Stay with me

By iliqblack

257K 7.1K 2.2K

This story is about hope and devotion. About loyalty to yourself and your feelings. About true friendship and... More

Chapter 1 When dreams come true
Chapter 2 - When dreams come true. Omer
Chapter 3 - Bring back life
Chapter 4 Reach the Heart
Chapter 5 - How to bring back happiness
Chapter 6 Give me a chance
Chapter 7 - Let the Past Go to Hell
Chapter 8 - Farewell
Chapter 9 Loneliness
Chapter 10 Confrontation
Chapter 11 - I choose you
Chapter 12 I love
Chapter 13 Theorems and Axioms
Chapter 14 - Why?
Chapter 15 - While I'm breathing!
Chapter 16 - The Road to Happiness
Chapter 17 - Day of Open Hearts
Chapter 18 - Dreams
Chapter 19 - Jackals and Falcons
Chapter 20 - Life goes on
Chapter 21 - Healing
Chapter 22 - You are the Best!
Chapter 23 - Fulfillment of desires
Chapter 24 - A roller coaster
Chapter 25 - Endless love
Chapter 26 - Angels and Demons
Chapter 27 - Prelude to the miracle
Chapter 28 - A Miracle
Chapter 29 Light and Darkness
Chapter 30 - Think About Me
Chapter 31 - Windows
Chapter 32 - Above the clouds
Chapter 33 - Old Secrets, New Hopes
Chapter 34 - Redemption
Chapter 35 Fate
Chapter 36 - Loved ones are always forgiven
Chapter 37 - We will call her Emine
Chapter 38 - Because of you
Chapter 39 - Sapphire's birthday
Chapter 40 - Necklace of fiery opals
Chapter 41 - Paradise Island
Chapter 42 - Happiness in the hands
Chapter 43 - At the edge of the abyss
Chapter 44 - Storm in Paradise
Chapter 45 - Kinship not by blood or cuckoo and Madonna
Chapter 46 - Serpent in paradise
Chapter 47 - You are my breath
Chapter 48 Time for Change
Chapter 49 - You are my medicine
Chapter 50 - Angels on guard
Chapter 51 - Doubt
Chapter 52 - Love and pride
Chapter 53 - Watchful eye
Chapter 55 - Big tragedies and small mischief
Chapter 56 - Exposure
Chapter 57 - Trust
Chapter 58 - Treachery
Chapter 59 - I love you, Mom
Chapter 60 Surprises - pleasant and not so
Chapter 61 - Turn upside down
Chapter 62 - Dreams Come True
Chapter 63 - Best Day of Life
Chapter 64 - I will be with you
Chapter 65 - What the coming day tells us
Chapter 66 - Almost a detective story
Chapter 67 - A Miracle is born
Chapter 68 - Emine Diana Iplikci
Chapter 69 - The Gift
Chapter 70 - How happiness begins
Chapter 71 - Prophetic dream
Chapter 72 - A stranger
Chapter 73 - Such different fathers
Chapter 74 - One for all and all for one!
Chapter 75 - And in sorrow and joy
Chapter 76 - Wolf Laws
Chapter 77 - Playing without rules
Chapter 78 - Through hardship to the stars
Chapter 79 - Blood relationship
Chapter 80 - God works in mysterious ways
Chapter 81 - Epilogue
Note from the writer Marina Victoria
84 Taming the stubborn ( Тhe story of Jansu and Niko)
85 Taming the stubborn
86 Taming the stubborn
87 Taming the stubborn
88 Taming the stubborn
89 Taming the stubborn
90 Taming the stubborn
91 Taming the stubborn
92 Taming the stubborn
93 Taming the stubborn
94 Taming the stubborn
95 Taming the stubborn
96 Taming the stubborn
97 Taming the stubborn
98 Taming the stubborn

Chapter 54 - We are crazy

2K 70 27
By iliqblack

Defne entered the atelier and stopped at the reception. The girl standing behind it smiled affably and asked how she could help the lady.

- I am Defne Iplikci - the guest introduced herself. - I have an appointment here with Mr. Baisal and his daughter.

