Fate and Destiny (The Fated S...

By _Hiraeth_Author_

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{{CURRENTLY UNDERGOING EDITING}} A kingdom across the sea, a man in pain clawing at a hated king who bears tw... More

Index & Calendar
Ker & Fernweh Map
Prologue - The Birth of the First Unpredictability
Part 1 - Lost in Every Way
Chapter 1 - Fauna - It's Only the Beginning
Chapter 2 - Rohana - Against This
Chapter 3 - Darius - Nimue Lake
Chapter 4 - Hiraeth - What Happened in the Ballroom
Chapter 5 - Lance - What Ifs
Chapter 6 - Katarina - The Dancing Lights
Chapter 7 - Rohana - Keeping an Eye Out
Chapter 8 - Fauna - Who Am I?
Chapter 9 - Lance - Comandante
Chapter 10 - Hiraeth - She's Gone Again
Chapter 11 - Darius - Pick-Me-Up
Chapter 12 - Katarina - Kick-the-Can
Chapter 13 - Rohana - Our List of Why Today Was Shitty
Chapter 14 - Darius - Triggers
Chapter 15 - Hiraeth - Something's Here
Chapter 16 - Fauna - It Flickers
Chapter 17 - Lance - Little Mouse
Chapter 18 - Darius - Aurea Deus
Chapter 19 - Katarina - Trust
Chapter 20 - Hiraeth - Kallisté
Chapter 21 - Rohana - This Is A Headache
Chapter 22 - Fauna - Víđarr
Chapter 23 - Darius - All This Time
Chapter 24 - Hiraeth - Hope
Chapter 25 - Lance - No Time For Rest
Chapter 26 - Katarina - There's More
Chapter 27 - Rohana - Things Are Looking Up
Chapter 28 - Fauna - Repeat
Chapter 29 - Hiraeth - A Shattered Mirror
Chapter 30 - Darius - Home
Chapter 31 - Lance - The Beginning
Chapter 32 - Rohana - Lost
Chapter 33 - Fauna - Fighting Our Demons
Chapter 34 - Katarina - Locked Up
Chapter 35 - Lance - A Hidden Future
Chapter 36 - Hiraeth - Something and Nothing
Chapter 37 - Darius - The Soulless Man
Chapter 38 - Rohana - Locked Out
Chapter 39 - Lance - Following In His Footsteps
Chapter 40 - Hiraeth - Off Beat
Chapter 41 - Katarina - Changing Weather
Chapter 42 - Darius - Little Prince
Chapter 43 - Lance - Pass Or Fail
Chapter 44 - Darius - Never Alone
Chapter 45 - Rohana - Hurry
Chapter 46 - Hiraeth - Mouse Trap
Chapter 47 - Lance - Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 48 - Rohana - Morana
Chapter 49 - Katarina - Untwist the Words
Chapter 50 - Hiraeth - The Secret
Chapter 51 - Darius - Our Promise
Part 2 - The Bridge
Chapter 53 - Lance - What's Left
Chapter 54 - Rohana - Impossibilities
Chapter 55 - Katarina - Restless
Chapter 56 - Branka - Lost Time
Chapter 57 - Darius - Heavy is the Head Which Carries the Crown
Chapter 58 - Lance - When Our World Goes Quiet
Chapter 59 - Rohana - Acceptance, Not Forgiveness
Chapter 60 - Branka - Mend the Bond
Chapter 61 - Katarina - Snakes
Chapter 62 - Lance - A Table of Threats
Chapter 63 - Fauna - Baby Steps
Chapter 64 - Darius - It Begins
Chapter 65 - Branka - Father Issues
Chapter 66 - Katarina - Scars
Chapter 67 - Rohana - A Cycle Too Long
Chapter 68 - Lance - The Sky Mind As Well Be Falling
Ch. 69 - Fauna - Graves and Spirits
Ch. 70 - Branka - Mortala's Garden of Lost Souls
Chapter 71 - Darius - South
Chapter 72 - Rohana - A Slow Walk Into Darkness
Ch. 73 - Fauna - Decimate
Chapter 74 - Darius - Nightmares
Chapter 75 - Branka - What Day Is It?
Chapter 76 - Katarina - I'm Already Regretting This
Chapter 77 - Lance - Four Days Ago
Chapter 78 - Branka - Solus Umbra (Alone Shadow)
Chapter 79 - Rohana - Not The Time For Drama
Chapter 80 - Darius - Just Maybe
Chapter 81 - Branka - Acquaintances
Chapter 82 - Katarina - At Fault
Chapter 83 - Fauna - Tension
Chapter 84 - Lance - Past, Present, Future
Chapter 85 - Branka - Barrier Breaker
Chapter 86 - Katarina - Unwanted Guests
Chapter 87 - Branka- The Sun City
Chapter 88 - Rohana - Recon
Chapter 89 - Fauna - The New Moon
Chapter 90 - Branka - This Is Gonna Be Fun
Chapter 91 - Lance - Enemies & Allies
Chapter 92 - Darius - Hell Storm
Chapter 93 - Fauna - Not Again
Ch. 94 - Rohana - The Crystal City
Ch. 95 - Fauna - Memories
Ch. 96 - Katarina - The Day After
Ch. 97 - Branka - His Next Move
Ch. 98 - Rohana - Mortal
Ch. 99 - Fauna - Her Last Gift
Ch. 100 - Darius - So The War Begins
Epilogue - Lance - A Ship Lost At Sea
Months, Days, and Weeks Guide

