Bound in Love

By SpiritualBahar

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Seattle's music scene was flourishing in the 90's, with bands from the town gaining global recognition. Howev... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 15

658 26 151
By SpiritualBahar

Holding Chris's hand, Ellie began to pull him away from the dancefloor and guiding him back to the table where their friends were all siting and chatting merrily. On her way there, she looked back and found Brenda and Jerry still staring at one another like they didn't have anything to say and yet, she could tell how shocked they both were, even if Jerry knew Brenda would show up.

"They are not even talking!" Ellie retorted, looking up at Chris. "Chris..." She called for his attention seeing he hadn't reacted.

"They will." He told her, looking at her. "Let them be."

"Maybe I should go there." Ellie said looking back again and ignoring his last remark.

Chris stopped walking and pulled her to stop too. With his bloodshot eyes and dilated pupils, he looked in her eyes and Ellie giggled.

"You can barely keep your eyes opened." She smiled sweetly.

"My eyes are opened alright!" He giggled too. "Look..." He told her forcing his eyes opened.

"Are you sure?" Ellie teased him and he pulled her to him, kissing her lips.

"When I get home..." He said against her lips and then pecked her again. "... we are so waking up our neighbor." He laughed against her lips. "I'm so horny."

"We will see about that." Ellie pulled away to see him better.

Chris curled an eyebrow while studying her face. "Hey... what do you mean?" He protested after. "Ellie..." He made a face as if she had promised him something.

"Nothing..." Ellie smiled. Then, she raised her feet a little and kissed his lips. "I just think we have to wait and see the state of things when we get home."

"Are you doubting me?" He asked smirking. "I am capable, alright!"

"Well..." Ellie laughed.

"What?" He frowned not letting her finish. "I will argue against whatever you are going to say!" Chris laughed and then pecked her.

"Hey, Chris!" They heard Stone calling him and they turned their heads to look at him. "Do you wanna go outside?" He asked winking at the same time.

"Yeah..." Chris nodded and let go of Ellie, but she held his hand.

"Chris." She said his name, looking in his eyes.

"I am just having fun, babe." He said cupping her face between her hands. Chris noticed how serious she looked. "I am leaving in a few days." He argued.

"Remember that I cannot carry you home." She told him.

"I'm fine." He assured her and then started to laugh. Giggling all alone and for no reason.

Ellie smiled too, looking at him. "I can see how fine you are." She responded. "Actually I don't doubt that you feel fine. But your definition of fine and mine now are different."

He pointed his finger at her. "You go sit at the table with the rest of the gang and you leave them alone." He then pointed at Jerry and Brenda.

Ellie looked at Jerry and Brenda who seemed to start exchanging their first words. They looked so tense that it made Ellie's heart ache and Jerry looked completely sober all of a sudden. Brenda was nervous. Ellie could almost see her legs shaking. Her body language was one that was begging her to run away. Her heart ached so much for her friends that moment. Yet, their eyes locked on one another. Then, she looked back at Chris.

"They are hurting." She said, looking in his eyes.

"Maybe." Chris rested both hands on her shoulders. "But they need to talk, El." He bent over her and kissed her lips.

Ellie looked back at the ex-couple and then back at Chris. "Ok." She then said. "I promise I won't interfere."

He kissed her lips again. "I'll be right back."

"Fucking Cornell!" Stone yelled from the door.

"I gotta go." He laughed against Ellie's lips as he was kissing her again.

"She won't run away!" Stone yelled again. Chris pulled away there and turned to him.

"I'm going!" He yelled back, leaving Ellie behind.

"Hey, Stone!" Ellie called their friend. "Don't kill my man." She told him.

He made a military gesture at her that made her laugh. "All is under control." He told her, crossing an arm over Chris's waist. "I got him."

"I know how under control you all are." Ellie still added. "You two look kind of cute together." She laughed.

"I know..." Stone lapped his eyelids and rested his head against Chris's chest who pampered his air, laughing.

