50 : Come Inside

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(This probably isn't properly edited because like I said in my message board a while ago. I will lose it if I have to stare at this chapter any longer. So ignore any mistakes and enjoy 😊 )

Yoongi hadn't seen Hoseok since the day he told him to keep his distance, he wasn't sure how long this
distance was supposed to last. Yoongi would never admit it out loud, but if it were possible to be addicted to a person, then Yoongi was definitely experiencing withdrawals. It's not even about sex, he didn't really miss that part about Hoseok.

No matter how fucking amazing it was to have sex with him. He just missed his presence, he hasn't even been in Hoseok's office in awhile. Yoongi hasn't even seen him, which was weird considering how much Hoseok loves annoying him.

And now, it was almost one in the morning, Jimin and Jin just left his apartment and goddamn did he wish he never let him them in. They drank way too much and Yoongi indulged way too much after very little begging from the two. They ended up drinking a beers each and a whole bottle of wine. (Most of the wine drinking was on Jin's part) and now Yoongi is sitting on his couch, scrolling through his phone with half of his second beer in his hand. He was only a little tipsy.

It wasn't enough to cloud his mind, maybe the circumstances would be different if they drank two more bottles, but as of now, he was fine.

So...he can't really blame the alcohol for what happens next.

Yoongi startled when he heard the knock on his door, he placed his beer bottle down and slowly moved to open the door, eyes widening when Hoseok was standing there, his black hair was messy and he seemed to have been out rather than being at home.

"Oh." Yoongi breathed, he was suddenly 100% sober. "Hey, can I come in?" Hoseok asked, Yoongi nodded and moved out of the way so Hoseok could
come in.

"Where...have you been?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok eyed the bottles on the coffee table, his face wasn't confused, more so like he was trying to conceal some kind of emotion. "I was out with Tae and Kook. It was more like third wheeling, which is something I never
knew I would experience." Hoseok sighed, he looked around the room, his eyes scanning for something. Yoongi also looked around, confused as to what they were looking for. "Sounds fun."

"Yeah right." Hosoek muttered, rolling his eyes before he finally looked at Yoongi, his eyes were dark. "You uhh, you had some fun, too, I assume." Yoongi nodded as he grabbed his half empty beer bottle. "Yeah, too much fun." he muttered, Hoseok nodded and didn't
say anything else, Yoongi felt the need to explain himself further, so he did. He could tell something was off, Hoseok was catching a temper. "Jin and Jimin were over, you know how they are, they left like...ten minuted ago." Yoongi said, Hoseok nodded again, this
time, speaking. "Oh, yeah. That explains it." He muttered.

Hoseok sat on the couch and Yoongi followed him down. "Not to sound, I dunno, ungrateful, but why are you here? Especially so late in the night?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok sighed as he looked at the younger, he then shrugged as he stole the half dranken beer, drinking the rest of it. "I wanted to see you, simple as that."


"Yeah." Hoseok muttered, "Don't get me wrong, I wanted to see you before now but...I wanted to be sure that I wouldn't do something stupid. I hurt Seokjin the other night, I fucking chocked him...almost crushed his windpipe. I knew I couldn't see you, not when you know how to push all of my buttons without realizing it." Hoseok explained, Yoongi wanted to argue, but he knew better than anyone just
how agrivating he can be.

Yoongi opened his mouth, ready to speak, but he thought better of it when he realized what he was about to say. It was something stupid, something he wouldn't be able to take back. They sat in comfortable silence for a while before Yoongi spoke again, choosing his words cafeully. "So you're okay now?"

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