The Devil's Work || Yoonseok

By mygmarkie

108K 7.2K 4.6K

Yoongi was forced to go out to some stupid club with some friends and he ended up having more fun than they d... More

1: Please?
2: Sweetheart
3: Δεμένη με τον διάβολο
4: Stay away from me
5: Ancient
6: A Day
7: Push Me Away
8: That Guy Was Right
9: That's Because You're All Mine
10: Good News
11: Fallen Angels
12: New Secretary
13: Relationships
14: Life is unfair, deal with it
15: I Used You
16: Someone's Got A Crush
17: Who'd You Dream About?
18 : Domestic
19: Friends With Benefits
20: Obey
22: There's This Guy
23: Both of You
24: Hoseok
25: Doll Face
26: Out of Commission
27: Out of Chances
28: Let Him Go
29: How Are You?
30: Spill
31 : A Distant Memory
32 : Unfair
33 : Give Me Some Space
34 : Part Of Popular Discussion
35 : Or What?
36 : Fiesty Today, Aren't We?
37 : I'm a Mess
38 : Lost Cause
39 : Apologies
40 : Aphrodite's Curse
41 : Anything For You
42 : I'm Trusting You
43: No More Than This
44: Desperate
45: I Hate You
46 : That'll Be Enough
47 : Too Much
48 : Whatever
49: Can't Get Enough
50 : Come Inside
Lol hi (authors note)

21: Mistakes

1.5K 131 38
By mygmarkie

"I wanna go up to that office and beat Hoseoks ass," Jimin said as he sat on the couch, Jungkook smiled as he cuddled the smaller. "Fighting the Devil? Not smart."

"Shut up." Jimin pouted, earlier, he watched Jin come in, he hugged Namjoon and then Taehyung grabbed him and dragged him to who knows where. They've been gone for a couple minutes now, Yoongi was still asleep.

"I just hope Yoongis okay, he cried the whole way here," Namjoon muttered, "I hope he can recover. The only mark he has is from Hoseok digging his nails into his neck."

Jungkooks faced twisted in confusion. "That man gets some serious manicures—" Jimin slapped his head, "No, dumbass, his nails got sharper, the same way his canines can sharpen and his eyes can change."

"So he went Devil mode on Yoongi when he got mad, you think he meant to do it?" Jimin asked, rubbing Jungkooks head as an apology for hitting him too hard. "I'd say so."

"We Don't know anything for sure, let's wait until Yoongi tells us about it. If he's ready to speak." Namjoon said, the other two nodded as they settled against the couch, eyes on the TV.


"So, where do we go from here?" Taehyung asked, Jin pouted as they stood beside Yoongis bedroom door. "Get Hoseok to calm down and think clearly? If he keeps going like this then he might end up killing someone."

"There's not much we can do, Hoseoks stubborn as all hell." Taehyung muttered, Jin rolled his eyes as he stared down at the floor. Taehyung looked at him and then sighed. "You're worried?"

"Of course I am, Hoseok's a dumbass through and through but...he's still my friend, he still has feelings." Jin said, "I know he's in love with Yoongi. But he'll never admit it. And Yoongi doesn't want the guy to love him so it'll never work out. 

So they just continue to fight eachother over and over again instead of just admitting their feelings. It's frustrating, really." Jin pouted, Taehyung nodded as he leaned away from the door. "And Eunjoo?"

"What about her?"

"You mentioned her, Didn't you?" Taehyung asked, Jin huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Maybe. I got upset. I just wanted him to see that he was making the same mistakes."

"How'd that work out for you?" Jin opened his mouth to argue but Taehyung continued. "Listen. I'll try and talk to Hoseok, you have too much of a temper and you'll end up saying shit you didn't mean."

"Bullshit, you act like you haven't blown up once or twice. And don't you have an affair to sort out?"

"It's not an affair if we're not married." Taehyung muttered, Jin glared at him, grabbing Taehyungs arm and pulling him closer. "I'm serious, Tae. Jimin is good to you, why fuck that up just to get with his bestfriend who doesn't even like you?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he pulled away. "That's where you're wrong, Jungkook likes me, I can tell."

"Still! You're fucking up a good relationship." Jin argued, Taehyung shot him a sarcastic smile. "Hey, here's an idea. How about you worry about your relationship, I'll worry about mine, and we both worry about Hoseok's, okay?"

"I fucking hate you—"

"What're you guys doing?" Yoongi asked, opening his door, Jin almost fell through but he caught himself. "Uh, talking. How are you feeling?" He asked, smiling at the smaller, Yoongi shrugged, running a hand through his hair. "I'm fine." He muttered, glancing at Taehyung before he made his way out of the bedroom, the two following behind him.

