Stay with me

Por iliqblack

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This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... Más

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 54 - We are crazy
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief

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Por iliqblack

- What? - asked Omer and tilted his head forward like a bull. - Shouldn't I see you as an opponent? And before that, it should have been?

- Earlier - yes, - answered Baisal honestly. "I'm not asking you to understand me, but I'll try to explain. After the death of my wife, no woman could touch my heart. I thought it was paralyzed and this is forever. And then I saw Defne and realized that I am still alive.

Omer's eyes flared with fury. Clenching his hands into fists, he muttered through his teeth:

- Do you understand that you are now at risk of finding yourself with a broken nose and knocked out teeth?

"I understand," he answered calmly. - But I believe in your endurance as a civilized person.

"I wouldn't believe it if I were you," Omer warned.

- Frankly, - Baisal grinned and looked into the eyes of a man enraged with jealousy: - But do not resort to assault in vain. All is in the past. Your wife is pregnant. It's taboo for me. The child is most important. It should be happy and grow up with his father and mother. Therefore, I crushed all the germs of feelings for Defne, except for respect and admiration for her talent.

"Frankly," Omer repeated coldly. - And what do you want from me? Why all these confessions?

Baisal smiled sadly and made an indefinite gesture with his hands.

"The child's desire is the most important," he said. - But I already said that. Jansu is my biggest weakness. I cannot deny her anything. And she wants Omer Iplikci wedding shoes. Exclusive. Made just for her. Therefore, I pacified my pride, opened my soul to you, and humbly ask you to fulfill my daughter's wish.

The rage was gone. Omer looked at the man who, from the first minute of his acquaintance, evoked in him a fit of burning jealousy mixed with fear, and understood that these feelings no longer tear his soul. In front of him stood just a man. And this person needs a service to make his daughter happy. Who is he to deny him this?

"Okay," Omer agreed. - I will do. But I need to see the dress again. Last time I ignored it.

- Well, yes, - Baisal grinned. - Last time you had no time for a dress.

Omer slowly turned his head and looked at the man in such a way that he immediately raised his hands up and backed down:

- I am silent! My reply was redundant. The dress has already been delivered to our home. You can drive up and look at it at any time.

"Bad idea," Omer answered harshly. - I would prefer a neutral territory.

- No problem, - Baisal agreed. - I'll rent a hotel room near your business center, my assistant will bring the dress there. Jansu and I will also drive up, and you and she will discuss all the nuances on the spot.

This solution was perfectly acceptable. After thinking for a few seconds, Omer accepted the offer:

- Good. May your assistant contacts my assistant on Monday and resolve this issue. If that's all you wanted to discuss, then all the best. I would like to return to my wife.

"I will not delay you," Baisal held out his hand and looked straight into the eyes of his interlocutor. - Thank you, Mr. Omer. I confess I was sure of your refusal. And in the integrity of my nose too, - added mockingly and with the index finger of his other hand touched the bridge of his nose.

"Your nose was in rather great danger," Iplikci replied in tune and shook the outstretched hand.

Omer entered the hall and scanned the crowd. Defne stood where he left her and talked with Seda. Sinan was nearby. The girls were probably joking, because the friend, forgetting about decency, laughed uncontrollably.

"How did you make Sinan laugh so much?" - Stopping next to his wife, asked Omer.

"Nothing special," she smiled. - I told them about baby Iso.

"I finally realized that I want a child," Sinan said confidently, to which Seda raised her eyebrows comically.

- Maybe we'll get married first? She asked him.

"We'll get married," he agreed cheerfully. - And we will have immediately.

- Sinan! - The bride was indignant. - The child is what? A dog to have it?

- I agree! To have is the wrong word, - Sinan rubbed his chin thoughtfully and happily exclaimed: - We'll do it! Exactly the right word. Let's make a child.

"Be quiet, for the sake of Allah," Seda groaned and covered her eyes with her hand. - What will all this worthy audience think of us!

Omer took Defne by the elbow and nodded at the dancing couples:

- Let's go and dance.

- With pleasure.

He took his wife to the center of the hall and hugged her around the waist. She put her left hand on his shoulder, and the right one sank into his palm. Omer smoothly and slowly led her in a dance. They moved to the beat of the melody and looked into each other's eyes. And again, like a year and a half ago, space and time have dissolved. The crowd of guests disappeared, the walls and parquet flooring underfoot. All that's left is the music. They floated in the air and melted with bliss.