"You have to go over my body." Ellie pointed. "I'm watching you." She joked.

Stone pulled away from Chris and made her a peace sign and Chris blew her a kiss. She saw them turning their back at her and walk towards the door that led to the street. She shook her head while the smile she had on her lips began to fade away. Then, she turned to look at Jerry and Brenda one more time. They were talking and yet they both seemed so defensive with their arms crossed around their chest and keeping some distance as if they were afraid to get closer. Ellie knew all that for she had lived it. She didn't want to face Chris for she knew she would relive everything she felt for him. Right there, she knew Brenda was still in love with Jerry and fighting it with all she could.

"Oh boy..." Ellie whispered all alone but her thoughts were shortly after interrupted.

"Ellie!" She heard a feminine voice yelling her name and she looked back at the group. Demri was waving her hand in the air and Ellie smiled at her. "Come here!" She called almost as an order and Ellie decided to join them.

"Stop worrying." Layne told her as she stopped in front of them. "They need to face one another." He said.

His arm around Demri's shoulders and she was resting with her head against his chest. Her long curly hair falling down his chest onto his lap. Demri was beautiful but Ellie couldn't ignore how their eyes were droopy and bloodshot. Their pupils small, constricted. Big bags under their eyes too. They looked off and tired and her heart ached so much that moment. She recognized all those signs for her cousin had been the same and everything was still too fresh though more than a year had passed. Still, she offered them a smile and sat right in front of them. They were so close as a couple and so in love that it was a pity to see how they were both falling off the wagon dangerously.

"I worry." Ellie said. "Brenda is my friend and so is he..."

"I think they are talking." Demri smiled her astonishing beautiful smile.

Ellie looked back and then back at them. "They are." She took a deep breath and then looked at the door, seeing if Chris was coming back. "Chris is taking long." She commented.

"Where is Chris?" Layne asked her, playing with one of Demri's strands of hair.

"Outside with Stone." Ellie smiled.

"They went out for a smoke." Demri said turning her face to him and then kissed his lips.

"He is finishing Cornell." Ben added as he sat right by Ellie's side coming from the bar. "Hey, girl" He greeted her sweetly.

"Oh no..." Ellie began to laugh. "Ben!" She pocked his arm. "Don't let that happen. He was already so lost. No..." She started to rephrase her sentence. "He was already completely lost."

"He will come out of it fine." Ben laughed quietly.

"I am not sure." Ellie made a face. She looked back again at Jerry and Brenda, but Ben grabbed her under her chin and made her look at him.

"Leave them. They need to talk." He told her, smiling.

Ellie narrowed her eyes. "You all..." She pointed at the guys. "You all knew about this!"

"I didn't!" Jeff exclaimed holding both his hands up. "I swear I didn't."

"Which means everyone else knew!" Ellie exclaimed opening her eyes. "Including my husband who has been acting like it all was a surprise to him." Ellie pointed out. "You all knew..." She repeated looking at them one at the time to study their reaction.

"No..." Ben corrected her. "At first Chris didn't know.... But you told him and he told Stone and Stone..."

"You are all..." She made a face and didn't find the exact world to tell him.

"Good friends." Ben grinned.

"Traitors!" Ellie corrected and they all started laughing. "I am so going to lecture Chris when he comes back."

"He is gonna be so high that he won't retain anything you might tell him. "Jeff told her still laughing.

Ellie giggled. "Just a few minutes ago, he didn't even know the song we were dancing to was over. In his mind, we were still moving." They all laughed.

Hearing a loud giggle coming from the table, Brenda looked at their friends and then she looked back at Jerry. She bit her lower lip and shook her head lightly.

"We should join them." Brenda told him but avoiding his gaze. She couldn't look into his eyes.

"No." Jerry said, grabbing her hand. "We need to talk, B."

