24: Hoseok

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Hoseok sighed as he walked around Yoongis apartment, he came over a little after eleven, maybe ten minutes after Yoongi left the office. The smaller was no where to be seen and Hoseok just assumed he was out with Jimin or Jungkook. Since Jin went to see his boyfriend after leaving work.

There was really no reason why Hoseok came over, it's not like he had a plan or was ready to confront Yoongi again.

Not after what happened earlier, in his office. Yoongi was serious, he was thinking about sleeping with Seojun. It's not like Hoseok could blame him, Seojun was in fact a fine ass man. But that wasn't the point.

Hoseok didn't know how he could get Yoongi to see why this was so serious, why he wanted Yoongi all to himself.

He tried to get him to see that Seojun doesn't really like him, but Yoongi brushed it off as the guy to being horny. He tried to apologize, and that blew up in his face since he decided to bring up Seojun when it really wasn't necessary.

Hoseok jumped when there was suddenly a knock at the door. He opened it to see Jungkook, who was wiping tears from his eyes as he stepped inside. "Oh...come in." Hoseok muttered watching as he younger sat on the couch, wiping away even more tears.

"Uhhh, what happened?"

"Is Yoongi here?" Jungkook asked, ignoring Hoseok's question. Hoseok sighed as he sat on the couch and shook his head. "No, I dunno where he is,"


"Yeah." Hoseok muttered, this was awkward, other than Jimin, Hoseok hasn't really gotten the chance to have a conversation with Yoongis friends, so this was getting painful. "I can call him over, I'm sure he'd be home soon anyways, since it's almost midnight."

"Okay, thanks."

"No problem." Hoseok said, ready to call Yoongi when Jungkook spoke up again. "Has Taehyung always been like this?" He asked, Hoseok paused.

Oh no. Already? Taehyung already fucked up? Hoseok thought he would at least hold out for a couple more days. "Like what?" Hoseok asked, Jungkook shrugged, "I don't know the word for it...but, he draws me in and I cant say no or push him away."

"What exactly happened?"

"We were going to watch a movie but we started playing around and next thing I know, we're kissing, and I willingly kissed him back. And I feel so bad because Jimin came in and saw us and he looked so angry and sad and I wanted to apologize but there's not much I can say to make things better. So he told me to leave and that he'd deal with me later. But I'm so scared of confrontation, I don't think I can face him after this."

Jungkook was talking a bit too fast as he nerves took over, Hoseok felt the room getting hot and heard something like glass break in the kitchen. "Hey, Jungkook. I'm gunna need you to calm down, buddy. Your nerves are getting to you, causing your powers to go outta wack." Hoseok said, he reached to grab his shoulder but the younger was almost scorching hot.

"I'll call Yoongi, I'm sure he can get you to calm down better than I can." Hoseok muttered, Jungkook nodded and thanked him as Hoseok went to call the smaller.

———— ( half an hour earlier.) —————

Yoongi sighed as he sat on Seojun's couch.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea, he hadn't drank enough to be drunk, not even tipsy, but the alcohol in his system is making him more relaxed.

He asked Seojun if he wanted to hang out after work and of course, Seojun agreed, giving him his address so Yoongi could come over. Now he's sitting with the older, drinking and talking.

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