21: Mistakes

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"I wanna go up to that office and beat Hoseoks ass," Jimin said as he sat on the couch, Jungkook smiled as he cuddled the smaller. "Fighting the Devil? Not smart."

"Shut up." Jimin pouted, earlier, he watched Jin come in, he hugged Namjoon and then Taehyung grabbed him and dragged him to who knows where. They've been gone for a couple minutes now, Yoongi was still asleep.

"I just hope Yoongis okay, he cried the whole way here," Namjoon muttered, "I hope he can recover. The only mark he has is from Hoseok digging his nails into his neck."

Jungkooks faced twisted in confusion. "That man gets some serious manicures—" Jimin slapped his head, "No, dumbass, his nails got sharper, the same way his canines can sharpen and his eyes can change."

"So he went Devil mode on Yoongi when he got mad, you think he meant to do it?" Jimin asked, rubbing Jungkooks head as an apology for hitting him too hard. "I'd say so."

"We Don't know anything for sure, let's wait until Yoongi tells us about it. If he's ready to speak." Namjoon said, the other two nodded as they settled against the couch, eyes on the TV.


"So, where do we go from here?" Taehyung asked, Jin pouted as they stood beside Yoongis bedroom door. "Get Hoseok to calm down and think clearly? If he keeps going like this then he might end up killing someone."

"There's not much we can do, Hoseoks stubborn as all hell." Taehyung muttered, Jin rolled his eyes as he stared down at the floor. Taehyung looked at him and then sighed. "You're worried?"

"Of course I am, Hoseok's a dumbass through and through but...he's still my friend, he still has feelings." Jin said, "I know he's in love with Yoongi. But he'll never admit it. And Yoongi doesn't want the guy to love him so it'll never work out. 

So they just continue to fight eachother over and over again instead of just admitting their feelings. It's frustrating, really." Jin pouted, Taehyung nodded as he leaned away from the door. "And Eunjoo?"

"What about her?"

"You mentioned her, Didn't you?" Taehyung asked, Jin huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Maybe. I got upset. I just wanted him to see that he was making the same mistakes."

"How'd that work out for you?" Jin opened his mouth to argue but Taehyung continued. "Listen. I'll try and talk to Hoseok, you have too much of a temper and you'll end up saying shit you didn't mean."

"Bullshit, you act like you haven't blown up once or twice. And don't you have an affair to sort out?"

"It's not an affair if we're not married." Taehyung muttered, Jin glared at him, grabbing Taehyungs arm and pulling him closer. "I'm serious, Tae. Jimin is good to you, why fuck that up just to get with his bestfriend who doesn't even like you?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes as he pulled away. "That's where you're wrong, Jungkook likes me, I can tell."

"Still! You're fucking up a good relationship." Jin argued, Taehyung shot him a sarcastic smile. "Hey, here's an idea. How about you worry about your relationship, I'll worry about mine, and we both worry about Hoseok's, okay?"

"I fucking hate you—"

"What're you guys doing?" Yoongi asked, opening his door, Jin almost fell through but he caught himself. "Uh, talking. How are you feeling?" He asked, smiling at the smaller, Yoongi shrugged, running a hand through his hair. "I'm fine." He muttered, glancing at Taehyung before he made his way out of the bedroom, the two following behind him.

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