- Welcome, Mrs. Defne! Mr. Baisal warned me. He and his daughter are waiting for you in the fitting room. The second door to the left - the girl came out from behind the counter and held out her hand. - Let me take your coat?

- Yes, of course - Defne took off her coat and handed it to her.

Smoothing her gray knitted dress with her palms and straightening her hair, she walked in the indicated direction.

The hall around her was every girl's dream. Beautiful wedding dresses hung from the hangers and resembled airy snow-white clouds. On stands were put graceful shoes and all kinds of cute accessories. Jewelry glittered in a separate display case. Defne only looked at them in passing. The door the girl pointed to opened. A stylishly dressed, beautiful woman looked out from behind her.

- Mistress Defne! She exclaimed and flung the door wider. - Come on in. Mr. Ozcan and Mrs. Jansu are waiting for you.

When Defne went inside, the woman held out her hand and introduced herself:

- Irem. The mistress of this wedding kingdom.

- Very well - Defne shook the outstretched hand.

- Mistress Defne - beaming with a white-toothed smile, Ozcan Baisal approached them. - Finally, I have the joy of seeing your beautiful face.

Defne smiled discreetly and put her hand on her rounded stomach. The man followed her gaze, and the smile slowly faded from his lips. He looked up at Defne's serenely calm face and swallowed. She looked into his eyes, and her gaze was more eloquent than words.

- Can I congratulate you and Mr. Omer? - Under the mask of ease, hiding confusion, asked Baisal.

"Yes," Defne answered simply. - My husband and I are expecting a girl.

"Girl," he repeated, and in his eyes, just for a moment, sadness was clearly reflected. - Perfectly. May your girl be born healthy and grow up happy - he wished and walked a couple of steps away. - Jansu puts on the dress. She will be out now.

- Madam Defne, sit down, - Irem suggested. - Would you like some tea? Or juice.

"Juice, if possible," Defne smiled at her as she sat down on the sofa. - Orange.

- Now they bring it.

The fashion designer left, and the guests were left alone. Ozcan Baisal sat down in a chair and asked:

- How long does it take you to draw the sketch?

"A few days," Defne replied. "I have some ideas that I would like to discuss with you and your daughter now. If they strike you as successful, it won't take long to put them on paper.

- How quickly will Mr. Ahtem be able to make a piece of jewelry?

- If you have all the necessary materials, it will cope in five to six days. Ahtem and other masters are now closely engaged in the manufacture of a collection for the exhibition in Ankara. When the sketches of the jewelry are ready, he will leave another job and start your order.

Baisal rubbed his chin thoughtfully and said:

- Good. I will provide materials and stones. Sapphire will not need to purchase them and wait for delivery.

- Perfectly! - Defne was delighted.

An employee of the atelier brought Defne orange juice, she thanked her and took a sip. And then she put the glass aside.

A beautiful princess came out from behind the screen into the hall. She was wearing a snow-white dress of incredible beauty. Her bodice remained simple and even modest, but the flying, the layered skirt was embroidered with crystal beads that sparkled and shimmered in the rays of the sun peeping through the window. Defne looked at Baisal. He starred at his daughter, and his eyes shone with love and pride.

- My soul, you are beautiful! He said.

- Really, daddy?!

The princess blossomed into a smile and spun in place.

Defne looked at her and was a little jealous. How good it is to grow up an adored daddy's daughter and to know about it. To marry a loved one without lying and secrets in your baggage. Enjoy the preparation for the wedding and the boundless care of men dear to your heart. She once was deprived of such joy.

"But all this will definitely be for Emine!" - whispered an inner voice, and Defne weightlessly touched her stomach.

Ozcan Baisal brought his daughter to her and introduced them to each other:

The girls exchanged polite phrases, and Defne carefully examined the dress.

"You were right, Mr. Baisal," she said, turning to the man, "when you said that this dress is beautiful, and the decorations for it should also be perfect. Flawlessly graceful and delicate. Those that do not weigh down the image, but only emphasize the refinement of the dress and the beauty of the bride. Mrs. Jansu, - Defne looked at the girl, - and what would you like? How do you see jewelry in your dreams?