- Will I learn someday? Defne asked quietly.

- What will you learn? - asked Omer and his voice enveloped her in soft velvet.

- Calmly to look at you. Remembering to breathe. And so that my heart doesn't stop every time you smile at me.

- Do you want it?

He looked into her soul. He caressed with a glance. And from these disembodied touches, her heart sank in her chest. Defne shook her head.

- No. I want to continue racing at breakneck speed in a car that I can't control. Every moment by the cliff. Not breathing. Excited. Feeling that I live.

Omer gasped for breath and pressed her hand to his chest.

- I'm with you.

- Ahtem, what's wrong with you? - asked Laura looking at her husband's frowning face. Just a minute ago, he was smiling and suddenly darkened. She followed his gaze. He looked at the man. Laura saw him for the first time, but his face seemed unpleasant to her. - Who is he? She asked.

- The owner of the firm "Turkish Gold" Hussein Chatay, - Ahtem answered through clenched teeth. - A rare scoundrel. Didn't expect to see him here.

"He's heading toward us," Laura said anxiously.

- I see.

"Ahtem," the man who approached exclaimed. - Are you invited too?

- Does that surprise you? - Without greeting, Ahtem asked a counter-question and pointedly put his hands in his pockets.

The man grinned and turned to Laura:

- Beautiful lady, let me introduce myself...

"This is unnecessary," Ahtem cut him off. - Don't waste time showing courtesy. Say what you want and get out.

- How rude you are, - Hussein Chatay mockingly rebuked him.

- I am like that, - Ahtem did not remain in debt.

- They say you are now a co-owner of a jewelry company?

- What difference does it make to you?

"Don't tell me," the man drawled. - New competitors are definitely in the range of my interests.

Ahtem came close to him and glared at him.

- Forget it! – He ordered. - The Sapphire is too tough for you. Flounder in your swamp and beyond. And don't you even dare breathe towards our company. Got it? - He took Laura by the arm and, measuring his competitor with a contemptuous look, led her to the other end of the hall.

"Let's see," Hussein Chatay hissed at his back.

- Ahtem, - Laura stopped her husband by the elbow. They were quite far away from the unpleasant man, and he could not hear them. But his behavior and words seriously alarmed the creative director of Sapphire. - Can he give us problems?

Ahtem looked into his wife's face. Clever, discerning face. Lying to her will only disturb her even more. She will feel the lie, and, of course, understand why he is hiding the truth.

"Maybe," he replied and sighed. "But don't worry. We will not allow this. Let's keep our ears open. Omer has already alerted security.

- Does Defne know?

- No. Omer doesn't want to disturb her.

- I, too, would not have learned anything if this impudent person had not come up to us? Yes?

- Yes, - Ahtem agreed and took her hand. - Darling, understand - I will do anything to save you from anxiety. You are pregnant and you should be calm and happy. Chatay is a scoundrel, but we know about it and will be on our guard. Do not worry! Good?

"Okay," Laura smiled at him.

- That is great! - Ahtem smiled softly. - Come on, let's dance.

Mr. Kartal turned out to be a restrained but attentive gentleman. He invited Mirai to dance and during the dance behaved like an impeccably well-mannered man. He did not draw her closer to him, did not squeeze her palm, he did not fumble with his hand on her back. He just looked steadily. Mirai couldn't understand his gaze. There was no insolence or greasy shine in him, but there was something that made her heart beat faster.

After the dance, he asked if she was thirsty and Mirai nodded in the affirmative. He left for drinks, and she went to a marble pillar. A mocking voice sounded very close:

- I can't believe my eyes! Mirai, is that you?

She closed her eyes for a moment, and then proudly lifted her chin and turned. An ex-girlfriend stood in front of her. Once upon a time, Mirai considered her a sister. She shared her thoughts and female secrets. And then her husband attacked and raped her. And the friend took his side and accused her of shamelessness. Fear rolled down her spine in an icy wave. If she is here, then ... and so is he.

"Hello," she said.

- Hello! - The woman held out and examined Mirai from head to toe. - And how did you get here? No waitress uniform. I heard - do you work here?

