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By marrymeaubreyplaza

138K 3.2K 3.8K

ใ€ ๐ง๐จ ๐ฌ๐ž๐ญ ๐ฌ๐ž๐š๐ฌ๐จ๐ง ใ€‘ โ ๐™ž๐™› ๐™ž๐™ฉ'๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ง๐™ž๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ ๐™ฅ๐™š๐™ง๐™จ๐™ค๐™ฃ, ๐™ž๐™ฉ'๐™จ ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š ๐™ง๐™ž๐™œ๐™๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ž๐™ข๏ฟฝ... More

๐™Ž๐™ฉ๐™–๐™ฎ ๐™๐™ค๐™ง ๐™ˆ๐™š
Introduction (please read!!!)
Chapter I: Dreams Over Reality
Chapter II: A Butterfly's Cocoon
Chapter III: Fuck the Media
Chapter IV: What a Surprise
Chapter V: 188
Chapter VI: ๐˜ผ๐™ฃ๐™™๐™ฎ๐ŸŒ
Chapter VII: แต–สณแต‰แต—แต—สธ หกโฑแตสฐแต—หข
Chapter VIII: Ducks
Chapter IX: Clueless
Chapter X: Worth
Chapter XI: *RING*
Chapter XII: Mama
Chapter XIII: Flirt
Chapter XIV: The Officer Who Cried Skank
Chapter XV: Oh Brother
Chapter XVI: Platonic Soulmates
Chapter XVII: Chopsticks
Chapter XVIII: Queries and Affairs
Chapter XIX: Little Things
Chapter XXI: Cosmo and Walter
Chapter XXII: Fallimento
XXIV: She'll Be Okay
XXV: Fairy Godmother
~ Epilogue ~
Author's Note :)

Chapter XXIII: Almed

2.6K 76 205
By marrymeaubreyplaza

"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."
- Kahlil Gibran

"The unsub has Abiona."

One week.

A week, the unsub has had a 2-year old girl and no one noticed. The brainless cops assumed that the missing baby no longer in their crib was probably with their non-dead parent.

Right now, that child needs care. And not from a serial killer.

Abiona needs baby food, she needs to be changed, she needs to be loved.

She needs her mom.

And if anyone understands a child aching for their mother, it's Eden.

Being targeted in this case was definitely not the plan for her, nonetheless, she convinced Hotch to let her at least stay in the station. No going out in the field. Which is completely understandable. But that doesn't stop them from worrying. Especially Spencer.

"Spence, " Eden hummed, "I'm fine."

Spencer hasn't been paying attention to the case, although he knows he needs to. He feels as though time might be running out with Eden, so he doesn't let his gaze move from her.

"We need to find this girl, " Eden looked up from her file, "I'm gonna be fine, no going out in the field, and I'll be with you guys the whole time. No one's gonna get me."

Eden stood up and fixed the glasses on Spencer's face, "Nice frames, " She giggled. A small smile appeared on Spencer's face as he cupped her cheeks, trying to take her in. Her beauty, mind, and spirit, all of it. Like he won't see her again.

JJ entered the room with three coffees, smirking at the two young doctors. She cleared her throat making the two snap their heads toward her, faces red and Spencer putting his hands in his pockets nervously.

"Victimology, " Eden changed any upcoming topic JJ was about to mention.

"Victimology, " JJ smiled at the two before shaking her head back to the case, "oh yeah, victimology."


Rossi and Hotch had made their way back to the station where the rest of the team is working, answering an important call from Garcia.

"Garcia, what do you have?"

"Okay, so I did my routinely backup check on the victims and I noticed something off about Jesse," She began.

"So I noticed that there is no information about him past 1983."

"Nothing?" Morgan repeated.

"Nada, zilchy zilch. So, I dug further and found out his name is actually Marcus Jones and I ran a background check on him," Garcia slowly started getting quieter as she spoke, "as you know, this case is sadly connected to my Flower, Eden, and I found out that it's more connected than we thought."

"Garcia, what did you find?" Spencer asked getting agitated with the technical analyst at sugarcoating her search.

"Marcus Jones is Eden's father."

the room fell silent, the only sounds heard being are the ringing of the phones outside the room or the ineligible chatter of officers. Eden has never felt so numb, never has she thought their only viable suspect was one of the victims, and worst of all, her piece of shit dad.

"Eden?" Rossi asks in concern.

"Reid, Prentiss, take Ellis to the hotel," Hotch orders.

