Crossover Conundrum: Loki x f...

By 221b_blogger101

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Supernatural & Avengers crossover! Loki x reader ~~~ Y/n L/n has been with the winchesters since day 1... Y/n... More

Chapter 1 - Did you do this?
Chapter 2 - Fever dream
Chapter 3 - Comics
Chapter 4 - Hunt time
Chapter 5 - Bait
Chapter 6 - IronFrost
Chapter 7 - Death
Chapter 8 - Getting back
Chapter 9 - Connection
Chapter 10 - You better eat
Chapter 11 - Get some sleep
Chapter 12 - Lunch
Chapter 13 - Welcome to the Jungle
Chapter 14 - You found them!
Chapter 15 - Get us home
Chapter 16 - Toot toot
Chapter 17 - Have fun
Chapter 19 - K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Chapter 20 - Whoops!
Chapter 21 - Truce
Chapter 22 - Good news
Chapter 23 - Plans
Chapter 24 - Your doing?
Chapter 25 - Moments
Chapter 26 - I will miss you
Chapter 27 - Goodbyes
Chapter 28 - Solution
Chapter 29 - Ending

Chapter 18 - Quiet down

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By 221b_blogger101

The ride was thrilling. The galaxy flowing like soft clouds of colour beyond the strike of rainbow transporting you all to another realm. Both eyes glistened in glee at the bright lights, rushing wind overcoming other senses.

Your feet soon felt solid ground beneath as you entered Himinbjorg, aka the golden dome connected to the Rainbow bridge aka Heimdall's observatory.

"Welcome to Asgard," Heimdall turns to face you all, though settling his eyes on you. "Lady Y/n,"

"Hi, Heimdall!" waving at the gatekeeper, he returns the gesture.

"The Allfather awaits your return in the throne room, Lady Sif and the Warriors three were not able to accompany you on the bridge with horses," He turns to face the galaxy again. "Hopefully by foot will suffice,"

"Quite, thank you, good friend," Thor leads the way out to the bridge, narrowing out to Asgard, roaring falls fading behind with each step taken towards the golden palace.

"Now, remember, the Allfather will not tolerate crude behavior, disrespectful banter or inadequate manners," Loki sneers.

"Hey, remember that muzzle we put on him in 2012? Where is that again?" Tony fiddles with the leather.

"Yeah, can we get it for Tony?" You smile innocently to Tony who pouts. "Don't think you're off the hook, Iron ass,"

"Dammit," He whispers, snapping his fingers.

"Is there any specific thing we need to do when we greet him?" Peter combs his hair back frantically until you fixed his mess.

"A bow from the men and a curtsy from the women, that will do,"

"How long is this damn bridge?!" Sam groans as Bucky pats his back.

"If Y/n has taught me anything from long Thor movie marathons... It's 3.5 miles,"

"Ding ding ding!" You pat Sammy on the back. "Who wants a Moose biscuit?" your cooing makes him stare bluntly at you.

"3.5?!" Clint wheezes. "Too old-"

"Pietro could run us to the palace,"

"Won't I get lost?" Pietro asks.

"The bridge runs all the way to the palace, so no," You skip up next to Thor. "Hey, Thor~"

"Yes, Y/n?"

"Can you let me fly with you on Mjolnir??"

"I don't see why not,"

You fist pump the air and flip off the rest. "Suck it," You link arms with Thor. "Shall we, prince Thor?"

"We shall," he brought you closer, as you held on for dear life. Soon your screams of delight filled the air as you shot away.

"Savages," Loki snarls.

"Don't be jealous, Loki, it's not a good look for you," Clint teases.

"I'm not jealous, Mortal," in an instant, Loki shimmered away.

"Jealous," The group says in unison.

"Alright, Pietro, let's do this," Peter jumps into Pietro's arms as the quicksilver zooms away. Repeating this with each person, other than the soldiers who childishly challenged themselves to a race.


"That was so fun!" You squeal as you land on the ground.

"Yes, yes, I'm sure," Loki walks past with a scowl which you and Thor shrug at. As each Avenger and hunter reached the gates, it seemed they were all finally ready to meet the Allfather.

"Ah, Thor, my son," His eyes flickers to Loki. "And my other son," The two gods bowed as a rage fired up inside you.

"Father, these are my friends, including the ones from the other world,"

"Ah yes, the dimension travelers," Odin rose from his seat, waiting for introductions. One by one Thor introduced each person, them doing what was instructed on the bridge. You actually thought you did pretty well, despite the built up anger.

Everything was quick, easy and simple. Frigga and Loki had a quick conversation, you couldn't help but smile at the warm aura the woman gave off and the kindness she showed Loki compared to Odin. But, you were on your way soon, out the door and down a silent hallway to which you finally burst.

"Other son?? Other son?? Does he even know your name?! I swear to Chuck the nerve that man has!"

"Quiet down, Lady Y/n, you cannot speak that way aloud," Loki mumbles.

"I'd like to see what he'd do," You snarl, crossing your arms.

"Take advice from my brother, though Father may seldom apply consequences, he still holds the power to order them,"

"But I do appreciate you coming to my rescue, Lady Y/n," Loki says with a soft smile.

"Don't mention it, I'm the knight in shining armour to every damsel in distress such as yourself,"

"I'm sure," Loki muses lightly.


"My brother and I's rooms will be located in the family quarters, do ask the guards for anything or us if it does become dire,"

"Goodnight," Loki says more so to you, then shimmering out of sight.

"You know that was the first time he's ever said that... and it wasn't even to us," Bruce pushes back his glasses amusedly.

"Mother has picked out a closet for each of you, so do wear what was gifted, remember to look presentable for anyone could catch sight of you, and we want Midgard to get the best image," Thor bids everyone goodnight before walking off.

"Dibs the room at the end!" Clint yells, running off.

"Come on!" Tony chases after him, along with the other childish boys.

"This is going to be painful," Dean rubs his hand over his face before nudging you. "You room next to me, I don't want to lose sight of you,"

"Oh boo," You groan as Sam and Cas pick their rooms across form you and Dean's. "Can't you retire the big brother act for a few days?"

"Nope! Night, N/n,"

"Night, Squirrel," You shut the door behind you, taking in the large room, you'll have time to appreciate tomorrow after a good nights rest on the biggest bed you've ever seen.


I draw one good thing and now I think I'm god-

- Anna ❤️

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