"No," Mirai replied with restraint. - I work in the marketing department of a jewelry company.

- Even so? The woman asked ironically. - Who are those naive, to whom you managed to powder the brains?

Mirai's face did not flinch. Pretending not to hear the question, she asked her own:

- Are you here with your husband?

- Yes. With the second, - said the woman. - Don't you know anything? It's strange. All newspapers wrote about this and the news was a week on television.

- I do not watch television. No time.

- Oh yes! You are now a beggar and have to earn your own bread," the ex-girlfriend smirked ironically." - Then I'll tell you. My first husband, whom you seduced...

"Who raped me," Mirai corrected her coldly.

"Well, that's your version," she said contemptuously. - So, my first husband could not survive the dirty accusations that you brought him. After all, many believed. He started drinking. Once he fell asleep drunk with a lit cigarette in his hand. It fell on the bed ... the fire ... that's all. I became a widow.

"It's a dog's death," Mirai answered harshly.

"But I loved him," the woman hissed angrily. - If it wasn't for you!

- Did he love you? Hazal, open your eyes! He was a monster. And you knew about it.

The woman brought her face close to Mirai's and poked her finger in the chest.

- It's not for you to judge this! You stay in your hole. Delivering cups. So you would continue to do it! Why the devil came to a decent society? You! Filthy rubbish!

- Be silent! - The voice was low, but from his tone, Hazal twitched. Kartal came close and ordered: - Get out. One more word and I cannot vouch for myself.

The woman did not argue. She seemed to wake up. Perplexedly, she looked around, then turned sharply and, swaying, left.

Kartal turned to Mirai and looked into her face. It was pale as a sheet. The woman raised her dry eyes, burning with feverish fire, and asked:

- Get me out of here. Please.

- Yes, of course, - he agreed and, taking her by the elbow, led her to the stairs.

In the car, she leaned her temple against the door trim and closed her eyes. Squeezing the steering wheel, Kartal looked sideways at her face and saw one single tear that slowly rolled down her cheek.

- Did you hear everything? Mirai asked hoarsely.

"Yes," he replied. - I came back to ask which drink you prefer. And I heard your conversation.

She shuddered and sighed convulsively.

- Now you despise me?

Looking ahead towards the road, Kartal replied:

"Now I admire you even more."

She opened her eyes and looked at his hard as if carved from stone, profile.

- For what?

She didn't understand. She really didn't understand.

- For not breaking down.

He stopped the car at the curb and turned to Mirai.

"Now I understand where this restraint comes from. And why you avoid men. You've been through hell. As much as a person wants to forget, suffering leaves an imprint on his life. Forcing us to hide in a shell and not allow new pain. I understand.

Mirai began to cry. Covering her face with her hands, she shrank in the seat and became like a small, unhappy bird. Kartal held out his hand to her. Then he pulled it back. He ran his hand over his face. He looked at the sobbing figure and hugged her. Laying the woman's head on his chest, he stroked her hair and whispered:

- Cry. It will get easier.

In the humming crowd of smartly dressed men and women, Hazal intercepted the waiter with the tray, took two glasses of champagne, and in one gulp, one after the other drank both.

- Hey dear, calm down! - Her husband snatched the empty wine glasses from her hands and, returning them to the tray, gestured to the waiter to leave. - What upset you so?

"They're letting in all kinds of trash," she hissed angrily.

- Are you talking about the woman you talked to? - Hazal nodded affirmatively. - Who is she?

- My enemy! The woman clutched her ruby-encrusted clutch with her fingers. "I thought I dropped her to the bottom and she would rot there. Will die along with her offspring. And she got out. She got a job at a jewelry company. - Hazal gritted her teeth and groaned: - I hate her!

- Shhhh! Her husband hissed and squeezed her elbow. - Pull yourself together and don't make a public show. What company does this personal irritant of yours work for? Not in Sapphire, by any chance?

- I do not know. What is Sapphire?

- New firm. Painfully active. They work for a week without a year, and they already think of themselves as kings. Upstarts, - the man grinned angrily and asked his wife: - So what do you say is her name? This woman?

"Mirai Astarhan," Hazal spat angrily.

"Mirai Astarhan," the man repeated thoughtfully.