Though his touch burned on her hand, she pulled away immediately. Her heart began to race so much once more, she thought she was going to pass out for a moment. Still, she managed to control all her emotions and seem calm though she was dying inside. All the love she once felt for him was corroding her. She was completely caught by surprise as she thought she had forgotten him. Especially since Ralph have been in her life. She found out the hardest way she couldn't be more wrong. Her emotions were flying so high that moment.

"We don't have anything to talk about." She responded. Brenda shook her head. "We have talked everything we had to. You lost me." She emphasized. "You lost me... remember?" She winced.

"B..." Jerry tried to hold her hand again and Brenda stepped away abruptly.

"Don't touch me." She asked him. "You have lost all your right to touch me. Don't do that. Why trying to talk to me now? What's the point?" She inquired him. Then, she shut up for her voice was going to betray her and she would sound frail.

"I love you!" He blurted catching her off guard. "I am so fucking sorry for what I did!" He told her, looking in her eyes. "Please, B." He implored her. "Hear me."

"We don't have anything to talk about, Jerry!" Brenda told him though avoiding his blue eyes. "And saying that you love me now?" She stopped for a few seconds and as he didn't say anything, she continued. "You had so much time to tell me so and you never did."

"I know..." He breathed. "And I know what I lost." He said trying to hold her hand once more, but Brenda pulled away. She didn't want him to touch her at all.

"You're damn right... you lost ME." She emphasized in the end even by pointing with her index finger on her chest. "You lost me the moment you took another woman to the bed you used to take me. "

"I was drunk!" He claimed. "I was fucking drunk!" He repeated.

"Most of us end parties really drunk and high." Brenda told him. "Chris..." She breathed. "He does it all the time and he never cheated on Ellie. Layne... and he never cheated on Demri. That's not an excuse. I also got drunk and got high and never cheated on you. How would you feel at the time if I did that?"

"Terrible." He responded looking down at his feet.

"Right." Brenda shot.

Her voice choked a little there. She was about to lose her composure and her eyes were starting to blur. She was going to cry if she stayed near him and she didn't want to cry anymore, not because of him. She had promised herself that and she was proud.

"So you know how I felt. Good night." She said and went away quite fast.

"B!" He still called her but Brenda didn't look back and he punched the counter.

Jerry stayed near the counter watching her walking up to the table where the rest of the group was sitting but he stayed there alone and asked for another beer. He wanted to be alone for a while and still, he could not take his eyes of her. He saw her greet everyone with a giggle and a smile, especially Ellie who she held really tight. It seemed to him that Brenda was over him. Once she left his presence she seemed calm and even happy, while he was feeling his heart break in tiny pieces. She didn't even want to hear him and he couldn't blame her. He grabbed his bottle and took a long sip. He deserved all that for he had commit the biggest crime in a relationship. If he could turn back time, he'd do everything so differently. First he would tell her how much he loved her. Brenda meant everything to him and she had no idea of it for he never told her what his real thoughts about her were.

"Are you ok?" He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked back. Jeff was smiling at him and rubbing his arm in support.

"Fuck no..." He breathed.

"If you love her, fight for her." Jeff said. Then, he signaled the bartender for a beer.

"She doesn't even look in my face." Jerry said.

"She's hurt. You fucked up. But if you want my opinion, I think you should try." Jeff said and Jerry looked in his eyes.

"You think?" Jerry asked.

Jeff nodded. "It's not going to be easy. Maybe you never have her back but imagine you do."

"I don't know if I am that strong." Jerry said and then sipped on his beer.

"Then, you'll lose her for real." Jeff affirmed.

Jerry didn't answer and watched Brenda in silence but pondering about Jeff's suggestion. His heart started to race when he saw her smile again. No woman until then had made his heart flutter that way and he concluded that he didn't want to let go. He wanted her and he would fight for her.

"Please come with me outside." Brenda asked Ellie while holding her.

Ellie pulled away and nodded. "Sure." She said, grabbing her coat. Then, she turned to the group. "I'll be right back."

