16: Someone's Got A Crush

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"Hoseok, what the hell are you doing? We have five minutes before work." Jin muttered, glaring at his friend who wasn't even out of the clothes he slept in as he tucked his shirt into his pants. Hoseok sighed as he looked at his phone. "Not going."

"Not going?" Jin scoffed, "Not going? You know what, I'm getting real tired of you thinking you can do whatever just because you're the fucking Devil." he said, hitting Hoseok on his head, Hoseok winced and rolled his eyes. "I have my reasons." he muttered, sounding hesitant.

Jin only stared at him, waiting for whatever bullshit he was about to start spewing. "I'm serious, I'm staying home to watch Yoongi."

"Yoongi? I thought you said he was better?" Jin asked, his anger for Hoseok dissolving into worry for Yoongi. "Well, yeah, he is. But he's still fatigued, the last thing I want is for him to faint on the job." Hoseok said, Jin smiled, "You do care."

"Fuck off, he's an employee." Hoseok muttered, "Anyways, I'm gonna visit him later. You look after things at the office."

"Hoseok. You have a fucking meeting today." Jin said, Hoseok shrugged as he drank his coffee. "Rain check. Can you call them and postpone for me?" Jin swore he felt his eye twitch as he looked at the older. "Oh yeah, let me do that for you-- oh wait! I was demoted, get your tie to do it since he's your new secretary." Jin said, Hoseok rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Jealous much?"

"I am not jealous, I'm just tired of your bullshit. Fine! I'll call them, you owe me." Jin said, Hoseok nodded, "Thanks, love ya. Oh, and don't be late or you're fired."

"You won't even be there to fire me!" Jin yelled, Hoseok smiled, "I have more employees than just you and Yoongi, some who would love an extra pay just for ratting you out."

"Ooo, I wanna strangle you,"

"Love you~"

"Fuck you!"


"Yoongi! Are you dead?" Jimin yelled, walking into the youngers apartment, again, as if he owned the place. "For fucks sake, at least text me before you come running in." Yoongi yelled from the kitchen, putting away everything he used to make a sandwich.

"Sorry. Are you feeling better?" Jimin asked, Yoongi nodded and went into the living room, the older following him and sitting on the couch. "Yeah, but Hoseok told me to stay home."

"What for?"

"He told me I needed rest after what happened yesterday but I'm fine. I actually feel better than ever, Jin's weird grape worked wonders." Yoongi said, Jimin nodded and then smiled, "You're doing so well that you'll go shopping with me?"

"Seriously? Don't you have other friends?"

"C'mon, Yoongi! You're my best friend, like bestest ever!" Jimin said, trying his best to pull off puppy dogs eyes. Yoongi rolled his eyes, that face was doing nothing to convince him. "You asked Joon and Gguk and they were busy?"

"How can those fuckers be busy? Gguk only hangs out with the three of us, and Joon barely leaves his house. So what the fuck could they be doing? And Tae hasn't answered a single one of his texts, I swear to everything that man lacks basic communication skills." Jimin ranted, looking past Yoongi and glaring at the wall as he spoke, Yoongi only sighed as he ate his sandwich.

"So I am the last choice?"

"More or less."

"And I don't have a choice?" Yoongi asked, Jimin shrugged, "Not much since you're not going to work and you're doing absolutely fine. In your words, 'better than ever' so no, not much of a choice." he said, Yoongi stared down at his food, he wanted to stay home all day since it was a day off. But he can never get what he wants in this fucking world.

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