34 : Part Of Popular Discussion

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"How's Hoseok?" Jungkook asked, he heard about what happened a couple days ago. He decided to mind his business at the time, it wasn't his place to go around asking Yoongi or Hoseok any questions. But he curiosity got the best of him, so he's asking Taehyung since Jimin is at work.

"Not good, mood swings are off the charts." Taehyung muttered, not even looking up from his phone as Jungkook climbed into bed, leaning against the older. "Mood swings?"

"Yeah, when a tie is cut, there are all kinds of side effects, mood swings are the most common. And Hoseok definitely has them." Taehyung sighed, "He yelled at me because I accidentally knocked over his papers, and then he started crying because he spent so long sorting those papers. I felt really bad, but... there's not much you can do about it. It's something you have to let pass on its own." He explained, Jungkook nodded.

"Well, I mean. Couldn't you say you saw this coming?"


"I mean, I saw that Jimin was actually kinda disappointed in Yoongi, like he genuinely didn't agree with his actions. And while, yes, I like Hoseok, I don't think it's too far off that Yoongi would cut their tie, purposefully or not." Jungkook said, Taehyung finally turned his head towards him, "Elaborate."

"Okay, so," Jungkook muttered, sitting up as he looked at the older. "From the beginning, Yoongi never had a real connection with Hoseok. Sure, they cuddled a bit and shit but they never really clicked, you know? Like, they fought too much and they only way they fixed the fighting was by fucking. So they would have sex and boom, problem solved."


"But that's not enough to have a lasting relationship, I mean, look at you and Jimin. If your relationship was only built on sex, you two wouldn't have been willing to get back together and then even bring me into the equation. Because you two actually have a connection. One that Yoongi and Hoseok don't." Jungkook explained, Taehyung only nodded as he made a gesture for Jungkook to continue.

"So, when Yoongi had sex with that guy, he didn't think of it as cheating, or breaking his tie off with Hoseok. He saw it as...I dunno, fucking around. He didn't want a relationship with Hoseok and he doesn't want a relationship with this guy. We've known that since the beginning. Just because Yoongi didn't mean to cut their tie doesn't mean that it's a surprise that he did it. Whether we like it or not, Hoseok has done some shitty things to Yoongi. I feel bad for him, sure, but I also don't think it's enough to be mad at Yoongi for. He didn't know their tie would be cut."

"I guess that's fair,"

"You guess that's fair?" Jungkook emphasized, his eyes widening in the slightest, Taehyung met his eyes but didn't give him any confirmation, moving on to the next subject. "I'm mostly upset about how much Hoseok is hurting. Didn't you guys do research on ties? How did you miss what happens when a tie breaks? There's no way Yoongi knew nothing about breaking them."

"He didn't know shit. We didn't know shit. The books were in Greek which neither me or Yoongi could read, and every book Namjoon did read gave us the same information we could find on the internet. The internet, by the way, no help. Some websites would disappear the next day or be blocked. We were constantly at a standstill." Jungkook explained, a small pout to his lips. He didn't like this, even Taehyung was starting to subtly point fingers at Yoongi.

Truthfully, no one is in the wrong. There were too many misunderstandings and too many un answered questions for anyone to fully place the blame on. So why? Why are there people chosing sides? And why are there so many people against Yoongi?

"Do you really think Yoongi is wrong here?"

"Not really wrong, I just think it was dumb as hell to do what he did without doing more research or at least talking to someone about it. He started to think with his dick, which is what got him into this mess." Taehyung muttered, probably harsher than he meant it to come across, he didn't realize his mistake until he met eyes with Jungkook as he heard him say his name.

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