"Go!" Ben said. "Girls talk a lot, ugh!" He laughed.

"Apparently, so do men." Ellie shot, remembering the gossip of the guys during that afternoon. "Let's go." She said to Brenda and the girls started walking to the door that led to the street.

"How are you?" Ellie asked her not even waiting to get outside.

"Ellie... you should have told me that he was going to be here." Brenda said first thing. "I was caught by surprise, damn it."

"It was Chris..." Ellie told her. "He thought it was better if I didn't say anything. I am sorry."

"You still should have told me." Brenda told her, looking at her. "Imagine how I felt when saw him!"

"B." Ellie held her hand to make her stop and Brenda looked back. "How are you? Tell me the truth..." She added looking in her friend's eyes. Brenda looked away a few seconds after and then puffed.

"Dying..." She whispered and she took her free hand to her eyes to clean the tears that were forming. "I am dying inside..." She repeated and Ellie noticed how much Brenda was falling apart.

"Shit..." Ellie blurted, pulling Brenda outside fast. She opened the door and then turned to her. "What the hell?" Ellie said embracing her friend. "I am so sorry, B."

"I thought I was over him." She cried low, holding her back. "How can this be? How can I still love him?"

"It's ok, B." Ellie pampered her hair. Then, she looked a bit further and saw Chris and Stone laughing. "God... Chris is so high..." She whispered and that made Brenda pull away and giggle as she looked at the two friends too.

"They are lost." She cleaned her eyes and giggled as they were laughing still.

"Chris was already lost; I can imagine now." Ellie smiled, but then she looked back at Brenda. "But tell me about you, B. I was dying to get close to you but Chris was holding me back."

"I was not ready to see him." Brenda shook her head. "I thought I was. I thought I was over it..." She shook her head in complete denial and then rubbed her face with her hands.

"And you're not..." Ellie commented, looking in her eyes.

Brenda winced as if she was in pain, maybe it was emotional pain. "It can't be." She shook her head again. "He hurt me like hell! What woman still has feelings for a motherfucker who cheated on her?"

"Don't be too harsh on you." Ellie patted her arm. "We cannot control our feelings."

"Ralph is wonderful. He makes me happy. He is a nice guy who treats me like a queen. He is good looking. He's a doctor for Christ's sake..." She talked nonstop, not even to breathe. Ellie noticed how nervous she was.

"And you like him!" Ellie exclaimed. "You just don't love him..." She whispered in the end as if she was afraid to tell her friend the truth.

"But I should." Brenda argued. "And I really thought I loved him until now..."

"What did he tell you?" Ellie asked her.

"That he is so sorry and that he loves me." Brenda smiled bitterly. "You know... he never told me that. Even if I had told him so many times, he never told me so. I thought maybe it was his way. Maybe he was afraid, after all, he's got some issues. But..." She paused to breathe a little for she was gasping for air. "... it was none of that. He just didn't feel the same way."

"If he said so..." Ellie said but Brenda held her hand up high to make her stop.

"No... now that he lost me, he is sure he loves me. Fuck that!" Brenda said louder.

"You are too nervous." Ellie told her. "You need to breathe and calm down, B."

"I am going home. I cannot be where he is. I cannot breathe the same air." The other added.

Brenda stuck her hands inside the pockets of her coat for the night had turned even colder. Stone's and Chris's giggles echoing in the air, making them both look at them once more.

"You two..." Brenda said loud and laughed.

"Chris... I think that's enough." Ellie warned him but not annoyed.

"I'm cool." He told her.

In the dark, Ellie could not see how he was smiling saying so, but soon they started to approached them.

"Brenda..." Stone opened his arms at her as he was getting closer and then pulled her for an embrace. Brenda held him back while he kissed her cheek.

"I should not talk to you." She said, though giggling.

"I did nothing wrong." He claimed.

Chris crossed his arm over Ellie's shoulder and kissed her cheek. She looked in his eyes and barely contained her giggle.