At home, in the dressing room, throwing off her shoes and twisting to unbutton her dress, Defne asked Omer:

- What did you talk about with Mr. Baisal?

Omer, leaving his shirt, which he was unbuttoning at that time, went up to his wife and helped to cope with the lock. Kissing the rounded shoulder in passing, he returned to his undress and replied:

- He asked to make wedding shoes for his daughter.

Defne turned abruptly and stared at her husband.

- And you agreed?

- Yes, - he answered indifferently and looked into his wife's astonished face. - What surprises you?

- Until recently, you breathed fire from the mere mention of his name. Have you agreed to do him a favor now? I see no logic.

Omer shrugged. Pulling off his shirt, threw it on the floor, and grabbed the belt of his trousers.

"He was able to convince me that there was no longer any reason for my ill-will towards him.

Defne was just buttoning up the buttons on her silk pajamas. She stopped and looked at her husband warily.

- No more? - asked again. - But before there was a reason?

- There were, - Omer answered with seeming calmness. He took off his pants and pulled on his pajama pants. Then he pressed his naked torso against the wall and folded his arms over his chest. - How did he say? Now I will remember literally. Yeah ... "After the death of my wife, no woman could touch my heart. I thought it was paralyzed and this is forever. And then I saw Defne and realized that it was still alive," Omer plausibly imitated Baisal's voice. - After these words, I miraculously restrained myself so as not to send him with the right fist to knockout.

- And why didn't you send him? - Shocked by what she heard, Defne asked in confusion.

- I remembered that this was your first reception of this class, and realized that I could not spoil it with a fight, - he answered honestly. - And then Baisal announced that he found out about your pregnancy and strangled all feelings in himself. Because children are above all else. "Omer's ostentatious, calm tone nevertheless broke into irony." - The Turkish father Gorrio!*

*(translator's note - a reference to Balzac's novel Grandfather Gorrio, whose protagonist gives everything for his two daughters and eventually dies in poverty)

Defne dumbfounded looking in front of her, sat down on the ottoman. Then she raised her eyes to her husband, in which, like a fire, anger flared up:

- Did he have any intentions on me? A married woman?!

"As you can see," Omer replied sarcastically. "You didn't believe me."

- Holy heaven! She shook her head. - What a scoundrel! You were right. I swear - no more contacts! No business meetings, no phone calls. The jewelry is almost ready, let Ahtem and Laura decide on everything with him.

Omer detached himself from the wall, went up to his wife, and squatted down in front of her. Gently tucked her hair behind her ears, looked into her eyes, and said:

- I am glad! This Baisal really blew my brain. If you stop all contact with him, I will be happy.

"I'll stop," Defne promised. - But I do not understand. How did you agree to make wedding shoes for his daughter after such a confession?

Omer shrugged his shoulders vaguely and looked away.

- I am also a Turkish father Gorio, - joked at himself. - I think that children are above all. And if the impudent troublemaker princess Jansu Baisal wants shoes from Iplikci that would match her mother's dress and the jewelry created by you and Ahtem, then I will make them.

Defne smiled, either with affection, or with admiration, or with both, and kissed her husband. Pulling back, rubbing her nose against his, and whispered:

- You are the most generous and fair person in the world.

Omer kissed her on the nose and raised an eyebrow in derision.

"I'll remind these words to you when you call me a die-hard head again," Defne chuckled. He stood up and pulled her by the hand into the bedroom. - Let's go to sleep. It's too late.


On Monday morning, Omer went to his office and called Laila. She appeared on the doorstep, beaming with a dazzling smile, and greeted in a sugary sweet voice:

- Good morning, Mr. Omer! How are you feeling? The weekend has been good for you. You look great.

He frowned and motioned to stop her from speaking.

- Good morning, Laila. Let's get to work.

"I beg your pardon," she feigned resentment and shot the boss a glance. But he looked at the laptop, and her brilliant acting trick went unnoticed.

"Go to the schedule," the boss ordered.

Laila opened a document on her tablet and read out the list.

"Okay," Omer commented without looking up from his laptop. - Order lunch for me and Defne at Lunch restaurant. Rice, grilled fish, and fruit salad. Let them bring it at one o'clock. - Laila, gritting her teeth, wrote down the order in a notebook. - And yet, today Mr. Ozcan Baisal's secretary will call. Look at my schedule this week and arrange a meeting. "He finally looked at the assistant and gestured to the door with a familiar gesture. - That's all. Get to work.

