3: Δεμένη με τον διάβολο

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(To anyone who speaks greek and the title is all kinds of wrong, im sorry, I used google translate and just hoped it was close to the real meaning, anyways, enjoy! 💕💜)

"So...I saw you leave with someone last night..how was he?" Jimin asked, with a wave of his hand, beautiful white roses replaced the withered red ones in Yoongis room. "A really cute guy, his name was Hoseok and God it was the best sex I've had."

"Hmm, must be nice, I got drunk as fuck and Jungkook had to watch me all night. Neither of us got some last night." Yoongi giggled but then winced as he looked at his hand.

"Something wrong?"

"My hands been hurting all day and I have no idea why." Yoongi said, Jimin hummed but then his eyes widened as he looked at the smaller. "His name was what?"


"What did he look like?" Jimin asked, Yoongi gave him a look but tried to think of what he looked like. "He has black hair...a cute pointy nose, straight ass jawline— What? Is he a criminal......Jimin..."


"I can see.."

"I would guess since you're looking right at me..." Jimin muttered, Yoongi blinked rapidly and rubbed his eyes before looking back at Jimin. "No, no, no, I can see that aura around you, that lets me know if you're a god or whatever. I can see it..."

"But...I saw the guy you left with, he didn't have a....holy shit."

"What? WHAT?"

"Did he have sharp teeth?"

"I mean...yeah, and yellow eyes but I just thought I was seeing things." Yoongi muttered, he then looked back at Jimin. "Why?"

"Holy shit, Yoongi, he didn't have an aura around him even though he fucked you and now you can see my aura around me. And guess who's the only God Who doesn't have an aura around him?"

"Holy shit."

"There it is."

"I fucked the devil!"

"You fucked the devil." Jimin concluded, "no condom?" Yoongi looked at him and shook his head. "Welp, now you're tied to him for life," the younger muttered, once again waving his hand to make the white roses red. "The fuck do I do!"

"I don't know, it's not like you can get that removed, you can't even fucking see it." Jimin muttered, Yoongi groaned as he flopped on his bed. "This is your fault you know."

"I know— hey wait a damn minute. I wanted you to get out an have some fun! Not fuck the damn devil." Jimin argued, Yoongi only flipped him off, "Do you even have his number? Or something? Did he leave something before he left?"

"All I got from him was the ability to see the pink glowing light around your body. That's something." Yoongi muttered, a pillow over his head, Jimin rolled his eyes as he snatched the pillow away from the younger. "I know that, idiot. But what else."

"I don't know, Jiminie, that's all I've got. That's all he left me with. That and a couple fucking hickeys."

"And the inability to walk." Jimin muttered, Yoongi hit him with a pillow. "Listen, we're going to go out and find this Hoseok guy. Because we need answers."

"Do we have to today?" Yoongi groaned, Jimin gave him a look, "yes, we have to do it today, so get your ass up and let's go." Yoongi only turned his head and pouted, Jimin had a staring contest with him until he finally gave in.

"Alright fine. Tomorrow. With your lazy ass." Jimin muttered, Yoongi cheered as Jimin rolled his eyes.


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