"What? Hotch, I thought it'd be fine for me to work on this case as long as I stay put of the field, " Eden argued.

"Eden, whether this was on purpose or not, you're closer to this case than before. Your father was murdered by this unsub. I don't want to argue, I want you to go to the hotel and process this, " Hotch responded sternly.

"Can I at least go to my grandma's?" Eden asked with pleading eyes.

The team exchanged questioning looks with furrowed brows.

"Prentiss and Reid can stay with me, ok? Just let me visit her so I could process this with her, " Eden begged.

Hotch nodded and let the three agents go. Eden opened her hand for the car keys in front of Emily.

"Eden, are you sure?" she asked.

"Do I look like I'm not?" Eden retorted.

Emily looked towards Reid who just had a concerned gaze toward Eden, she looked back at Eden, and hesitantly nodded before dropping the keys in her hands. Eden headed to the driver's seat, Spencer going to the passengers, leaving Emily in the back. Eden turned on the car and started making way to her Nain's house.

Fun family reunion, right?


Through the drive, Spencer kept his hand on Eden's thigh, with every now and then her grabbing it a red light.

Now arriving at her grandma's home, Spencer felt a huge weight land on his shoulders. It's not exactly like he can 'meet the parents' but he knows Eden's grandmother is her last family. And soon enough she'll have no one left.

Eden got out of the car heading straight to the door, opening the wall-mount mailbox, and grabbing the last of the mail her grandma couldn't reach. Quite a tradition. Her grandma constantly telling her she needs her tallness, considering her 5'3 stature, she can't quite reach all the way.

Emily and Spencer watched amusingly as Eden bends down and picks up an empty food bowl and grabbing the spare key taped under it, silently cheering when she found it on the same spot. She opened the door and found her living room the same as she left it. Emily closed the door and stayed by to make sure no one can come in as Eden grabbed Spencer's hand and led her to her grandma.

"I know you're not my nurse, so if you're a murderer, just know I'm not worth it, " A voice shouted.

Eden giggled and opened the door to her grandmother's room, thanking the gods, her nurse told her it was a good day.

"Hey, Nain, " Eden smiled and released Spencer's hand, running to her laying grandma.

"Topolina! My sweet! What are you doing here?" Eden's grandmother questioned, "And who's this?" she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"We're here on a case, and this is..." Eden pointed to Spencer, not exactly sure of what to address him as.

"Dr. Spencer Reid, it's a pleasure ma'am, " he smiled and awkwardly waved.

"Oh, please, call me Almed. What case, dear?"

"Oh, you know, serial killers, the usual, " Eden replied. Spencer furrowed his brows before realizing she just wanted to see her grandma, all of the machines in the room could indicate, her time is running out, and there's no point in dredging up bad memories.

"I got your mail for you. Apparently, someone named Ellen has passed?" Eden slightly questioned as she handed her Nain the mail.

"Finally, that bitch thought she'd outlive me, " Almed groaned, "she gossiped so much, I do too, but at least I do it with class."

Eden lightly chuckled at her grandma's behavior, noticing despite her condition, her attitude remained the same.

"Dear, could you refill my tea for me, you know how I like it, " Almed implored.

"Of course, " Eden kissed her grandma's cheek and stood next to spencer before leaning in his ear, "Dont be scared, she doesn't bite anymore."

Eden left the two alone and went to fetch her grandma more tea.

"You, " Almed pointed at Spencer, " Are in love with my granddaughter."

Spencer's eyes widened and he cleared his throat, "ma'am?"

"I see the way you look at her, it's the way my husband used to look at me, " she shrugged, "or how I look at myself."

Spencer smiled lightly, "Um, I-I guess so."



"Wrong response, tell me what you've been trying to deny to yourself, " Almed demanded.

"I-I'm in love with Eden," Spencer admitted. and finally, a weight off his shoulders has been lifted. Not the one for meeting her grandmother, because that is most certainly still there, but not denying it anymore, it feels better than trying to ignore it.

"There you go," Almed cheered, "Now quick help me up before she comes back," Almed starts to stand up on her own before Spencer swoops to help her. 

"W-what are you doing?" Spencer asked as the elderly woman led the way to her jewelry box.

"Now, I'm no medium or psychic, I have dipped into tarot, but I have a feeling this thing between you will last. So, I'm giving you my engagement ring, " Almed said as she reached the box and grabbed a gorgeous ring from inside it.

"U-uh ma'am, I'm flattered, but I don't know about that yet, " Spencer glanced at the door.