Laila returned to her room and angrily threw the tablet on the table.

- Order lunch for me and Defne! She mimicked the boss. - He found a maid! Well, wait, everything will change soon! She sat down and opened her laptop. Nervously tapping her fingers on the keys, she hissed: - I need to monitor all the upcoming symposia and conferences. And find an invitation. For Omer Iplikci and his assistant.

But, as luck would have it, in the next couple of months not a single similar event was expected. Laila leaned back in her chair and snapped her fingers angrily. And at that moment the phone rang. The number on the screen was unfamiliar.

"I'm listening," she said irritably into the phone.

- Laila?

- Yes. How can I help you?

- I am Mujde, secretary of Mr. Ozcan Baisal. You and I need to agree on a meeting with our bosses.

- Yes, Mr. Omer told me. He has a window on Thursday, from two to four in the afternoon.

"Excellent," came a satisfied voice from the receiver. - Mr. Ozcan is also free at this time. Then I call the hotel and book a room.

- Wait, - Laila was surprised. - Which hotel? What number? Will the meeting take place in a hotel room?

- Yes. This is an unusual meeting. Mr. Omer needs to take a good look at the wedding dress of Mr. Ozcan's daughter. In a restaurant or office, this will be problematic. So my boss ordered me to rent a room at the Hilton Hotel, which is located near your business center. I'll take care of this now, and then I'll call you back and tell you all the details. Wait for the call.

- Bye, - Laila said goodbye and slowly put the receiver down on the table. A satisfied smile spread across her face. This is luck! Hotel! Room! What's on the boss's schedule for Thursday, twelve to two? She frantically ran her eyes on the weekly schedule. Then she grabbed the telephone receiver again.

"Mr. Ajun," she sang into the receiver in a honeyed voice. - Mr. Omer apologizes and asks if you could meet with him not on Thursday, but on Friday at the same time? Do you agree? Perfectly! Thank you on behalf of Mr. Omer.

Putting down the phone, she imitated an oriental dance with her hands and ran her fingers over the laptop keyboard.

- Yes! Hilton Hotel. Room reservation 603 from 11 to 14 o'clock. Allah! How lucky I am! So lucky! She looked at the blinds covering her boss's office. - Well, the iceberg Omer Iplikci? You're trapped! And you better melt away and appreciate how fiery a bed with Laila can be. You never dreamed of such pleasures with your naive shy girl!

She laughed and threw her head back in her chair.

Defne, albeit with a clearly protruding belly, but still agile and fast, like a nimble squirrel, fluttered into Omer's office and sniffed at the air:

- Lunch has already arrived! - She was delighted, having caught the aroma of favorite dishes. - Oh, how good! I'm dying, so hungry.

- Did you work again and forgot to eat? Omer grumbled. He got up from the chair and caught her in his arms.

Defne kissed him on the cheek and pulled him to the table, on which already food containers were put.

"Not really," she said, sitting down in a chair. - I ate an apple, and Alina brought me tea with simit. But all the same, I was sooo hungry," she finished plaintively and removed the lid from her container.

"Then stop talking," Omer told her, and he also took up his fork. - Eat!

For some time, only the clatter of knives and forks was heard in the room. And then Laila entered the office. After knocking briefly and without waiting for permission, she opened the door and stopped at the threshold.

"Mister Omer," she reported with a sidelong glance at Defne, "your meeting with Mr. Baisal and his daughter is scheduled for Thursday. Hilton Hotel, room 603 at noon.

- Okay, Laila. Thanks. You can go," the boss ordered, frowning.

Defne also put down her fork and waited for the assistant to leave the office. When the door closed behind her, she got up and went to the window. Looking at the spring city, she put her arms around her shoulders and shivered. Omer walked over and stood beside her. He looked at the fine profile and asked:

- Why didn't you finish?

Defne turned her face to him and tried to smile:

- The portion is large. I am full.

Omer looked into sad eyes and realized that she was lying. Laila's appearance upset her. But Defne's pride doesn't want to be hurt and hides it. Omer understood her. But he did not want to see his wife sad.