"It should be a necklace, earrings, and a bracelet," the bride answered confidently. - Stones be diamonds and nothing else. No pearls, no rubies or sapphires, nothing. The frame from white gold, but it shouldn't be visible. I want you to give the impression that the jewelry consists of only diamonds.

- An interesting idea, - Defne said, but in her mind, she was surprised. It looks like the young princess has a queen character. She took a tablet out of her purse and, opening the sketches on it, handed it to the girl. - Look, do you like any of this?

Jansu sat down on the sofa and patted the seat next to her with her palm.

- Have a seat. You are pregnant. You don't have to stand in one place for a long time.

Intrigued by this unusual girl, Defne sat down on the sofa next to her. She was already looking closely at the sketches.

- Here! - pointed to one of them. "That's exactly what I was talking about. Just make the frame even more invisible. Diamonds should shine on the skin, not metal.

"Okay," Defne agreed. - I will take this drawing as a basis and talk to the jeweler about how to more accurately translate your idea into reality.

"Tell him that this work is a challenge to all jewelers in the world," the girl smiled boldly. - If he copes, he is guaranteed world fame. I'll take care of that.

- I will, - promised the amazed and fascinated by the young queen Defne.

She smiled at her and she responded with a sincere smile.

- Thank you, Mrs. Defne, - said Ozcan Baisal. - I will be waiting for your call.

- I will try to finish the work as quickly as possible, - hiding the tablet in her purse, Defne promised and stood up.

- Sir! Sir! - She heard the frightened voice of the girl from the reception behind the door. Resounding and decisive steps echoed. - You can't go there! These are fitting rooms! I will now tell your wife that you expect her in the hall, but to enter...

The door flew open, and Omer appeared on the threshold. His darkened face did not promise anything good. Defne mentally rolled her eyes and asked Allah to send her husband at least a little prudence and tranquility.

- ... The fitting room is not allowed, - the girl who appeared after mechanically finished the phrase, and turned to the hostess who appeared from the next room: - Mrs. Irem, I tried to stop, but mister...

- Okay, Zeyneb, - reassured her mistress. - Go back to your place.

The girl disappeared.

- Omer, - Defne went up to her husband. - What are you doing here?

"I was nearby at a meeting and decided to give you a ride to Sapphire," he lied brazenly and took her arm imperiously. - Have you finished the meeting yet?

Omer deliberately ignored Baisal and the others. He understood that it was rude and unprofessional, but he could not help it.

"Yes," Defne replied.

- No! - Suddenly objected the pretty young bride in a beautiful wedding dress. Without a shadow of confusion and fear, looking straight into the eyes of the uninvited guest, she said: - Mrs. Defne and I have not yet discussed the size of diamonds and their cut. Please wait!

Those present involuntarily opened their mouths in amazement. But the girl didn't even turn her ear. She took Defne's other hand and pulled her along. The men remained standing.

"You have a very ... determined daughter," Omer muttered, looking after the girls.

- Yes, - Baisal agreed. - From birth she commands everyone. And I can't deny her anything, "he looked Omer in the eye. "Children... they are above all. All other desires and feelings fade into the background if the interests of the child are affected.

Omer did not look away. He burned Ozcan with a heavy look and tried to read in his eyes what he had seen before - a flame of passion. Passion for Defne. But, either he managed to hide it well, or something changed, or his sixth sense disappeared, but Omer no longer saw either passion or interest. A loving father looked at him, not a pursuing man.

Defne and Jansu Baisal returned to the fitting room. The bride looked boldly at Omer and said:

- We have solved all the issues. You can take your wife. Just take her not to work, but to a good restaurant. She is tired and hungry.

"I'll do so, young lady," Omer replied and interlaced his fingers with those of his wife. - All the best! - he said goodbye to everyone.

- See you, - Defne smiled at Baisal and hurried after her husband.

- What are you doing? She said indignantly as the atelier door closed behind them.

"You broke your word," he replied, and gently pushed her toward the car.

- Unwillingly! - reminded Defne. - That is how the circumstances developed.

