Lol hi (authors note)

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Completely random but heyyy hi, how are you guys? :)

Tbh. This past year...oh my fucking god I almost checked myself into a mental ward im being so serious right now. Uhhh.

A lot of interesting things happened in the fandom. Cant wait for 2025. Missing Jin and Hobi so SO much I cant even explain it. Im not really active on ANYTHING other than twitter and even then all I do is retweet things. All of this to say that I HAVENT left the fandom. Im in this bangtansoyeondan shit for life yall already know. But, I have been a busy, depressed bee. I graduate recently :) closed one chapter of my life and opening a new one. Got back into some of my favorite things recently as well. Cant say im 100% better but aye, we live and we learn and we keep going am i right?

With all that being said (i know, theres a lot being said.) i DO plan on finishing this, i am so so so SO sorry for leaving yall like this for A WHOLE YEAR GODDAMN. But in my defense, at least i left yall on a happy note instead of an angsty one. The story has a good chapter or so left. The next chapter is literally sitting in my google docs collecting dust, not finished, but somewhat there. Ive been writing fanfics in the past year, however they've all been anime related fics that I really dont feel like posting until im 100% happy with them, if I do post them, theyll be on ao3, I dont know, so indecisive about that.

This was just to let you guys know that I am ALIVE. I am working on the next chapter and the epilogue and I sincerly thank everyone who's stuck with this story and waited for it to update for long. Trust me, ive been there. Waiting for my favorite author to magically update after a year...sometimes two or three. Never give up hope.

I never forgot about this story, just got too busy to put enough effort in to give you guys something good and goddamnit I will do that if it's the last thing I do.

Finally, I want to say that although I still love love love my bangtan boys, writing fanfiction for them just isn't my thing anymore. Obviously I still support them and listen to their music and everything (again, missing the hell out of Jin and Hobi right now, wishing I couldve gone to the Agust D concert) but writing fics on them isn't really my thing anymore. So, The Devils Work (which is arguably one of my best works ive done) will be my final work posted on this app. I know, I know. I said I had other stories planned, but they never left the drawing board and I'd rather not start something I know I'll never finish.

Anyways, to wrap this up. Thank you for waiting for me. I cant thank you guys enough, seriously. And uhh, ill post the next chapter at some point, I wont give days or weeks or even months. But ill let you guys know when it's posted, I PROMISE.

we still in this bangtansoyeondan shit for life tho <3

Hope you guys enjoyed my little rant 🏃🏽‍♀️😚

~Markie 😋💜

Also happy pride month, yall literally missed this over the past year but I came out as lesbian :)))

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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