- Defne, today I asked Nazlican to become my assistant, and Laila to transfer to the purchasing department. There an employee goes on maternity leave and a place is made free, - he said and fell silent. He carefully looked into her beloved face and waited for his wife's reaction to his words.

Defne perked up. Her eyes sparkled with cautious but sincere joy.

- Did Nazlican agree? She asked.

- She took until the end of the week to think. The amount of her work will increase significantly, but I think that her salary will make her take the right decision," smiled Omer.

Defne exhaled with relief and said:

- I really hope for it! I understand that my feelings are illogical, and Laila has done nothing to me, but if she disappears from your orbit, I will be happy!

Omer hugged her and snuggle her to his chest. He rubbed his cheek on the red silk of the crown of her head and answered in a hoarse, velvet-soft voice:

"I know, my soul.

Defne melted and pressed closer to her husband's chest. How good. He understands her feelings and cares. Loves. What could be more beautiful than realizing it?

- Wait! - She pulled away and raised her face, illuminated by a new idea. - On Thursday you are meeting with father and daughter Baisal at the Hilton Hotel? So? - Not understanding what she was driving at, Omer nodded. Defne gleefully mumbled: - The jewels by Thursday will be completely ready. I will ask Laura to bring them to your meeting. And it will be more convenient for you. You can immediately appreciate the whole ensemble and get your bearings with the design of the shoes.

Omer thought for a moment, and then nodded his head in the affirmative:

"Great idea," he said, and kissed her forehead. - My clever girl!

- And also on Thursday at 9.45 we have a visit to the doctor, - the clever woman reminded smiling. "But I can go alone. This is a routine visit. There will be no ultrasound.

- Well, I do not agree! Omer protested. - I have time. I'll go with you to the doctor's, and then to the meeting.

- Agreed! - Defne agreed cheerfully.

She felt completely happy.

Leaving her husband's office, Defne hurried to Laura. The friend was not alone in the office. Headmaster Koray was sitting in an armchair with his legs crossed. He chatted about some empty-headed Merve and devoured cookies. Laura drank a cappuccino from a porcelain cup and listened with obvious interest. It seems that both were very happy with each other's company. Noting this circumstance in passing, Defne plopped down into an empty chair and, pleadingly folded her hands in front of her chest, turned to Laura:

- My friend, do not refuse help!

"Of course," she said instantly. - What do you need?

- Omer agreed to make wedding shoes for Jansu Baisal. The two of them and Mr. Ozcan meet on Thursday. At the Hilton hotel. At noon. Will you take the ordered jewelry there? I can't...

- Why can't you? - Koray cut in and, resting his chin, stared at Defne with an expectantly curious look.

- I can't, that's all! - Defne exclaimed indignantly and asked: - Do not interrupt Koray! Laura, will you take them?

- What a question? - smiled at her friend. - Of course, I will. It's very interesting for me to look at this trouble-maker bride.

- And me! And me! - Koray clapped his hands. "I've heard so much about her! - He leaned across the table, and like a fawning cat, looked into Laura's face. - Countess, will you take me with you?

Laura laughed and put forward a condition:

- I'll take you. If you stop calling me Countess. I have already said a hundred times - I no longer have a title!

- And-and, silly! - The director squinted. - You are a countess in life! Whether there is a title or not is not important.

- So you promise? - Laura ignored his words and recalled the condition.

"I promise," Koray replied solemnly.

- Are you going to keep your promise? - Defne asked cheerfully.

- Off! He snorted at her. - And why are you so smart? Just like Omyush! Well, yes, you are husband and wife. So they must be smart. But this is indecent. To be so smart. I had a friend at school. Very smart! He only had to repeat the year once. In the tenth grade ... but it's not because of being stupid. He fell in love! And she was stupid...

- Koray! - bursting into laughter, the girls exclaimed in one voice.

- Okay! I promise! As they say - to promise does not mean to marry! So I'm not getting married. But I promise. Um! How smart I am. In general, Countess, I am going with you.

- Let him come! - Defne supported him and thought with cheerful gloating: "If he drives Baisal crazy with his chatter, this will be an excellent punishment for the impudent person."