"No more, Chris." She told him as she kissed his lips. "You're completely off, babe."

"Oh fuck, no." He laughed. "My brain is nonexistent." Chris admitted.

"You..." Brenda stuck a finger on his chest. "I should kill you, Christopher."

"I told him so." Ellie added.

"Girls..." Stone closed his eyes and inhaled. "Lower, please." He then said as if they were yelling at the top of their lungs.

Both girls giggled at his remark." We are talking low." Ellie told him.

Chris cringed and pulled away. "No, you're not." He said in a quiet tone and then he looked in her eyes. "I'm sorry baby... I am pretty fucked up." And then he giggled.

"Open your eyes!" She joked pulling his eyelids up and Chris started to laugh. "Oh babe..." She shook her head but smiling at him.

"You are still talking too loud." Stone complained.

"We are barely speaking." Brenda told him. "How are you coming back inside?"

"Yeah..." Stone nodded.

"Dance with me, Ellie." Chris pulled her to him and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Chris!" She exclaimed. "There's no music here!"

"I'll sing." He told her. Ellie wrapped her arms around his neck and they started moving while Brenda and Stone laughed.

"Chris?" Ellie asked in his ear. "Where is the song?"

"I'm trying." He giggled. "I can't remember anything..."

"Oh baby..." Ellie held him really tight and kissed his cheek twice.

"I love you, Ellie. I don't want to go away..." He said right after and Brenda started to laugh.

"Oh... now the complaints are coming." She joked.

Stone took both hands to his head and cringed. "Oh God... you girls are killing me." He said straying.

"What's happening here?" A feminine voice was heard.

Ellie looked back to find Susan approaching with her huge smile as if she was the happiest person in the world. Ellie felt her insides churn and groaned low.

"Oh fuck..." She whispered.

"It's ok babe." Chris whispered and then pressed his lips on her temple. Then, he looked at Susan. "I am telling my wife that I don't want to go away." Chris told her.

Susan smiled at him. Ellie could see how her eyes glittered and she held onto Chris even tighter. She felt his hands griping onto her stronger too.

"Well... but it seems like you have to." Susan winked at him. "We're going to have a good time." She added, clearly trying to provoke Ellie.

"Don't start." Brenda stepped forward since Ellie said nothing. "I don't like your style, Susan."

Susan looked at her. "I am not starting anything. We all have lots of fun when we go on tour." She still tried to stir Ellie. "Don't we Chris?" She added the final stab.

"I see what you are trying to do." Ellie decided to say. "But you know what? You can keep on dreaming... one can dream."

Susan giggled. "Well... do you really want me to answer that?"

"That you had sex with him once?" Ellie said but her legs were shaking.

"Babe..." Chris placed himself in front of her and cupped her face within his hands to make her look at him.

"It's ok." She told him and then peeked at Susan. "You had him once, Susan. I have him every night. Fuck off and leave us alone."

"You should educate your wife." Susan talked to Chris.

"My wife is brilliant." Chris responded. "No other woman can be compared to her."

"Aw...." Stone and Brenda blurted at the same time.

"I want a guy like you, Chris." Brenda smiled at him.

"I do too, Chris." Stone said and they all started laughing while Susan retreated silently to join a man that had called her. Stone then embraced Chris. "I love you big guy." He said smiling.

"You two would make a cute couple." Brenda joked. "Both love gossiping and set up people..."

"He is our friend." Stone told her, leaving Chris. "He loves you and we thought we could help." He shrugged a little. "It was not that we wanted to harm you..."

"Well, don't." Brenda added. "I have a boyfriend."

"Who's not here..." Chris said suddenly. "Wasn't he supposed to come?"

"He had an emergency at the hospital." Brenda said. "Well guys... I am leaving. I can't stay here."

"B!" They heard someone yell from the door.

"Seems like you're not going yet." Stone caressed her face with a tender smile on his lips.