"Yoongi, you're awake!" Jimin yelled, turning around from the couch to smile at the smaller, Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Obviously." He said, going straight to the fridge to find something to eat. "You seem...okay."

"He's a new man, Yoongi will stop wasting tears on a lowlife such as Hoseok." Jin said, Namjoon rolled his eyes from the couch but didn't say anything, Yoongi nodded. "Yeah," he muttered, closing the fridge and going for a bag of chips. "What Jin said."

"Are you going into work tomorrow?" Jungkook asked, Yoongi paused and he met eyes with Jin, the older shrugged with a pout. Yoongi sighed as he walked over and sat on the couch. "Yeah."

"Yeah?" Jimin asked, suddenly sitting up and nearly elbowing Jungkook in the head. "If I were you, I'd ask for a couple days off, you were assaulted in your place of work, sir!" Jimin argued, Namjoon shot him a look. "I think he'd get more than a couple days off for assault..."

"My point still stands."

"Hush. I'm not gunna make it a bigger deal than it is. I'll walk in tomorrow as if nothing happened, it'll be fine." Yoongi said, shrugging. Jimin scoffed as he sat back on the couch, Jungkook pulling away from the smaller as Taehyung sat on the other side of him.

"Okay, but if something happens again, call me. I'll deal with the fucker."

"Yeah, okay. Lil ol' you will beat the Devil."

"Damn right!" Jimin said, pouting as he glared at Yoongi. "It's only right for me to fight for my friend." He said, Jungkook rolled his eyes. "You only wanna get into a fight because you like drama."

"I don't remember asking you, Gguk." Jimin muttered, turning to glare at the younger, Taehyung stood with a groan. "I'll be back."

"And exactly where are you going?" Jin asked, Taehyung turned to him, "To take care of something."

"Sounds like you're going to assassinate someone but okay." Namjoon muttered, his eyes on he TV, Taehyung rolled his eyes before he left the apartment.


Taehyung didn't go to Hoseok's office the moment he left Yoongi's place, he instead decided to wait until Hoseok left the office to pay the older a visit.

"What do you want?" Hoseok asked as he opened his door, he looked a good amount of tired, probably from working all day. Taehyung shrugged as he walked past him, Hoseok scoffed but didn't complain past that, the two walking up the stairs before entering his bedroom.

"You two didn't fuck here, did you?" Taehyung asked, Hoseok glared at him. "No. Even we did, I would've washed the sheets by now." Hoseok muttered, Taehyung nodded as he sat on the bed, Hoseok looked him up and down before he spoke again. "What do you want?"

"I can't talk to my friend?"

"No. I kinda wanna be alone right now." Hoseok said, it was clear in his tone that he knew why Taehyung came over, and it didn't seem like he would be willing to talk. "You? Wanting to be alone? I thought you'd be annoying Yoongi right about now. You know, try to sneak into his bed and convince him to let you stay the night." Taehyung said, smirking at the older. Hoseok scoffed and rolled his eyes, turning his head away from Taehyung. "Neither of us are in the mood for being around eachother."

"Really? Why is that?"

"You're being really fucking condescending right now. I know Jin told you about what happened, stop acting like you don't know." Hoseok muttered, he still avoided eye contact with the younger as he spoke, but the scowl was still prominent.

"Maybe I will once you stop acting like an idiot."

"As if you're one to talk." Hoseok said, Taehyung rolled his eyes, he patted the bed and looked at Hoseok expectantly, the older sighed and walked over, sitting beside Taehyung with a small pout. "What happened?"

"Nothing happened. I just got upset." Hoseok said, Taehyung looked at him, waiting for him to continue. Hoseok glared before he sighed again, he didn't feel like talking about what happened again. But he should've known Taehyung would try and drag it out of him. "We got into a fight the night before and it carried on into this morning. Yoongi started ranting about how much he hated me and shit. He brought up that Seojun guy and I kinda lost it. I didn't mean to hurt him. I just wanted to scare him a little, you know?"

"How'd that go?"

"Don't patronize me, Tae." Hoseok snapped, Taehyung nodded before he sighed, laying back on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. "And you didn't apologize."

"I don't think I could. I told him he could go, so he left. And I just continued about my day like nothing happened."

"Then apologize tomorrow."

"Do you really think he'll be willing to work for me after this?"

"Yeah. He said so himself." Taehyung muttered, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked away from the older. "Of course, Jimin and the others disagreed with him because who would want to go back to work for the guy who assaulted him?"

