39 : Apologies

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"Hoseok wants to talk to you." Jin said, Yoongi startled as he looked up at the older, his lips parting before he frowned. "About?"

"Don't know. He told me to get you so here I am. Getting you." Jin shrugged, he crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at the younger. "Hurry though, he has a meeting in twenty minutes. There's no telling what he wants to talk about but make sure to wrap it up quick. I don't wanna hear his mouth when he has to haul ass to the meeting hall." Jin said, Yoongi nodded and sighed, "Yeah, okay. Thanks."

"No problem." Jin muttered before he walked away. Jin wasn't the happiest currently, Yoongi wasn't sure what caused this change and be hoped it wasn't because of him. His mood has been getting better lately but it seems Jin has pulled himself away from both Hoseok and Yoongi. Which was probably good for his emotional wellbeing. Yoongi would do the same, if he were being completely honest.

Yoongi sighed as he stood up from his seat. Mentally preparing himself for whatever conflict they have once he walks in. Nothing good can come from Hoseok calling him to his office. He walked up to the door and nodded, he probably looked dumb as hell but he really didn't care. Dealing with Hoseok was a mental challenge in and of itself.

Yoongi knocked twice and opened the door, Hoseok glanced up at him and visibly tensed, he dropped his pen and sat back in his seat. "Hey." He said with a sigh, Yoongi walked in and sat down in the seat in front of his desk. "Hey. What did you want?"

"Listen..uh. This has nothing..to do with work or the office. This is a personal conversation that I'm having with you here because this is the only place where I'm able to see you." Hoseok explained, Yoongi nodded.

"You need to patch things up with Jimin. I'm in no place to...play counselor. But I think it's for the best that you do. Continue to hate me, continue to ignore me if you want to. But don't do that to Jimin. Or Jin, or Jungkook. It affects them more than you know." Hoseok said, he back tracked a bit, bringing his hands up and waving them around as if he were erasing the words that left his mouth. "Or maybe you do know."

"I kind of know. Not to the fullest, but I have an idea."

"That's a start. Look. Your friends have been there for you for so many years. And Jin has been a great friend to you since he met you. They care about you and they want to best for you." Hoseok paused, making sure to emphasize his next point. "I want the best for you."

Yoongi bit his bottom lip and nodded, choosing to not pay attention to that last sentence. "And What's best for you is to patch up whatever happened between you and Jimin. And then go talk with Jin. Again. Ignore me all you want, I've accepted that. But don't push away the friends that were there for you when I...when I wasnt."

The guilty look on his face spoke a thousand words and Yoongi wanted nothing more than to ignore every single one of them. "Just. Talk to them. Okay?"

Yoongi took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah, yeah okay. You're right. I should talk to them." Yoongi stood from his seat and smiled slightly at Hoseok. "Thank you."

"Yeah. I just thought I would help."

"Thanks." Yoongi said again, he left the office before the tension was too thick to cut. He sighed as he closed the door, he walked back to his desk and sat down, pulling out his phone to text Jimin.

We need to talk. Come over when I get off.<<

A response came almost immediately.

>>What time?


Yoongi sighed as he set his phone down and looked around the office for Jin. He saw the older talking to another  coworker and stood from his seat. "Jin? Jin."

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