- You broke your word! Omer repeated stubbornly.

- What are you saying: violated! - She reacted. - Did I want it?! This is a job! Work! Do you understand, your stubborn head?! And you flew in like a hawk and let's demonstrate your male chauvinism! - Defne saw that nodules were playing on his cheekbones, but she could not stop. - How did it look from the outside, you guess?

He put his hand around the back of her head and closed her mouth with a kiss. Domineering, angry ... and so sweet. The anger in Defne's chest flared up with renewed vigor, and passion blazed with it. She hugged Omer and kissed him hotly.

In the very heart of Istanbul, in the middle of noisy Nisantasi, they have forgotten about everything except each other.

Tearing himself away from her lips, Omer looked around and, hugging her waist, led to a nearby hotel. After paying for a room, he ordered to bring lunch in forty minutes and pulled Defne to the elevator.

They began kissing in the mirror-paneled booth. When it stopped at the right floor, they jumped out of it and ran to the room. The door did not have time to close, and Omer was already pressing Defne to the wall with his whole body and tore off his clothes and hers. They fell to the floor and left the path from the door to the high bed. Clasping her around the waist, Omer led Defne to it, but after taking another step, he stopped again and kissed her passionately and greedily. And she answered the same - boldly, ardently, unrestrained. She stroked his body, clung to it, and demanded ... demanded ... demanded.

Falling back on the bed, she threw her hands over her head and clung to the head of the bed. Omer abruptly parted her legs and knelt between them. In one movement he plunged into her and, gritting his teeth, began to move violently and quickly. The pleasure came instantly. Covered by a wave and sucked into a fiery whirlpool, which had no end and edge. The seconds have become an eternity, and eternity has become seconds. And for that second, Omer was ready to give his life.

"We're crazy," Defne said.

Her head lay on Omer's chest and he, slowly fingering her hair, smiled lazily with one corner of his mouth. He felt good. Too good. The adrenaline that was raging in the blood a few minutes ago was replaced by pacification and slight euphoria.

"Let it," he replied. - It suits me.

- In the middle of the working day, - continued Defne, - at a hotel ... the employees definitely took me for your mistress.

- Why? - Omer was surprised.

"Because husbands don't take their wives to a hotel for a couple of hours," she said ironically.

- Then they are just fools, - Omer ran his fingers over her back and gently squeezed the rounded buttock. - They don't know what they are giving up.

Defne laughed and replied:

"I don't know about men, but if you hadn't dragged me here today, I would definitely have lost a lot.

- Yes? - Omer with a lightning movement rolled onto his stomach and loomed over her. A teasing smile touched his lips. - We can repeat such forays at least every day.

- Every day? Defne arched an eyebrow slyly.

"Uh-huh," he replied and grabbed the top of her breast with his lips.

Defne threw back her head and, laughing, declared:

- We're definitely crazy!


Mirai did not expect the manager to appear in her office. He had never visited her before. If it was necessary to discuss the work, Mr. Kartal called her to him. Therefore, when he entered and stopped at her desk, she was a little confused.

This man gave her strange feelings. She liked his conciseness, his stingy, dignified gestures, and the respect with which he treated everyone, without exception, employees. Mirai knew that life had been difficult for him, but he did not become embittered and did not turn into a cynic. And this spoke of the strength of character and solid moral principles. Of course, all these qualities could not but arouse admiration. But there was something that scared Mirai. When he looked at her with his gray eyes, her heart began to beat as a caught bird, and she forgot to breathe. Mirai was not a naive girl and understood what that meant. She fell in love. After so many years the ice armor, she had built in her chest, she opened her heart to feel again. It was scary. Very scary. And she hid these feelings behind external indifference, not allowing herself even to look towards the handsome man with sad gray eyes. She persuaded herself that someone like her was not a match for him, and he would never pay attention to a single mother of three children. A broken woman who can never be complete again.

And he did not give a reason to indulge in illusions. He treated her evenly and slightly detached, like all other employees. Only occasionally did Mirai catch his gaze. From it sweetly squeezed in her chest and she wanted to dream.