"It was a mistake."

"A mistake you had a chance to apologize for and didn't. You dismissed him like a fucking dog after hurting him." Taehyung said, sitting up on the bed to glare at the shorter, Hoseok opened his mouth to speak but Taehyung cut him off. "What you did wasn't a mistake."


"Mistakes are something like forgetting your keys, or accidentally leaving the stove on before you leave. Mistakes are easy to fix, Hoseok. All you'd have to do is go back in the house and get your keys. All you'd have to do is go back and turn the stove off to make sure your house doesn't burn down. Those are mistakes." Taehyung explained, Hoseok stared at him for awhile, he shook his head, obviously not understanding what was being said.

"Hoseok. You can't just simply go back to Yoongi and say 'hey, sorry for digging my nails into your skin and making you bleed and cry so hard you almost has a panic attack' "

"He almost..." Hoseok trailed off, Taehyung nodded, he didn't want to come off as too harsh, he could see the regret in Hoseok's eyes. "Jin told me. My point is, you have to either change for the greater good or cut Yoongi off completely. You can't keep blowing up and hurting him, Hoseok. Get your shit together or cut your tie with him,"

Hoseok stayed silent, staring at nothing in particular with his eyes unfocused. Taehyung couldnt be sure if the guy could hear him, but he tried his best to get through to him.

He sighed and patted Hoseoks knee before standing up, finally getting the olders attention. "Before Yoongi does it for you." He didn't have to elaborate, Taehyung wasn't around enough to hear about it, but Jin has a big mouth and spilled about the problem with Seojun, son of Aphrodite. Yoongi seems to have a soft spot for him and he most definitely treats the smaller better than Hoseok does. If Yoongi decides he doesn't want to tie with Hoseok anymore. Then he can just go to Seojun, have sex, and the tie is broken.

Taehyung also knew that that was the last thing Hoseok wanted. Whether he made it known or not, Yoongi was important to him in a way he couldn't express and Taehyung could never understand.

To him, Yoongi is just another guy he could screw around with and then leave when he thinks the time is right.

To Hoseok. Yoongi is so much more than he will never explain. No matter how much he and Jin try to pry the information out of the guy, he'd always ignore the two and tell them to fuck off.

Taehyung knows he's in love, Jin knows that he's in love. The two can tell that behind sadistic smiles and harsh eyes, Hoseok really doesn't want to lose Yoongi, for a reason much more important than just wanting to fuck and make do all of his work.

Taehyung wanted that feeling too. He wanted to know what he felt like to really crave someone for more than just something a replaceable as sex.

"I'm gunna head back. Think about it, Hoseok. I don't want things to end up how they did with Eunjoo." Taehyung said, leaving Hoseok's room and walking down the stairs, as he made his way down, he dialed Jungkook's number.


"What're you doing?"

"Ahh, I was just about to head home, it's getting kinda late...and it's loud, Jimin's trying to get us to drink even though people have productive lives they wanna live." Jungkook explained, there was muffled yelling in the background, Taehyung could only assume he walked away from the group in order to answer and hear the phone call.

"Don't leave yet, I was just about to come back up there."

"Oh...I guess I can stay a little bit longer." Jungkook said, Taehyung could hear the shy smile in his voice. "Alright, I'll see you there." He said before hanging up.

Taehyung wanted nothing more than to have the feelings that Hoseoks does for Yoongi. That feeling of never wanting someone to leave no matter what, wanting to preserve every second with that person. Wanting to love that person—

Taehyung was pulled from his thoughts when his phone vibrated with a text just as he was walking out of the front door of Hoseoks house.

Jimin 🌸🐥

>>Where are you?? I'm getting kinda bored with these Debby Downers not wanting to drink with me 😐

<<Well, I was gunna head back home, but I'll come back up there just for you, baby

>>Thank youuu, Absolute love of my life 😫😫😫

Taehyung smiled to himself as he read the message. He wanted nothing more than to find someone the way Hoseok found and loved Yoongi.

But he was just as okay with playing this game and trying to find out how it ends.


I know, I know. This is a yoonseok story and we couldn't care less about whatever the fuck is going on with Vminkook. But I gave them way too strong of a plot, so I'm trying to give that angst while also giving Yoonseok angst (and who know, maybe even Namjin angst👀) so bear with me as I try to spread all of the heart break and tomfoolery for the next few chapters. Yoonseok will definitely still be a top priority, but this whole thing with Vminkook will also feed into their angst, if that makes sense.

I talk to much ANYWAYS. Hope you enjoyed 🌸🌸🌸

~Markie 💃🏽💕

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