"Do you want me to stay?" Ellie asked her, but Chris began to drag her away. "Chris!" She protested, tapping his chest, but he kept on dragging her without responding.

"I'll call you." Brenda told her and turned around to leave.

"B!" Jerry began to run after her while the other three came back inside the club.

"Leave me alone!" Brenda yelled without looking back. Then, she stopped near her car and began to search for the keys inside her purse. "Go away, Jerry." She said as she felt him near.

"Look at me." He asked her, but Brenda kept on searching for her keys, decided not to answer him nor look at him. She didn't want to face him.

But her hands were shaking and when she grabbed the keys, she let it fall on the ground. They crouched at the same time and their hands glued as they tried to catch the keys at the same time. Brenda looked in his eyes and he looked in hers and she felt her legs shaking. Brenda grabbed her keys and got up, pulling her hand away from his. Jerry got up too. In a rampant, he grabbed her face between his hands and glued his lips to her. Caught by surprise, Brenda leaned against her car, but that only served for him to press his entire body against her. His hair fell around her face, tickling her a little. She didn't kiss him back at first, but as he insisted and she felt his warm breath against her lips, her emotions began to take over and Brenda parted her lips to receive his tongue that had been lapping at her upper lip, eager to encounter hers. She tugged a hand at the back of his neck and they kissed hungrily. Finally, when none of two could breathe anymore, they pulled away. He rested his forehead against hers and still held her face in place afraid she would disappear. They were both gasping for air. Their chest coming up and down franticly and her eyes filled with tears for she felt so weak that moment. She hadn't been able to resist him.

"I love you." He whispered. "I love you, B." He told her again hoping his words would resonate somehow. Then, pulled away to look in her eyes.

"Let me go." Brenda asked with tears running down her face and with a choking voice. She couldn't hold it anymore and she showed him all her weakness though she didn't want to.

"You kissed me back. You feel it too." He told her.

"Let me go." She took her hands to his chest and pulled him away, entering her car right after, closing the door and locking it to prevent him from opening it.

"B!" He knocked on her window but she started her engine and drove away, leaving him in the middle of the street.

"Fuck!" He groaned. Then, he decided to walk towards nowhere. He just started walking down the street without any destination in mind.

"Jerry!" Stone called while running after him.

"Leave me alone." Jerry answered without looking back.

"No, I won't." Stone told him, walking by his side.

"I don't even know where I am going." Jerry answered not slowing his pace.

"It's ok..." Stone kept up. "I will walk with you." He smiled and Jerry ended up smiling at him too.

Time had passed and none of them had come back. Ellie knew they were gone. Inside the club, the group of friends, now missing three members, was sitting at the table talking happily. On the table, empty bottles of beer covering its surface and some in their hands with Ellie being the only one having water. Chris had a hand resting on her leg and was talking to them, but Ellie was rather quiet. She was very apprehensive with the situation that was created that night and Brenda was her best friend. Her heart was aching for her and she was feeling so unsupportive that moment. Noticing how she wasn't participating and was rather absent, Chris looked at her and then took his lips close to her ear.

"What's the matter?" He asked her, slurring his words a little already due to the beers he had had meanwhile.

"I am just worried." She gave him a smile.

"I know." Chris pressed his lips on her forehead and then looked in her eyes. "Maybe you are worried and they are in bed together." He giggled.

Ellie rolled her eyes and then smiled. "I highly doubt that. They left." She said.

"And we..." He kissed her lips. "... should leave too..." He kissed her again.

"You two stop that!" Jeff threw them a napkin that hit their face.

"Hey!" Chris protested, looking at him. "You leave me and my wife alone." Ellie smiled at Jeff.

"Stop being so mellow!" Jeff teased. "Some of us are alone tonight..."

"Do not interfere in husband and wife matters!" Chris joked, throwing him back the napkin rolled on a paper ball.

"Ellie, can you carry him? Because... he's dead." Jeff started to laugh as he caught the ball in the air.