"Well, you don't have to do it now, although I wouldn't complain, in the future, " she grabbed his hand and put the ring in his palm, closing his hand into a fist before attempting to walk back to her bed, Spencer quick to help the older woman. Spencer helped the woman back in bed and stared at the ring in his hand before hearing the door turn and quickly hiding it in his pocket.

"Here you go," Eden smiled at her Nain before handing the drink to her.

"Spencer, dear," Almed grabbed his attention, "Would you mind giving us some privacy?"

Spencer looked to Eden who smiled and nodded her head, he looked back at Almed and smiled before walking out the door and looking through the house, making sure everything is locked.

"So, when are you gonna tell that boy you love him?" Almed asked, sipping her tea.


"Eden, don't play with me, that boy is whipped for you, " Almed pointed at her granddaughter.

"I really wish you didn't have TikTok right now," Eden muttered.

"I am fully prepared to give my blessing, just give one of the kids my name or something, " She said as she continued drinking her tea.

"I'm scared, Nain, what if this all goes to shit?" Eden asked worriedly.

"Honey, you'll never know if you don't try. Do you remember the story of your grandfather and me?"

Eden furrowed her brows, "You guys met on a beach?"

Almed cackled, "Oh no, that was made up, let me tell you the real story."

Eden shook her head in confusion and paid attention, apparently her grandparents' happily ever after fairytale of a story isn't true.

"We met in our...mid-twenties, I believe. He was on a date with a neighbor of mine and I was just walking downstairs and we bumped into each other in the staircase of our apartment complex, " Almed reminisced, "well, the neighbor set us up after, I guess, her gorilla grip wasn't good enough."

Eden slightly cringed at her grandma's words but let her continue.

"We spent every day with each other for about two and a half months, and then he took me to meet his parents. Afterward, when we were driving back to his house, I asked him where we were going, he says I nagged him, but I digress. Anywho, he got so frustrated he pulled over at a Denny's, in the pouring rain, got out of the car with no ring, which obviously I got myself later on. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him."

Eden raised her brows and lightly chuckled at her grandfather's actions.

"me being me, I asked if we could go inside before I answered him, he said okay. We went inside and I told him I had to go to the restroom, he said okay, and I went to the restroom to think about it. When I came out, I told him, 'Sure' then we got married in court, had charlotte, and we really said, 'till death do us part'."

Eden chuckled at her grandmother's story and finally said, "That's way better than the beach."

"I know, but the point is, you have to risk it. Even if you nag him to the point of pulling over at a Denny's, " Almed grabbed Eden's hand and squeezed lightly, "You can date someone for ten years and end up divorcing them a month into the marriage, or you could date someone for less than a year and be totally and completely infatuated with that person. The time doesn't matter, if it's the right person, it's the right time."

Eden stood and leaned down to hug her Grandma, "thank you."

"Visit me again before you go?"

Eden nodded at her Nain and opened the door, waving goodbye again before getting any Spencer and Emily to head back to the hotel.

"You drive, " Eden threw the keys to Emily. Emily started to walk towards the car.

Spencer went over to Eden, "You okay?"

She nodded and pecked him lightly on the lips.

"I need to rest, I have... A lot on my mind."

"Of course, " he nodded and interlocked their fingers, both of them entering the backseat. Emily glanced back at the two and smiled, turning on the car, she muttered.

"I should've brought JJ if I was gonna be a third wheel."

The couple chuckled, both looking at their interlocked hands, before Eden turned away, getting herself lost in the cars passing by.


The three arrived at the hotel, checking in and letting Prentiss walk Eden to her room as Spencer answered a phone call.

"I'll be right next door okay?" Emily reassured Eden.

Eden nodded and hugged Emily before entering her room, letting herself flop onto the bed, tired of today.

A knock at the door awoke Eden from her half-asleep nap, she looked through the peephole to see a cleaning lady. She unlocked the door and opened it.

"Hello?" she asked the lady.

"Room service, " the woman simply stated.

"I think you have the wrong room, I have everything, " Eden grabbed her gun from beside the door.

"No, I have the right room."

And suddenly, everything went black.

A/N: DONT KILL ME IT ISNT OVER YET PLEASE. sooo... a lot happened. i would also like to inform that this chapter, and basically story, is dedicated to my Nain who passed away this weekend. As well as that story isn't my nain and grandpas story BUT it is my parents story and they are still together after 28 years 🤪 my parents are quirky i know.

Thank you for reading!

also i was too lazy to completely proofread so my b if i misspelled something :|

lol: 2389 words

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