofwar89

Video game- The Legend of Zelda; Breath of the wild.

(Y/N's POV) 

I was in the kitchen cooking up the meals for supper today. Let me tell you, making meals for a kingdom is not easy especially when the royals come to mind. But i'm glad King Morephan gave me chances to prove myself many years ago and now I'm trained to be in his royal kitchen and thats where I have been ever since. After preparing the last part of the dishes, I placed them in the food carts and made my way around the palace. First up was the court, I made my way inside and all of the elites were sitting down waiting patiently. I greeted them and started serving them and once I served the last one, they thanked for the meal and dined to great delight. One elite in particular was Prince Sidon and he was looking at my way smiling at me and I politely waved back at him.

Prince Sidon- My my Y/N, what a fantastic meal just like always, you never disappoint let me tell you.

Y/N- Thank you Prince Sidon, glad you like it.

But then I noticed that princess Mipha was not present here and I was a bit confused as she never missed a meal. And I mean she never missed a meal and thats when im on duty for the day, maybe Sidon knows where she is.

Y/N- So Sidon, where is the Princess Mipha?

Prince Sidon- Hmm now that you mentioned it, i'm not so sure myself. Maybe she went to the training yard to practice. Thats probably one of the few places she goes frequently, otherwise I don't know what to say.

Hmm...I may have to check there after i'm done serving everyone.

Y/N- OK, I'll go and check there later. Enjoy the rest of your meal Prince.

Prince Sidon- Thank you and have a merry one Y/N.

I waved bye and made my way to the barracks. Im sure those soldiers are starving after doing intense training. I went inside and literally every soldier was gathering around me trying to get their meal. But I stopped the commotion and ordered them to gather in a single line to get their servings. Yeah, when you been working here for many years and are known for making the best food, you get to have some authority around here. Its like they say, don't bite the cooks hand that feeds you. After everyone got their food, their cheered me on and I did a little bow to make my exit a bit more classy. Last stop before i'm done was King Morephan and maybe I could ask him where Mipha is. I went inside the throne room and there he was. 

King Morephan- Ahh Y/N, come in. I hope todays meal is just as good like usual.

Y/N- I would never disappoint you your highness.

I served his plate and when he took the first bite, he already was in joy. 

King Morephan- Mmmm... my my delicious just like always Y/N. 

Y/N- Why thank you your highness. Say, your highness?

King Morephan- Hmm?

Y/N- Do you perhaps know where the Princess is? I didn't see her at all at the dining hall this afternoon. 

King Morephan- Oh, she went to the training yards again. 

Y/N- Ahh ok, Prince Sidon had the same suspicion as well. Well, if you don't mind, i'm gonna bring her meal down there, she must be starving now.

King Morephan- Oh its fine Y/N, I'm glad your taking your time and energy to do that for her. You know, she's been talking about you a lot lately.

Y/N- Really?

King Morephan- Yes, like perhaps every chance she gets, she comes to me praising you and how you are the best cook in the world and such. If im not wrong, she perhaps has a crush on you.

My face was in blush mode when he said that. The Princess having a crush on me? I couldn't even imagine having a relationship with her, she's very beautiful and i'm just average in comparison, besides i'm sure she doesn't mean it like that.....right? Who knows until I ask her, well maybe not.

Y/N- Well, i'm off to see her and give her meal your highness. 

King Morphan- Very well Y/N.

I bowed to him and grabbed a covered plate full and made my way to the training yards. Its all the way to the west side of the palace and its a long way from here.

Y/N- Oh jeez, here we go for the long walk.

(Timeskip now loading... loading complete.)

Finally made my way here, boy that could be a workout on its own. But anyway, I see the Princess doing some impressive moves on that living dummy, poor him. But when I made a loud stomp by accident, she turned my direction and ran to me.

Mipha- Y/N!!

Man, even with all that training and kicking some serious ass on that dummy, you would think she would be a bit tired but nope she's running with the most energy. Wait, she heading to me fast. She almost there....WAIT!? Ahh! Oof!

Mipha- Oh Y/N, how I'm so glad your here with me!

She almost tackled me to the ground which would've made me drop the food. Gee, I didn't think she this excited for her cook to show.

Y/N- Yes Princess, I'm right here and I brought you some of the food I cooked up for today. I figured that you must be so hungry since you didn't show up at the dining hall.

Mipha- My, its already time to eat? Honestly I haven't been tracking the time today, been sharping up my spear game.

Y/N- Well, I'll tell you, its amazing so far and with enough training, you could be legend soon enough.

Mipha- O-oh Y/N, I don't know about Legend b-but thank you.

I could've swore I seen her face blush a little bit but I digress to the matter at hand.