"I am fine!" Chris argued. Then, he turned to her and took a hand to his chest to mean his words. His eyes barely opened. "I am fine." He told her and Ellie smiled at him.

"I know you are." She took a hand to his face and pecked him. "And you are right, we should go home."

"Yes." Chris nodded.

"Go... go make love!" Jeff teased again.

Ellie got up and giggled, looking at him. "I highly doubt it."

"We are!" Chris retorted trying to get up but as he did, he got unbalanced and held onto the table. "Wow... I am a little dizzy." He laughed low.

"That's why." Ellie joked and held his arm. "Come... cross your arm over me." She told him and Chris crossed his arm around her neck. "Bye guys." Ellie waved and smiled at their friends.

"Call me." Demri told her as they had arranged to do a girl's night out.

"I will." Ellie nodded.

"See you in a few weeks." Chris said.

"Break a leg." Layne told him.

"Best of luck." Jeff said.

They both waved and then started to walk to the door. Chris started to laugh all alone as he stumbled a bit on his own feet.

"I am sorry, babe." He told her. "I guess I drank a little too much and shit... that pot was fucked up." He started to laugh again.

"Look ahead... don't look down." Ellie told him.

Chris did as she told him and he spotted Susan leaning against the wall talking to a guy. Susan looked at them and immediately she shot that usual smile of hers at Chris, which made Ellie boil inside but she decided once more not to show it. Ellie took a deep breath to control her emotions.

"Going home?" She asked as they were passing by her.

"Good night, Susan." Chris replied but Ellie did not even look at her.

"Have fun this weekend because after Monday you are all mine." She told him, giggling.

Ellie made a momentary stop and took another deep breath, but she then started walking again and left Susan without an answer.

"She is just teasing." Chris spoke though. "I do not have fun with her." He added innocently which caused Ellie to smile.

"I hate that woman." Ellie told him.

"Ignore her, please." He added. "Our belongings..." Chris told her pointing at the hanger's space.

Ellie looked at him and giggled. "We have your coats on! Look..." She pointed at his leather jacket." You have your jacket on too. We grabbed it when we went outside..."

"Oh..." He exclaimed with his lips forming a huge oh. "I forgot..." Chris shook his head and then cringed. "Maybe... I shouldn't do this..."

"I know you did." She responded patiently. "And no... don't shake your head, babe."

They walked slowly until they reached their car. There, Ellie searched for the keys inside his pockets and when she dove her hand in the pocket of his jeans he started to giggle. Ellie grabbed the keys and pulled them off and then looked in his eyes as he was still giggling like a little boy touched for the first time.

"Still with a dirty mind, ugh?" She smiled as she leaned him against the car to open the door so he could sit.

"I put it there on purpose." He confessed.

"Oh Chris..." She smiled and shook her head and he pressed his lips against her temple.

"I love you." He told her with a cute smile.

"I love you too, now let me open the door." She said.

Chris leaned back against the car and Ellie opened the door. Then, she extended her hand at him.

"You are so ready for some fun when we get home, right?" She asked him smiling.

Chris held her hand and pushed himself forward, balancing himself for a few seconds and then gave a step nearer her, holding onto the car's door.

"I want to make love to you." He told her and then kissed her. "And I will."

"Yes." Ellie nodded.

"Do not doubt my ability!" He protested as he sat. "You know perfectly well I can."

"I am not, babe." Ellie smiled and closed the door.

Then, she went to the driver's seat. As she closed the door and put the keys in the ignition, she looked at him and Chris was with his head pulled back against the seat and with his eyes closed. Ellie tapped him lightly around his shoulder.

"No... Chris..." She poked him. "Don't sleep..."

"I am just resting my eyes." He said still with his eyes closed but his lips curved on a smile. "My eyes are heavy..."

"Can you sing me a song?" She asked him as she started the engine.

"I guess..." He responded.

"Then sing me a song." She asked him as she started to drive. "Come on, babe. Open your eyes and sing me a song." Ellie insisted.