And so he himself came to her office. And he looks with the same look from which the soul freezes.

- Mister Kartal, - she got up from the table. - Do you have an urgent assignment for me?

"Yes," he replied, and immediately corrected himself: "No. I came to ask if there is any news from Diamond.

News from Diamond? Mirai was surprised. The letter with the date of shipment arrived two hours ago and the manager of Sapphire is also included in the mailing list. She saw it with her own eyes. But the woman did not dwell on this. She handed him the printout and replied:

- Yes, a letter came from Diamond. The dispatch will take place tomorrow. The stones will arrive at us in three days. I have already settled the issues with the customs service.

"Okay," the man said. "Have a nice day". He walked away from the table but stopped halfway to the door. Slowly he turned and spoke: - Mrs. Mirai, the leadership of Sapphire has been invited to the annual ball of the jewelry association. Invitations were sent for directors, co-owners, and their companions. I want to ask if you would do me the honor of being my companion for this evening.

The heart sank in her chest. There was a noise in her ears, and a pink mist floated before the eyes. What is it? Joke? But the man looks serious. Waiting for an answer so tensely, as if his whole life depended on it.

- Me? Are you inviting me? She asked in a whisper.

"Yes," he replied. - You. If you are worried about the dress, then...

"I have a dress," Mirai hastened to assure him.

- So ... you agree?

Her soul was torn to pieces. One, sober, demanded to show prudence and refuse, but the second ... the second wanted to go to the ball with this man more than life! By the right of a companion to stand side by side, smile, dance ... For one evening, forget about her inferiority and become just a woman.

The second won. Mirai sighed and said:

- Yes.

The man smiled. Sparingly, but so beautiful.

"I'll pick you up on Saturday at seven. See you.

"See you," she answered quietly and watched in fascination as he left the office.

When the door closed, she covered her mouth with her hand and sighed convulsively.

"Allah," she whispered through clenched fingers. - What have you prepared for me? Happiness or new heartache?


On the street from the hotel came out quite a respectable couple. The expensive and tasteful clothes fit them perfectly. And the fact that the girl's blouse was missing two buttons was not visible under the coat and tightly buttoned jacket.

That's how Defne calmed herself, but it didn't work out very well. It seemed to her that everyone around her guessed what she had just been doing with her husband in a hotel room. Defne was ashamed. She walked without raising her eyes and felt that her face was on fire. Omer glanced sideways at her flaming cheeks and stopped. Carefully he straightened the collar of her coat and asked in a casual tone:

- Maybe you will release Mehmet and come with me? I'm driving myself. Sukru in Sinan's car went to meet him at the airport. And we will go to the Grand Bazaar, and then to the delivery service.

- I would be happy, - Defne answered and smiled regretfully, - but after, I will need to see Ahtem. He works in the old workshop today.

- I will gladly take you there, and I will wait until you settle everything, - promised Omer.

- Really? - Defne was delighted but immediately frowned. - Don't you have urgent work in Passionis?

"No," Omer lied for the second time that day. There was work, but today he did not want to let Defne go.

- Then that's great! She smiled. - I will gladly come with you.

She took out her phone and called Mehmet.

"Go to Sapphire," she said. - I will go with Mr. Omer.

- Good girl! - Omer blossomed with a smile and took his wife to the Mercedes in the parking lot. - Maybe after meeting with Ahtem we will not return to the office, but go straight home? Or to a movie? Or for a dress? The ball is on Saturday and you need a new dress.

- Ay, exactly! - Sitting in the car, Defne exclaimed. - How could I not think? I really need a dress. My old ones will all be tight at the waist. "She folded her hands on her stomach and smiled softly."

- Then it's settled! - Omer winked at her. - After meeting with Ahtem we are going to empty the boutiques!

The Iplikci walked through the colorful and picturesque Grand Bazaar. They got presents for Maya and Theo. And even for the handsome horses, they bought a box of brown lump sugar. Then they drank coffee in an old coffee shop and went to the delivery service. There they accepted the package and promised that in a few days it would be delivered to Bora Bora.