On Thursday, Iplikci sat in the waiting room of the antenatal clinic. The doctor was late. As the nurse at the reception explained, she was summoned to the head physician. Omer glanced at his watch. The time was approaching eleven. Realizing that her husband was nervous, Defne offered him to go to the meeting, and she would calmly wait for the doctor. Omer frowned and replied:

- I don't like this idea! Let's wait for another five minutes. If the doctor doesn't come, I'll take a taxi, and Sukru will stay with you.

"Okay," Defne agreed and smiled encouragingly. - Do not worry. There is still time.

The doctor appeared three minutes later. Apologizing to the patient and her husband, she invited them into the office. After the examination, she started talking about the preparation for childbirth. The Iplikci looked at each other and nodded their heads in unison.

"That's good," the doctor smiled. - Then on Fridays at seven in the evening. The seventeenth office in the same building. I will wait. And now - I am not delaying you. Defne, Omer - you are an exemplary pregnant couple, - she finally praised the future parents. - Continue in the same spirit.

"Definitely," Omer promised.

Saying goodbye, they left the office. Omer checked his watch in the hallway.

"Ten minutes to twelve," he said aloud. - Do not have time. You also need to be taken to Sapphire.

- No need, - Defne took his hand and pulled him to the exit. - I'll go with you. I am interested to see the result. With you, I can endure the presence of Ozcan Baisal. Now we will call Laura and ask her to apologize to him for our lateness.

Laura and Кoray entered the Hilton. There were just less than ten minutes left before the appointment. The girl looked around for Omer, but he was nowhere to be seen. Wondering what had happened to the punctual Ipliкci, she stopped.

- And where is Omyush? - whined Koray.

"I don't know," she replied. The phone in her purse rang. Laura took it out and was delighted: - And here he is! I'm listening, Omer. Where are you?

- Laura, I'm late. Please go up to room 603. This is where the meeting is scheduled. Please apologize to Baisal and tell him that I will be there after a minute.

"Okay, don't worry," the girl reassured him. - I think Mr. Ozcan is an adequate person and will forgive you a few minutes late.

Hiding the phone in her purse, she smiled at Koray.

- Number 603. Let's go to charm the father and daughter Baisal. Omer is a little late.

- Again, he can't tear himself away from the skinny girl, - Koray, grumbling, followed Laura to the elevator. "But you can understand him too. This is the skinny girl! He fell for her at first sight. Nero said - grabbed her by the hand, pulled her out into the street, and started to kiss her! Kissed and kissed! And then he kissed her again!

- And then? Laura asked.

The elevator stopped at the correct floor. They went out into the corridor and headed to number 603. Koray chatted incessantly:

- And then the skinny girl slapped him in the face! Nero nearly fainted...

Chuckling, Laura stopped at the right door and turned the handle. It gave in. Koray was the first to burst into the room. Closing his eyes from an excess of feelings, he mumbled:

- Ah, dear girl! You see who came to you! Koray Sargin himself! Do not thank me! I have heard so much about you ...

- Koray, - Laura's stunned voice was heard behind, and he opened his eyes. In the next second, they fell out of their orbits.

On the bed, in one translucent shirt, in a defiantly seductive pose lay ... Laila. Her mouth was open and her face twisted in shock.

- Y-you, w-w-what are you doing here? She stammered.

The next second, Koray flew up to her and shouted: - Oh, you are such rubbish!!! - He started pulling her red hair.

Laila screeched in pain. But it was impossible to stop the angry director. Before the eyes of Laura, frozen with amazement, he dragged her across the bed by her hair and shouted heart-rendingly:

- Shameless!!! She decided to seduce Omyush! And I said! I said that she came to catch him! Now admire! She lay in a nightgown here! Showing her charms here! Such a viper!

- Koray - coming to her senses from the shock, Laura tried to persuade him to stop. She did not dare to come closer. Still, God forbid to get under a hot hand. - Let her go. You are pulling out all her hair now.

- Hair?!!! Yes, I will break her neck, such a reptile!!!

The ceiling rose from Koray's screams and Laila's heart-rending squeals. Laura was confused and did not know what to do - whether to call the guards for help, or silently wait until the furious director of Passionis finished off the impudent girl, and then help him get rid of the corpse.

The dilemma was resolved unexpectedly.

- What is going on here?! - thundered an icy voice, and everyone froze.

A ringing silence reigned in the room.

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