"Hey... Ellie..." He started.

He chose a Beatles song but changing the name which caused her to giggle, but she kept driving up the avenue, thanking God he was cooperating. Chris stopped there though and she curled an eyebrow, taking a quick glance at him.

"Where's the rest of it?" Ellie told him.

Chris looked at her "Hey... Ellie..." He started again with a unique smile that made Ellie's heart melt as she looked at him by the corner of her eye again. "Hey... Ellie..." He repeated and Ellie had to laugh.

"It doesn't go any further than that, ugh?" She mocked him.

"It's hard!" He complained frowning. Don't mock me..." He laughed too. "Help me."

"Don't make it bad..." Ellie sang to distract him.

"Oh yeah..." He pointed at her. "That's it..."

"What's next?" She laughed.

"Take a sad song and make it better." Chris finally remembered the lyrics. "Remember... to let it into your heart..."

Like that she kept him awake during the ten minutes' drive they needed to get home as the roads were desert. There were barely cars or people around at that time of the night. She was lucky enough to have found a parking space right in front of their building, which meant she didn't have to carry him for long. She turned the engine off and then looked at Chris.

"Can you go out on your own?" She asked him. He nodded.

"Of course." He said, opening the door and Ellie opened hers too.

She saw how he struggled to stand and she closed the door fast to go help him. Holding onto her hand, he was able to stand and then he leaned against the car while Ellie locked it. After, he crossed his arm around her and they walked to their building. Going up the stairs was a bit hard, but Chris managed it with her help and holding with his other hand onto the wall. Once the door of their apartment was closed. Chris took his jacket off and let it drop it on the floor.

"Chris!" Ellie complained as he did so.

"I need to pee, Ellie." He told her trying to walk fast holding onto the walls.

Ellie ended up giggling and picked up his jacket of the floor and put it on the hanger. Then, she took her coat off and put it there too, together with her purse. Ellie locked the door and then went to the bathroom to see how he was doing.

"Are you cool?" She asked as she saw him washing his hands.

"Yeah." He said then grabbing his toothbrush. "Ellie hurry..." He smiled at her through the mirror.

"I have stuff to do too." She told him.

"Yeah... but hurry." He said again.

While he brushed his teeth, Ellie changed to her pajama, leaving her clothes inside the basket they in the bathroom for clothes that should go to the laundry. Then, she started taking her makeup off standing by his side, since he was not using the mirror. After, she threw the cotton she had used to do so in the garbage and that's when Chris turned to looked at her and winked.

"I am waiting for you in bed." He smirked.

"It will be just two minutes." Ellie smiled. Then, she stood on the tip of her toes and kissed his lips. "Goodnight, babe."

Chris frowned. A huge V line between his eyebrows appeared suddenly. "It's not goodnight! I am waiting for you..." He opened his eyes at her so she could understand what he meant.

"Ok..." Ellie nodded smiling. "Two minutes, ok."

"Hurry!" He said against her lips and then kissed her.

Ellie smiled watching him leave holding onto the walls. Then, she turned to basin and washed her face with her detox cleanser. After, she applied her eye cream and her night cream. Finally, she washed her teeth and untied the knot on the top of her head and brushed her hair. She peed and then turned the light out. When she entered their bedroom, Chris was lied down on the bed completely naked and no covers over him. Only the dim light of his bedside table was on.

"Thank God our house is warm." She whispered.

Then, she climbed on the bed and pulled his hair away from his face. His eyes were closed and his lips slightly parted. Chris was fast asleep and she smiled acknowledging so. Bending her face over his, she kissed him on the cheek and then adjusted the pillow under his head better. Then, she pulled the covers over them.

"My wild boy." She whispered as she caressed his face.

Chris didn't even move for he was completely passed out. Finally, supporting herself on one hand, she turned the light out and the bedroom went dark. Before coming back to her pillow, she kissed him softly one more time.

"Sleep well love of mine." She whispered at him.

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