They walked out of the post office holding hands and beaming with happy smiles.

- Now we will wait for a letter from Maya, in which she will write that she and Theo are expecting a baby, - Omer winked at his wife.

Defne crossed her fingers and closed her eyes.

- May Allah hear your words.

Omer, smiling, hugged her, and promised:

- He will definitely hear! - Lightly clicking her on the nose, asked: - Now to Ahtem?

"Yeah," she agreed cheerfully.

Ahtem was at first taken aback by the wish of Jansu Baisal, but the next second his eyes lit up with excitement. He loved difficult, at first glance, impossible tasks. They challenged the imp inside him and excited the imagination.

"I'll think about how to bring this idea to life," he promised Defne. - If it works out, it will be a breakthrough in jewelry practice.

- Good luck! - She sincerely wished. - Think, and I'll do the sketches.

- But this bride, she is a piece of work, right?! - Ahtem shook his head in admiration.

"Devil in a skirt," Omer confirmed.

- But fair, and with a kind heart, - defended the girl Defne. - And also very beautiful.

- Kind, only her tongue is like a razor, - Omer arched an eyebrow mockingly. - And she commands like a general.

- Yes, friends, - Ahtem scratched his head. -I am intrigued. I don't even know to envy her future husband or sympathize.

"You better sympathize," Omer advised cheerfully.

- But he will never be bored with her, - Defne nudged her husband in the side with her elbow and narrowed her eyes.

He gasped in surprise and agreed:

- That's for sure. The guy is guaranteed a stormy life.


Omer sat comfortably on a soft sofa in one of the fashionable boutiques and sipped his strong coffee with pleasure. Defne had already been in the fitting room for half an hour. The saleswoman brought and took away more and more new dresses, but his wife did not show him any of them. And he was interested. Very interesting. For example, this green, probably, will go amazingly with her hair. The black will set off her skin, and it will shine with a porcelain white. And in the blue, her eyes will sparkle with amber light.

But then the curtain crept to the side and Omer, putting his cup on a low table, leaned forward.

His breath caught in his throat.

Defne was so ... so ... he had no words to describe her. Refined and tender. Graceful. And desired. The ice-blue satin dress accentuated the chest and, softly hugging the rounded belly, fell to the floor in graceful folds.

- How do you like it? Defne asked. Omer had to swallow and clear his throat before he could answer.

- You're beautiful!

- Is the neckline too daring? - She asked, adjusting the drapery on her chest.

The neckline was really bold, but Omer just shook his head and thought that on Saturday he would go crazy with jealousy. But he will not talk about this to his wife. He will cope with his fears himself.

"Excellent," she said. - The blue diamond earrings and bracelet from my debut collection will match this dress.

- In this dress you yourself are more dazzling than a diamond, - said Omer and went up to her.

Gently kissing her bare shoulder, he looked into her eyes, and she read in his dark and burning what made her heart beat faster.

"I'm proud of you," they said. - I love you..."


The week ended and with it February and the winter. The damp winter winds died down, the clouds melted, and the sun took over. It dried the puddles, cheered up the sparrows, kissed the buds of the trees, and made the residents of Istanbul throw off their annoying coats and boots. The faces of the people lost their gloom and, together with the sun, blossomed with smiles. To these smiles, the first sprouts stretched out from under the ground, which soon promised to turn into flowers. The air smelled subtly of spring. Bright, cheerful ... happy.

Work was in full swing in Sapphire's workshops. Ordinary jewelers worked on the collection for the exhibition. Ahtem, on the other hand, created a miracle - wedding jewelry set for Jansu Baisal, which the world did not know before. After hard work for several days, he still found a way to make the frame invisible. Jewelry turned out exactly the way the wayward bride wanted - diamonds, not weighted with metal and therefore even cleaner and sparkling.

Hot days have come in Passionis too. The firm was preparing for the presentation of the spring-summer collection, and director Koray did not give employees a second of respite. He supervised the entire process from start to finish. This circumstance suited Omer and Sinan very much. Both of them untied their hands, and there was time for personal affairs - Sinan was preparing for the wedding with Seda, and Omer lived their first pregnancy with Defne and was afraid to miss even one moment of this precious time.