Chapter 52 - Fauna - Mistaken As Melody

26 1 0
By _Hiraeth_Author_

Nothing else matters. Nothing save for those seven words, ending a prophecy of my own. They don't bring up any memories, and I don't know who anyone is except for those who have caused me pain, but those words...they're written deeper than memories.

I don't know who I am, I don't know what my purpose is, but all I know are those words and those which the healer recited to me.

My emptiness weighs heavy and my heart is tired, but I have been fighting since I was a child. I am no survivor, but a warrior. I am a violent storm - an enraged sea - trapped in a raindrop.

I feel nothing but the power thrumming through my veins, the earth surrounding me growing roots, the water before me raging its storm in the still solid form. It was easy to let it wind through the halls, through the stairs I've never seen to drown the people with a demon's mark.

It was easy enough to break the chains, to freeze their links and crack their metal until my feet met the earth and it sent a wave of bliss through it, waking it. Standing is a bit harder, but my legs move fluidly, taking me towards the men and women who smiled as I bled and screamed.

Víđarr holds my torturer by his neck, his teeth inches from the artery that pumps his blood. He won't let go. I'm never letting him go again, not this time.

The others try to escape, pulling on the power that's choking them the more they move. Actually, I'm choking them. I can feel the cells beneath their skin bending to my will as they hang several feet off the ground, pinned to the wall by nothing more than the water in their bodies. I know two of them. The girl and the boy who came to me last night to fuck while I had no choice but to listen. They beg the most, wheezing through their closing throats, stretching their arms to grab onto something. They're the easiest to kill. They had little life in them anyways, I did them a favor by pushing water down their throats and then breaking the stone wall behind them so they can have their burials.

Then there's the white-haired female with red eyes. She's no fun dead to me. Not yet. So I catch the blood still spilling out of the cut on my stomach she made and look at the brightness of it. Her eyes latch onto it too, her tongue licking her lips as if she can taste it.

Blood is a disease. It keeps you standing, keeps your skin full of color and muscles moving, but put yours into another's, and, well...

The blood lifts off my finger, and I watch as it floats above me, shifting like a raindrop in a different gravity force. Meeting her eyes, I reach down and pull out the knife from her thigh, perfectly weighted, pointed, and sharp to the very tip. I take a second to look at it, catching a glimpse of the bucking wave of water that rams each side wall with its angry force, making the stones crack in its reflection. There are faces on the other side of its storm, but they're no faces I remember. Hers, however, seems to be in need of an accessory.

I lift the blade to her cheekbone, and with a pull of the water in her head to keep her still, I carve a jagged line over her cheek, down her jaw, and all the way to the base of her neck. I watch her own blood swell for a second and then guide my own spilled blood to coat hers. The two drops of blood meet and soon clot, and then a scar that will never truly heal nor can be removed turns the jagged line from faded red to a deep blue. A tether, and a binding.

The man beside her is getting harder to contain, but he's not my concern. Not yet.

I could kill them both, here and now, but that would do nothing. I can feel how much of this land he's plagued, I can feel how much of it has become a womb of his own, bearing his own sense of children that will rise when his blood spills. I cannot kill him without killing them first, and they are difficult to find.

This place isn't the only one he's planted his seeds, and though this place is soon to be free of them, there are too many more to risk slitting his throat, and her death would only push him to slit his own wrists and awake what he's burying.

"She may be your blood," I say, not recognizing the voice coming out of my mouth. "But she's no longer just yours. She will never again be yours."

Darkness pools at his hands, the tendrils snaking around his legs and slowly moving up. A few try lunging at me, but the wave behind me rushes forward, slamming against their skulls. Víđarr walks through it, pulling along a now unconscious body beside him. Water fills the room, its harsh movements turning to coax as it touches my body. I push its depths further, deepening it into the halls, through the other cells, and into every crack that holds misery and pain, washing it all away.

No more pain. No more suffering.

A single light appears above me, casting rays of sunlight to bounce off the reflection of my water. I open my arms and close my eyes, breathing the light in. The water shifts with the flip of my hands, and then my feet are leaving the ground and I'm rising towards the light that I've been longing to feel.

My power may be my reliever, but the sunlight, the fresh breeze filling my nose, the clouds over my head gathering at my wish...that's my release. I've missed this more than ever, and it's about time I return it to it.

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