Y/N- Well, how about I sit with you while you dine here in one of the tables over there.

Mipha- Sure thing.

So after she let go of the hug, we made our way to the table and I served her plate.

Mipha- Oh Y/N, your meals are always the best around.

Y/N- Why thank you Princess. 

While she was eating, I just looked out the window just admiring the outside view and had a daydream of the land of Hyrule. I wonder what's up there? I imagine beautiful grass, many ancient ruins and maybe some good land recipes I could learn and bring it back here. But just when I was in my daydream.

Mipha- Y/N?

I quickly snapped out of it and was brought back to reality.

Y/N- Y-yeah?

Mipha- Oh sorry, didn't mean to disturb you there, I was just wondering if you were ok.

Y/N- Ahh no no, i'm alright, I was just in my own head imagining things.

 Mipha- Oh, what kind of things?

Y/N- Like what above here looks like. I always wonder about Hyrule.

But then she lost her smile and looked at me with strange eyes.

Mipha- And?

Y/N- And what it would be like to live up there you know, looking at the various ancient buildings, finding land creatures both friendly and foe and probably have myself an adventure.

But Mipha didn't seem happy one bit and just looked at me like if I was to disappear in a flash if she blinked or something. No noise was coming from her and I think she too was in dreammode.

Y/N- Uhh...Princess?

Mipha- Y/N.....your not planning to leave here are you?

Ok, awkward/scary at the same time here.

Y/N- Ummm....

Mipha- Because why would you leave? You are respected and loved by almost everyone here including myself, you have a fantastic royal job here and you don't have to worry about security as you are protected by our upmost guards in the palace. So tell me, do you feel like leaving here or not?

Ok, this was very weird and frightening. I honestly was thinking about it for a while now but now thinking about it. I could be killed up there since I heard that chaos is happening up there and I cant fight at all since I'm only the cook here.

Y/N- Truth be told, I was thinking about leaving for quite some time.

She had anger in her eyes and her hand clenched into a fist.

Y/N- But now that you mentioned all those facts Princess, your probably right. I should't leave here, I do have it good here and I do have a job that gives me joy and pride to have. So no Mipha, i'm staying right here if thats was you were asking.

Then her eyes went back to normal and she seemed to have calmed down now and had her smile return.

Mipha- That's good Y/N, very good~.

Ok then.

But when things were done calming down, two guards passed by and I heard what they were talking about.

Guard 1- So any luck finding them?

Guard 2- No luck. I still cant believe that Bazz and Kodah went missing when hunting for food and never came back and that was two days ago. 

Guard 1- Well, for any reason, we gotta still keep the search going. We'll find them soon enough.

Guard 2- Ok. Oh, good afternoon Princess and chef Y/N.

I said my greeting and do did Mipha. She had a big smile on her face, wonder she's happy about?

Y/N- You seem happy Mipha.

Mipha- Oh well, I was just thinking about how you are staying here and not going anywhere.

Y/N- Rrright.

Mipha- Well, I have to wash up from all that training. I'll see you later Y/N, cant wait to have dessert tonight, you know what I like right?

Y/N- Yes I do.

Mipha- Good good, bye bye Y/N~

Y/N- See you later Mipha.

She ran off to the showers room and I cleaned up the table then headed my way back to the kitchen. That was a strange day today, Mipha was acting weird and she's usually not like that, but I should't worry too much i'm sure she was just concerned about my safety is all. She is the kind, caring but quiet Princess I always knew.

Y/N's mind- And I don't believe she's something else.

(Mipha's POV)

*Giggle* I'm so glad my lovely cook is not going anywhere away from me. I manage to convinced her otherwise by stating the golden facts and I low-key let her know that I do have a huge crush for her. But she'll know soon enough about my love to here and Bazz and Kodah missing . Well... that was all because of me, they were too close to my liking and talking to her about Hyrule and its may wonders or dangers I would say, THEY WERE TRYING TO INFLUENCE YOU TO LEAVE HERE AND BASICALLY ME IN THE PROCESS!! Well now their corpses are sinking in the dark zone at the bottom where they would never be found, thats what happens to anyone who dares talk to her that could influence her in all the wrong ways. I'll spare no one if they do that. But I'll never make her sad or hurt her in anyway, so I gotta keep this a secret of mine and when I become queen, I'll ask her hand in marriage and we will live a happy married life for the rest of our lives. Until then....

Mipha's mind- I love you very much, my lovely chef. You'll stay here forever and you don't have any choices at all.~


And here it is dragon, hope you enjoyed it. And to my other followers, thanks for reading and I hope you have a wonderful and safe day out there. This is adventurefan2020 signing out....

See ya'll later!

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