A package was delivered to the horse farm in distant Bora Bora. Amazed Maya and Theo opened it and among Turkish sweets and bright clothes, they found a box with a letter attached to it. Maya opened it and gasped. On a blue satin was a pendant of amazing beauty. Theo looked over her shoulder, touched the rock crystal shining in the center, and said:

- What an unusual one.

"It's an amulet," Maya whispered. - Do you see these patterns? And the stones are garnet, amethyst, and rock crystal. According to legend, it is they who contribute to the conception of a child.

She opened the letter. It was written in a beautiful, neat handwriting:

"Dear Maya and Theo! Once you showed kindness and helped travelers in trouble in times of need. You let them into your house. Warmed and fed. We will never forget about it. Please accept these gifts as a token of our endless gratitude and respect. Omer and Defne Iplikci.

P.S. Maya, I know that you are now holding the pendant. It's really special. It was drawn by a pregnant woman and brought to life by a wonderful man. The minute he finished working on it, he learned that he would become a father...

Let this pendant become your talisman and fulfill the most beautiful, strongest, most cherished desire.

I pray for this and sincerely believe that it will be so. Defne"

Maya raised her eyes shining with tears to her husband and held out the letter. He took it in his hands and read it. Putting it on the table, he took the pendant from his wife and put it on her slim neck. And then he picked up Maya in his arms and carried her into the bedroom...

Ahtem and Laura were equipping the new house and reveling in happiness. It was so large that it did not fit inside and shone around the couple in love with an aura of warmth and light. And this aura warmed everyone who happened to be around - friends, co-workers, and the sweet blonde girl Banu. She often visited the named brother and sister but refused to move to live with them. In the village for the orphans, lived not a relative by blood, but her most beloved grandmother. Banu didn't want to part with her and leave her alone. After all, the grandmother has no one else but her. And the girl also had a secret. Left alone, she drew a boy with beautiful blue eyes and dreamed...

On the first day of spring, Mert and Esra clashed at the entrance to Sapphire's office.

- Hi, button! What are you doing here? - The guy was surprised.

Esra was a little hurt by such a childhood nickname, but she did not show it and answered cheerfully:

- Hello! I came to my sister. I missed you. Do you work?

- Uh-huh, - the guy nodded and pointed to the package in his hands. - It needs to be delivered to the post office.

- Have a nice day, - the girl wished him and went to Defne's office. Mert watched her go. After taking a few steps, Esra looked around, waved her hand, and said: - See you!

"See you," he flashed a white-toothed smile.

Nisa, Kumru, and Dila returned to school. The girls were preparing hard for the final exams and ... the final ball. The dream became a reality and gave them wings...

And only Laila did not notice the euphoria reigning in the air. All this nonsense was of no use to her. She had a goal and she worked to make it happen. On Friday, a miniature but high-precision video camera was delivered to her from an online store. Laila was not at home and the package was handed over to Lydia. In the evening, giving it to her sister, she again tried to reason with her:

- Laila, what else have you come up with? Who are you going to shoot with this camera?

- My hot sex with Omer Iplikci, - she answered self-confidently.

- Sex? Lydia asked in surprise. - With Omer Iplikci? Didn't you say that he doesn't even look at you?

- Nonsense! - Laila interrupted her irritably. - Look. When he sees me on the bed in seductive underwear - even this saint will not resist! And when I show him my ability to give pleasure, he will become my slave.

- In the bed? And where will you get it? Turn your office into a boudoir?

- Don't be sarcastic! - Leila snapped. - I'll think of something. Let some opportunity come up, and I'll be fully armed. I will seduce, record on video - and if he doesn't want it in an amicable way, it will be in a bad way. He's still not going anywhere off my hook.

- Laila, this is blackmail! You understand you can be brought to justice for this.

- Hahaha! Laila laughed. - For the perfect Omer Iplikci to risk his reputation? That's what, but this will definitely not happen! Do not be afraid. We'll be rich in summer. This is the only thing that matters!

Lydia just shook her head dejectedly. If her twin sister has put something in her head, it is impossible to convince her.


On the first day of spring, the Turkish Jewelry Association held the annual Blue Diamond Ball. The whole palace was rented for it, which for one evening forgot about the proud silence and turned into a ballroom shining with lights and ringing with music. Mirai walked arm in arm with a handsome man and was dying of fear. She felt ill at ease here. The thought constantly popped up in her brain that her presence here was wrong. She's superfluous here. An impostor caught on someone else's feast of life. Now they will expose her and put her out in shame.

The man next to her felt her tension and stopped. He lightly touched the thin fingers at the bend of his elbow and looked his companion in the face.

"Don't be afraid," he asked. - I will not allow anyone to offend you.

Mirai caught her breath and smiled timidly. Oddly, the tight knot in her chest relaxed. She believed. She looked around and realized that she was not an imposter. That is worthy to be here and now. That she's not a stranger at this ball. Strange, but the phrase of this serious man seemed to fix a broken part in her, and the woman felt that she could breathe deeply again.

"Thank you," she replied.

Kartal nodded silently and led her to the table reserved for Sapphire.

Defne looked with admiration at the women's impeccable outfits, their dazzling jewelry, and was proud to realize that those that were now on her and created by her were no worse. This realization added confidence and she no longer felt like Cinderella here.

Omer leaned over to her ear and whispered:

"You are the most beautiful woman in this room.

"Don't exaggerate," she answered in a whisper, too.

- Not at all. I speak the pure truth. You are beautiful and I burst with pride that it was me who had the happiness of being your husband.

Defne looked at him with shining eyes and smiled. His answering smile could illuminate this hall.

"Almighty," she thought, "how can you not love and admire him? So beautiful ... gorgeous ... perfect..."

An imposing man approached the microphone on the improvised stage, and the ceremony of awarding the best jewelry creators in Turkey began. When a designer from one of the firms came up for the award, Omer again leaned over to his wife's ear and said quietly:

- Next year it will be you. Start preparing your speech.

Defne's cheeks turned pink with pleasure, but she deliberately sternly pulled her husband up:

- Do not embarrass me. I am yesterday's designer and I still have to work and work...

"An unnecessary embarrassment," a familiar voice suddenly sounded nearby. The Iplikci turned their heads with a synchronized gesture and stared at Ozcan Baisal in mute amazement. He bowed his head in greeting and apologized: "I apologize for overhearing your conversation. But, Mrs. Defne, I must say that I completely agree with Mr. Omer. Your work deserves the highest award. Jansu and I were today in Mr. Ahtem's workshop and saw the wedding jewelry. They are wonderful.

- But the work is not finished yet, - Confused by such a compliment, Defne said uncertainly and looked at her gloomy husband.

- Yes, the work is not finished, - agreed Baisal. - But the genius is visible to the naked eye. Jansu is delighted. And me too.

- We are glad, - Omer interrupted the conversation and his voice sounded steel notes.

- Actually, I came to talk to you, Mr. Omer, - the man answered him. Ignoring the ironically raised eyebrows, he continued, "Could you give me a few minutes of your time?

- I am listening to you attentively, Mr. Baisal.

Defne involuntarily shivered from the cold sarcasm that exuded her husband's words. But Baisal did not even blink an eye. He gestured towards the balcony and asked:

- Let us not disturb the guests and go out into the fresh air. Mrs. Defne, will you allow me? - He turned to the girl.

"Yes, of course," she answered and looked anxiously at her husband.

"Don't worry," he said with his lips and added louder: "Darling, I'll be back soon. Wait for me here and don't disappear anywhere.

The joking tone of the last phrase eased her inner tension. She smiled and promised:

- I'll try.

The men went out onto the balcony and stopped at the ornate balustrade. Omer turned to Baisal and silently waited for his words. He looked into his eyes, confident, and openly. And his voice sounded the same - firmly, without a shadow of doubt and veiled mockery:

- Mr. Omer, I will speak bluntly - you no longer need to fear me and see me as a rival. This stage is over. Forever and ever.

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